00:01:050 to 00:11:383 You seem to be mapping the vocal in this first section, as I can notice with 00:02:549 (2549|2,2883|2) -, but Amiichii is also mapping the vocals in his diff, with LNs even near the end. So to make the difference with his diff, you could map all the vocal with LNs.
Marks my free NM here, will continue whenever I'm free!
00:06:383 Feel like doesn't hurt to add a 1/1 LN here, it has a pretty apparent chord sound, plus the vocal at this strong beat is uh.. pretty strong. You can also maintain a 2/1 gap between each LN section that you developed previously.
00:11:383 would prefer if you make this chord open just like what you did at 02:22:049 , I think the spacing would be more intuitive this way, and could avoid a jacking motion at 00:11:216 (11216|2,11216|1) - which doesn't exist in later section.
00:11:716 to 00:19:716 I think this section could use a little buff, since right now, it's basically the same as Amii's Insane. You could, for example, add triples on the clap sounds 00:12:383, 00:13:716, etc. and you could make trill. Somehitng like this or anything similar.
00:17:216 (17216|0,17299|1,17383|0,17466|1,17549|0,17883|3,17966|2,18049|3,18133|2,18216|3) - trills are :sob: but especially because none of the sounds warrant something to trill for. I’d recommend to rearrange
00:21:049 Instead of 2-2-3-2-3 chord here, I think you can do 2-3-2-3-2 chord here since you expressed clap sound with triple before, I think they are more prominent and should keep consistent. eg:
00:21:883 (21883|3) - despite personally having no issue playing this, I highly recommend you to delete this cuz the drum sound at 00:21:883 and 00:21:966 are the same and I dont think either of them can be afford to be a triple. Besides this trill-minijack at 1/4 is pretty tricky for this SR I'd say. Therefore highly suggesting you to reduce it to double
Also, it's not an issue, but wouldn't mapping the vocals here be more interesting than just the synth with SVs?
But also, if you wanna keep those SVs, you should add some more in the rest of the map, especially in parts like this one 01:05:049
00:22:716 (22716|2,22883|1,23049|0,23216|3,23383|2) - Since you decided to follow these little tick sound in the background I would suggest you to follow the PR more concisely. Simply ctrl+G 00:23:049 (23049|0,23216|3) - these would work. Do similar thing with 00:25:549 (25549|0,25716|3) - as well, ctrl+G
00:24:049 (24049|3) - I get why you did this, but imo, one LN isn't enough for the synth there, since it's just after 00:23:549 (23549|3,23549|1) - which has the same intensity. Same with the other LNs like this.
00:26:216 (26216|2) - feels visually better if you move this to column 1, the two LNs at 00:26:216 (26216|1,26216|3) - makes this note feels kinda tight and uncomfy, plus I think it would create a better jack motion with 00:26:049 (26049|1,26049|0) -
00:27:049 (27049|0) - why single? Feels like it has similar sound and strength with 00:27:133 (27133|3,27133|2) -
00:30:049 (30049|1,30091|0) - why change the direction here out of the blue? The strength here doesn't really change much and it's the same type of hi-hats through out this section, making it something similar to 00:24:716 (24716|3,24758|2,24799|1,24841|0) - would be the safest bet to avoid confusion and inconsistency.
00:30:383 (30383|2) - why put it at column 3 but not column 4? You can do what you did previously and I think it would plays out better, a jack at index finger feels kinda out of the place and unreasonable
00:30:716 the hi-hat spam here compared to the tom roll at 00:32:549 seems kinda mixed up, I'd reduce the density and give more jack motion to highlight the hi-hat instead of making them the same expression, it can avoid too much repetition and could create contrast with different instrument. eg:
00:31:466 (31466|1,31466|2) - ,
not recommend to use double here, the sound doesn't support it since there's only scratch sound available not like 00:31:383 - which has scratch and W
would recommend
00:33:883 (33883|1,33883|2) - Feels a bit overwhelming for this to be a double, it doesn't have a repeating tom sound like 00:33:216 (33216|3,33216|2,33299|1) - , 00:33:549 (33549|1,33549|0,33633|2) - and 00:34:216 (34216|2,34216|3,34299|1) - . I'd say a single would be sufficient since it only has a rather vague hi-hat sound and it's connected with a stream with 00:34:133 (34133|0) - this note. Reducing it could balance the density a bit
00:36:049 (36049|0,36216|0,36383|0,36549|0,36716|0,36883|0,37049|0,37216|0,37383|0) - You should move around some notes to avoid this long-ass anchor. Not really a big issue, it's just that you have enough room for your notes, so might as well avoid unnecessarly long anchors
01:05:549 (65549|3,65633|2) - You could switch their columns, since the pitch is different than 01:05:216 (65216|3,65299|2) - .
Same with 01:08:216 (68216|0,68299|1) -
01:36:716 Should be a double too, like 01:36:383. Still feels fine to play.
01:49:716 (109716|1,109716|3) - One of theses two could be a LN since, it has a similar sound as 01:49:216 (109216|0) -
01:51:133 (111133|0,111133|1,111216|2,111216|3,111299|0,111299|1) - i personally dont find this very enjoyable to acc. And the time window from release to hit - 01:51:299 (111299|0,111383|0) - were rather too tight of a mere 42ms. I think the triple jack idea from amii’s insane works much better here. In fact, you’ve done quite a lot of jacks here, so why not for them?
But also you could add a bit more LNs, since' there's less doubles and triples in this section. Like the notes I just mentionned, you could map more of that sound with LNs, like 01:49:549 (109549|3,109633|2) -, 01:50:049 (110049|2,110133|1) -, etc.
Tho from here 01:59:716, it's fine having less LNs, but still, it could use some more of them at places like 01:59:883 and 02:00:049, which have the same sound as 01:49:216 (109216|0,109383|1) - .
And 02:01:799, I also think you should keep the 1/8 LNs here
02:11:716 - till 02:17:049 - ,
lots of LN inconsistency here.
02:13:049 (133049|0) - & 02:14:383 (134383|2) - should've been LN here since it's the same fast vocal sound
02:15:716 - till 02:16:716 - should've been made with the same concept as 02:13:049 - & 02:14:383 - , if you accept the above suggestion then it will look like something like
03:15:716 copy-paste intensifies I get that the music sounds similar, but for the three kiais to be copy-pasted, no offense, but it's a bit of a lack of effort, isn't it? I get that the first two kiais sounds literally the same, so ok for the copy-paste, but the third should definitively be mapped differently and be more hard. There's only so mush you can do with basic jumpstreams, so you could do something like mapping the vocals with LNs:
It's different from the two first kiais, harder than a regular jumpstream and it still feels fine to play.
03:17:966 (197966|3,198049|2) - ,
not sure what are you trying to follow here, if you're trying to follow the vocal as LN then it should be 03:17:716 - , 03:17:883 - and 03:18:049 -
if it's not for vocal, just turn those into normal note instead for consistency like 03:23:049 -
03:36:383 (216383|0) - You should map the vocals like you did there 01:04:383, 01:57:716 and 03:15:049.