i think it should be good to have instrumental
in tag too
Majority of the vocals just give me the sample feeling personally, the ranked set was using Japanese as language so i won't argue for that, but i think at least instrumental should be good to be included in tag
decku suggested i try doing a bn check thingy
bg: fine
audio: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/809107825312792676/1059142492995461151/image.png also fine
*tags: id suggest removing 'heart of android' from the tags; given the album name is in the title itself, it has no real reason to be duplicated in the tags field. searching the name of the album will show regardless of it being in the tags or not.
*sauce: https://cametek.bandcamp.com/track/heart-of-android-even-if-its-only-by-mechanism
*od/hp: i think hp is fine, od should be buffed imo ! the releases arent overrrrrly technical, and parts feel like you can mash through and still score well, esp the ln rolls. id say buff it to like 8.3?
regarding od hp, when i asked for testplay from [GB]Mafufu i got the opinion of super short shlongs in this map are frustratingly hard to acc and advised me to lower the od to nerf the difficulty to get more forgiving acc judgements when playing the LN tail releasings. i will ask for more opinions when all mods are replied
About OD, it is indeed true that with OD8 and above the faster patterns with tiny LNs would become pretty tricky. You could probably raise up to OD8 without much issue if you wanted, but it's not necessary either because it plays pretty fair at OD 7.6. Depends on what you want this chart to play like, so pretty much your choice
oops missed da future foNk
yeah keeping od is chill, only really suggested that out of how i play it, i just personally felt where parts got a taaaad rolly they felt kinda mashable, but ye keeping is chill