
Matsumoto Tamaki - Tenshi Teki Kenpou Yonjou

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Topic Starter
Only fix 00:09:925 (4) - make a jump here
Thx for your modding and star XD
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ KayeSara ~ :)

Mod time for PM - In game ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Don't forgot Delete OSB file.
  2. Open ERT's Normal diff test file : SliderMultiplier:0.999999999999999.
    Need fixed this error,change 1 it's ok.
  3. Oh,you are missing BG size it's 1024*768 (your size 1024*767).


  1. 00:24:586 (8) - Add new combo,vocal start to here.
  2. 00:33:817 - Add finish and Remove whistle.
  3. 00:52:278 (1,2,3) - You can add some note like this.
  4. 00:55:278 - like this.
  5. 00:55:971 (1) - Add finish and Remove whistle.
  6. 00:57:817 (5) - Add new combo,vocal start to here.
  7. 01:01:509 (7) - ^
  8. 01:06:471 - Add note will be better.
  9. 01:10:740 (1) - Add finish and Remove whistle.
  10. 01:18:125 - Add finish.
  11. 01:40:278 - ^
  12. 01:47:663 - ^
  13. 01:54:355 - Same as 00:55:278.
  14. 01:55:048 (1,2,3) - Same as 00:52:278.
  15. 02:30:124 (1,2,3) - ^
  16. 02:48:586 (1,2,3) - ^
  17. 02:00:586 (5) - Add new combo.
  18. 02:04:278 (5) - ^
  19. 02:13:048 - Add break time to here.
  20. 02:15:355 - Add finish.
  21. 02:38:201 (3) - Try move to here X:351 Y:111.
  22. 02:41:201 - Add finish.
  23. 02:57:817 (7) - Add new combo.
  24. 02:59:663 - Add finish and Remove whistle.
  25. 03:07:048 (9) - Add new combo,because this is a separate sound.

[ERT's Normal]

  1. AR+1 will be fun with me.
  2. 00:51:355 (5) - This sounds 1/2 will be better.
  3. 02:29:201 (3,4) - ^

That's all ~

Really Kawaii song and nice mapset ~ wo ai ni ~

Please accept my star ( My heart ) >///<

Good luck ~
mod 4 mod here

slider tick 真的真的需要 2 现在巨长slider没有tick有点闷
00:08:201 (2) - 一进来的印象啊。。建议删去match vocal,效果更佳?这个note感觉是多余的
00:09:124 (4) - 不加音效吗
00:16:048 (3) - 删了whistle
00:19:048 (1) - 删了whistle
00:33:586 (6,1) - 这两个还是建议用之前的antijump...更愉快
00:35:663 (1,2,3,4) - 不闷吗。。声量总可以调一调吧?
00:38:894 (x) - 这里有一个很天然的clap 声。。。不map有点可惜,建议用跳note
00:40:740 (x) - ^
00:47:663 (9) - 这个建议缩短一半(先跟vocal)然后加note,跳了他?
01:02:663 (x) - 红白线加note?前面只有一个note纳闷
01:17:201 (3) - 尾巴whistle
01:28:278 (6) - 那个弧度可以更好点
01:38:663 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 建议用星星pattern,可以重复使用不打紧
01:46:278 (2) - 两个巨长slider一起有点别扭。。?不如这个缩短一半,加note
01:48:355 (2,3,4) - spacing不舒服
02:13:509 (1) - 加spinner吧?建议end在214894
02:15:355 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 挺闷的。。造成这首歌听起来有6分钟之长
02:30:124 (1,2,3) - 每一个‘我爱你’都用同一种pattern吗。。
02:50:432 (3) - 建议kiai在这里结束?
02:58:740 (9) - 后面红白线加note orz


00:14:894 (4) - 加note
00:24:125 (2) - 不clap吗?
00:27:817 (2) - ^
00:31:971 (3) - head finish跟前面一样。。
00:38:894 (2) - 个人觉得这种slider最好在大白线start 后面还有不吐槽了
01:56:894 (3,4) - 这里节奏怪怪的?考虑换一下
02:18:124 (3) - 随便加个音效吧
02:52:278 (3) - 调大声吧。。。

晕了 +7

Beren wrote:

难度跨度有点大 中间加个等级? 是Kaye的錯(被打

00:28:265 (3) - 删除finish Done
00:31:958 (3) - 改成来回折中间放clap X
01:54:573 (X) - 加note,clap Done
02:13:612 (1) - 从02:13:496开始? X
02:17:188 (2) - finish违和 刪掉
02:19:035 (1) - ^ 刪掉
02:20:881 (3) - ^ 刪掉

Kawayi Rika wrote:

[ERT's Normal]

  1. AR+1 will be fun with me.
  2. 00:51:355 (5) - This sounds 1/2 will be better. [/color]
  3. 02:29:201 (3,4) - ^

L_P wrote:

00:14:894 (4) - 加note Done
00:24:125 (2) - 不clap吗? Done
00:27:817 (2) - ^ Done
00:31:971 (3) - head finish跟前面一样。。 Done
00:38:894 (2) - 个人觉得这种slider最好在大白线start 后面还有不吐槽了 我也很少用Slider帶過長白線,不過我覺得這個情況是適合
01:56:894 (3,4) - 这里节奏怪怪的?考虑换一下 還可以吧(??)
02:18:124 (3) - 随便加个音效吧 Done
02:52:278 (3) - 调大声吧。。。 Done
謝謝Mod :)

Download: Matsumoto Tamaki - Tenshi Teki Kenpou Yonjou (KayeSara) [ERT's Normal].osu

