
Tatsh - 24th Century BOY

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年8月20日 at 19:29:30

Artist: Tatsh
Title: 24th Century BOY
Source: beatmania IIDX
Tags: 19 Lincle konami streams deathstreams
BPM: 168
Filesize: 3219kb
Play Time: 01:56
Difficulties Available:
  1. Another (5 stars, 575 notes)
  2. Hyper (4.94 stars, 311 notes)
  3. Normal (2.97 stars, 125 notes)
Download: Tatsh - 24th Century BOY
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
If you want to play this map, you can download from Beatmap Pack #259

> 突然の死 <
 ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄
you want taiko diff :D?
Hi! random modding from #modreqs

sorry to easy modding
00:38:457 (1,2,3,4,5) - oh...Did you try Stack Leniency 4 ?
01:28:278 (5) - Why normal whistle? I think soft whistle better.
01:51:492 (10) - move to(x112.y140)
All suggestions~


00:15:510 (1) - 00:15:421 - ここから始めてみるといいかも。
00:52:207 (3) - 折り返しのwhistleをRemove
01:05:064 (x) - Add notes? end this at 01:06:492 - for ex: 01:17:207 (3) - remove whistle.
01:18:278 (5) - add whistle.
01:28:635 (2) - 始点にadd finish?

00:14:350 (1) - スライダーにしてもおもしろいはず 00:28:635 (1) - remove new comboして00:29:350 (2) - add new comboでも見やすいかと思う
00:42:564 (4,4) - 1/2スライダーのほうが音があってる気がする
01:35:778 (4) - ここも1/2のほうが音にあってる気がする
01:40:599 (2,4) - remove whistle?
01:49:349 (2) - 01:47:921 - sliderslideにwhistle入ってるけどもしかして忘れてるのかな?個人的には入れたほうがいいと思う
01:53:813 (2,2) - Remove.
01:53:903 (x) - この青線にNote追加して2連打にしてみては?
01:55:331 (x) - ^

00:11:671 (2) - スペーシングオワコンだけどこんな配置好き 00:14:350 (4) - 1/1スライダーとかどう?
00:44:707 (5) - hitsoundはNormalじゃなくてSoftのほうがいいと思う。
01:17:207 (2) - remove.
01:17:385 (2) - スタックじゃなくてジャンプのほうがいいかな。
01:17:742 (1) - remove new combo
01:34:707 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 今ってこの配置アリなのかなあ。他の人から言われたら気を付けて。
01:41:135 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 大丈夫だと思うけどスペーシング広いと思う。
01:50:421 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - こういう配置好き 
Topic Starter

Haruhi_sama wrote:

you want taiko diff :D?
You can make one, but I don't know if I will add it to this mapset...
You don't have any taiko maps in ranked, pending, wip, and graveyard, so I can't be sure of your mapping skills.
I will add it to this mapset if I think it's good enough

pekos wrote:

Hi! random modding from #modreqs

sorry to easy modding
00:38:457 (1,2,3,4,5) - oh...Did you try Stack Leniency 4 ? done~
01:28:278 (5) - Why normal whistle? I think soft whistle better. fixed
01:51:492 (10) - move to(x112.y140) fixed

R a r e wrote:

All suggestions~


00:15:510 (1) - 00:15:421 - ここから始めてみるといいかも。 直しました
00:52:207 (3) - 折り返しのwhistleをRemove removed
01:05:064 (x) - Add notes? end this at 01:06:492 - for ex: 休憩のつもりなので変えませんでした
01:17:207 (3) - remove whistle. removed
01:18:278 (5) - add whistle. added
01:28:635 (2) - 始点にadd finish? added

