00:09:845 (2,3,4) - for all similar patterns at the beginning it looks better if you could line up the 3 notes in the middle
hs during this entire section is weird (00:36:933 (5,6,7) - sounds way too out of place) and rhythm feels messy
this ones might just be personal pref tho
im more satisfied with this hs than the rest tbh
00:51:492 (2) - change this triple to make rhythm less boring
00:54:316 (4) - generally every 8 sliders ish
probably not
01:51:139 (3) - can be distanced further away due to larger time gap, unless its just placed at the wrong time interval
it's intended, but I guess I could increase distance a bit
02:53:610 (2,3,4) - line up 3 notes in middle for visuals, same as beginning of map
i still prefer what this current looks
03:35:258 (5,6,7,8) - this pattern feels a bit out of place imo, id make it a standstill wiggle pattern
I think it's fine, though I changed it just a little bit, but not stand wiggles