00:16:048 (3) - 感觉远- -
00:32:894 (3) - 打的时候当成四分拍了..稍微摆远一点?
01:52:278 (2) - 距离很短,靠的好近0 0把(1)顺时针转45度?
01:55:048 - 和前面一段一样的,打的有点腻了- -
02:03:125 (2,3) - 我的理解是把(3)放到现在(2)的位置,(2)和上一个重叠
02:07:048 (3) - 放到和(2,4)一条线上?(5)类似?感觉会好看一点- -
02:10:048 (2) - 改半拍滑条送点分吧(拍
02:20:663 - 想加个圈,放在下一个滑条开头边上
02:21:817 (4) - 感觉一拍滑条好一点- -
02:58:740 (1) - 作为开头把下一个滑条形状复制下来转一下?我的感觉是句子中间的空隙现在已经可以不用了
03:08:894 (7) - 已经有形状了吗- -感觉跳一下,懒得换就算了

01:09:355 - 感觉break长(不知道新手是不是这么想...
不知道说什么了- -

Topic Starter
谢谢modding和star 基本都改了XD
谢谢妹妹的star XD
:D 来看看哥哥的图

[ERT's Normal]
00.41.201 (1) 往右一格会更好看

00.24.586 (8) 弯的不够漂亮,再调整一下
00.54.125 (3) 我觉得和12做成等腰三角形比较好看呢
01.31.971 (4) 应该再放到右边一小格【level 3的小格
03.04.740 (4) 也是形状不太对

Topic Starter

eikkaleyd wrote:

:D 来看看哥哥的图

[ERT's Normal]
00.41.201 (1) 往右一格会更好看

00.24.586 (8) 弯的不够漂亮,再调整一下
00.54.125 (3) 我觉得和12做成等腰三角形比较好看呢
01.31.971 (4) 应该再放到右边一小格【level 3的小格
03.04.740 (4) 也是形状不太对

谢谢妹妹modding XD 都改了XD
打起来很舒服 没有什么大问题


eikkaleyd wrote:

:D 来看看哥哥的图

[ERT's Normal]
00.41.201 (1) 往右一格会更好看 Doen
謝謝 eikkaleyd :)

KayeSara wrote:

谢谢妹妹modding XD 都改了XD

Download: Matsumoto Tamaki - Tenshi Teki Kenpou Yonjou (KayeSara) [ERT's Normal].osu
液hentai(我这电脑有点问题……所以缺不少工具还有别的东西 mod质量可能会有差=_=

我觉得soft-hit的音量有点太低了 打击感不足 强烈建议可以考虑提高音量或者选一个更有打击感的hit?

letterbox不选上么? 又没有sb什么的(囧了前面香蕉让拿掉的letterbox么

diff spread什么的 我懂你的 液

02:22:740 (1) - 这kiai线有2条重叠了 删一个

Beatmap design/suggestion
00:50:432 (3,4) - 这里依然还是跟前面2个一样红线有vocal的 用2个白线note就很奇怪
02:27:355 (1) - 这newcombo没啥意义吧

00:15:355 (1) - 这里我觉得并不适合finish 去掉finish可能会更好 MP3里虽然鼓声有一点 但是finish还是会显得突兀 当然这只是建议(其实finish加的位置并没什么不好 但是相比hit的音量的话.. 就建议finish都单独下绿线减一下音量吧 要不反差大了点
00:19:048 (1) - ^
00:19:048 (1) - 除了那个finish 我觉得转折的箭头上加clap可能会比whistle好 因为个人感觉clap到whistle音量不同 会有一个过渡的感觉
00:24:586 (3) - 这里与其空着开头 或者可以考虑加个whistle 不加的话还是觉得空了点 单加3还是加34就是见仁见智了 不加也没什么不可以
00:51:355 (5) - 如果是我可能会考虑slider头消音 效果感觉还不坏
后面跟前面基本一样 就不重复了 hitsound都是建议 可尽情无视

节奏也不是很密集 所以还是建议掉血-1吧 OD可以+1

Beatmap design/suggestion
00:32:894 (3) - 最好这里newcombo一下 有助于读图
00:38:894 (X) - 像这里的红线MP3里面有拍手声 所以我觉得这里加一个note很适合(而且后面有很多跟这一样的地方 不加当然也可以 只是建议下
02:15:355 (1) - 从这开始到02:20:432 (4) - 同上了 那MP3里面那几个拍手声吧 我觉得稍微跟着那里加一下节奏应该比现在这样一个白线一个note更好 这一个白线一个note的方法太单调了 而且也不fit 因为vocal也不是跟你现在这节奏走的
03:08:894 (7) - 这之后很适合一个spinner吧 又何必在这里结束 又不像normal结束的那么早

00:14:432 (10) - hit声音太小 finish声音太大..反差太大了 插线单独弄下finish的音量吧
00:20:894 (1,2,3,4,5) - 像这里的几个whistle还有finish 我觉得特别浑浊不清 听起来很别扭 所以有个建议吧 反正你SC2是空着的 弄个静音的hit做soft-hitnormal2 然后再听这里的whistle 我个人感觉要强太多了 然后就是我觉得第五个note放whistle要强过finish。。
00:23:201 (3,6) - 这2个normal hit音量有点大啊 -10试试看
00:35:663 (1,2,3,4) - 也是觉得有点音量大了
00:37:509 (1) - finish?
00:44:894 (1) - ^
00:48:586 (1) - 这里就特别适合finish
00:49:509 (1) - 这也是
00:49:509 (1) - 还是
00:52:278 (1,2,3) - 一样还是适合 不知道你感觉如何 所以后面类似的我不提了 可以自己考虑下是加还是不加
01:40:278 (1) - 这种也是 KIAI的开头 不finish下么 所有kiai都同 不再提了(因为太多了……你要是还是不懂再问我把你个魂淡
03:08:894 (7) - 这里我觉得不放hitsound比放个clap要好一些 尤其是像我刚才提的静音hit 感觉很不同

