rrtyui is back
beach time
submitted : 29 July 2013 ranked : 29 July 2013
infested muchroom
I remember playing your maps when you were unknown.. And see what happend now. I was right. You are the best.
like what I think before...
RLC maps FTW :D
144.993 bpm? really? :D
bpm was unchanged from the .osz provided to contest participants.
ranked on the same day it was submitted... lord jesus
Awesome stuff indeed.
thanck u Real Lube Cokce
rlj pls
i mean rlc
le real long coke
More Infected Mushroom!
I love you RLC :D You are really good at mapping!!
Infected Mushroom ♥
Wow, gratz. Awesome map. Like it.
nice song :P
<3333 :D
Best speed rank, best of the year, and if it gets least rating it will absolutely be the most epic map in the history.
Flower, become cooked a point
my maps have gradually been getting lower and lower and lower ratings, i hope to one day get a negative one
maaan we need to invent a -1 vote for RLC
No it needs to be unranked then there needs to be a shitstorm and then it will be the most epic map in the history.
RLC pro \o3o/
Beatmapping Contest #4 Winner!