oh yeah takumi uh uh
best eurobeat map
Definitely worth playing. Really fun map <3
pls rank it
cool and fun map, good to practice streams and bursts because of the low bpm. Songs are bangers aswell
Unused files. "normal-hitfinish.wav" Need to check this out
mb, deleted
genre/language in tags
should add: anime english optional: electronic
Use "頭文字D" for source because it's the original language
Even tho I'm only here for modding. I hope to see this ranked soon. Good Luck Ranking this <3
thanks for the mods :blobheart:
thx for the mods ♥
really cool map
thx for thoses mods :blobheart:
put metadata somewhere here. makes it easier for everyone else to check
need official source for the mix
original source is deleted, it was from soundcloud but the guy who made it deleted his work
Then put the song sources here instead
Also if comments are helpful to ya please upvote them. It gives the modder kudosu c;
but there is no sources about it, he deleted his soundclound. and it's the first time i have mod, i didnt know how to do it, thx :^)
mb i wasn't clear enough, i meant the sources of the original songs. That should be the next best thing, even if the mix is deleted
you might also want to find another preview point that shows one of the hhype sections
i choose that moment because he says Initial D and since it's a initial D comp' i though it was a better idea than putting it at running in the 90's
not gonna change my mind, i like when he says: "INITIAL D" sorry ;_;
this is pretty good! i got 2013 nostalgia from this
this would need just a liiiiittle more but not yet :^)
too long 4 me to wanna mod it but looks good overall, also add Combo Colors thnx
oh yes, i forgot that i need it, doing it right now, thx !
put eurobeat in tags and set language to english plz
genre might be anime but im not really sure about that.
Done, ty, i think anime is right since monstrata used the same for running in the 90's
I don't hate eurobeat, so I decided to lightly mod the whole map, didn't find much, good job.