大概就这些吧 给变态射星 液

Nymph wrote:

02:22:740 (1) - 这kiai线有2条重叠了 删一个 這樣都看到++

Beatmap design/suggestion
00:50:432 (3,4) - 这里依然还是跟前面2个一样红线有vocal的 用2个白线note就很奇怪 DONE
02:27:355 (1) - 这newcombo没啥意义吧 DONE

00:15:355 (1) - 这里我觉得并不适合finish 去掉finish可能会更好 MP3里虽然鼓声有一点 但是finish还是会显得突兀 当然这只是建议(其实finish加的位置并没什么不好 但是相比hit的音量的话.. 就建议finish都单独下绿线减一下音量吧 要不反差大了点 DONE
00:19:048 (1) - ^ DONE
00:19:048 (1) - 除了那个finish 我觉得转折的箭头上加clap可能会比whistle好 因为个人感觉clap到whistle音量不同 会有一个过渡的感觉 DONE
00:24:586 (3) - 这里与其空着开头 或者可以考虑加个whistle 不加的话还是觉得空了点 单加3还是加34就是见仁见智了 不加也没什么不可以 DONE
00:51:355 (5) - 如果是我可能会考虑slider头消音 效果感觉还不坏 消音覺得有點怪,X
后面跟前面基本一样 就不重复了 hitsound都是建议 可尽情无视
謝謝MOD :)

Download: Matsumoto Tamaki - Tenshi Teki Kenpou Yonjou (KayeSara) [ERT's Normal].osu
Hi there !

This mod is just suggestions

General: Great !

ERT's Normal

00:21:355 (2) - Add finish at the reverse arrow
02:21:817 (5) - Add whistle

Nice mapset


00:37:509 (1) - Add finish
00:40:740 (6) - Maybe add a note
00:44:894 (1) - Add finish
00:49:048 (3) - Add note whit clap
00:49:971 (3) - ^
01:43:509 (6) - Maybe add a note
01:49:048 (5) - ^
01:50:894 (6) - ^
02:26:432 (1) - Add finish
02:27:355 (1) - ^
02:28:278 (1) - ^
02:44:432 (6) - Add a note
02:44:894 (1) - Add finish
02:45:817 (1) - ^
02:45:817 (1) - ^
02:48:586 (1) - ^
02:49:509 (3) - ^
02:50:432 (5) - ^

Wow :D

All suggestions due i think its ready to be ranked :D ! i Did my best so hope it was helpful

Good Luck ! And Star !
Topic Starter


Thx for your modding and star!
Almost fixed XD


there are some object out of screen in this diff,please make them inside a little~
00:11:054 - add a note to follow the vocal?
00:12:942 - ^
00:27:522 - remove new combo
00:33:186 (5) - spacing
00:44:305 - remove new combo
00:45:144 - ^
01:07:907 (2) - delete this note to make the stream more fit
01:09:585 (4) - ^
01:10:110 - add a note
01:28:047 - ^
01:28:047 - ^
01:39:900 - new combo

这次没有胖次看啊XD Star
Topic Starter
谢谢水货啊XD 都改了怎么办
from my queue

[ERT's Normal]
00:44:432 (6) - Put in x:360 y:128
01:17:663-Add Circle?
01:45:817 (3) - Put in x:120 y:160
02:22:740 (1) - Put in x:280 y:232
02:48:586 (1) - Put in x:328 y:232
02:52:278 (3) - Put in x:416 y:176


I think Jump in difficulty is too hard :(

00:15:817 (2) - Put in x:256 y:272
00:22:278 (6) - Add Circle?
00:36:125 (2,3,4) - Add NC(Anti jump)
00:52:278 (1) - Put in x:256 y:80
00:53:201 (2) - Put in x:128 y:288
00:54:125 (3) - Put in x:384 y:288
00:54:355~00:55:509-Insert Break Time
01:02:894-Add circle?
01:07:971 (1,2) - Put in x:256 y:304
01:53:663~01:54:586-Insert Break Time
01:55:971 (3) - Add NC
01:56:894 (5) -^
02:31:048 (2,3) - ^
02:49:509 (3) - ^
02:50:432 (5) - ^

Good luck~
Topic Starter
Thx for your modding, almost fix XD

[Ranger] wrote:

[ERT's Normal]
00:44:432 (6) - Put in x:360 y:128 GJ
01:17:663-Add Circle? Done
01:45:817 (3) - Put in x:120 y:160 Done
02:22:740 (1) - Put in x:280 y:232 Done
02:48:586 (1) - Put in x:328 y:232 Done
02:52:278 (3) - Put in x:416 y:176 我都習慣弄成三角形:

Download: Matsumoto Tamaki - Tenshi Teki Kenpou Yonjou (KayeSara) [ERT's Normal].osu
感觉新的S-clap听起来明显比S-whistle要轻一点,可能把whistle音量减小一点会好一点? 减了30%

00:25:509 (4) - 开头whistle去掉试试
01:57:817 (4) - 尾部finish

00:38:894 (7) - 后面2个类似地方你都是跟vocal的,没有NOTE,只有这里有,我觉得可能的话为了保持一致,这里的NOTE可以删掉
00:40:740 (6) - ^
00:57:817 (1,2,3,4) - 这个跳比较突然,或者把3,4位置换一下?
02:16:740 (4) - 还是感觉4的距离太近了玩起来怪怪的,可以考虑放远点,后面同理
Topic Starter

Kanon wrote:

00:25:509 (4) - 开头whistle去掉试试 OK
01:57:817 (4) - 尾部finish 這原本就有了0.0
Download: Matsumoto Tamaki - Tenshi Teki Kenpou Yonjou (KayeSara) [ERT's Normal].osu
request from my queue

