Artist: Dj Kajjin feat. Mimi
Romanised Artist: ...
Title: Take My Hand (Nightcore Mix)
Romanised Title: ...
Source: ...
Tags: you are my illusion collaboration techno trance dance freddy disco mix remix arc records appetible
The MP3 was taken from this map
Original track:
clean map! I feel like this set could use a higher difficulty where you don't distance snap everything (which i assume you did with this current diff). the kiais also could use more variation and difficulty as they currently feel a little too similar to the other parts. all in all solid map and I look forward to more diffs if you ever plan on doing so ^^
may just be me but the slider ball hurt my eyes
maybe make it change colour every two frames and not every frame, especially on long sliders it hurts my eyes, which doesnt rly help because the map fits way more with the skin (old mapping style)
no need to change just what im thinking since its just off putting for the player
is it jst me or does the skinset look off? obvious example:
the background and spinner-metre probably need to be optimezed to the 16:9 aspect ratio
also you're missing the RPM thingy icon. spinner-rpm.png should be included if both score number set and spinner set
you also must set the slider border colour since you're skinning slider/circle bodies
Add the following to your [Colours] in the .osu file
SliderBorder: 255,255,255
the 255,255,255 gives you default white sliderborder. feel free to edit values if you wanna get something else. they're RRR,GGG,BBB (work the same way combo colour do)
also your hitcircle skinset is not complete, there are missing files.
tl;dr sliderendcircle and sliderstartcircle + their overlays are missing.
Tutto molto bello sì ma aggiungi la skin del nightcore che rende la mappa più carina e tradizionale o Andrea ti picchia :)
Puoi rubarla da Gero se vuoi metterla:
General impression I get is that the map looks nice enough in the editor, however I am not comfortable pushing this set since I believe the restrictive design limits the amount of song expression this map could've achieved.
I may be more interested if you map more difficulties, however the current one isn't expressive of the song and therefore doesn't interest me. Other mappers that map in a style similar to yours are able to do this while following the song a bit more closely, with more diverse changes in spacing through jumps etc.