Thank you Cheri. Some people seem to hate your beatmapping style but they just don't know what it means to have such a raw approach to greatness.
As for the Expert beatmap, I love the way the streams are packed together so that it forces me to listen to the song in a good way. Very nostalgic, this song is weird like that. Same for the background too.
If you play Osu for long enough, Camellia is vanilla. Camellia: here's some tech, wait for the buildup.. ok stream time! slider spam solo because this song is 6 minutes! Insert unnecessary death stream here.
DISCLAIMER: I do not dislike Cheri as a person nor do I have any distaste for her artwork itself. This is about separating her abilities as a mapper along with her unique position and prestige in the mapping community from the actual person behind the screen. I do not appreciate and even condemn people personally attacking Cheri for anything she has done in osu! or anything online for that mapper. I'm pointing out that she has the potential to make great maps and have clearly seen it in her newly ranked Kinpu 'Forbidden Game'. With that said, I found this map to be uniquely poorly designed and have written this for the purpose of constructive criticism.
Gonna take a hard pass on this map, as it's somehow worse than furioso melodia.
Unnecessary stacking, tacky and gimmicky aesthetics, and unpleasant cursor movement are littered throughout this map. Just because it's different and unique doesn't make it inherently good, and it's rather self-evident that Cheri has learned nothing from her previous criticisms, if anything, she has embraced them.
Once again, no structure is used throughout the map aside from it being chaotic in both slider angle direction and rhythm choices.
Example 1 - 00:30:165 (1) - This curved slider is used to begin the rhythm, however in the next measure 00:31:365 (1) - this anchored slider is used which is neither symmetrical nor consistent; meanwhile the slider after that 00:32:565 (1) - this double anchored slider is used, and then finally ending off with this 00:34:365 (1) - wave slider to top it all off. A reminder that she's mapping to the exact same sounds.
Example 2 - 01:43:365 (1,2,3,4) - This is just simply unreadable from a gameplay standpoint and is more reminiscent of 2010-2011 mapping when standards for rankability were much lower thanks to the meta simply being lower and am disappointed that were wasn't an alternative for object placement. Overall the pixel imperfect stacking is something best left out of the tech mapping genre.
Example 3 - 00:26:715 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - The spacing in this is inconsistent at best which is fine, except Cheri uses a diagonal linear straight-line right into the next measure which defeats the purpose of the concept she was trying to present in the earlier measure.
This is very much the quintessential example of where and how sight-reading can go wrong when mapping. I'd be very much curious as to who is the target audience of her maps is. I've heard before that she has playtesters, however, I'm hard-pressed to figure out who these playtesters are and how well they play these Cheri maps.
As far as the background is concerned, Monstrata's take on the matter sums it up rather poignantly, but I will add that this choice seems a bit narcissistic and tasteless. Cheri is more than capable of self-promoting her own artwork without cramming it into her mapping leaving out room for artists who deserve to be followed and do great work outside of the osu! community.
Final note: The reason I'm commenting this publically instead of putting it the discussion tab is that Cheri has an instinctual habit of self-sabotaging feedback that are meant to improve her maps. Any criticism made by an outsider will always be in vain. This is because her first avenue is always taking it to Discord DM's and fleshing out massive negotiations and compromises when none would have been necessary had she simply adopt a new perspective on criticism and adapt her mapping style throughout the distinctively different genres she has mapped from Linked Horizon to RD-Sounds.
.-. if you actually think i am self-sabotaging feedback did you even try to do some research? Majority of people who modded my maps take it in the modding page including friends. You can even look in threads like shiten and furioso for that. If people want to talk it out in dms they can, but majority of the time the best simply is the modding discussion to reply to these things especially if i was a mapper who turned off the ability to be notify of comments because in that case I wouldn't see a single one until after the fact it gets rank, leaving you feedback to be futile.
Luckily the map is still in qualify so you still have plenty of time to post in the modding discussion but I can respond here in a sec as this isn't the first time I responded to a comment section mod (which once again furioso I did this so stop talking about sabotaging non-sense ^^;)
Now before I have to actually respond to what you say, the reason for drawing a background is because fa cannot take license backgrounds, it has been establish before that it is better to draw your own bg then to search for many hours for not only a background that fits the song, but also licenses free or take a stock image
Even the official art for this song in particular I cannot even used even if I wanted to in this case as it is license to the rhythm game it came from.
There is nothing wrong with making a background with my art simply because of those reasons above and there is def nothing wrong for self-promoting especially when it just putting in more effort within a mapset to show how much I truly care about it rather than to take a random anime girl background that doesn't even fit the song majority of the time.
00:30:165 (1) - Majority of the sliders is pretty consistent if ya ask me
For the most part the wub sounds go in different intensity throughout this section
00:30:165 (1) - 00:34:965 (1) - 00:37:365 (1) - 00:39:765 (1) - 00:43:365 (1) - this is usually the same intensity or happens at the start of each section around here
00:32:565 (1) - 00:42:165 (1) - this is has a different intensity and it simply does sounds different from the wub sounds I used with the curve sliders so I choose to use either an angle slider or a straight slider depend on which would play better around stream
00:34:365 (1) - this does more of a wush sound so using either of the sliders above wouldn't fit at all. There is a lot more thought than you think behind sliders and they are def consistent id say.
01:43:365 (1,2,3,4) - This is something that is fairly readable and if you didn't really get the idea of the mapping it focus around with a lot of finger control and readability, and shouldn't be too shocking in this case to have pattern like this involves challenging the player skills to read especially at higher levels where the player should have a kin eye of simply looking at the approach circles
00:26:715 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - i'm actually really unsure where you are even getting at with this one and how I am throwing my concept out of the window ^^;
it just simply 00:25:365 - start is easier due to the angle it is regardless of the slightly higher spacing
00:26:715 - then transitions to a linear pattern with lower spacing but it just straight up simply harder than the previous pattern to aim especially with how the triple is arrange to transition to another linear slider but higher spacing to fit along with the build up and going back to the angle pattern before, would actually be easier to play than the pattern that I have right here, defeating the purpose of the build up and it would just simply not fit song wise
There is nothing of me trying to be unique or using stacking gimmicks to show that off, this actually is simply the mapping style that I have with plenty of other maps so if anything this map is just simply using an establish thing that I have been using throughout other maps but using hopefully more efficently and better fitting for the song at hand.
and also this map with the pattern choices is simply not suppose to be easy to sightread and I don't think a map always has to fyi and as far as testplayers, I had ask plenty around the range of 3 digit to 4 digit range for this map in particular and one of them around your rank for instances, almost fc it first try
This map utilizes unique patterns and movements that are unlike the vast majority of other ranked maps. I enjoyed it.
Of course, the most important thing is whether or not this is twerkable. I would have to say it's a 5/10 in terms of twerk rating. There is a pretty dank beat that I can get my butt jumping to, but, there aren't any lyrics which dehumanizes this song.