don't put kicks on whistles. putting kicks on whistles entirely neglects the idea of what a whistle is typically used for and restricts you from making more expressive hitsounds. whistles are usually reserved for melody/vocals or emphasizing objects in the map (usually overmapping) to complement them respectively
if you turn off custom hitsounds you will hear whistles on every kick, instead of kick samples, on 1/1 for minutes, which is not representative of the map or song at all
i made a demonstration without custom hs, first part is the current hs, and the second part is the newly adjusted hs (no kicks added) which follows the melody (warning: video might be loud), note that if you have whistles on the melody it supports both the song and map simultaneously here
having kicks on hitsounds are good as long as they are used on another sampleset such as drum-hitnormal/drum-hitfinish or normal-hitnormal, they are the most commonly used kick samplesets, because you allow the usage of whistles on the melody
That should've been my diff, didn't realize it was 6 stars. Reduced some end jumps so its 5.9 ish now
your background res is much lower than what the artist put out (artist: 5000 x 3160, yours: 1200 x 759)
so u can adjust the image to be max rankable quality 2560 x 1440
I did it for you
Although the current audio quality is ok I found a higher quality one for you
the new offset is 430ms
There's no tags currently, so I'll give suggestions:
Hinae JUGEM ヲトシアナ Wotoshiana Lie and a Chameleon Japanese Rock J-Rock JRock Usokame 嘘カメ However the Illusionist Shake the Dice Cham(.△) チャム(.△) Sugeno Yuta 菅野悠太 Watanabe Sosuke 渡辺壮亮 Shibue Asahi 渋江アサヒ Aoyama Takaumi 青山拓心