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i guess il make this into rhythm issue thread

00:04:653 (4) 00:04:725 - probably should make more distinct from 00:04:220 (1,2,3) - cuz of strong drum triple

00:05:662 (1,2,3,4,5) - 00:13:018 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - its using exact same rhythm and patterning and spacing to represent vastly different sounds; one is guitar triple + single (idk why you mapped as full 5 note burst, strong red tick is unemphasized cuz of this), one is strong drum burst which this is ok for, and 00:13:451 (1,2,3,4,5) - i have honestly no clue why u mapped this as 5 note burst, 00:13:739 (5) - is triple too xd


00:23:114 - you could find a better way to follow more of the song i guess;00:25:422 (1,2,3,4) - u were red ticking for vocals before but theres no vocals here so maybe put these on whitetick 1/2 beat later with circle at 00:25:422 - instead to follow guitar when theres no vocals

00:28:306 (2) - theres a really strong unique drum that you ignore, its strong enough where id say to ctrl g 00:28:306 (2,3) - this rhythm. 00:30:037 (2) - as well.

00:40:278 (3,4,1) - strained vocal u could emphasize more

a lot of the map has stuff like this where i think it would be good to go and relisten to the song to find better rhythm choices

00:41:287 (6,7) - ctrl g this rhythm for emphasis on the drum 00:41:431 - ?


00:50:662 - and for this whole kiai u kinda just ignore the drums, which is pretty sad cuz they are really strong and give the rhythm a different feel; 00:51:095 - 00:51:672 - 00:52:249 - 00:52:393 - all ignored, then when the drums pick up intensity you just ignore that as well and map passively; 00:52:826 - ??? 00:52:681 (1,2,3,4,5) - should be like big intense part with high vocal and big drums and bursts and stuff

and even if you don't map the drums actively, at least don't put so much spacing onto non emphasized beats like 00:51:816 - , the spacing here is so big and theres nothing but a vocal.

Not trying to say to map just to the drums, just try to be more conscious of the drums when making emphasis cuz rn its completely ignored xd


01:09:412 (1) - u swap from ignoring all the drums in the kiai when they have an interesting rhythm, to ignoring the vocals here in favor for straight 1/2 sliders. why? theres much better stuff in vocals that you could at least reflect with spacing etc. you aren't even mapping to all of drums, 01:10:133 - etc, lol why

01:17:056 - also missed a triple


02:31:624 (2) - at least map this actively :x so much buildup to end with some sliders is sad

02:22:681 (4,1) - why is this passive wtf why why
02:23:258 - this whole section i actually can't quite tell what you're mapping to, cant be the strong drums cuz 02:24:556 (2) - has no emphasis, cant be the guitar because you map half of the guitar passively,

my suggestion is map to guitars and create patterns and rhythm around what the guitar is doing cuz this is really the guitar part of the song since u get a completely new motif/melody and rhythm idea that the guitar is doing here. ur choice though

02:41:143 (1,2,3,4,1) - again why r u mapping bursts to nothing then making the actual burst passive i dont get it


but yea in general i recommend going back through and trying to see things and layers that you may have missed/overampped and could emphasize better

02:54:773 (2,1,2,1) - also u gotta do a better job of showing this rhythm to the player LOL


00:04:653 (4) - I tried to space it out more in order to emphasize these drums, but now that you said it, decided to change the slider shape by a little
Also fixed some other parts where the triple is supposed to be
00:13:451 changed, not a burst anymore, although kept 00:13:739 (1) this as a 1/4 slider, suits the structure better imo
00:23:114 - will still keep that break, like it more with it
00:25:422 (1) - the object on the red tick actually has a pretty distinct and unique sound so I decided to emphasize it with another hit sample set. But now that you said it, I will probably just change the slider shape of that slider instead of placing a note. And the drums are hitsounded, so I believe that this should be fine


00:28:306 (2) - to emphasize the sound, I'd honestly just space it out more, which I did
00:30:037 (2) - same here
00:40:278 (3,4,1) - made the spacing higher, although I believe that I emphasized it well enough before, still think that I could emphasize the slider. Which I have changed just now
00:41:287 (6) - will leave as it is for now, want to hear more opinions about this, since if I were to emphasize the drums then the structure would break a bit and the part would feel a bit anti-climactic. So, will leave for now
00:50:951 (1) - won't change, I think going for vocals in this particular moment is a better idea, 00:52:105 (1) - same here
00:51:528 (4) - removed the green line on the red tick so that it would emphasize the drum


