00:00:957 - it's okay to keep current patterns, but considering this difficulty's uniqueness of patterns if this map goes to ranked section, giving extra highlights to drums such as 00:12:832 - by making it short LN would be good(current ones may feel bland although it feels like somewhat intended).
Also giving specific piano sounds LNs could also be okay, but it may feel arbitrary and unnecessary so don't consider this idea much unless you find a good way to represent drums.
00:04:908 (4908|0) - Unlike other doubles 00:04:440 - 00:04:752 - , the background sound sounds very small here, so I think that it is a consistent expression to be omitted and used only as a single.
00:14:596 - I tried to keep only one LN in one piano that can use LN below, but I don't think there is any reason to make it different only at this end even though there is no special change in sound. If LN is configured as before, it is considered more consistent. https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15488490/2597
피아노 구조를 지켰습니다. 00:13:971 (13971|0,14127|2,14283|3,14440|0,14596|2,14752|3) -
(구조: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15493226/3ab7)
드럼노트입니다 00:14:596 (14596|1) - (구조상으로는 00:14:440 - 3번col에도 노트가 들어가야 하기 때문에 이 부분을 수정하여 00:14:440 (14440|2) - 에 노트를 하나 추가하겠습니다~)
(수정본: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15493250/2e7f)
내려가는 신스음입니다, 이 곳에서만 1/4간격으로 꺾였기에 추가해줬습니다. 00:14:596 (14596|0,14752|1) - (https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15493232/4b5c)
00:19:707 - quite significant difficulty bump here, should change to something like,
00:20:332 - 이쪽에 일단 처음 1/8간소화 그리고 00:20:332 - 여기는 더블 쓸만하지 않을까요? https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/14016653/a4fa 00:20:644 - 여긴 좀더 드르륵이 커지는데 중간에 1/12가 혼용되서 거의 리딩이 힘든수준인데 그냥 1/12로 사용되는건 빼고 1/8만 가져가는건 어떨까요? 결론 : https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/14016660/dee2
00:20:097 (20097|0,20097|2,20332|1,20371|3) - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/14024980/ab1a 구조입니다
두번째 제안은 말씀주셨듯이 소리가 달라지기에 조금 더 어렵더라도 패턴 유지하겠습니다
이런 패턴은 많이 사용되지 않아서 익숙하지 않으니 어려운게 당연하다고 생각합니다
00:22:877 (22877|3) - I think giving LN in 1/2 length here is a consistent use. What do you think? 1/2LN was given to 00:27:565 - with a similar structure.
00:22:988 - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/14016667/ce1f 192bpm의 잭패턴이라 제생각엔 좀 쉽게 해야되지 않을까 싶기도 합니다 00:22:988 - 여기를 더블로 바꾸거나 아니면 전체적으로 롱놋 스트림으로 바꾸거나 하는식으로요 https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/14016687/eeb6 뭐 대충 이런식의 의견이였어요
개인적으로 잭 혹은 쉴드에 익숙한 사람들은 해당 패턴(00:22:988 - )이 부드럽게 쳐진다고 생각하고, 1번과 4번 col에 잭을 두지 않음으로 난이도를 더욱 낮췄습니다.
또한 00:22:988 - 를 더블로 바꾸게되면 오히려 192bpm의 1 22 1 순의 패턴이 되어 더욱 테크니컬해지고 왼손 중지가 붕 뜨게 된다고 생각합니다.
마지막으로 같은 패턴이 사용된 것은 맞지만 곡이 흘러감에 따라 킥/스네어 드럼 배치가 달라지고, 달라진 배치에 따라 구조가 조금씩, 계속 변경됩니다. 나머지는 일관성을 지키기 위해 롱->단, 단->롱 형식의 구조 변경은 어려울 것 같아요
It's Ticle's intention cause here 00:24:908 (24908|1,24908|0,24986|3,24986|2) -
It has double notes that focus on the kick sound and 00:22:408 - this hasn't. 00:24:752 - If this one is also triple, it will be more uncomfortable.
00:28:580 (28580|0,28580|1) - I think that the note used is small and can be expressed sufficiently with only the jack pattern without using it as a double. How about erasing 1col and changing it to single?
00:29:518 - The use of LN in this part was somewhat regrettable. The overall configuration was mapped in the form of giving a double or triple to the drum or snare, but I think that if you put the LN in a similar structure here, you can use it more consistently. https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15488524/beb5
pitch는 이미 맞추어 두었습니다.
