mapped by ent
This beatmap was ranked on 9 October 2022!
nominated by apollodw and wafer
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{For Sharkie's and Fizz's diff}

I highly recommend you Don't Use kick samples for ur whistles

it heavily limits what ur able to hitsound, as ur not able to use whistles for vocals/melodies and the feedback on default is also completely wrong

Either rehitsound these diffs using d-hn or n-hn as a kick sample instead of whistle or just apply pishi's hs (Highly Recommend this Instead)


lmk if u need more explanation w this im tired rn


It's my style


I’d prefer if you explained why you prefer whistle kicks over using a more drummy sounding hitsound (D-HN, N-HN, DF, DC, ETC)

You’re not only limited with what ur able to hitsound by using whistles as kicks - as you can’t hitsound vocals/melodie’s + kicks - but as I said before the feedback is totally wrong with default, which players in the hard & insane range still use (atleast from my experience) ((even if they use customs at this range some skins still have a whistle hit sound so they’d still be getting the wrong feedback))


if you listen to the map with default skin samples on I think you can hear wat i mean much easier


I prefer soft-whistle as my primary method of hitsounding bass drums because I hitsound in a way that is similar to making a drumset part in .midi.
I don't think the soft-hitnormal over the low pitched drum parts (Bass drum, Mid Tom, Floor Tom) is a problem. I think it sounds fine since it doesn't really take away from the drum sound. Stacking drum-hitnormal over the drum hitsounds I prefer sounds wrong to me.
I have used different soft-hitnormals accordingly. (00:25:999 (1,2,3,1,2) - Here I use closed hi-hat. I also prefer the sound of soft-hitnormal default compared to other hitnormals where I can't use a cymbal-like hitsound. 01:00:440 (3,4,1,2,3) - (Using default hitnormal between the beats here)
I map and hitsound mostly to drumset parts because I play drumset.
... It's my style


im gonna b real with u chief u could just make the kicks a normal-hitnormal sound instead and its pretty much the exact same, it changes very little about the hitsounding as a whole

whistle kicks in general are heavily discouraged now cuz whistles can be used to follow vocals or other melodies like guitar

if this was still like 2015/2016 then u could easily get away with it but i guarantee you stuff like this would get vetoed in a heartbeat now


Then why don't u do the work of changing it


bro what


I get it feels bad to have to redo hitsounds, and it's a lot of work - which is why I suggested just copying over pishifat's hitsounds - and I apologize for the time that you've spent already wasted and the time that you'll have to spend rehitsounding in order to keep your hitsounds, but yea unfortunately whistle kicks are kind of Non Negotiable in my eyes (and many others)

If it makes it any better I'm pretty sure theres a a tool in mapping tools that'll rehitsound your map when you changes samples, but Idk which tbh (maybe hitsound studio????)


Okay then ent can remove my diff from the set


Man crazy how we can map like it's 2008 but hitsounding like it's 2015 is unacceptable


you guys say that whistles can be used to follow vocals but i don't understand why it's that vital of an issue if whistles aren't following vocals to begin with.

i mean sure i agree it's much better to use hit normals to begin with but if its already hitsounded and the mapper doesn't want to change it it's not unrankable? sharkie also mapped in earlier times where people didn't think so hard about kick whistles so its an understanable choice at least


OK liek

I don't rlly care as much if they dont wanna hs melodies/vocals (Even though I personally believe that HS should line up with wat the map is mapping to)

I have a bigegr issue with Using the whistles for kicks insttead of a hitnormal or smth

IF they wanna stick w hsing the drums only/prioritizing drums Idrc Im not gonna force them to change their entire hitsounding scheme, i was just lsiting ALl the benefits 2 using normals over whistles for kicks

The biggest benefit here is definitely getting more accurate feedback w hitnormals as opposed to a whistle

Also ya while whistle kicks arent "unrankable" and ur right in that regard, which is y this post insnt a problem stamp (Vetoes r For non Unrankables Btw so if someone wanted to veto this for whistle kicks U cant just say its not unrankabel)