00:52:393 - same also goes for this one, will keep it as it is
00:52:681 (1) - don't really know what you meant by "????", but removed the green line so that it would represent the drum sound and make it more distunquishable
00:52:681 (1,2,3,4,5) - honestly, don't see a world where the bursts would feel natural in this part considering that I mostly followed the vocals in kiai, so just decided to buff the spacing here. Jumps here also feel anti-climactic, I originally mapped it as jumps but it felt not that great so I decided to go for what is in the current map
00:51:816 (1) - nerfed the spacing a bit, but I honestly wouldn't say that this is not emphasized because it's a pretty cool buildup for the MASSIVE sound that follows


01:09:412 (1) - wanted to make sort of a break/slow part so that in terms of playability players would be able to have some breathing room for the section that follows, also, no, I didn't completely ignore the vocals. For instance, 01:11:431 (1,2) I spaced these 2 out because the vocals were pretty intense in this part, and it also repeats for a while, and later into the section I start using 1/2 sliders less because the break is not supposed to be that long. Basically, just a slow part where the players could have some breathing room
01:09:989 (3) - deleted the green line on the red tick
01:11:143 (3) - also deleted
01:12:297 (2) - also deleted
01:14:605 (2) - also deleted
01:16:912 (2,3,4) - added a note on the blue tick


01:40:566 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - - also, you didn't say that in the mod, but I slightly buffed this section here in spacing, because it kinda goes for the mod that you did for 1st kiai
01:49:797 (4,1,2,3,4,5) - same here
01:03:643 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - this one I didn't touch because I felt the spacing was alright
02:31:480 (1,2,3) - tbh will keep these sliders, 02:31:624 (2) increased the spacing here tho. I decided to go for the sliders here in order to emphasize 02:31:768 (3) this, with it's slow sv that really suits the ending of this section imo. Will keep
02:22:681 (4,1) - don't really see a problem here honestly, wanted to go for consistent 1/2 sliders and going for actual jumps/notes would not only break the structure but feel weird.


Was following the drums mostly, 02:24:556 (2) - increased the spacing. I did follow the guitar sometimes and these moments were when the guitar had pretty strong and distinquishable sounds like here 02:25:566 (1), so I emphasized that. Overall, I think the rhythm structure over here is actually good, just increased the spacing for some of the objects to emphasize them more
02:41:143 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - wanted to make so that these objects over here 02:41:431 (1,2) would go with the vocals (because they start there with the O-o-o) sound. So the best solution, also considering the previous structures was to go for a burst. Will not change for now because if I were to put jumps instead of a burst, imo, it would feel a bit weird.


If anyone else also mentions that problem with the burst, then I'll change, because honestly I don't really see a big problem at the moment, will also change it for the 2nd kiai if this burst over here is an issue
Also, 02:54:556 (1,2,1,2), don't really wanna touch these at the moment, because I kinda want the structure to stay, was thinking about changing it, but the more I tried to find the substition, the worse the structure felt. So, again, if anybody else sees an issue with me showing this rhythm, then I might actually change it, will leave it for now

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00:04:653 (4) - would maybe make this a NC to further emphazise this drum



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00:06:239 (6) - the spacing on this is wayyy to high compared to 00:05:374 (6) -





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(00:07:105) I'd say rotate the circle slider 90 degrees counterclockwise to keep the leftwards momentum going. Then we can rotate the next slider 90 degrees clockwise to create this cool little S-flow.


Don't like how it looks visually, won't change. And in terms of playabiliy, it's not really a problem

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00:07:105 (1) - those sliders just feel so wrong
neither the guitar nor the drum beat are right for this to be a normal slider

if you want to make this a slider I think a reverse would fit good ( like this: ( the sliders should be adjusted to the style of the map tho and not those shitty 2-seconds-of-work-sliders that I used in the screenshot) )


oh yea
and also there is the drum beat for a tripple but u ignored this all over the map so idk


I like how it looks like already, when it comes to a missed sound. Yeah, I noticed, but that would completely ruin the structure. Whilst I would love to add a note there, it's barely hearable and is not that strong of a sound, so I believe letting it be is fine.

