[MTDex's Ultimate Abuse] [MeovvvCAT's Pokedex #34] [PERFECT NWOFFLE] [100% JESUS] [Nifty's why do spinners] [Sur's EZ PP] [Ozzy's Tutorial] [davidminh's RIP fingers ] ^Difficulties listed above were exempt of leaderboards after being judged as unfitting by the Loved Captains^
The fundamental difference between ppmapping™ and goodmapping™ is that ppmapping™ is about who has produced it, whereas goodmapping™ depends on who's judging it.
Of course there are standards of goodmapping™ that which is seen as "traditionally" well made. The game changers are those who saw traditional standards of goodmapping™ and decided specifically to go against them, perhaps just to prove a point. Take Axer™, hikikochan™, Backfire™, _yu68™ to name just four. They have made a stand against these norms in their ppmapping™. Otherwise their ppmapping™ is like all other ppmapping™: its only function is to be played, appraised, and understood (or not).
ppmapping™ is a means to state an idea or a feeling, or else to create a different view of the game, whether it be inspired by the maps of other people or something invented that's entirely new.
goodmapping™ is whatever aspect of that or anything else that makes an individual feel positive about a map. goodmapping™ alone is not ppmapping™, but ppmapping™ can be made of, about or for goodmaps™.
goodmapping™ can be found in a midtempo electronic song: ppmapping™ is the enhancement of it directed towards players' hearts, the best interpretation of it featured in players' top ranks, or the goals settled for anyone willing to be three, or even two digits.
However, ppmapping™ is not necessarily positive: it can be deliberately bad or displeasing: it can make you think about or consider things that you would rather not because they go against your ethics. But if it gives lots of pp to you, then it is ppmapping™.
======================================================= [osu!taiko] 8.77* - by Axer/hikikochan/_yu68/Backfire (mash-up of their original diffs) (This diff was featured as Extra pick in LMS: Shift Cup semi finals map pool.) ======================================================= ☆ [Kantan/Futsuu/Muzukashii/Oni/DREAM] 1.91*/2.91*/3.76*/4.73*/6.99* - by ARGENTINE DREAM =======================================================
(In descending SR order) [EZ PP (yes')not only for pro and (no) lag user] 57.95* - by Surono [normal stream map] 13.48* - by Alchyr [why do spinners] 12.50 - by Nifty [Actual TL] 10.17* - by Brames [54] 12.33* - by Consified [Why Did I Map This?] 10.08* - by Lno [ow pepo arruma ai na moral ] 9.80* - by Skull Kid [100% Jesus] 9.77* - by Brasil [Really Fresh Oni] 9.56* - by Kqrth [Luscious Oni] 9.46* - by Trapmaniac [pp 4 us] 9.41* - by Ppus [Monosugoi Kebab Shop de Zigizigi ga Monosugoi Mappu] 9.34* - by zigizigiefe [PERFECT NWOFFLE] 9.30* - by Nwolf [Questionable Rhythm Choices] 9.29* - by -Kazu- [TL BEATING ONI] 9.25* - by Idealism [babysnakes] 9.25* - by babysnakes [vrnl] 9.18* - by Astolfo(vrnl) [FOR A HAPPIER yea] 9.13 - by yea [Jarvis Style] 9.11* - by JarvisGaming [ONiOn] 9.08* - by [_Chichinya_] [Inner PPenguins] 9.06* - by [Poii] [Ultra PP Monster] 9.00 - by HiroK [ULTIMATE FIX TAIKO STAR RATING ONI] 8.91* - by _DUSK_ [World Tour] 8.87* - by Axer [Nishit] 8.87* - by Nishizumi [xd] 8.87* - by Ulqui [Inner OwOni] 8.86 - by Coryn [Free PP] 8.83* - by Faputa [rankeble pp] 8.72* - by Rhytoly [Expert] 8.61* - by dudetm [Pokedex #034] 8.57* - by MeovvCAT [Extra] 8.56* - by JhowM [can't farm pp anymore] 8.54* - by gaston_2199 [kBLUDOH] 8.52* - by Kbludoh [Definitely Most Reasonable Difficulty] 8.51* - by Blackener [Ultimate 1/6 & 1/8 abuse] 8.48* - by MTDex [actually the only fcable 8* diff] 8.32* - by Kuron [taiko tutorial] 8.31* - by Tyistiana [3x] 8.23* - by xtrem3x [gh] 8.23* - by ghm12 [RIP fingers] 8.01* - by davidminh0111 [diff but I never used doubles before] 6.96* - by ASPIRIN [Plea] 6.63* - by Whats Skill [Return Ace] 6.48* - by MetalStream [1/8 is ok, don't abuse 1/4+1/6 streams, big thancc] 6.16* - by whosthebox [Boogie] 5.86* - by Grimbow [Perfectly balanced. As all things should be.] 5.30* - by duski [Tutorial] 5.17* - by OzzyOzrock [not inflated SR] 5.09* - by Foxerus [Inner Oni] 4.75* - by Endymion [begging for a difficulty FOR LIKE A MONTH REEEE] 1.90*- by Vulkin [Extremely Kantan/Very Kantan/Light Kantan] 0.53*/0.93*/1.29* - by -GN Junior
it's actually not a song but kind of mix which contains Cycle Hit, Slash Dot Slash, ESTI and D(ABE3). all of them you can easily find on the betmaps listing