Metadata :
Artist : the peggies
Title : 足跡 (TV Size)
Romanised Title : Ashiato (TV Size)
Source : 僕のヒーローアカデミア (My Hero Academia)
Tags : my boku no hero academia mha ed ending 8 footprints season 5 gnf5 asukow jpop jrock j-rock j-pop japanese anime
bonus kudosu for the one that gives me a better audio
EDIT : claimed by TritoBandito and partially me for trying to identically cut this pure timing hell out of full ver
yaaaaaaaaaa :
Idk what to say, this song, this background and beatmap just fit's perfectly. This is one of most favourite osu! beatmaps now.
This song's timing briefly goes mode a few times.
add +14 to the first red line to make it 355 offset, and shift all green lines up to a point before 12062
add a 165bpm red line at 12:062
add a 164bpm red line at 17:353
add a 164bpm red line at 19:365 (NC drums reset)
I'd also double check with others about the timing in the chorus because there are moments where timing doesn't quite feel comfortable around there
and you haven't seen the full ver x) (first chorus' sayonara shifts timing by -30ms)
Is there a plot related reason in Season 5 for there to be a characteristic Hero and Villain split? Even if there is, I'd still consider renaming your lower diff to just 'Extra' since having multiple unique names for a top diff isn't commonplace, and also, there's no indication of the difficulties being 'extra' since there's no mention of it anywhere in the spread
i mean it's mha, but yeah at first i was supposed to be top diff, then GNF was supposed to do insane but ended up with a higher SR diff smh so i came up with this diff name
guess i'll change to extra for now