00:03:451 (3451|0) - ends at 00:03:710
00:04:141 (4141|2) - ends at 00:04:356
00:04:486 (4486|0) - ends at 00:04:701
00:04:831 (4831|2) - ends at 00:05:089
00:41:038 (41038|2) - increase to 1/1 and rearrange the following notes a bit
00:42:245 (42245|1) - same here
Some snaps I can agree with but others not.
I've changed short vocals at 00:03:796 - 00:04:141 - 00:04:486 - 00:04:831 - to 1/4 with some rearranging for comfort.
I've also changed 00:41:038 - to 1/1 to accurately be consistent with other powerful long vocals such as 00:46:211 - 00:51:728 - etc
however some of your snaps seem odd to me. two of the snaps you ask me to snap to 1/12 snap. I dont think it needs to be that extreme. Other snaps at blue line I would prefer to keep at 1/4 for playing consistency.
00:12:072 you could rearrange the notes to something similar to this https://imgur.com/a/KJ44f7B to balance out the part a little bit. there are a lot of consecutive notes in col 1 and 4 (obviously rearrange the following part too if you accept this suggestion)
00:14:831 (14831|0,15520|2,15865|3) - imo these LN is weird. in previous part, you make LN to represent piano here 00:13:451 (13451|2,13451|3,13796|3,13796|0,14141|3,14141|1,14486|0,14486|3) - . but after these part, you suddendly change the LN presentation for guitar el sound. it is pretty weird for me imo.
So I would suggest to keep cover the piano instead of guitar el sound. example : https://puu.sh/IyTlA/7f39ac7294.png
you also can ignore the piano sound and focus to percussion sound, bcuz previous part you are also focusing to percussion too. so you can just map the percussion and ignore the melody/piano sound. example be like this : https://puu.sh/IyTnj/38b62820b7.png
00:16:900 (16900|1,16900|0,17015|1,17015|0,17129|2,17129|3,17244|3,17244|2,17359|0,17359|1,17474|0,17474|3,17474|2) - consider we're having the jack section like 2 jack on each hand, it will be more easy to approach the ending part of it if they were to have double beneath them as well
00:17:474 (17474|2) - Ctrl + H this for the pitch reason also come to mind
00:18:280 extend all 3 lns to 1/1 and move 00:18:624 (18624|0) into another column as the vocals change in pitch here
well yeah i think its obvious that the vocals change pitch. but changing LNs feels boring and loses some of its character. I put them in the same column intentionally to create a certain repetitious feeling that I believe portrays this part nicely.
00:20:515 (20515|0,20515|2) - not really sure why you decided to used double for non-drum sound, because from what i see from this section, drum sounds are using double (00:20:170 (20170|0,20170|3) -, 00:18:618 (18618|2,18618|0) -, etc) and the others are singles (00:19:653 (19653|1) -, 00:20:860 (20860|3) -, etc).
might be a mistake but if it's not then you might want to give a little bit of explanation here.
00:20:693 (20693|0) - you can change this note to be 1/2s LN to cover vocal. i fee a bit loss vocal feeling here bcuz you skip the vocal sound. don't worry to make many LN to your map as long as it suitable with the music. so it will look like this https://puu.sh/IyTrE/2111d10600.png
00:25:521 (25521|2,25693|2,25866|2) - imo this jack not really good to represent the vocal IMO. your structure map itself only make jack for 2x. but here you make it for 3x. it is make your structure a bit off IMO. sometimes consistency pattern is very important to keep the flow better. so how about to move this LN 00:25:866 (25866|2) - to col 1? then you can fill piano here 00:25:780 - so it will look like this https://puu.sh/IyTwl/8f3e04f831.png
00:28:107 - the vocal LN on here just being half baked imo, why are they only highlighting certain vocal despite the pace of them are being the same
suggestion: https://i.imgur.com/mdiIpfY.png
I dont have any graces in the entire map, so adding one here would feel too sudden and out of place. I prefer to keep the current double as the accent of the tom. There are also other places such as 01:31:900 - that could potentially have graces, but again I prefer to keep the double to keep simplicity.
00:33:969 (33969|2) - the vocal is quite a continuous one that I hope this should be a LN to connect them together, it's quite noticeable that way
00:34:480 (34480|2,34480|3) - not sure why this is double since it doesn't has kick unlike 00:23:446 -. but if it does, please do put the sample the same as 00:23:446 -.
i think the double is fair because vocal + louder guitar + open hi-hat cymbal. however, what i can do is make both LN with some rearrange so the expression can be more straight forward and unique from previous doubles: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17819443/e283
00:34:831 - ~ 00:37:590 - If you make the pattern to focus on the drum, I recommend to remake the pattern.
Let's see the drum flow first.
00:34:831 - The kick rhythm starts with the new phrase. But other phrases are different.
