
angela - Spiral (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 12 lutego 2010 at 15:47:48

Artist: angela
Title: Spiral (TV Size)
Source: Asura Cryin'
Tags: opening
BPM: 151
Filesize: 13533kb
Play Time: 01:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2,57 stars, 83 notes)
  2. Hard (4,85 stars, 165 notes)
  3. Normal (4,16 stars, 133 notes)
Download: angela - Spiral (TV Size)
Download: angela - Spiral (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
4th beatmap. Asura Cryin' OP.
Last edited: 12 February 10

Please redownload this beatmap if you downloaded it before 31 January 2010!
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
Thanks, fixed.
Okay, first off, timing is wrong. These are some drastic timing changes I am proposing. Take them as you will.

1) Delete the second timing section. Change the first timing section's offset to 6,930 and BPM to 150.00. Do this for all difficulties. You may need to resnap notes, so be sure you go over the song a few times and make sure everything is correctly snapped where it belongs.

Other things may not sound correctly, such as 00:15:85 (5) - on normal. This is why it is crucial that you time a song correctly before you map it.

I'm not going to get much into this until the timing is correct. But meanwhile, I will add that Kiai time feels abused. Way too long.

And once again. Take it as you may. The timings I provided sound correct to me. I am not saying they ARE correct.
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(Now) timing is good. I think that BPM 151 is much better than 150 (I checked also ranked version of "spiral" by Kyoukyou and BPM of that beatmap is 151 too).
And kiai time is now shorter.
You still need to change offset to 6,930 like EiJi said (then resnap all notes) atm its 6482
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But why? when i do this, the beatmap is completely bad...!
I didnt personally check offset I just believe Eiji as a person that knows what he is talking about lol

make sure to click resnap all notes under timing when u do it?
if it still sounds bad to you then ignore offset comment :P

Polaris03 wrote:

But why? when i do this, the beatmap is completely bad...!
It sounds bad because you made a beatmap to an incorrectly timed song. As a result, when it is timed correctly, lots of work (well, not really...) needs to go into it to make sure everything is where it needs to be. And clicking resnap is not enough. Make sure you go through the song and verify that everything is where it belongs.
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Ok, I changed offset. I hope the beatmap is good now...
Te spiny mnie wykończą. :?
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what now?!
You should set a preview point somewhere (Timing > Set Current Position as Preview). A good spot would be around 00:31:96

00:57:79 (1) - Might be too short for an easy difficulty. Also, having a note right after a spinner might be too hard as well.

00:51:43 (2) - New Combo

00:52:62 (1) - Get rid of this note
01:24:21 (1) - This spinner might be unrankable (Auto Play can't get 2000 on it)

Good map though ^^
01:13:08 (3) - Remove this note? Maybe extend the slider before it.
01:16:26 (3) - Remove this note? Maybe extend the slider before it.

00:53:82 (6) - Feels off, but I don't think it actually is.

00:55:40 (3) - Remove this note?

Topic Starter
Fixed! :)

BPM: 151,00 - Offset: 6.936 (Remember to resnap all notes.)


Seems Normal.

00:48:026 (2) - New combo.
00:51:043 (1) - A note after spinner is too hard for an easy map.
00:51:043 (1,2) - Resnap these notes.
00:52:082 (3,4,5,6) - Too hard for an easy map.
01:26:090 (1) - Sounds bad.


Seems Hard.

00:06:053 (1) - You have a note before the offset here.
01:03:075 (5) - New combo.


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Nice song <3

stared :D

uh...and an advice. 0.0

I think the hitsound are a little noisy. XD
maybe change them to 50~60% will be better. :)

ah, and this just an advice. If you don't want to change it, that's ok~
Topic Starter
You're right, thanks!
I like it!
Good beatmap, my friend!
Ale i tak dobra. :D

00:15:876 [5]one tiny square to the left D:
00:36:737 [1,2] i don't think this combo is necassary but whatever ~
00:50:247 [1] slider should end at the white tick ~

00:50:247 [1] too clooose >_<

00:56:008 [3]new combo?
00:57:598 [1]this should start at 00:57:796 and end at 00:58:591

Star ~
Topic Starter
Fixed!!! :D
00:50:247 (1,2,1) - unsnapped
01:24:816 (1,2,3,1) - ^

00:15:876 (5) - new combo
00:17:465 (1) - add hitfinish, remove clap
00:47:068 (1) - start on 00:46:571 (optional)

00:47:068 (1) - start on 00:46:571 (optional)
00:55:412 (3) - move 1/2 right
00:57:598 (1) - start on right white tick
01:23:972 (1) - unsnapped, add hitfinish


1) Tags?

