・Acky_chinolover (Alias:Acky/Aki/Aki39/Ak39evancell/End drive) ・Fan:退廃(廃人)(Imperial Circus Dead Decadence)/CREW(Squall of Scream) ・Play Environment Monitor:Viewsonic VX3211-4K-MHD-7 Keyboard:NPET K10(106 Key) Speaker:SANWA MM-SPL6BK Mouse:DeliToo CP199 (Click here for other devices I use→https://www.geartics.com/Acky_chinolover) ・key config/use skin taiko:zx./ mania【4K】:xcvb / 【7K】:vgbhnjm use skin - Shiratama - by atturbo555 Skin used as a base Lr2_ by Fortunape mania skin main Kafuu Chino by dlwnstns99 Star Rating Mark Taiko by osamutaiko taiko skin ・Music Participation Experience Adust Rain / Secret Traveler(sing along) Adust Rain / EViL DANCE #3(sing along) Our Last Day / Magic hour(sing along) UNDEAD CORPORATION / The Revolution(MV Extra)
【taiko】 Rank S+SS:2000 over(now:1115(21/10/27)) PP:No Target (Peak of the ppv2: 9696pp / 229th)
【mania】 Ranking:4 digits(Around 4900pp)/World ranking 20,000↑(Around 3800pp) BP:Leave SR 5.50↑(NM) & 300pp↑ in BP/4000pp
・Alternative Girls 2 (16/7/20~22/1/4) 織宮結衣・ベルル・鬼束千穂・水島愛梨・柊つむぎ and forever love ・Amairo Chocolate(あまいろショコラータ) 百々瀬かぐや(2)・雪村千絵莉 ・Hamidashi Creative(ハミクリ) 和泉妃愛・常盤華乃・錦あすみ・新川広夢 ・Is the order a rabbit?(ごちうさ) 香風智乃・桐間紗路リゼシャロ流行れ ・Jewelry Hearts Academia(ジュエリー・ハーツ・アカデミア) ベルカ・トリアーデ ・Listen to Me Girls I Am Your Father!(パパ聞き) 小鳥遊ひな・小鳥遊美羽 ・Maitetsu Last Run!!(まいてつ) 右田日々姫・雛衣ポーレット・早瀬ふかみ・蓑笠凪 ・Non Non Biyori(のんのんびより) 一条蛍 ・Station Memories!(駅メモ) リト=フォン=シュトゥットガルト ・sugerfull tempering(しゅがてん!) 聖代橋氷織 ・THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS 赤城みりあ・北条加蓮 ・Toho Project(東方) アリス・マーガトロイド・東風谷早苗・聖白蓮 ・Umamusume Pretty Derby(ウマ娘)(ゲームは半引退) エイシンフラッシュ・アドマイヤベガ・アストンマーチャン・メジロドーベル メジロマックイーン・スマートファルコン・アグネスタキオン・アグネスデジタル ライトハロー・カレンチャン・トウカイテイオー・サイレンススズカ・主治医・ててお (There are too many choices to choose a character) (ててお is a secondary creation character that has been transformed into a deformed character based on トウカイテイオー.)
Music ・Japanese Band/Circle(Subculture system)
5150・Adust Rain・AGENT 0・As Killing your Breakdown・Blankfield CLOCKWORKS TRACER・Demetori・DHS・Diabolic Phantasma・Discovering the Place Draw the Emotional・ELECTRIC RED・Foreground Eclips・Further Ahead of Warp Imperial Circus Dead Decadence・IRON ATTACK!・Kissing the Mirror・Kurogane Lab.・LA KIA Minstrel・MisteryCircle・Mods Crisis ∞・Our Last Day・Pearls Before Swine・Pizuya's Cell Register6・Regnum Caelorum Et Gehenna・Rice Records・SANTA MASSACRE・SILENT DIFFERENCE Silently Shooting Traitors・situation report・Squall of Scream・Stratiotes・Suspicion&Fear The Dust Of Society・Thousand Leaves・UI-70・Undead Corporation Vaguedge dies for dies irae・Vermillion-D Alice Syndrome・かちかち山・黒夜葬・死際サテライト
・Japanese Band
9mm Parabellum Bullet・DEXCORE・DIR EN GREY・Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas OZIGIRI・Thousand Eyes・マキシマム ザ ホルモン・凛として時雨
・Overseas band/circle
BERRIED ALIVE・Blessthefall・Breakdown of Sanity・Dimension Zero Fleshgod Apocalypse・Infant Annihilator・Lorna Shore・Meshuggah Rings of Saturn・Shadow of Intent・Slaughter To Prevail・Suicide Silence・The Black Dahlia Murder・高町Walk
・Respect Vocalist/Screamer
Alex Terrible(Slaughter to Prevail)・Dickie Allen(Infant Annihilator) アルベルト・オブ・ジョイトイ(Regnum Caelorum Et Gehenna/Stratiotes) 京(DIR EN GREY)・窪田 道元(Undead Corporation/Thousand Eyes)・赤飯(オメでたい頭でなにより) WeatherH/天候H(CLOCKWORKS TRACER)・リブユウキ(Imperial Circus Dead Decadence)
・Musical Instrument Experience Had been learning drums for 5 years A little, Cajon
Fan Fiction ・Laur(Last Labyrinth) He likes magnificent music based on diverse musicality and classical genres. His love for Arcaea is amazing, and he respects him as a player. ・かめりあ(かめるかめりあ) I was most attracted to the variety of genres and qualities of the songs he made.