Also Again IIRC you can auto switch samples and have the map rehs'd accordingly with hitsound studio in mapping tools (i think its hitsound studio anyways)(


Sorry if that wasnt Clear i've Not been sleeping 2 well recently so idk if my thoughts r getting out too well


Here's my take on the matter: nowadays, the majority of osu! players use a skin with the same sample for every single hitsound, and they disable beatmap hitsounds so that they don't get distracted by something they're unfamiliar with (similar to how they disable beatmap skins to avoid different colors / random skinning conflicts (i still think we should have an option specifically to enable beatmap colors ONLY)).

Additionally, one of the selling points of custom sample hitsounding is that you have the freedom on what kind of hitsounds you use for what sounds - you aren't forced to stick to the default samples.

It's unlikely that anyone will be using a fully-fledged sampleset in their skin, without also enabling custom beatmap hitsounds, and also be put off/frustrated by the potential "wrong feedback".

Given that it's not an unrankable issue and it's clearly not Sharkie's intent to follow vocals - be it with the map or the hitsounding, I don't see any reason why this would need to be changed.


i’m a firm believer of the philosophy of mapping and hitsounding with defaults in mind - it’s how the rc functions (yes i know whistle kicks aren’t outlawed in the rc unlike kick finishes or smth)

i’m not forcing anyone to stick to default samples - if you mean any hitsound on any custom sample then Ya u have full freedom however that doesn’t mean there aren’t better alternatives

ive already stated sharkie doesn’t need to follow vocals/melodies with their hitsounds (freeing up whistles for those is just a benefit of using a hitnormal for kicks) but using d-hn or n-hn sound more like a drum in default and many skins, so hitsounding your kicks with one of those provides closer representation than a whistle (there is no “wrong” representation BTW)


you’re free to drop me as a bn if you’d like - i’m really not big on whistle kicks and i’m not going to budge :<

again it’s a pretty simple fix with mapping tools


Have gotten somebody that will go through and replace all the whistle samples to hitnormals, should be done in ~2 days maybe; will close this then


All soft-hitwhistles have been turned to normal-hitnormals, thanks to MonsieurSebas

Marked as resolved by Girls Love

2 days huh


LOL 2 days my Ass


SORRY i forgot unpaid turkish interns work fasttt


00:34:340 - uninteitonal hs i think

(assume im talking about pishi's hs not sharkies)


02:08:935 - 02:09:602 - 02:10:268 - ETC EVERY IKICK TILL 02:19:268 -


00:34:340 - intentional

applied the rest

Marked as resolved by Girls Love

Unused files.


Fuickagadhijkadguilhageuiguiyhlaehuiklbdsb (dms)

Marked as resolved by Girls Love

add emo to tags



Marked as resolved by Girls Love


Reopened by im cute


Marked as resolved by Girls Love

Unused files.


im retarded sorry

Marked as resolved by Girls Love

tbh i think the kiai is really overused throughout the song. you seem to put kiai flashes on a lot of different places consistently throughout the map, some of them feel super random. (00:31:940 - 01:26:436 - 02:28:601 - 02:34:792 - ) but that renders the reasoning being using kiai in the first place pointless. if you try to emphasize everything, you end up emphasizing nothing instead, and i think that is what's happening here.

imo you should rework your kiais to only happen in a couple of intense (or identifiable) sections thorughout the map and delete every other kiai point. right now it feels way too over the place.

example of what you should do


this was mapped before i truly mastered the art of kiai-ing, so looking back on it it definitely feels like they are a bit overused. however in my eyes that gives the map a bit of charm - its something to look at in the future and see how far i've come in this department - so i want to keep this as is.