00:11:663 (1) - finish略吵
00:19:048 (1) - ^
00:21:355 (2) - 开头和折返地方加whistle,结尾5%finish
01:14:432 (1) - finish略吵
01:21:817 (1) - ^
01:57:817 (4) - 开头normal的音效略凸,改成soft试试

00:11:894 (2,4,6) - 没开grid snap吗0 0感觉还是修一下stack比较好
01:00:586 (5) - 这个包的不是很好
03:08:894 (7) - finish略凸

(:< 鲁鲁修怎么可能有这么萌的角色歌。。。
Topic Starter
稍后就改XD 但是AR-1 我觉得就太慢了

KayeSara wrote:

Topic Starter
Edit:↓ 那先谢谢妹妹了XD

KayeSara wrote:

Star Stream
from my modding queue..

could find something.. <.<
and good song! :D

take my star plz~
Topic Starter
>Star Stream
>_<~Thx~ (don't told the mat I have gave the Kudos XD

No_Gu wrote:

request from my queue

00:11:663 (1) - finish略吵
00:19:048 (1) - ^
00:21:355 (2) - 开头和折返地方加whistle,结尾5%finish Done
01:14:432 (1) - finish略吵
01:21:817 (1) - ^
01:57:817 (4) - 开头normal的音效略凸,改成soft试试 Done

謝謝mod :)

Download: Matsumoto Tamaki - Tenshi Teki Kenpou Yonjou (KayeSara) [ERT's Normal].osu
Yo modding this map because of ur request :)

No problems here

ERT's Normal:
no problems here

00:22:509(6) - NC
00:31:740(4,1) - NC for (4) and remove the NC for (1)
00:52:509 - add a circle?
00:53:432 - ^
00:54:335,00:54:586 - ^ so that itd be like at 01:55:048-01:57:355
01:08:548 - get rid of the break and add a slider at 01:09:355 and end it 01:09:586. it should be like This
02:03:817(4) - move it down because its touching the Hp bar
02:13:509(1) - add a spinner and end it at 02:14:894
02:30:355 - same as 00:52:509
02:31:278 - ^
02:32:201,02:32:432 - ^

this is the best i can do. Star and GL :D
Topic Starter
Thx for your modding and star, I have fixed most of them.
:) 哥哥我又来了,以下是废话们尽管无视


于是怎么办呢……个人觉得有2种办法,全都换成中文拼音,或者全都换成英语翻译。要不然还是“Tenshi no Kenpou Yonjou"比较合适。


Here they are.
Topic Starter

Edit: 不管怎么说都感谢妹妹了 :3

KayeSara wrote:

真抱歉! 不過這個mod的數量也夠多了吧?


Remove Letterbox during breaks? 好像也沒有用到

00:13:509 (6) - 這裡NC~
00:38:894 (7) - 這裡有clap, 加一下
00:40:509 (5,6) - ^
00:47:663 (9) - slider 尾巴
00:56:432 (2) - 這裡clap
01:08:663 - 這裡要不要加個beat? 玩起來感覺不錯 也是跟著音樂
01:30:817 (1,2) - 欸, 突然這個距離有點遠...~
01:50:894 (6) - clap~
02:22:740 (2) - finish這裡~
結尾不加個spinner嗎? :>

第一個kiai, 有clap的地方都有加beat. 之後的kiai就沒這樣了 是故意的??
沒了~ 很好 :>

Nothing found in Normal...
等一下 這是code Geass?!?!
Topic Starter
I searched and asked some people, and apparently this song isn’t from code geass r2 soundtrack, convince me if I'm wrong, but if not, remove that from source. Also the name of the album is Small Nature, you might wanna add that to tags.

Maybe you want to add a spinner to this diff, to vary the scores.

Everything else is just perfect, really nice map<3
General :
  1. As Lizbeth already mentioned, this song isn't from Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 (Matsumoto Tamaki is just Tianzi's voice). You need to remove the source (and remove everything which is related to Code Geass in the tags).
Hard :
  1. As Lizbeth already said, you should add a spinner somewhere in the map.
  2. 01:01:278 (6) - This circle is too close from the previous slider track, the spacing isn't "wrong" however the this circle is sticked with the slider is kinda confusing and ugly. Space them like this :
  3. 01:02:432 (3) - If you have fixed the previous line (I hope), don't forget to restack this circle correctly ~
  4. 01:23:663 (9) - This note need a new combo (because of the music and the "tu tudu tudu tum"
  5. 02:20:894 (1) - This slider is too close from the previous circle. You should keep the same spacing there is between 02:19:971 (3,4). Otherwise it may be confusing for the player.
  6. 02:31:048 (3) - You have added a new combo on the previous similar patterns, so do it here too.
  7. 02:31:971 (5) - Same as above.
ERT's Normal :
  1. 00:55:971 (4) - You shouldn't stack this circle with the end of the slider because as the rhythm change here it will not be obvious (who is a beginner) to know when he has to click the circle, the spacing will help him for this, that's why you shouldn't stack it.
  2. 02:13:624 (1) - This slider shouldn't start on this blue tick but on the downbeat (the tall white tick)
    Start it at 02:13:509 please.
  3. Map this diff till the end like the Hard diff ? :(
The map is pretty nice and very fun to play, really. Nonetheless I'm kinda sad that there are only 2 difficulties, you could make more, plus a Taiko difficulty would fit pretty nice this song, You should consider asking someone to make a taiko diff (or maybe make it yourself ?) and making a new diff :/

KuraiPettan wrote:

ERT's Normal :
  1. 00:55:971 (4) - You shouldn't stack this circle with the end of the slider because as the rhythm change here it will not be obvious (who is a beginner) to know when he has to click the circle, the spacing will help him for this, that's why you shouldn't stack it. Done
  2. 02:13:624 (1) - This slider shouldn't start on this blue tick but on the downbeat (the tall white tick)
    Start it at 02:13:509 please. Done
  3. Map this diff till the end like the Hard diff ? :( I will discuss with members
Thank you for your MOD :)


Download: Matsumoto Tamaki - Tenshi Teki Kenpou Yonjou (KayeSara) [ERT's Normal].osu
Topic Starter

Lizbeth wrote:

I searched and asked some people, and apparently this song isn’t from code geass r2 soundtrack, convince me if I'm wrong, but if not, remove that from source. Also the name of the album is Small Nature, you might wanna add that to tags.