00:34:154 (x) - Add note?
00:40:909 (x) - ^

00:34:154 (x) - Add note?

Topic Starter
Ok, thanks :)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
OK beatmap

Make sure the Kiai Times are aligned to the ticks

I don't like the way you used claps, they don't go very well with the music
For example, at 00:35:147 (1,2,3,4) they don't sound very good the way the first on is on a red tick and then the rest are on white ticks.

Sometimes you have lots of finish in one section and then lots of clap in another section, try to balance them out some more.

00:40:313 (6) - Usually you shouldn't have finish on both the start and end of a slider, I don't think that sounds good here.
01:01:571 (4) - ^
01:02:565 (3) - ^, double click one end and remove it
01:25:412 (1,2) - Delete finish from 1? Two finishes 1/2 apart sound bad

Also you have two empty .osb's which you don't need in your song folder. One of them probably came from a song rename comfusing osu!, so delete both of them and full resubmit.
The circle on the centre of the spinner should be exactly centred (align tool to help you)

Just a note that hitsounds are often doesn't fit if they are in a row

00:35:147 (1) - (looks) too close. I know it is correct with the distance snap but still...
00:36:737 (1) - ...... I think you should increase your distance snap since other notes are on different spacing like (down) 00:33:558 (1,2,3,4) - this...
I would note the same as [Hard] too. This diff needs the spacing to be equalize as I noted above

Looks good

Nicely done
As your request. Sorry for the delay.

Read this first for the icon explanation.
- [?] Asking for the second thought.
- [!] Fatal error. You have to fix this for sure.
- [No icon] Only a suggestion.

1. Turn the volume down a bit.
2. 00:06:538 to 00:16:472 - Make the sound soft.

The distance snaping is set to 0.8x, right? But why there are so many spacing error?
00:06:936 (2) - Add finish at the beginning.
00:15:876 (5) - Add clap at the beginning.
00:16:472 (1) - Go backward one 1/2 tick. Extend one 1/2 tick.
00:50:247 (1) - No jump for an easy diff.

00:06:936 (2) - Add finish at the beginning.

00:06:538 (1) - Add finish at the end.


00:39:121 (2) - Align this with the other notes :P

Nice map, have a star!

Generally, I think there are many Finishes in the kiai point,
and I think thats little noisy~

  • 00:44:286 (5) Finish
  • 00:17:465 (1) Hit sound none
  • 00:57:200 (x) add note
    How about kiai Flash in 00:59:386?
Fine enough
Starred :)
Topic Starter
I think all is fixed! ;)
The video and the BG are ugly. o_o
Please download these new media:



Overall: No major problems found. Hitsounds seems a little random in some parts. Download the file .osu at the end of the post.

00:06:538 (1,2,3,4) Ulgy position. Try something like that?

00:15:876 (5) Move it 2/4 next and then also the next spinner?

Overall Rating: 8,5/10


Overall: As above, no problems found.

00:56:008 (5) Add othe 2 repeats
00:57:796 (1) A litte "hard" for a normal difficulty. Move it back of 2/4, and then longer of 1/1 (and delete the hitcircle at 00:58:988, which coincides with the spinner's end)

Overall Rating: 8,5/10


Overall: Nice difficulty. I can't found nothing of really wrong XD

00:55:412 (3) It doesn't follow the rythm. Try to move it 1/2 next?

Overall Rating: 9/10

Download: angela - Spiral (TV Size) (Polaris03) [Easy].osu
Topic Starter
Thank you, Armin! :D
Hiya! (EPIC SKIN!)

