isn't this literally the same song as https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/803902
Pretty much, yeah. I actually prefer the song you linked. You’re a bit late to the party tho.. It feels like it was forever ago I ranked this.
Nice, easy, and fun beatmap. Great work.
is this on youtube? its a cute song gets you in the mood
ok but like how did undead corporation make this and everything will freeze
they don’t confine themselves to one genre all the time
Is that such a style? Deliberately skip notes. Every year, mania mappers break through another bottom.
thanks buddy. its called making a difficulty spread.
too hard for me o-o
how could this be undead corporation's song
Nice Map,and thanks for 6k
good map, might grind for 1 mil :)
You should try playing the kantan with HD FL, its a challenge.
thanks for 6k XD
thx for mapping it 6k owo
I like this
cute map