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this top diff is genuinely terrible im so sorry
why is bg dark souls 3
the souls games are inspired by berserk so it suits the vibe
good argument
amazing cover (besides audio quality), one of the most annoying maps i've ever played :(
Why is the audio quality so shit ??? How did this get ranked with this mp3
afaik the original polyphia cover was never released in proper hq
wtf this audio quality is straight ASS
howrengar diff very fun (also good cover) :D
instrumental version (rename the audio file to "audio"):https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4xyj211vg9ng3klsvymsa/audio-no-vocals.mp3?rlkey=oww8kdy6du1599fi03zadyw22&dl=0
am i the only one here that doesn't hate will's covers????????
me too
damn you guys REALLY hated will stetson here
kinda ironic that the community he's most involved with is the one that hates him the most
Another diff hr 1 miss :D (with 89 acc tho)
Malisz the goat
lmao the top diff of this on ctb convert is so overweighted
They basically got a catch diff ranked in standard lol
cappy hello???
free map
worst mapper i ever see
why are the leaderboards of the extra diff so bad it's not that hard
a full leaderboard of modded scores is not even close to bad for a 6*
i~~~~ will fight the gay!
6 digit rating maps be like:
map is good bro wdym
i checked every single diff and they all look fine. wdym by "the worst way possible"
this is one of will stetsons better covers, sounds like ppl just mad cuz its not ez farm like other WS maps
The map is fine, will's cover is just ass
cover and map are absolutely fine
berserk intro, polyphia cover, will stetson vocals, dark souls 3 background
osz with original Polyphia ver.
Thank you so much
Tysm, the lyrics were distracting me. :D
you are a life saver thank you
Horrible cover horrible map 👍
based cover
i love this map tysm for making it
what happent to commenting 😞
i dislike this song sorry mr stetson
then im sure you have never seen a ryuusei aika map
someday i will fc another diff with hdhr
Hey Will, this is actually really good. Do more of this!
I hate awkward angles
This is so good
i made it to the leaderboards wth im shaking
at first i was like : eww this guy ruined a cool songbut now i am like : will isn't that bad i think
причем тут темные души
I love this map
this is very enjoyable
Polyphia and Will Stetson is what I need in my life
Sorry if I'm ruining the lyrics it wasn't intentional I swear
mp3 sound quality.... too sad..
last diff is actually big notelock hell
oh nice I didn't remember anymore
+126 offset if you replaced using monstrata
thank you
the only good comment here