#1Thank you to
Smokeman, without him this would have never been ranked - he contacted me to work on this even though the map was in the graveyard at the time. Practically hitsounded the whole map, found me a higher quality background and audio track and offered me invaluable mods throughout the whole process.
Thank you to
Sonnyc for taking this on despite the two lowest diffs needing major work. An amazing person to work with - I asked him lots of questions and he got back to me very quickly and was patient with me and explained everything, time and time again.
Thank you to
Fall for being willing to be my 2nd BN.
Thank you to
DeviousPanda for his feedback as it's what lead to me remapping the top diff into what it is today.
Thank you to
squirrelpascals for helping me massively fix the visual spacing in the top diff, making it look much, much better and most likely helping me gain Smokeman's and Sonnyc's interest.
Thank you to
Teky for his feedback and pointing me towards squirrelpascals, an invaluable step in this journey.
Thank you to
browiec for the very kind words, for saying that the map is rankable and giving me hope that, perhaps, all of this could work out in the end.
Thank you to everyone that modded and hyped the set:
2. BadGraph_
3. elicz1
4. Enterprise
5. Esutarosa
6. ginjani
7. himeko
8. meepdos
9. MkGuh
10. Morrighan
11. Najmsb
12. Nirosue
13. OsuMagic360
14. Respirte
15. Sisig
16. Smokeman
17. Sonnyc
18. Toriel
19. WashedUp Player
Redownload for fixed mp3
Image credit:
http://hellknight10.deviantart.com/ /
https://hk-ten.tumblr.com/ / Pedro A. Machuca Nunez