No offense, but this shouldn't be ranked imo, even though this goes for a lot of maps that are or were ranked in 2k18. SV changes and Alternater maps everywhere now because apparently this is the cool thing to do now?
Way too many shifts in SV make this aids to play. You have up to 7 different slider velocities over the course of just 3 seconds and nothing is more unfun than losing slidertails because the mapper thought I'd be supercool to randomly assign a SV to each new slider.
When you see the bar being a forest in the editor you know it's gonna be bad.
I couldn't quit midway in either because you can't rate maps unless you finish them, and I need the ranked score. :(
hmm...well...thanks for expressing your opinion to me, though I can't take it as a suggestion, and seems you seriously make the discussion, then let me seriously respond to you.
I not feel cool to do the SV change. In my view, I add them to follow the vocal or the instrument. In other hands, I'm not randomly add the SV change to map it, though you not think so. I only can say why do there use the SV change? All of them were given from the song's feeling, just you can't see them...
And... why did you think it's unrankable? Could you give a "objective" reason to me? It's a subjective opinion that the SV just quickly changes fast or slow in your eyes, this is like reply "remap plz because of your map style" as a useless suggestion. If you feel bad from this discussion, I apologize, but I also not feel good from your discussion...
However, I admit the jump of distances aren't consistent, lol.
I'm sure there is some kind of musical reasoning behind the SV changes, but it's just the constant feel of anxiety while playing this map because it feels unpredictable to play when you can't be too sure on how long you have to hold down or have to be careful not too overshoot with your aim, which is my problem in general with maps that make heavy use of SV.
It would maybe feel fine if it wasn't for the constant high pressure of the map already (you mentioned the distance yourself) on top of the large use of SV.
I mean if that's your style then go for it, a lot of people seem to like it, but I just don't. D: