Madenew Flashlight Cursor due to the old one being unavailable on anymore. /// If this expires just PM me - I don't bite
The first one is the 100 radius. This is the 200 radius. LAST EDITED: 23/02/2020
No it doesn't break the game/won't get banned etc. It's simply a cursor that holds the 200+combo FL radius. So you edit the map you're flash-lighting and go straight to the 200th combo and delete everything behind it. Then you save that difficulty and play it with the cursor (with FL or not). I sometimes just play with the cursor all way through (as in combo 1 to end of song) cause I'm an idiot like that
I use HRNF adding the HD later on (if you can't FC without HD, then how the hell are you going to FC with it?). Using this cursor allows you to play without that annoying "Black-out" after every slider you click which makes things harder in terms of remembering the notes.
These 10 minutes are a few processes/procedures I did to successfully flashlight b/455220?m=0 No.1 (EDIT: #RIP #Shitaccuracy)
I made a total of 5 maps - all in which had different points. I used Halftime at some points. This is a very effective way to remembering notes.
It's constant grind/repetition after all this. Good luck!
Fanatic [Hard] player ^^ (HDHRDT AR 10.8 --- HDHRFL)
-Log- * 2013 > 23rd November > 10 December Inactivity * 2013 > 9th December - incorporated other skin elements from other users into mine * 2013 > 13th December - GOODBYE HD+HR (well, not completely)! DTing Hards! - first of the journey! * 2014 > Beginning January - doing AR10.8 hards! (DO YOU EVEN REACTION TIME?!) * 2014 > - Luffy-Kun xD * 2014 > doing some random DT clears on insanes xD * 2014 > 18th February - 50th in Aus! - Clarified that I'm the worst accuracy player lol. * 2014 > 24th March - Not farming rank anymore, too nub and not a lot of free time * 2014 > 14 May - Dragonforce, freedom dive, 10.3s, terror's 24/7 ^^ * 2014 > 4 October - doing jackshit; HDHRFL/HDHRDT [Hard]'s // Doing GFX + Mapping * 2014 > 5 November - SPAMMING HRHD ON INSANES! * 2014 > 10 December - Month Break * 2015 > 14 January - I'm back xD * 2015 > Feb 1 - Back to good ol' mouse. Aim is so shit atm lol. Thankfully I can still AR11. * 2015 > April - Learning EZ * 2015 > May 1 - I did it mofos! I CAN READ ALL ARSSSSSSSS * 2015 > June - Mapping, Playing EZ/DTHR; on and off #casual * 2015 > July 1 - Available on weekends only! #JOBHYPE #MISSYOUTHBUTIMNOTEVENOLDLOL * 2015 > September - Mapping again and Global Ranking DT Hards 260+ bpm * 2016 > April - Can officially play relatively okay to my Tablet performance * 2016 > August 1 - Playing better than my tablet years with Mouse now - will never FC s/39640 again doe. Fluked it hard. Fookin' squares. It's not even fast like wtf * 2016 > August 14 - DTing insanes again xD // Ar10.8 and ar11 practicing // EZ mode not so much atm * 2016 > October 28 - RIP "3 Years Ago" pp songs! * 2017 > February 21 - Casual Play * 2018 > Random Big Black & Image Material passes LEL !!! * 2019 > You can never truly quit this game no matter how much older you get LOLOL * 2020 > Quarter of a century. * 2021 > 27 yr old bloke on crack ar11 still playing weeb circles - mentality of an 18 yr old * 2022 > January - Sniped WWW #1 Global beatmaps/3336783?mode=osu
THANK YOU Seraphin and Lokra you sneaky bastards! - I LUV YOU!