19/09/2015+ Submitted
21/09/2015+ fixed SV and Offset as
Kuo Kyoka's timing check
+ added Hitsound to all difficulties
+ fix notechart as
ExKagii-'s mod and self mod
22/09/2015+ fix notechart as
Verniy_Chan and
Raediaufar's mod
+ added more tags
24/09/2015+ fix notechart as
Eternalie's mod
+ fixed BG file size and quality as
ExUsagi's BG
25/09/2015+fixed notechart as
Arviejhay's mod
26/09/2015+ fixed notecharts as
[Baim] and
MEGAtive's mod
27/09/2015+ fixed notechart as
ExUsagi's mod
+ fixed notechart as self mod
30/09/2015+ fixed notechart as self mod
02/10/2015+ fixed as
NlHIL's mod
+ fixed notechart as self mod
03/10/2015+ fixed notechart as
ExUsagi's mod (GRV-INF updated)
+ fixed notechart as self mod
04/10/2015+ fixed hitsound as
ExUsagi's mod
+ fixed notechart as self mod
05/10/2015+ fixed notechart as
Steins's mod
+ fixed notechart as self mod
06/10/2015+ fixed notechart as
NowSmart and
Kruzon's mod
07/10/2015+ fixed notechart as
Pharos21's mod
+ fixed notechart as self mod
11/10/2015+ fixed notechart as
Pyakura and
Kenny-sama's mod
+ fixed notechart as self mod
13/10/2015+ fixed notechart as
-Kamikaze-'s mod
14/10/2015+ fixed notechart as
ExUsagi's BN check at EXH (BN check still on proggress)
15/10/2015+ fixed hitsound and notechart as
ExUsagi's BN check (!!!BUBBLED!!!)
19/11/2015+ fixed notechart as
Expew's check
+BUBBLE popped because of update
20/11/2015+ fixed hitsound, notechart, and BG as
ExUsagi's BN check (!!!RE-BUBBLED!!!)
24/11/2015+ fixed notechart as
Blocko's BN check
27/11/2015+ fixed hitsound as
Blocko's BN check
29/11/2015+ QUALIFIED by
Blocko <3
05/12/2015+ DISQUALIFIED by
Starry+ Fixed as what the reason of the DQ
Starry+ Fixed as
ExUsagi's BN check