pretty cool map
ah yes the 1st ranked sotarks map
where it all began
spent 400 attempts trying to fc the top diff ezdt and if I ever hear this song again im going to throw something
here to remind you if you still exist
still havent fced
first 3 mod SS at 3*
great song choice
Just found out this was sotarks first ranked map… guess you learn something new every day
ngl it's not that bad for being sotarks stained
a new legend was born "sotark's first ranked map"
love this
i played this one instead of the new one, what are you gonna do? call the cops?
this looks like anyone's first map in 2021
anyone's first map in any year that isn't before 2012 actually
This song is a bop and so is the map
unironically the best sotarks map
it all started here...
what the fuck is that cursed name
did you really just flex the fact that ur able to overstream 175 bpm
how is overstreaming 175 bpm a flex?
sotarks best mapper
i can't tell if this comment is salty that a sotarks map isn't a pp farm, or salty that it assumes every sotarks map is a pp farm without playing.
the one that started all the farming
the beginning of the end
Says the guy with the mp of Nisekoi as his avatar
when you see this your mind says''oh no''
This map is litty titty
Sotarks' 2nd DnB ranked maps when?
He ranked the same DnB song ://
first raked map of sotarks
Ahh, back before someone got PP hungry and his mapping went to sh!t.
bruh 2 of your top plays are cookie butter choco cookie DT
bro did a ratio on osu
1st ranked pogchamp
This is so nostalgic lmao
i love this map. its my first 50pp score))
love this map thank you
every one on the leader bored got ss
Just got my first 5 star FC from this map! :D Rest in peace my 99 acc choke....
normal diff is cancer
remove slider end
I love this song *-*
I was so close on getting an SS with Fl,HR,HD, and DT.......I am very disappointed
can't hear this without DJ Sharpnel ringing in my ears <:
I wonder what it says in the background?
My terrible Japanese can't even decipher such a simple phrase ;-;
I love this song :D
T mon Héros <3
Topkek <3
no full ver ? :<
nvm i found it :D