i cant recover if i mess up a part and its messing me up alot
The song is just... perfect
very cool map
rip 4k ):
quimera loved when
glad to see a ranked mania map that it isn't 4k thank u good lord
rip 4k
you don't even play 7k shut up
I hope he's joking
Fresh Chicken saving osu!mania ranked
First Fresh Chicken ranked 7k map, then the first Fresh Chicken ranked marathon map. Now we have the first Fresh Chicken 7k marathon ranked map.
finally sound chimera ranked map jeez
mapped by Fried Chicken
mapped by Fresh Chicken
Finally some 7k map
I need help, whenever I download a beatmap it has a internet explorer icon, and doesnt have an osu icon, how do I fix this (I cant see the beatmap on the osu app too)
right click it -> properties -> opens with: -> change -> choose osu
this charts cool man, nice job
Welp, this looks fun..
thank you fried chicken
4K 404 not found
7k best
grats _hyme for --
oh wait
everyone waiting this song in osumania ranked
let's goo
I look forward to the completion of this song 5 key :)
Rank when?