u gotta add down to tags cuz they did the storyboarding for this map according to ur description, currently missing
Cool for the storyboard idea, but I think 1.6mb is too much when all it is, is down pressing play and rotating yoshi around (which includes a TON of rotation commands, which in turn is an extremely bad thing in terms of performance in gameplay).
Example below:
It could be optimised by essentially redoing the movements of yoshi so that the osb size isn't that large, my guess with this song that it would be max 200kb
As well, the yoshispinner.png is not cropped and the bg is 1mb as a jpg.
It's nice as an idea, but I feel like this could also be what makes storyboarding go on a downhill with something too amatureish.
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/406425673847013378/972774167055331359/Mysteka_-_Hesperos_Acylica.osb here's the osb re-keyframed every 50ms, should look visually identical with current one (1.6mb -> ~130kb lol)
Edit: resaved osb for osu rounding and stuff