Marked as resolved by Girls Love

nostalgic charm* why cant i edit resolved replies aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


idk i know the map is older but if youre ranking the map now and you think kiai is overused as well... shouldn't you just change it? lol

Reopened by squirrelpascals

despite this, i still want to keep it as faithful to the original as i can, for the reasons stated above

Marked as resolved by Girls Love

70% volume for the intro of the song seems rly high


feels fine to me, song is overall pretty intense + this are how pishis hitsounds were originally

Marked as resolved by Girls Love

its inconsistent with the fact that volume is lowered l8r, i'd go for 50% or something since that should still be intense enough

Reopened by apollodw


Marked as resolved by Girls Love

this is minor af ikr but if you wanted to say "enjoy" in russian in the description of your map it would be grammatically correct to use "наслаждайтесь" instead :)


thank you

Marked as resolved by Girls Love

soft-hitfinish14 unused


#2556099/6989382 already fixed u seem to not have updated it after i fixed before modding i guess

Marked as resolved by Girls Love

from Mapset Verifier

  • "Fizz's Hard" is possessive but "Fizz" isn't in the tags, ignore if not a user.
  • Unused files. "soft-hitfinish14.wav"

woops i forgot to add fizz to the tags


as for the hitsound, that's a leftover from Sharkie before they fully finished hitsounding i assume, since it appears soft-hitfinish15 is the exact same sample; will remove if it appears to be unused

Marked as resolved by Girls Love

add fizz to all the difficulties tags!!!!!

Reopened by ellae

i already did ???

Marked as resolved by Girls Love

Unnecessary volume changes between difficulties, for example, 02:37:792 - this is at 45% on Hard and Insane diffs, but on the other diffs it doesnt change from 80% since this greenline 02:35:108 - .


Sharkie made their own hitsounds for their and Fizz's diff, with much more complicated samples, whereas my 3 diffs use pishifat's hitsounds from his own ranked set, so there's bound to be differences

in this specific example, Sharkie's hitsounds follow the cymbals in the background, which are quieter in comparison to the kick (?) that pishi's hitsounds follow originally

Marked as resolved by Girls Love

add "english" to tags


done, forgot about that

Marked as resolved by Girls Love

You are going to want to remove a lot of the circle overlaps (circles/sliders that touch eachother), its too dense to read properly
As well as remove a lot of the 1/2 beat rhythms, theres just too much which makes the map super dense and incredibly unfriendly to new players
For easier maps rhythms you need to prioritize a CONSISTENT rhythm (generally 1/1 full beat rhythms) and emphasize other parts of the song without deviating too much from the core rhythm of the song
Use pishis map as reference if you dont understand, its a fair example but not as simple as you think, i wouldnt recommend a new mapper to map exactly like he did ​but ill try to explain the map ideas/concept

for a specific example of your map 00:15:480 (2) - the red tick isnt super important to the core rhythm but on the slider end it IS important with the "clap" (why is the clap an important sound in this context? its loud, consistent and simple) so if you prioritize the clap sound like here too 00:16:337 (4) - and structure your rhythm around this simple rhythm it will become more simple, less dense, more structured and generally much easier to follow
(small reminder that heads of sliders have more emphasis because you are actively clicking them)
pishis map didnt follow that simple rhythm example and he chose to emphasize and follow the guitar, this works because its still structured around the core rhythm (loosely, the guitar is priority and drum "clap" is like the backbone keeping it structured, all his slider ends even end with that drum clap showing his priority and consistency) he had minimal 1/2 rhythms and 1/1 and longer rhythm to give the player room to breathe (as well as more spacing so no overlaps)
players want to click important sounds so make sure what you map is important and consistent

tldr; keep core rhythm consistent, space circles out more so no overlap, players want to click the more important sounds

sorry if this doesnt make too much sense i wouldnt say im good at explaining but i tried my best (and im still used to old forum mods tbh)
fixing my issues with this map is easier said than done and will take a lot of time if you want to
i would recommend trying to learn simple rhythm first but if you want to do more complex rhythms spend a lot of time learning! (its not easy)
gl with mapping!


This is for Normal diff


practically have to remap the entire diff, unsurprisingly. thanks for the in-depth feedback though, i'll see how to fix it!


done, should (hopefully) be better now !

Marked as resolved by Girls Love