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00:07:970 (1) - i think it would be better to nc these jumps and this slider next 00:08:403 (1) - to make this part more consistent to with emphasizing next same part: 00:11:720 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) -


00:07:970 - nced
00:08:403 - nced
The one 1-3 patterning and ncing I won't change because the strong sounds are on 1

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00:11:720 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - sounds like 3-3 patterning, consider changing to triangle-like patterns
plays better imo


Changed to triangles

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00:14:028 (1) - I suggest making this a circle as having the break in the middle of the calm part is jarring and there is no difference of the part covered by the slider from the rest of the break


Wanted to emphasize a lasting sound (which ends exactly where the slider ends), so probably won't change. (If you are confused, then that sound is siren-like)

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00:25:422 (1,2,3,4,1) - can maybe reverse this rhythm so it's circle - slider - slider - slider to make it easier to hit since the sliders would be on the down beats


It's fine right now imo

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00:26:576 (1) - blanket with (4)


YEP blanket

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00:35:662 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - all this part contains 1/4 drum sounds here, so u did all 1/4 rhythm here: 00:33:643 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - but instead of putting all 1/4 in the similar place u just ignore these drums, i suggest to put all 1/4 drums like u did previous. And here too: 00:40:278 (3,4,1,2) - 00:44:893 (3,4,1) -
Make u sure that it's consistent with overall map


I don't really get what you meant over here, but if I understood correctly then I probably won't change considering the fact that 00:36:167 drums starting from here are barely hearable, while next patterns like this throughout the map have vocals to support them, so yeah

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00:41:287 (6,7) - maybe make this two kick sliders and a circle so the snare is emphasized by a clickable object


Not a fan

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00:43:451 (6) Ctrl+H this object to give a better angle to hit.


Sure, why not

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00:50:662 (1) - overdone spacing imo, could put it closer


Put slightly closer

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00:51:816 (1,1) - don't think these NCs are necessary here, could remove them


those are supposed to be direct parallels to these 00:50:662 (1,1) , basically, to emphasize the vocals more. Same goes for other ncs that you mentioned, if anyone else has a problem with this then I'll probably change, but it's fine rn

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00:53:258 (5,6,1,2) - spacing like this imo looks cleaner and also makes the large spacing between 1 & 2 make sense because it's more consistent spacing


Did the thing

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00:56:143 (2,3) - would ctrl+g these two (separately) to have smoother flow


Sure, why not

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00:57:008 (2,3) - switch these two on the timeline so 00:57:297 (3,1) makes more sense spacing wise


Did the thing

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00:59:172 (4) Could stack this with 00:59:749 (3)



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01:08:835 (4,5) - what the reason to decrease the spacing here?


hd1 moment with changing spacing, will make it stack to 01:09:412 (1) once the match is over

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Actually I should reopen it for now

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YEP solved

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01:09:412 (1) to 01:17:489 (1) i feel there is too much vertical flow (disregard if intentional, but still I think should be executed better) examples like here 01:15:181 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2) you have a lot of spacing but not much movement in the area itself


YEP intentional

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01:09:701 (2,3,4,5) - you ignored the drum beat here ( I know you wanted to make this a bit "easier" but ) this is just to notable to just ignore. A little jump like this ( ) wouldnt make this much harder and would fit way better


this of course goes for this whole section


did the thing for the entire section

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01:16:912 (2,3) - слишком далеко бро, 1/4 снап


Nerfed, originally there was no circle on the blue tick, but now that it's there, yeah, the spacing was an overkill.