00:14:350 (1) - スライダーにしてもおもしろいはず スライダーにしました
00:28:635 (1) - remove new comboして00:29:350 (2) - add new comboでも見やすいかと思う 変えました!
00:42:564 (4,4) - 1/2スライダーのほうが音があってる気がする 1/2スライダーにしました
01:35:778 (4) - ここも1/2のほうが音にあってる気がする ここは連打にしたかったので変えませんでした
01:40:599 (2,4) - remove whistle? removed
01:49:349 (2) - 01:47:921 - sliderslideにwhistle入ってるけどもしかして忘れてるのかな?個人的には入れたほうがいいと思う ?
01:53:813 (2,2) - Remove. removed
01:53:903 (x) - この青線にNote追加して2連打にしてみては?nice idea
01:55:331 (x) - ^ ^

00:11:671 (2) - スペーシングオワコンだけどこんな配置好き  単発の3角形のパターンをずっと使ってるので変えませんでした
00:14:350 (4) - 1/1スライダーとかどう? 試してみたけど単発の方がシンセの音と合ってしっくりきた・・・気がする
00:44:707 (5) - hitsoundはNormalじゃなくてSoftのほうがいいと思う。後ろのジャーン!というシンセの音に合うのはNormalだと感じたので変えませんでしたー
01:17:207 (2) - remove. removed
01:17:385 (2) - スタックじゃなくてジャンプのほうがいいかな。ジャンプにしましたー
01:17:742 (1) - remove new combo removed
01:34:707 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 今ってこの配置アリなのかなあ。他の人から言われたら気を付けて。Alace先生に聞いて大丈夫だって言われました
01:41:135 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 大丈夫だと思うけどスペーシング広いと思う。 01:40:421 (1,2,3,4) - と合わせて平行四辺形にしたつもりなので変えませんでしたー
01:50:421 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - こういう配置好き  nice idea, 採用!

Thank you for mod pekos and R a r e~ ><

Offset -4, Circle Size -1
Bobo, mebins and Copter's Modding Que (sexymusics btw )

00:12:910(1) even out the slider so the start point and end point is aligned
00:38:631(1) add finish only to the start of the slider
00:39:346(2) ^
01:18:631(1,1) ugly looking slider change it D:

Reaction to the map :o :0 :O D: very nice map!
01:17:381(2) new combo
01:17:738(2) new combo
01:21:131(9) ^
01:21:488(1) remove combo
01:22:381(10) new combo

00:07:113(1) put some space between 1 and 2

AMAZING MAPPING ! i had to star :) very good job keep it up!
Topic Starter

mebins wrote:

Bobo, mebins and Copter's Modding Que (sexymusics btw )

00:12:910(1) even out the slider so the start point and end point is aligned
00:38:631(1) add finish only to the start of the slider
00:39:346(2) ^
01:18:631(1,1) ugly looking slider change it D:
All fixed

Reaction to the map :o :0 :O D: very nice map!
01:17:381(2) new combo
01:17:738(2) new combo
01:21:131(9) ^
01:21:488(1) remove combo
01:22:381(10) new combo
I tried these, but they made the NC flow inconsistent for this part so I'll keep it as it is for now.

00:07:113(1) put some space between 1 and 2
This follows the distance snap, so I think it's fine as it is.

AMAZING MAPPING ! i had to star :) very good job keep it up!
Thank you very much for mod and star! :)
Takosさん こんにちは~ :)

