Artist Name: フジファブリック
Romanised Artist: Fujifabric
Title: 徒然モノクローム (TV Size)
Romanised Title: Tsurezure Monochrome (TV Size)
Tags: yukizura- tsuritama fishing ball yuki haru natsuki akira op opening anime jpop j-pop pop japanese
Given that the record company for their 2013 album (which the full song is on), Voyager, is Sony, I recommend adding Sony to the tags. I know this isn't the most important suggestion, but it is something noteworthy.
The timing also feels a bit off at 00:46:688 (4,1). You should get somebody to double check this part too.
00:56:621 (1,2,3,1,2,3) This part feels a bit too early for some reason.
Silencing sliderticks works better for the intro since the song doesn't get as instrumentally dense as the verses, though works in detriment of feedback for parts like 00:32:582 -> 00:54:833 - since sounds like kicks/snares are usually ignored in most diffs in favour of vocals. For the lower diffs especially I think it's worth considering adding and changing to a duplicate sampleset or something so the sliderticks are heard.
The map is fine but it is not rankeble, I notice that the patterns are 90% good but literal it is, just turn around the entire screen, it lacks structure and logic in the position of the objects, it tries to improve the flow more to make it more comfortable and nice to press
You should make Yuki the actual diff owner of the top diff with this button https://puu.sh/IyFSU.png and let them respond to mods, unless there's some kind of reason for not doing so. (In which can you can explain in reply to this.)
timestamps are for the insane, but should apply to all diffs
00:02:383 - 00:05:562 (1) - should have soft-hitfinishers
00:07:946 (1) - should have soft-hitclaps
00:04:966 (2,3,4) - should have drum-hitclaps
00:05:761 (2,3) - should have drum-hitfinishers
I don't see a reason why there should be normal-hitwhistles here 00:22:449 (2) - 00:25:628 (2) - (more like that in this section). In general I would suggest using a lot more soft-hitwhistles on vocals instead of normal one's since those fit more specific sounds instead of melodic stuff.
Audio quality is currently too low -> http://puu.sh/IxRMY/11039d15e1.mp3, use this mp3 instead, make sure to adjust timing points and offset
I'm begging you my pardon but I am not seeing any metadata for the song itself. Please add this in the map description or simply add the information here in the mod thread as note :)
"An artist's website, their label's website, CD scans, and official uploads to websites like Bandcamp, YouTube, and SoundCloud are considered primary sources for beatmap metadata. Third party websites such as wikis, databases (vndb, vgmdb, etc.), and music services (Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, etc.) do not always reflect the artist's intention and should not be treated as primary sources."
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