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Nice map. Though I feel like it's already ready for rank, so my mod will be mostly suggestions.
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Let's remain civil and help each other get this map moving again (:
Okay - I think there should be some fundamental changes in patterning.
The jacks starting at 03:32:546 could have more variety in them. They're also easier to hit than jump gluts, which would be more appropriate imo.
04:21:451 all the way up to 04:30:081 is pseudo-jumptrill patterning, and it's very excessive. The part after that (04:30:492) can be cheesed as well. That you have "jumptrill" in the tags is a hard giveaway.
I could not answer earlier, I got very sick. Give an example of how I should diversify these patterns.
03:32:546 - You could make the quads triples, and then move the doubles around. Maybe something like this (and continue throughout this section):
Also, this should've been marked as a suggestion, so please treat it as such instead of a problem