Actually, i cant do that. Theres no way for me to change the scroll speed, as far as im aware its all local. You can change your own scroll speed by going into edit, press F5 and F3 to decrease, F4 to increase. Then go to settings and turn off "Scale scroll speed with BPM".
Wait really? I couldnt find anything online about it and i personally didnt see anything (im not a mania mapper)
nananana buenardo este pack y el que diga lo contrario lo cago a piñas y empiecen a comentar porque falta poco para la clasificacion
Glad you enjoyed it! Be sure to check it out after its finished ;)
I rly love this, I struggle to play FNF because I'm not use to play with arrows and my nails xd so this map was very helpful thank you so much, I look foward to more updates!
This map is amazing! I love the idea of every week being a different diff and I think the map really deserves to get ranked one day
so good my friend just shared this beatmaps and is an intersting idea have fun and im waiting for the results :)
Thank you :D its gonna take a while because im quite busy, but ill make sure to finish it and improve it a bit, but ill get there eventually!