You cant make this shit up 17k to 6k in 1 month, I wanna give thanks to my parents, my friends, the relax hacks and aim assist I'm using, and Ryuk for making this possible🙏
The only reason I started grinding the game again is because my friend capzy got within like 1k ranks of me and got a 400 before me and I'm not gonna let that slide.
2/09/2024 never forget
first 100pp-7/5/2021 first 200pp-1/20/2022 first 300pp-technically my first 300pp play was on 9/6/2022, and was originally worth 296, but buffed to 300pp after a rework. If you don't count that, then my first 300 was a month or 2 later on utopia. first 400pp-2/09/2024
Did you notice how unlike all the other milestones, there's a big gap between 300 and 400? Yeah, that's because after i set my 393pp play on now loading on 12/30/2022, I hit a wall. its not that I wasn't ranking up, but that I couldn't get 400 for the life of me. I had the idea of trying to find all my 400pp chokes, but there are so many of them (at least 30) that it would take hours of searching across many different computers and maps. Anyways, after I broke the 400pp milestone i got like 30 more in a month
first 500pp-3/2/2024, only 3 FUCKING WEEKS after first 400.
my first 4* fc was on the koalazy harumachi clover set and i still regret it to this day.
GOALS 1. Rank a map so i can win arguments in osu comments