00:07:254 (7,1) - simialr here too, i think a 1/1 slider would be better and just have the nc start on 00:07:921 (2) - https://puu.sh/FZwdO/9dbd303788.png
I would not like the first note of the bar to be neglected as a tick so i'm just going to keep mine
00:16:921 (5,6,7) - i think you could rework this rhythm as https://puu.sh/FZwbb/14d3ddef1e.png to follow the vocals would be better since rn there's a strong vocal landing on a slider end on 00:17:421 -
00:16:921 (5,6,7) - the synths in this measure sounds like x|x-x|x-x- and with the lyrics < in // with a tou- // -uch > the current representation works rather well for me
i agree with bibbity frogman, strong vocal on the sliderend feels rather underwhelming and i didnt quite get ur explanation so
generally vocals are grouped in a pair of 3 on the downbeat like shown here https://i.imgur.com/jWfT7js.png so moving the repeat 1/2 tick back would fit better and be consistent with stuff like 00:19:588 (4) -
I think the slider represents the vocals well enough, even though it seems like abbreviation when it's not really, as in a lot of sliders before that represents 1/2's so I'm just going to keep it as it is
00:39:588 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - not really a fan of all the loud vocals on slider ends, i think redoing this chain as https://puu.sh/FZwky/51c6f5d753.png would be much better so then on the loud vocals on 00:40:254 - you can make them active with circles and on 00:41:421 - you can have a circle here so it gets priority by being active
I feel like your suggested rhythm is too proactive especially in the first two notes, while mine is more preparative and less sudden for the players. and I don't necessarily think making one word in sliderend will heavily affect the playability or whatnot, because that's so common throughout the map with the 1/2 sliders, where they include or abbreviate two words in a single note. I still think the sentence is impactful enough and the rhythm seems good for me as it is
00:41:421 (5) - could def do a circle here followed by a slider on the downbeat, feels super weird to ignore it
00:41:421 (5,6) - maybe could use a rhythm similar to this https://i.imgur.com/QoDwKkF.png to represent the held vocals better
00:48:921 (5,6) - despite slider leniency i think this jump is quite big especially with the following jumps here 00:49:754 (7,8) - it can be super intense would be cool to nerf a little
00:53:254 (2,3) - imo i think flipping the repeat like https://puu.sh/FZwn2/ff1981f83b.png would be better as to me it feels like it follows the vocals a bit better
00:54:588 (5,6) - you should change up the rhythm to https://puu.sh/FZwoB/510a105960.png on this so then you can have the vocals on 00:54:754 - be clickable as they are pretty loud
01:14:254 (1,2,3) - i think this is a bit too hard for the players as its such a huge jump into the next object, would make it more consistent