Thank you for the request ~ :D

here my mod ~

  1. 00:14:346 (2) - DS1.0xにした方が良いかと思います。離す or Ctrl+R (後者をお勧めします)
  2. 00:23:988 (x) - 00:22:917 (3,4)でwhistle入れてるのでここにもサークルとwhistle欲しいかもです。追加でstar rateギリになるので注意。
  3. 00:38:274 (3) - whistle無しの方がいいと思いました。 >:(
  4. 01:02:203 (2,3,4) - 逆回りにしてはどうでしょうか?Ctrl+R
  1. 00:09:346 (x) - サークル追加 ?
  2. 00:11:488 (4) - add NC
  3. 00:25:774 (5) - add NC ?
  4. 00:44:703 (2) - スライダー頭をsoft-whistleに?or 00:45:417 (4) - ここもnormal-whistleにする。(00:50:417 (2,4) - のように)
  5. 01:33:274 (4,5,6,7) - プレイするとスタックのズレで前のnoteと少し重なるのでgridを右下に下げた形にしてはどうでしょうか? ↓提案
  1. 00:08:631 (6) - タイミング and DS 変わるので add NC and 00:09:703 (1) - remove NC and 00:10:060 (2) - add NC ?
  2. 00:13:274 (x) - サークル追加 ?
  3. 00:17:738 - break time 削除 ?(このdiffだけ入っていましたので ><; )
  4. 00:18:631 (1) - スライダー頭にfinish
  5. 00:44:703 (5) - same Hyper diff
  6. 01:15:417 (6) - 次にNC来るので、向きを変えてCtrl+Rを使ってみるのはどうでしょうか?
  7. 01:29:703 (1) - remove NC
役に立たなかったら申し訳ありません~ >:(

nice mapです! star☆~  :)
request from my queue

00:24:346 (1,3) - a little overlap
00:38:631 (1,2,3) - these shapes seem not good.curved them?

00:06:310 (4) - y279
00:26:488 (7) - clap in the end
00:31:131 (5,6,7) - make them straight


._.I'm not good at modding this kind of music..So don't need to give me kud.☆
Topic Starter

kosiga wrote:

Takosさん こんにちは~ :)

Thank you for the request ~ :D

here my mod ~

  1. 00:14:346 (2) - DS1.0xにした方が良いかと思います。離す or Ctrl+R (後者をお勧めします) Ctrl+Rしました
  2. 00:23:988 (x) - 00:22:917 (3,4)でwhistle入れてるのでここにもサークルとwhistle欲しいかもです。追加でstar rateギリになるので注意。Star Ratingちょっと怖いのでやめておきます・・・大丈夫だったら足すのに><
  3. 00:38:274 (3) - whistle無しの方がいいと思いました。 >:( 消しました
  4. 01:02:203 (2,3,4) - 逆回りにしてはどうでしょうか?Ctrl+R Ctrl+Rしました
  1. 00:09:346 (x) - サークル追加 ? 少し叩きづらい気がしたので追加しませんでした
  2. 00:11:488 (4) - add NC NCしました
  3. 00:25:774 (5) - add NC ? NC
  4. 00:44:703 (2) - スライダー頭をsoft-whistleに?or 00:45:417 (4) - ここもnormal-whistleにする。(00:50:417 (2,4) - のように) Soft-whistleにしました
  5. 01:33:274 (4,5,6,7) - プレイするとスタックのズレで前のnoteと少し重なるのでgridを右下に下げた形にしてはどうでしょうか? ↓提案
  1. 00:08:631 (6) - タイミング and DS 変わるので add NC and 00:09:703 (1) - remove NC and 00:10:060 (2) - add NC ? NC変えました!
  2. 00:13:274 (x) - サークル追加 ? 追加しました
  3. 00:17:738 - break time 削除 ?(このdiffだけ入っていましたので ><; ) 消しました
  4. 00:18:631 (1) - スライダー頭にfinish 入れ忘れてました
  5. 00:44:703 (5) - same Hyper diff Hyperと同様にSoft-Whistleにしました
  6. 01:15:417 (6) - 次にNC来るので、向きを変えてCtrl+Rを使ってみるのはどうでしょうか?01:14:881 (4) - を中心にしてスライダー伸ばしているので変えませんでした
  7. 01:29:703 (1) - remove NC 消しました
役に立たなかったら申し訳ありません~ >:(

nice mapです! star☆~  :)

No_Gu wrote:

request from my queue

00:24:346 (1,3) - a little overlap i think it's fine, you can't see them overlapping when you play
00:38:631 (1,2,3) - these shapes seem not good.curved them? nah

00:06:310 (4) - y279 fixed
00:26:488 (7) - clap in the end woops, forgot to add that
00:31:131 (5,6,7) - make them straight the triplets are curved for this section, so no


._.I'm not good at modding this kind of music..So don't need to give me kud.☆
Thank you for modding~ (I want to give you kudosu :( )
Hi, from my queue

nice map, star~


  1. 00:22:917 (3) - move to (360,268) ? looks better... = =
  2. 00:32:917 (1) - add whistle on the head?

