Satou Matsuzaka is a 15 year old who was given misinformation about love at a very young age. She spent most of her teenage life messing around with random guys trying to find "the one." Eventually she runs into an 8 year old girl Shio Koube who she finds to be the purest of all beings and chooses to invest all of her time and love into protecting this little girl. She will do anything it takes for them to achieve their "Happy Sugar Life." Anything...
basically it's a psychological deconstruction of what love is and how its meaning varies from person to person. it chooses to portray some of the darkest forms of love imaginable which is why its heavily hated and definitely not for everyone. dont watch it if you cant handle psychologically scarring themes.
Kira can be used as a Japanese name, but it isn't actually a Japanese word. The closest is "kirakira", which means "shining" or "glittering". "Kira" is just the transliteration of the English word "killer", not a direct translation (and technically it should end in a double A).