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01:20:230 (1,2,3,4,1,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1) - would maybe stack the tripples in this section to show how "calm" this is in comparison to the other parts of this song


Not a fan

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01:23:835 (1,2,3) - are you sure with 5let here? triple here is the best option


First of all, triple wouldn't span for the whole duration of the sound. And I kinda wanted to give the similar feeling to the triple that follows. So yeah, I am sure with that 5let

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01:26:576 There's a strong sound on this red tick, you could put another circle here or end the slider there


made the slider end there

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01:26:720 (1,3) - fix overlap pls


00:35:230 (2,1) - same here, move a bit to the top right



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01:27:081 (3) - this slider can be reversed or u can make note+slider and u can put overmap here to make player easier to read this transition to burst: 01:27:297 (4,5,6,7) - that will be nice experience to play


I like the current state of it more

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Nerfed a bit

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01:29:460 (2,3,1) - i don't see any reason to make this triple with different spacing, here: 01:29:172 (1) - in the slidertail i see the reason why u put lower spacing, but what the reason to put different spacing between the clickable sounds?


01:29:532 (3) - this is more spaced to make the buildup to the next slider justifiable, whilst 01:29:605 (1) - has a really strong sound, so should have a higher spacing

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01:42:008 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 01:51:239 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - they dont fit with the other sliders u used for this section in the other kias ( 00:55:855 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - | 02:37:393 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - ) since they have more like a linear path and those sliders have a path that curves back to the start.
Would be ok if the music/lyrics would be different but it is exactly the same but the sliders arent similar


Well actwually 🤓 those are supposed to represent the stuff from the anime itself (villains and shit) , but if anyone else has an issue with this, then I'll change

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01:45:181 (1,2,3,4,1) - kinda the same situation like 01:55:061 (2) right here


01:45:758 (1,2,3,4,1) - this one has no drum on 2 AND 4 so there should be no stream at all


01:45:181 (1,2,3,4,1) - despite some notes not having the drum sound, I wanted to emphasize the AAAAAAAAA in the lyrics,
01:54:989 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - When it comes to here, tried to get rid of the note that didn't have a drum sound before and re-shaping the whole thing, but what had turned out wasn't really pleasing to me
Got rid of 2 and 4 and made a jump over here 01:45:758
You didn't mention it in the mod but I also fixed this 02:41:143, removed the 2 and the 4

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01:51:816 (3) - and this sliderplacement is not very nice comparing to other patterns u put there, i'd keep triangle flow patterning like before


Did the thing

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01:55:061 (2) - there is no drum beat for this circle. Maybe make this ( 01:54:989 (1) - ) a jump and this ( 01:55:133 (3) - ) the beginning of the stream and the NC so and remove the NC from this ( 01:55:278 (1) - ) so that you end up with something like this ( )


Don't like how it looks visually

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01:56:431 (4,5) - i think switching these 2 would be more visually appealing and more playable as well


Won't do, whilst I understand the reason behind it, I don't really think it's a good idea because that disrupts the wideangle pattern of 01:56:143 (2,3,4)

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02:22:681 (4) - change this slider cause there is a drum on 1/1 and 1/2


Will ruin the structure, fixed it via hitsounds tho

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02:31:335 (3) - moved the object from x:137 and y:143 to x:126 and y:159, will change after the match


moved it back

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02:31:768 (3) - nc pls, u should differ 02:31:480 (1,2) - these sliders from this one


Oops, yeah, nced

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02:32:129 - That is a big cursor snap, consider reducing the spacing?


At the beginning of every single kiai you can see that the placement of 00:50:662 (1,1) , 01:36:816 (1,1) , 02:32:129 (1,1) are similar. The player builds up a habit for that one and is familiar with the pattern even if the spacing is high. And also considering the fact that the last kiai is the most intense part of the song, I won't change the spacing

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02:41:576 (2) - would consider not perfectly overlapping this with the stream because the stream has just been played


That looks visually very pleasing to me, and it's not really that big of a problem in terms of gameplay either, won't change

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02:42:874 (1) - Again, consider Ctrl+H this slider to keep the momentum.


Yeah, kinda hated how it looked like before, fixed

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02:53:258 02:53:691 (1,2) - Try following the post back in 00:07:105 and keep the momentum going.


The difference between them is that they have the same instrumental, however these 02:53:258 (1,2) also have very strong vocals (and practically the climax of the vocals). And, I also like the current visuals of it, so won't change
02:54:556 (1,2) - that's just a new rhythm. So yeah



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03:01:912 Consider ending the slider here, as the vocal ends here as well


Vocals actually end on the red tick here 03:02:056, but I wanted for the slider to last all the way until the mic drop on 03:02:201. So, won't change

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