mapped by BarkingMadDog
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 15 June 2024 so it was graveyarded...
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12:12:556 (4) - till end
Would recommend you try give a bit more of emphasis on cymbals by having a bit of spacing increase on them you emphasize some (like with 12:09:484 (3,1) - ) but others (like 12:06:773 (3,1) - 12:06:773 (3,1) - and others) get a similar spacing as the jump they are in, which doesn't make them stand out a lot, which I feel they should as a crash is by itself an important sound


some of them are reflected on the gradual intensity of the vocal, not sure if that make sense. short story ill leave it.

Marked as resolved by BarkingMadDog

aimod too see some objects not snapped and "Background image is larger than 2560x1440."



Marked as resolved by BarkingMadDog