Maybe you want to add a spinner to this diff, to vary the scores.

Everything else is just perfect, really nice map<3
Thanks for your modding <3 , and I have fixed this Source
And the spinner....................Orz.....I can' find any room for that.

KuraiPettan wrote:

General :
  1. As Lizbeth already mentioned, this song isn't from Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 (Matsumoto Tamaki is just Tianzi's voice). You need to remove the source (and remove everything which is related to Code Geass in the tags).
Fix it as Lizbeth said :3

Hard :
  1. As Lizbeth already said, you should add a spinner somewhere in the map.
  2. 01:01:278 (6) - This circle is too close from the previous slider track, the spacing isn't "wrong" however the this circle is sticked with the slider is kinda confusing and ugly. Space them like this :
  3. 01:02:432 (3) - If you have fixed the previous line (I hope), don't forget to restack this circle correctly ~
  4. 01:23:663 (9) - This note need a new combo (because of the music and the "tu tudu tudu tum"
  5. 02:20:894 (1) - This slider is too close from the previous circle. You should keep the same spacing there is between 02:19:971 (3,4). Otherwise it may be confusing for the player.
  6. 02:31:048 (3) - You have added a new combo on the previous similar patterns, so do it here too.
  7. 02:31:971 (5) - Same as above.
Fix all of them, besides the spinner.....I can' find any room for that.

The map is pretty nice and very fun to play, really. Nonetheless I'm kinda sad that there are only 2 difficulties, you could make more, plus a Taiko difficulty would fit pretty nice this song, You should consider asking someone to make a taiko diff (or maybe make it yourself ?) and making a new diff :/
Sure, I'll try to ask someone to make a Taiko :3 And it seems you are fond of Taiko
Thanks for your modding!:3

>妹妹 ERT
Upadte→ Fix the source.
I think you can start a spinner at 03:09:817 ending whetever you think fits more, and decrease the volume till it ends.
Topic Starter
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you can't do that, because the most important thing is I can't find the ending time. Orz

Hit Sound有空就幫我看看+改改,我沒信心QAQ

Download: Matsumoto Tamaki - Tenshi Teki Kenpou Yonjou (KayeSara) [ERT's Normal].osu
Topic Starter

KayeSara wrote:

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you can't do that, because the most important thing is I can't find the ending time. Orz
That's why I said to decrease the volume, if at the end the sound is the lowest it can be, you would barely hear it anyway.
Topic Starter
OK! Add a spinner from 03:09:817 to 03:14:432
Sry for late, but here's my Taiko diff > < ~
Please check, thx :)

Download: Matsumoto Tamaki - Tenshi Teki Kenpou Yonjou (KayeSara) [aabc's Taiko].osu

Topic Starter
Updated :3
終於齊人了 ><
Heyyyyyyy ></
i guess im too late sry xD
[Normal] diff fine for me, so next mod only for [Hard] diff ==!

  1. 00:09:124 (4) - im dont like to point on overlaps at slider tails, but notes on slider head should be stacked perfectly ==!
    (btw for some reason i want this note to be stacked on the head 00:09:817 (6) - )
  2. 01:25:278 - note
  3. 01:26:201 - note
  4. 01:29:894 - note
  5. 01:33:586 - note
    (^ all this notes for better flow, + folowing vocal, was little bit surprised because 00:26:201 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - u folowed the vocal and here u suddensly changed ur pattern :o )
  6. 01:34:509 - u can also + note but this time both fine for me
  7. 01:53:663 - note
  8. 02:22:740 (2) - all ur NC folowing vocal, so u guess NC should starts here ~
  9. 02:28:740 - note
  10. 02:47:201 - note
some jumps placement looks not so good for me, writing codes and checking them taking too much time, so i will add diff and give u time lines where i made changes, so if u like smth u will need just to copy it to ur diff \:D/
00:20:663 (6) -
00:33:817 (1) -
00:44:894 (1) -
01:14:432 (1) -
01:31:509 (3) -
01:38:663 (1) -
01:44:894 (4) -
01:49:971 (2) -
01:58:740 (1) -
02:04:971 (2) -
02:06:817 (2) -
02:25:048 (2) -
02:43:509 (2) -
02:52:278 (1) -
02:55:971 (1) -
oh lol too much, hope some of them will be usefull xD
Also what i want to mention is this
00:26:201 (1,2,3) - this "finish parts" they sounds more like jumps but u either using low DS or stacking them, try to make this parts more jumpy, because jumps fits this parts perfectly.

YAY thats all, star~ and good luck \></
Topic Starter
ohhhhhhhhhhh, fix all of them, too tired, actually you should give me the osu file or not modding that I can save more time to fix it Orz
Irc modded.

