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sugarrrr, yes please! ty for adding it
NC sounds fitting for the BG.Change my mind.
nah ur right
i like it
when you collab with yourself
i know what you mean
да, оно существует!
i am a type 2 diabetic and i find this song offensive [joke]
I am very offended by your opinion.[serious joke]
please no cancel [very serious] [very sorry]
that background is a sugar indeed
Yes please ✨
This map is surprisingly easy for a 4 star...
wtf is wrong with all these fucking mappers using lower than 9ar on 4*s ffs
Cry about it
Look at all these idiots replying to me
the only idiot here is you
buddy u just got ratiod
good for me so i could DT farm this easily thanks mapper
ratio go play some ar7 maps
cry about it
didn't ask + ratio
dude there is 6 stars with ar lower than 9 stop trippin its normal
cry about it + ratio
nothing wrong with it
actually nostalgia damn
yes please
maroon 5 wooooo
lets go your map got ranked
hell fucking yes, thank you
sugar bugar
lezgooo first top 50 play
not for long tho :c
Nice smooth map :)
love the map its good its gonna be my warmup
what does this even mean
awesome maroon 5 background
If no ideas for background, slap loli anime girl in there
Su - garYes, please
noice mate
shoe gar
le clickbait
Hey, at least there's someone mapping Maroon 5. Which I should actually get to eventually too <_<
I love Maroon 5
maroon 5 on osu
first top 1 on my life with bad play lol
wasn't for long lol
2 minutes xd
Nice map. (D rank top 1 lol, i love it.)
Nice Map
kung fu gif
try embed
Finally this song