00:29:707 (29707|2,29863|3,30019|2,30175|2,30175|3) - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/14025039/1e5f
우선 곡을 들어보시면 해당 파트에 아마 3가지의 음이 사용되었을 것이고 멜로디를 오른손에 집중시켜 3번 4번 3, 4번 col에 노트 위치 변동을 주면서 높낮이를 표현했습니다
1번 col 반복은 왼손에 드럼 강조를 주기 위해서입니다.
00:30:332 - patterns are quite disappointing here, jacks aren't supporting sounds while LN representation is heavier visually than it should be.
I would prefer something like this more, bit lighter LNs with a scoop of dynamic jack by breaking consistency.
00:41:113 (41113|0) - 00:42:050 (42050|0) - 00:44:550 (44550|0) - 00:46:113 (46113|0) - 00:47:050 (47050|0) - 저는 이걸 굳이 1/4에 할필요가 없다고 봅니다. https://puu.sh/ECs1W/ecd981c426.png 이런식으로 드럼이 끝나면 똑같이 끝내는 방식으로 하는게 좋다고봅니다. 스코어링도 더 잘되겠죠?
00:41:236 - The extension of #1835717 This is also a bit unfortunate to be given as a double. It feels a little differently expressed in the mapping main composition. I think that it is consistent enough to be expressed with a single jack and is suitable for expressing songs. However, unlike previous modding, I don't think the current pattern is a serious problem, so I think it's okay to keep it as long as you write your intentions.
00:42:128 (42128|2,42128|3) - there are a few of these instances where I think a double is definitely an overkill for layering a hi-hat, these doubles should only be reserved for kicks.
definitely agree, would do something like
although the density is the same, it should be a bit easier and feel better
00:59:596 (59596|2) - The actual sound does not break at 1/6, but extends to 00:59:752 - , but I don't think it needs to be used unless it is broken for a special expression like 00:59:752 (59752|3,59908|3) - . If there is a special reason, would like to use it. If not, it is recommended to extend the LN to 00:59:752 - and use it consistently.
00:59:596 (59596|2,59752|3,59908|3) - 이 세가지는 00:59:440 (59440|3) - 보다 길어야 하고, 치기는 쉬워야 하니 1/6과 1/8을 고르는 선택지 중 1/6을 골랐습니다. 실제 사운드가 1/1에 굉장히 근접한 길이를 가지고 있다 하더라도 일관성을 지키기 위해 1/6으로 표현하는 것이 더 좋아보이네요
pitch relevancy를 따졌을 때에도 00:59:440 (59440|3,59752|3,59908|3) - 이것들은 같은 라인에 있는 것이 표현상 우수하기에 1/1로 롱노트 길이를 늘릴 여유 공간은 없습니다.
sorry for my last stupid mod, i forgot to delete some parts so it become a shitmod
(ah and this is just a suggest, only do if you want to have more spaghettis and make the map reflects the song better)
01:11:940 - When there's a sound like that, you can change notes like this: http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/14793502/c2be
Again, this is just a suggest, you don't need to follow it except you want to
01:29:908 (89908|1) - If you change the normal note here to LN and extend it to 01:35:065 - , you can use the visual effect that you put sv in, and I think the flow of the song is properly expressed.
01:39:440 (99440|0,99440|2,99752|1,99752|3) - hmm just want to suggest to simplify here.
I know you want to express the sound at 01:39:947 - , but it's not that important imo.
Ignore that is more tidy and easier to read for players.
(You can keep this for sure x w x
01:40:957 - as we conferred about this section, I'd considered deeply again about how this section would come to players, and concluded that it would be much better if you put some slight arbitrary interpretations of the song, such as giving LN length difference ambiguously representing rhythms&pitch like,
01:49:440 (109440|1,109596|3) - this two piano LN should be normally place like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16989459/9f3b
They have same instrument/ same length but only here you make them with 1/6, it is inconsistent and no sense to me.
x w x
Yes, only this part is 1/6 snap. But it's his intention.
If you listen carefully 01:49:440 - , you can hear the fade-out background sound(amp sound?). And other parts have the background sound. So other parts are 1/2 and only this part is 1/6.
And this flow can let the player know that musical phrase is changing.
02:02:832 - 여기 02:02:910 - 음도있고 먼가 더 채워야될꺼같이 보이네여 https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/14016710/11a2 대충 요런식으로