00:06:555 - 00:23:797 - 00:37:590 - These kick rhythm have syncopation. it start as late as 1/2 snap with a new phrase. But 00:34:831 - the drum pattern is same with other section. So I suggest to make it different to other parts like this 01:07:935 - .
the vocals arent being ignored. the sound of the vocal changes to a much shorter and softer type of vocal here. the vocal is accented here 00:38:280 (38280|3,38452|3,38624|1,38797|1,38969|1) -
that completely ignores the patterning style that ive built up the entire song
00:43:797 (43797|1,43969|1) - two quick vocal sounds are represented by shield as they always have been.
00:45:348 (45348|3) - does not have short vocal before it so it needs to be on its own, moving the note before it to col 4 would ruin this.
00:45:348 (45348|1) - i think will be good if you can move this LN to col 1, bcuz the vocal pitch is down since here 00:44:659 (44659|2,45004|1) - . here is example : https://puu.sh/IyTyF/9a3d864d91.png
00:54:049 (54049|2) - pretty much a ghost note here. don't hear any sound that can be represent here.
already explained at #2981943/8099391 and #2982037/8101193 . its in the lyrics and i hear it clearly. keep
00:54:055 (54055|2) - i still hardly able to dig any sound that can fit with this 1/4, it's almost inaudible / non existence
I would feel very strange ignoring the vocal lyric here if i dont include this note. to me its very audible, the specific lyric is explained here #2981943/8099391 keep
00:55:348 (55348|3,55693|3,56038|1,56383|1) - why are they stacking on each other? they aren't sharing any significant PR on those vocal which i believe it should be changed to different col
Suggestion: https://i.imgur.com/gt3LB0l.png
00:59:573 (59573|2) - hmm I think it looks a ghost note. 00:54:055 (54055|2) - This is represented for vocal('-no') so it's okay. But I can't here any sounds like vocal, guitar...
Of course it can be used to a dump for the guitar sound. But you didn't use a dump on the whole. So removing the ghost note looks better for consistent and music representation.
01:01:894 (61894|1,61894|0) - would be great if you move this to 34 (1|2|3|4) because the pitch is the same as 01:01:722 (61722|3,61722|2) -.
01:02:756 (62756|0) -, 01:03:446 (63446|3) -, 01:04:825 (64825|3,64825|2) - what are these doubles for? please do explain it because i don't quite get the concept here.
its for the guitar + vocal. especially going from the previous acoustic guitar to now an electric guitar, I want the player to feel the difference in weight between the two sounds. and especially 01:04:825 - is double without vocal because the guitar is so much louder and fuller. i think its fine as is so prefer to keep.
01:05:521 - i have a small suggestion which involving making anchor on here to express the build up of this part more intensely
suggestion: https://i.imgur.com/GuMx9Ea.png
which it formed into double them tripple, and use quad to finish it off
01:10:693 (70693|1,71038|3,71383|2,71728|0) - 01:12:073 (72073|1,72417|0,72762|1) - recommending to add LNs on these to actually follow the vocal
it suddenly switched to only rice which make it bit empty
01:08:280 - fixed, didnt want to make 3/4 LN though since it felt a bit awkward considering the straight forward LN releases thus far. so I opted to add 1/2 vocal LN in all applicable sections like so https://gyazo.com/16dffc77056cbb6080496727087d3abc
01:10:693 - added all LN's with some small rearrange for comfort.
all applied to 2nd half of chorus as well.
01:16:383 (76383|0,76555|0,76900|0,77073|0) - it played weird to me for the jack is is reversed that it didn't following the jack flow you did earlier this part
how about moving it to col.3 to make it a mirror to 01:16:211 (76211|1,76383|0,76555|2,76555|0,76555|1) - , the approach is being more consistent this way
01:18:446 (78446|2,78618|2,78791|2,78963|2,79136|2) - what an anchor here.... please do change into something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17816445/3739 to make it balance (current pattern is right handed). if you feel that the suggestion isn't your taste, feel free to change it on your own.
01:26:814 - add a LN or note here is good IMO to represent the vocal sound. it will feel like a grace note in player feeling. here my suggestion : https://puu.sh/IyTCs/f14fb631a2.png
I think the current release is ok. The LN's correctly represent the sound in my opinion, i.e. 01:26:814 (86814|1) - vocal is clearly longer than 01:27:073 (87073|2) - . Also works better for general playability reasons.
01:26:814 (86814|1) - why this one is just 3/4 long and not for 01:26:555 (86555|3) -
the vocal flow is about the same with 01:33:452 (93452|0,93711|1,93969|2) - which I believe they should have the same extended length on 01:26:555 (86555|3) - as well
fixed. originally my thought was that i just didnt want the LN release created between these two notes 01:26:555 (86555|3,86900|3) - , but yes i agree comparing to the other section it makes more sense to extend.
01:27:584 - until 01:28:963 - this section is pretty much left handed -> https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17816449/0432
as you can see from the screenshot, the patterns are mostly on the left side which makes this section unbalanace. not to mention that the jacks are also left sided.
something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17816418/5375 would solved this issue.
if you feel that the suggestion isn't your taste, feel free to change it on your own.
01:30:521 (90521|1) - you can change this note to be 1/2s LN to represent the vocal sound. so it will look like this https://puu.sh/IyTDG/fb7d1d0959.png