00:15:280 - (4) Take clap off the start of this slider, but have a clap on the end of the slider

Looks fine

Also looks fine

Topic Starter
Thanks ;)
Nice, apart from background that was broken, no problems, Star.

Tell people to re download ( date the new media was uploaded )

00:15:876 (5) - New Combo?
01:16:273 (5) - New combo?
Topic Starter


-- End the kiai at the end with an inheriting section.


00:08:128 (3) - Remove clap.
00:09:717 (1) - ^ add it to the second return (red tick)
00:11:306 (4) - ^
00:13:094 (2) - Remove clap from the start.
00:13:690 (3) - Remove clap
00:13:889 (4) - Add clap.
00:15:280 (8) - Remove clap.
00:15:479 (9) - Add clap.
00:41:505 (1) - Remove clap from red tick.
00:42:498 (3) - Remove clap.
00:56:008 (5) - Remove some of the claps here, clap of returns doesnt sound good.
00:59:386 (1) - A finish is more appropriate here.
01:01:373 (5) - Move to white tick?
01:02:167 (1) - Remove clap from the start
01:08:326 (1,2) - Plays a little weird (slight jumps), maybe 4 returns?
01:10:313 (7) - Kill clap.
01:13:492 (4) - Sounds slightly weird maybe move to the next white tick?
01:27:399 (2,3,4) - Stack this, these slight jumps are a bit odd...
-- End the kiai at the end with an inheriting section.

Wow almost exclusively hitsounds.. and I never mod hitsounds lol. But those claps started to hurt my ears.


00:51:836 (3) - No clap.
00:52:631 (x) - Note?
00:52:830 (1,2,3,4) - Use the pattern of the last set of notes, all of these should not be clap.
00:56:008 (1,2,3) - Reduce the claps here.
00:59:585 (3) - No clap.
01:00:777 (2) - ^
01:02:366 (2) - ^
01:03:955 (2) - ^
01:05:346 (1) - ^ 2nd return.
01:06:141 (3) - ^
01:07:730 (4) - ^
etc etc...

Actually I'm not too bothered where you remove the claps so long as you reduce some of them (finding a consistent pattern would help ^^), a 1 min 30 sec song should not consist of 60-70% clapping, at least in my opinion.

That's all lol.

~ Star.
It's a bit confusing when the hircircle's edges aren't the same as the approach circle. However, I tried making a custom hitcircle from the hitcircleoverlay, but, fail :(

Oh well, not a big thing anyway.

00:54:618 (5) - New Combo.
00:59:386 (2) - ^

00:56:008 (1) - No New Combo.
00:58:988 (1) - ^

A bit Hard for Normal, but okay.

It's a bit confusing when the hircircle's edges aren't the same as the approach circle.

00:58:988 (1,2) - swap new combos
01:26:952 (1) - remove new combo

00:40:313 (6) - symmetry
00:43:492 (3) - ^
Topic Starter
Thanks, this beatmap really sounded bad, but now is much better. I don't know how I could give so many claps there. ^^'
Circle size: Large?
Excepting too much clap hitsounds, I see no severe issues.

00:34:353 (5,1) - Spacing.
00:35:942 (3,1) - ^

[00:59:386] - Start kiai here.

Lovely skin.
Good job.
Capitalize the artist name
That spinner make me dizzy @.@

increase the HP drain one tick
increase the overall diff one tick
00:32:267 - this timing section is doing nothing
00:44:982 - same
00:45:677 (4) - i suggest to shorten half beat and add note here 00:46:273 -
00:51:637 (2) - remove maybe?
00:52:631 (1) - same
00:54:618 (2,3,1) - a wrong spacing here
00:57:598 - this timing section is doing nothing
01:04:949 (1) - remove new combo
01:24:717 - this timing section is doing nothing
check the timing section in the other difficulties too

01:24:816 (1,2,3,4) - space this combo evenly

make circle size larger, just suggesting

Topic Starter
Really love the song and the skin :)

Can I do a diff? :D

EDIT: I've done it, in the end :P
Add it, if you want :D

Download: angela - Spiral (TV Size) (Polaris03) [Kuro Insane].osu
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