  1. 00:06:846 (3) - move a grid left
  2. 01:00:060 (1) - how about ctrl+r
  3. 01:00:417 (2,3,4) - ^
  4. 01:17:024 (1) - add a reverse ? it plays better imo

  1. hmm OD-1 so star rating is 5.00 and it displays in menu in the right way?
  2. 00:30:060 (1) - I think you shouldn't use reverse on this slider, it doesn't fit to the music.
  3. 00:32:917 (1) - ^ I think it should be slider+triplet (1/2 beat slider+2notes)...
  4. 00:38:989 (3) - should move down a little... = = maybe faster sv...?
Good luck~
Topic Starter

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

Hi, from my queue

nice map, star~


  1. 00:22:917 (3) - move to (360,268) ? looks better... = = ok
  2. 00:32:917 (1) - add whistle on the head? I use whistle for later phrases, so no

  1. 00:06:846 (3) - move a grid left fixed
  2. 01:00:060 (1) - how about ctrl+r done
  3. 01:00:417 (2,3,4) - ^ ^
  4. 01:17:024 (1) - add a reverse ? it plays better imo I think it will emphasize the synthesizer's sound better without the repeat, so no

  1. hmm OD-1 so star rating is 5.00 and it displays in menu in the right way? ah I want to keep OD8, I don't care much about the star-rating unless it is the easiest diff
  2. 00:30:060 (1) - I think you shouldn't use reverse on this slider, it doesn't fit to the music. fixed as you suggested! :D
  3. 00:32:917 (1) - ^ I think it should be slider+triplet (1/2 beat slider+2notes)... ^
  4. 00:38:989 (3) - should move down a little... = = maybe faster sv...? idk
Good luck~

Thank you for mod and star~
01:30:774 - this should be the downbeat, inherited time section starts here

00:05:953 (2) - [Nazi] should be a bit left
00:12:024 (4) - slider placement adjustment
00:33:988 (7,8,9) - why not stacking on (2) o.o
00:35:596 (14) - try a clapping there as a mini-accent
00:40:774 (3,4) - snap in 1/6
01:09:524 (5) - ^ refer to music
01:12:381 (5) - ^
01:34:702 - such stacking method distracts player's judgement on the density of notes
01:45:416 (1) - remove NC
01:48:988 (1~8) - turn anti-closewisely?

the problem streams a bit too much and sounds boring there orz

star rating's higher?!?
00:15:060 (2) - how about a very soft finish here?
00:32:560 (4) - [Nazi] curve adjustment so that it curve well with the notes
01:21:131 (4) - place around (368,204)

00:14:346 (2) - add whistle
00:52:560 (3) - ^ at the middle tick as well?
01:10:060 (1,3) - stack properly

quite good, just repeats a bit too much... good luck!
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

01:30:774 - this should be the downbeat, inherited time section starts here ah I didn't notice that, fixed

00:05:953 (2) - [Nazi] should be a bit left fixed
00:12:024 (4) - slider placement adjustment
used your code, thanks
00:33:988 (7,8,9) - why not stacking on (2) o.o ah, fixed
00:35:596 (14) - try a clapping there as a mini-accent added
00:40:774 (3,4) - snap in 1/6 oo no wonder it sounded weird...
01:09:524 (5) - ^ refer to music ^
01:12:381 (5) - ^ ^
01:34:702 - such stacking method distracts player's judgement on the density of notes this is on purpose, and I want to keep this
01:45:416 (1) - remove NC fixed
01:48:988 (1~8) - turn anti-closewisely? yup, turned to the other direction

the problem streams a bit too much and sounds boring there orz

star rating's higher?!?
00:15:060 (2) - how about a very soft finish here? added a finish with 25% volume
00:32:560 (4) - [Nazi] curve adjustment so that it curve well with the notes
thanks for the code
01:21:131 (4) - place around (368,204) fixed

