✔️ 1000 S Ranks- 17/05/2020 ✔️ 2000 S Ranks- 02/10/2021 ✔️ 3000 S Ranks- 17/04/2022 ✔️ 4000 S Ranks- 04/04/2023 ✔️ 5000 S Ranks- 30/10/2024
✔️ 1000 SS Ranks- 03/01/2022 ✔️ 2000 SS Ranks- 24/04/2022 ✔️ 3000 SS Ranks- 20/08/2022 ✔️ 4000 SS Ranks- 22/02/2023 ✔️ 5000 SS Ranks- 31/10/2023 ✔️ 6000 SS Ranks- 29/01/2024 ✔️ 7000 SS Ranks- 01/07/2024 ✔️ 8000 SS Ranks- 26/01/2025
✔️ Top 2000 Ranked Score - 27/02/2022 ✔️ Top 1000 Ranked Score- 07/02/2023
~ 9000 SS Ranks ~ 6000 S Ranks ~ 110 Billion Ranked Score
DM me for GD requests, for song choice look at my favs. (no weeb shit) Hard/Insane diffs are preferred.
guys please map more shoegaze!!!
Spinners are the most degenerate thing I have ever witnessed in a so-called "rhythm" game. I'm not exaggerating when I say they literally ruin osu. Imagine if Guitar Hero had you randomly grab the guitar by the neck and start shaking it around as fast as possible before you start playing chords again. Yeah, it would be fucking stupid. Now imagine that there's an obstacle in osu where you need to shake your mouse faster than humanly possible just to get a clear and then click on the next circle within fractions of a second. That would also be fucking stupid. But that's where we end up when a shitty DS game gets ported to a completely different platform with no alterations to make it actually playable. The fucking theme song even says "click the circles.... to the beat" not "click the circles after having a seizure and not knowing where your mouse cursor is." Oh, or I could turn on autospin and lose 10% of my pp to fix a glaring design flaw in the game. I will never play a beatmap with a spinner in it ever unless the devs stop idolizing the "perfect Japanese game design" and remove spinners entirely.