I took some reference from the ranked set and I think the timing can be simplified, but need more discussion on this
Simply 90bpm has same / higher accuracy instead of decimal bpm imo
optional, you could add video like what the ranked set https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1476172#osu/3088240 does?
Hitsound mod (judging from your top diff & hs diff)
00:00:075 - should be soft custom sample set 1
Drum sample set objects with vocals like 00:10:726 (4) - 00:11:725 (10) - 00:12:392 (14) - 00:13:392 (1) - etc could add soft whistle addition
Section 00:54:062 - hitsound is kinda monotonous + feedback is insufficient with purely whistles, could add some clap for the trumpets, such as 01:05:383 - 01:05:883 - 01:06:384 - etc
00:53:397 vs 01:04:048 - latter is slightly more intense, could make hs volume 45% and 55% respectively
bpm should be halved for the tempo of kicks and snares to 90, could take the ranked version timing https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1476172#osu/3029050