KanaRin wrote:

Irc modded.
Chatlog :3
17:25 *aabc271 is listening to (Matsumoto Tamaki - Tenshi Teki Kenpou Yonjou)[]
17:25 <KanaRin> : CBB跟鼓~~我自創w
17:25 <aabc271> : Mapped yesterday =w=
17:25 <KanaRin> : @@
17:25 <KanaRin> : dling~
17:26 <aabc271> : Lyrics : wo ai ni www
17:26 <KanaRin> : LOL
17:26 <aabc271> : Moe vocal ~
17:27 *KanaRin is watching (Nana Mizuki - Synchrogazer (TV Size))[] [Climbb & Kana's Taiko]
17:27 <KanaRin> : 又改易左好多
17:27 <KanaRin> : 囧
17:27 <aabc271> : Let me see ~~
17:27 <KanaRin> : 少左好多1/6 1/8
17:28 <aabc271> : Still same ...?
17:28 <aabc271> : Is my ver old ?
17:28 <KanaRin> : 未upload?
17:28 <aabc271> : Combo 525
17:28 <aabc271> : Old ?
17:28 <KanaRin> : viewtopic.php?f=6&t=70599&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=30
17:29 <KanaRin> : aes未up
17:29 <aabc271> : I see
17:31 <KanaRin> : 少左4粒
17:31 <KanaRin> : WWWWWWW
17:32 <aabc271> : Only 4 ? D:
17:32 <KanaRin> : yeah
17:32 <KanaRin> : ww
17:32 <aabc271> : Sad
17:32 <KanaRin> : me see auto sin
17:32 *KanaRin is watching (Matsumoto Tamaki - Tenshi Teki Kenpou Yonjou)[] [aabc's Taiko]
17:32 <aabc271> : Maybe too repeative
17:32 <aabc271> : I'm not sure
17:32 <KanaRin> : repeative冇問題
17:33 <KanaRin> : 重要係repeat得好唔好玩同好唔好聽
17:33 <KanaRin> : wmf
17:33 <KanaRin> : chinese
17:33 <aabc271> : Only wo ai ni, I guess ?
17:33 <KanaRin> : ya
17:34 <KanaRin> : good
17:34 <KanaRin> : match the song so much
17:34 <aabc271> : Rly ? ._____.
17:34 <KanaRin> : miss 左d kk, 雖然
17:34 <KanaRin> : yeah
17:34 <aabc271> : kk ?
17:35 <aabc271> : Yes www
17:35 <aabc271> : 598 -> 600
17:35 <aabc271> : How's it ?
17:35 <KanaRin> : 02:48:125 (1) -
17:35 <KanaRin> : IT'S K
17:36 <aabc271> : Both similar for me www
17:36 <KanaRin> : 03:00:125 (6) - k not d 03:00:586 (1) - d not k
17:36 <KanaRin> : haha
17:36 <KanaRin> : 好聽d wo
17:36 <KanaRin> : KK
17:36 <KanaRin> : ww
17:36 <KanaRin> : 因為係歌到好明顯
17:37 <KanaRin> : 可以話係nazi ge
17:37 <KanaRin> : 唔郁你combo啦www
17:37 <aabc271> : 03:00:125 - Pitch increasng wor
17:38 <KanaRin> : 仲有d green line
17:38 <aabc271> : ^ ??
17:39 <aabc271> : The 1.01 ~ 1.1 ?
17:39 <KanaRin> : 嗯 唔難讀, 其實ok ge 雖然我覺得冇乜用囧 ok no problem
17:39 <aabc271> : Well, 1.1 is for feeling only
17:39 <aabc271> : Just giving the sense of increasing speed
17:40 <aabc271> : Not intended to increase difficulty
17:40 <aabc271> : They're smooth enough, right ?
17:40 <KanaRin> : yeah 所以我講no problem
17:40 <aabc271> : OK :3
17:41 <KanaRin> : overall very good 冇問題lol
17:41 <aabc271> : 1.1x is just like 1.6 sv
17:41 <aabc271> : OK thx > <
17:41 <KanaRin> : diff setting
17:41 <aabc271> : :3 ?
17:41 <KanaRin> : 點解要咁WWW
17:41 <KanaRin> : bat一定會nazi
17:41 <aabc271> : Never mind
17:41 <KanaRin> : 111會要人置中
17:41 <aabc271> : I'll vs him
17:41 <KanaRin> : 囧 but ar 同OD
17:41 <KanaRin> : 我唔知有咩理由要改
17:42 <aabc271> : I still oppose centering
17:42 <aabc271> : +1
17:42 <KanaRin> : NO 唔係 我意思係
17:42 <aabc271> : .____. ?
17:42 <KanaRin> : AR 你做咩7, 冇用的囧
17:42 <aabc271> : My habit loooool
17:42 <aabc271> : Just to increase star rating (?)
17:42 <KanaRin> : 之前我剩係較HP同OD都比人NA
17:42 <aabc271> : You know, star rating is only 4.51 D:
17:43 <aabc271> : Ignore those baka
17:43 <aabc271> : Nobody says that they must be 5
17:43 <aabc271> : They 2 (?)
17:43 <KanaRin> : AR 加唔到 Star rating 你加番1HP 仲加得好D(?)
17:43 <KanaRin> : 其實我係咁唸
17:44 <KanaRin> : 依家都冇Rule定,但係d bat會nazi
17:44 <KanaRin> : 你又要聽佢講要fix好麻煩
17:44 <KanaRin> : 所以我會索性一早搞掂佢 (?)
17:44 <KanaRin> : but ups to u la
17:44 <aabc271> : Some mappers also said that
17:44 <aabc271> : I always explain to them
17:44 <aabc271> : (?)
17:44 <aabc271> : And sometimes even to Bats
17:45 <aabc271> : Because I'm a kind mapper (????)
17:45 <aabc271> : Easy map needs lower HP drain :3
17:45 <KanaRin> : 其實osu好易pass
17:45 <KanaRin> : 我PSP有D難圖好易fail
17:45 <KanaRin> : 巨2
17:46 <aabc271> : Yes, but not for those new players www
17:46 <aabc271> : Because I always see some players fail at normal / hard D:
17:48 *aabc271 savelogs and posts the fix
17:48 <KanaRin> : @@
17:48 <KanaRin> : 你fix果個?
17:48 <aabc271> : d -> k is ok la
17:48 <aabc271> : 1 fix 1 kd gogogo (?)
17:48 <KanaRin> : 55
17:48 <aabc271> : ^ Laziest kd ever
17:48 <KanaRin> : 好耶
17:48 <KanaRin> : w

