this is getting unranked due to a missnapped slider that seriously affects the playability: we will be back soon and sorry for the inconvenience edit: we're back but somehow the qualified timer reset (although bns & diffs didn't change). enjoy the extra 7 days edit2: extra 7 days have passed and its ranked again. enjoy the 100 diffs
The day was October 26 2024, it was the day that this abomination finally got ranked. I told myself: "Just get it over with", and start playing and SS'ing as many maps as I could in this set. To my surprise, I was actually doing okay on these diffs, I got some nice leaderboard scores in addition to the SS's I was farming. Then it happens, the nightmare begins. The set got unranked because of some error that should have been seen by the BN's. But what can 2 BN's do when faced with a mapset that has a ridiculous amount of difficulties? Nothing, that's what. So the set was unranked, and the "niche" minority of osu players; the ones who farm grades, score and leaderboards, had to play this atrocity of a mapset again. But the thing was that no matter how hard they tried, it was too much, after all when the played each difficulty for the first time, they expected it to be the last. Because no one in their right mind would want to play any one of these diffs more than thrice. But these "niche" osu players had determination, so they took all the courage they had left in stock, all the hatred they had built up, and played this horrifying mapset.
This is the story I wish to pass on to my brethren, so that they do not make the same mistake we did.
The day was October 26 2024, it was the day that this abomination finally got ranked. I told myself: "Just get it over with", and start playing and SS'ing as many maps as I could in this set. To my surprise, I was actually doing okay on these diffs, I got some nice leaderboard scores in addition to the SS's I was farming. Then it happens, the nightmare begins. The set got unranked because of some error that should have been seen by the BN's. But what can 2 BN's do when faced with a mapset that has a ridiculous amount of difficulties? Nothing, that's what. So the set was unranked, and the "niche" minority of osu players; the ones who farm grades, score and leaderboards, had to play this atrocity of a mapset again. But the thing was that no matter how hard they tried, it was too much, after all when the played each difficulty for the first time, they expected it to be the last. Because no one in their right mind would want to play any one of these diffs more than thrice. But these "niche" osu players had determination, so they took all the courage they had left in stock, all the hatred they had built up, and played this horrifying mapset.
This is the story I wish to pass on to my brethren, so that they do not make the same mistake we did.
Ryuusei Aika wanted to rank the map with the most diffs on osu, so he decided to have 99 guest difficulties to make the first rankes map with 100 diffs