02:16:209 - 02:16:907 - funky rhythms explanation: https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/posts/9699645
Try not to use whistles for bass drum samples - it doesnt sound super great for those who dont use maps' HS (and if they use the default set, normal whistles are quite obnoxious). It would probably be better to move the soft whistle to drum hitnormal, and the normal whistle to either normal hitnormal since its a pretty strong sound or just a different drum sampleset's hitnormal.
https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/1790105?n=1 this thread TritoBandito made has good advice for basic hitsounding, with links to more in depth tutorials. (p.s. do me a favor rq and delete the 5% vol green line at 01:50:792 in my diff)
Should probably try to map this as an expert, let people do what they want
diffname will be decided later
base SV: 2
00:00:036 - 00:19:236 , 00:40:836 - 00:57:636: -Remi (36sec)
00:57:636 - 01:17:436 , 02:42:036 - 02:57:036 : Corne2Plum3 (35sec)
01:17:436 - 01:53:436 : - cirno - (36sec)
01:53:436 - 02:11:436 , 03:33:036 - 03:52:236 : furry hater (37sec)
02:57:036 - 03:33:036 : WitherMite (36 sec)
tags needed: progressive metal prog progmetal withermite -remi corne2plum3 -cirno- furry hater
main thing I think you could work on for your mapping is more consistent spacing emphasis.
Players will notice large enough changes in spacing, so you can use that to emphasize certain sounds. Though the bigger average spacing is the more you have to change it for the player to feel it. Usually mappers make spacing bigger to emphasize the object, while making it smaller to give less emphasis. That's not a hard rule though - you can emphasize something with smaller spacing if you are consistent enough about it.
Remember that players feel the change specifically. The size of overall spacing is usually for showing a section's intensity, such as in a kiai where the music is more exiting/intense, so average spacing will be bigger.
You sometimes use spacing changes to emphasize objects but other times you don't, or you give big spacing changes to weaker sounds (ex: 00:32:774 (3), 00:34:392 (3)) or small or no spacing changes to stronger sounds (ex: 00:33:068 (4), 00:52:774 (5)). what you want is to have an average spacing in mind for a section and only change if you want to emphasize or de-emphasize a sound. Being too inconsistent about spacing makes the changes less noticeable.
00:47:308 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this piano+vocal rhythm is all actually 1/3 snap, not off beat 1/12.
00:07:775 (10) - second red anchor isn't doing much, could just remove it and have the section of the slider be straight
idk, if I were to make that a slider it'd be a 3/4 since all the sounds there are held, (apart from the snare ghost note on the red tick) I'll see how I feel about it once the section is buffed
yea, had it like that at first, made patterning awkward though, since I felt a jump from a circle would a bit much. should have remapped more instead of simplifying since later I changed patterning and now it wouldn't be a jump anyway. again remapping section later.
assuming you mean in 01:16:252 - 01:35:129 then I agree, oversimplified most of that a bit much, will try and remap the electronic section later when I have time. Outside of that though, I think my rhythm choice could probably be less dense since this is pushing difficulty boundaries for a hard a bit.