Thx Kana :)

Download: Matsumoto Tamaki - Tenshi Teki Kenpou Yonjou (KayeSara) [aabc's Taiko].osu
Topic Starter
>kana师傅,谢谢mod :3

>aabc Updated!
  1. Don't put the album name in the source. Album name must go to the tags, always !
  2. I already said it, but please remove everything which is related to Code Geass from the tags since this song isn't related with this anime.
aabc's Taiko
  1. Use Hpdroin 5 please
  2. 03:02:201 (3) - d here, like you did at 02:53:894 (1,2,1,2,1,2). (Consistency)
  3. Nice taiko ~
Topic Starter
Orz.......Ok, I think this time I have fix all of them.
01:26:663 (6) - Add Finish :3? (As 2-2 going sound)
02:32:432 (3) - [Nazi] Not perfectly stacked on 02:31:971 (1,2)

[aabc's Taiko]
Disable 'Letterbox during breaks' on Song Setup :3

meow :3
Topic Starter
Thanks for your modding :3
Fix all of them
Moe ~
Topic Starter
>Moe Kurai
:3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
泡了呀 xD
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:33 Go for studying
[ERT's Normal]
There were some volume changes near the end that felt rather sudden and too much, but otherwise this is fine.

Sounds a bit loud. Otherwise fine.

Hm, when you switch to the Normal sound set, it's really loud. Nearing the too-loud area to me.
02:13:509 - Extend break to here.

...and I guess whatever else you had planned on changing?
Why would you name the difficulty "ERT's Normal"? The person who mapped this doesn't use capital letters in their username.
Topic Starter
>lol loli Garven
Orz toooooooooooooo long waitting for....
Fix those thing, except the volume....I hardly notice any problem..because I can't set the sound's effection.

Garven wrote:

Sounds a bit loud. Otherwise fine. It sounds OK for me. But I think reducing all green & red lines by ~ 10% volume is also fine too, if KayeSara wants to ? I'll let her decide :3
Anyway, thanks for your modding :)
cute song o.o
I love it :D
Topic Starter
Aaa sorry, been busy and lost this.

Anyway, was rechecking Hard, and some of the spacing felt a little wonky to me. The spacing was generally inconsistent with some sets of these having different spacing on all beats, severe anti jumps on parts of the song that don't really fit, and seemingly random huge spacing for the sake of a pattern instead of matching the music.

00:31:971 (2,3,1,2,3) -
00:35:663 (1,2,3,4) -
01:00:125 (3,4) -
01:30:817 (1,2,3,4) -
01:47:663 (1,2,3,4) -
02:01:740 (6,7) -
02:21:817 (4,5) -
02:54:817 (6,7) -
03:07:971 (3,4) -

Remember: consistency is key. if you use a jump in one spot, use it in the same place later in the song. Also try to keep the spacing on those jumps consistent.
Hey, KayehSala. U want to revive dis, right? Here's my mod

* approachcircle.png is 135x135. You need to resize them to 128x128
* You need a spinner-clear.png, spinner-spin.png, and spinner-osu.png for completing the spinner skin set
* play-warningarrow.png dimensions is over 147x109. You need to resize to 147x109, currently 255x256 (this has been discussed with one of BAT)
* Your spinner background is doesn't match with the beatmap background. Look these thread for learn how

[ERT's Normal]
* AR +1?

Once you done and this map is revived, in-game PM me
Topic Starter
OMG.... why you call me H sala....
Snowy Dream

KayeSara wrote:

OMG.... why you call me H sala....
Topic Starter

let's check this.

  1. approachcircle.png's dimensions must be exactly 128x128 , current one is 135x135, please fix it.
  2. Please change to tick rate 2 in Taiko diff.
[ERT's Normal]
  1. 00:19:048 (1) - Please remove the clap sound at the reverse of the slider because it breaks the hitclap flow seriously.
  2. I would like to change it to default whistle rather than S1 whistle here. Please rise the volume if you change it.
  3. 00:22:740 (1) - (nazi) The shape of this slider isn't that perfect here, I tried to make it smooth and let you decide to use it or not.

  4. 00:30:125 (1,2) - I guess you were missing a clap at the end of the slider.
  5. 01:23:663 (5) - ^

