@FAMoss I think?
the soft-hitwhistle and hitclap samples have a couple ms of silence at the start of the file which could probably do with being removed
if you need me to do this (a little pushed for time atm) let me know and I can post the samples here
I removed the bit of delay the soft-hitclap, here you go, just replace it https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/239853945130975232/1006248761145688195/soft-hitclap.wav
New background is credited incorrectly - a wallpaper site should never be used as a source for this
artwork is by banishment https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/69147072
even includes an alternate artwork if you want an anime girl in it for some reason
Okay so not really your fault for using the fa timing but this is getting on my nerves
The song is in compound time (6/8) so using 170 4/4 isn't great and I really hate this (plus if you ever play with nc mod everything kinda falls in the wrong place)
I would suggest halving bpm and time signature (so 85bpm 2/4) so the triplet subdivision is a little clearer
idk how else to explain but might be worth checking https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/en/Guides/Timing_Songs_With_8-Signatures
Difficulty name for the Hard diff doesn't look too good if it's just named "very bad" imo (FAMoss knows I complain about this cus 1xMISS vibes 989512#1099206 )
same story here, different context - I would perhaps rename this diff to something like "Not too well" or something along those lines