  6. 01:25:509 (1,2) - I think you should change it to normal hitsound at the end of the slider to fit the drum sound there.
  7. 02:50:894 (2) - Nothing support the reverse of the slider, so I would remove the slider and then add a note at 02:50:894 - and 02:51:817 - if I were you.
  8. 03:09:817 (1) - Probably just change to 5% volume at the end of the spinner or just treat it like hard.
  1. Volume is too loud for me, I prefer 60% here
  2. 00:14:894 (2,3,4) - Triplet sounds weird here indeed. They don't fit the music well during gameplay, I think simple 1/2 should be enough.
  3. 00:15:817 (6,1,1) - k d k here to follow the drum sound?
  4. 00:20:432 (4,1) - I would say k d here because the pitch of 00:20:432 (4) - is lower than 00:20:663 - also the drum sound.
  5. 00:32:432 (1,2) - Please remove the finish here, I can't hear any accent there.
  6. 00:51:125 (1) - Please move this note to 00:51:355 - because there are no vocal/instrument/drum sound to support it, thus it sounds superfluous.
  7. 00:52:855 (4,5) - Remove it? It doesn't fit the music that much imo
  8. 00:53:778 (3,4) - ^
  9. 01:02:894 (2,3,4) - Same as 00:14:894
  10. 01:49:048 (1) - k here?
  11. 01:53:894 (1) - Move this to 01:54:125 - ?
  12. 02:11:663 (2) - I would change this to big kat to fit the music.
  13. 02:47:432 (1) - Remove this note because it doesn't correspond the music.
  14. 02:49:163 (3,4) - Remove it?
  15. 02:50:086 (3,4) - ^
  16. 02:51:355 (1) - Same as 00:52:855
  17. 03:02:663 - I would add a note here with a kat for fitting the clap sound from the music.
  1. 00:31:740 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - These look weird and flow bad imo, I would say change to another pattern would be nice.
  2. 00:35:663 (1,2,3,4) - Why? I think it should follow the vocal here since you have followed the vocal in previous part.
  3. 00:42:586 (x) - I feel like a note here or you can use a slider from 00:42:355 - to 00:42:817 - and then remove 00:42:817 (1) - .
  4. 00:45:817 (5) - I would remove the slider and then add a note at 00:45:817 - , 00:46:048 - , 00:46:278 - . I would suggest some similar pattern like you have done it before 00:37:509 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
  5. 00:54:355 - Add a spinner here and end it at 00:55:509 - ?
  6. 00:56:432 (2) - I guess you forgot to place a clap here because it a clap can consummate the hitsound flow.
  7. 01:12:355 (7) - Please stack this to the end of 01:11:663 (5) - properly.
  8. 01:41:663 - Add a note here with a clap sound?
  9. 01:43:509 - ^
  10. 01:45:355 - ^
  11. 01:49:048 - ^
  12. 01:53:663 (5) - Same as 00:56:432- I guess you were missing a clap here.
  13. 01:54:125 ~ 01:54:817 - Since you were following the drum sound before so I think you better to follow the drum sound here.
  14. 02:06:817 (2,3,4,5,6) - Inperfect pentagon, you can use the 'Create polygon circle' to make a perfect pentagon.
  15. 02:29:201 ~ 02:29:894 - Same as 01:54:125 ~ 01:54:817 -
  16. 02:33:817 - After here, add a note with a clap resembles 01:41:663 -
  17. 02:47:663 ~ 02:48:355 - Same as 01:54:125 ~ 01:54:817 -

kanpakyin wrote:

let's check this.

[*]Please change to tick rate 2 in Taiko diff. I wonder if there's a special reason for that. Anyway, fixed ~

  1. Volume is too loud for me, I prefer 60% here OK~
  2. 00:14:894 (2,3,4) - Triplet sounds weird here indeed. They don't fit the music well during gameplay, I think simple 1/2 should be enough. Deleted all notes
  3. 00:15:817 (6,1,1) - k d k here to follow the drum sound? I guess it should be better now ?
  4. 00:20:432 (4,1) - I would say k d here because the pitch of 00:20:432 (4) - is lower than 00:20:663 - also the drum sound. Why do I think the opposite ? I'll say in 00:20:432, the vocal rises for 2 times ( Once every 1/2 )
  5. 00:32:432 (1,2) - Please remove the finish here, I can't hear any accent there. But the 1-by-1 emphasis on vocal is significant enough to add finish imo :<
  6. 00:51:125 (1) - Please move this note to 00:51:355 - because there are no vocal/instrument/drum sound to support it, thus it sounds superfluous. I admit my older diffs are not that good > < Fixed
  7. 00:52:855 (4,5) - Remove it? It doesn't fit the music that much imo OK~
  8. 00:53:778 (3,4) - ^ ^
  9. 01:02:894 (2,3,4) - Same as 00:14:894 Changed to k only
  10. 01:49:048 (1) - k here? But I don't think the instrument is high-pitched enough . . .
  11. 01:53:894 (1) - Move this to 01:54:125 - ? OK~
  12. 02:11:663 (2) - I would change this to big kat to fit the music. Actually I'm trying to express the feeling of fall -> rise ( As seen in dd k d dk kk ). So I think I'll keep this unchanged ~
  13. 02:47:432 (1) - Remove this note because it doesn't correspond the music. OK~
  14. 02:49:163 (3,4) - Remove it? OK~
  15. 02:50:086 (3,4) - ^ ^
  16. 02:51:355 (1) - Same as 00:52:855 OK~
  17. 03:02:663 - I would add a note here with a kat for fitting the clap sound from the music. OK~
Thx for your mod :)
Also changed some hitsounds, and improved the sv change ~
aabc's Taiko
ps : puush seems to be down atm. If the file fails, pm me
Topic Starter
Thank you a lot! Fix all of them!
Really nice mod! But the words you use......I can't understand!!!!!! XD
Topic Starter
lol...........Thank you, that's a big surprise!
Kawayi Rika
我爱你 Sara 姐姐 ><
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谢谢rika妹妹~ 我也爱你XD
waaaaaaaaaaaa, grats Hentai ^^/
Topic Starter
wo ai ni XD
Gratz Kaye >w<
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Sekai chan
Thank you, my sekai, nyan~
aww man couldn't get to this in time ><. oh well congratz on the rank ;)
Topic Starter
Thank you! Orz yes, that's why I said it's a surprise...
KayeSara :D!
Oh, I guess I shouldn't have gone to sleep last night. Ninja Garven.
2008 here we go E-I spreads!
Topic Starter
Thank you~!茶太 姐姐XD?

That's too late to work last night Orz

Actullt I'd really like your map (Title is changed now).

Extremely fun to play with dt, wish I learn to tap with only keyboard
Wow ! Finally ranked
kyun <3 wo ai ni ww
現在就Ranked D:
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