00:14:346 (2) - add whistle added
00:52:560 (3) - ^ at the middle tick as well? hmm, added
01:10:060 (1,3) - stack properly fixed

quite good, just repeats a bit too much... good luck!
Thanks for a helpful mod Chris~

Second offset: 90417 (so is on the downbeat)

00:28:988 (3) - replace with a single note, flows better for the next combo
00:38:453 (1,2,3,4,5) - slider 3 is hidden
00:40:238 - and 00:40:596 - add notes, flows nice
00:45:774 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - hard to see the notes in the middle where the stream overlaps @.@
00:52:917 - re-insert break-time
01:34:702 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This looks so messy all the approach circles and the stack leniency in-game, dunno why you did this, is so tiny that instead of be fun becomes annoying ><
01:48:094 (4) - unsnapped

00:52:203 (3) - this is kinda hidden by hit bursts
00:52:917 (1) - same
01:53:274 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - follow the music better here, like note here 01:54:077 - instead of these 01:53:809 (2,3) - for example, maybe with sliders, how ever you want ^^
'01:07:203 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - long combo compared to the rest of the map
01:10:060 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - same

Nice map <3
Topic Starter

Lissette wrote:


Second offset: 90417 (so is on the downbeat) added

00:28:988 (3) - replace with a single note, flows better for the next combo fixed
00:38:453 (1,2,3,4,5) - slider 3 is hidden arranged the shape of the 4 so it should be fine now
00:40:238 - and 00:40:596 - add notes, flows nice added note at 00:40:238 -
00:45:774 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - hard to see the notes in the middle where the stream overlaps @.@ ah, i really like this pattern, but i understand that it is kind of difficult to read... is this a must fix? Keeping this pattern for now.
00:52:917 - re-insert break-time ok
01:34:702 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This looks so messy all the approach circles and the stack leniency in-game, dunno why you did this, is so tiny that instead of be fun becomes annoying >< This is a unique way of stacking imo. I understand that some players will find this annoying, but many test players told me this was fun, so I'll keep this for now.(This technique is used in val0108's map and kiddly's map. Alace confirmed me that this is a rankable way of placing notes.)
01:48:094 (4) - unsnapped fixed

00:52:203 (3) - this is kinda hidden by hit bursts fixed
00:52:917 (1) - same fixed
01:53:274 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - follow the music better here, like note here 01:54:077 - instead of these 01:53:809 (2,3) - for example, maybe with sliders, how ever you want ^^ rearranged the rhythms, hope it sounds better
'01:07:203 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - long combo compared to the rest of the map fixed NC issues
01:10:060 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - same fixed

Nice map <3
Thanks for modding Lissette! :)
Quick re-check~

Hyper and Normal - still have wrong second offset

00:45:774 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - hard to see the notes in the middle where the stream overlaps @.@ ah, i really like this pattern, but i understand that it is kind of difficult to read... is this a must fix? Keeping this pattern for now.
at least for me is a must, I suggest you to make the arc bigger, something like this ignore my messy placement, I did it fast ><

00:52:917 - re-insert break-time ok
01:34:702 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This looks so messy all the approach circles and the stack leniency ingame, dunno why you did this, is so tiny that instead of be fun becomes annoying >< This is a unique way of stacking imo. I understand that some players will find this annoying, but many test players told me this was fun, so I'll keep this for now.(This technique is used in val0108's map and kiddly's map. Alace confirmed me that this is a rankable way of placing notes.)
If you take a look at those on val0108's map the spacing between is larger than yours, what makes it more noticeable in game-play, on kiddly's map even if the spacing is shorter, is not as shorter as yours, plus the streams aren't longer than 5 notes. So what it bothers me the most of yours is the tiny spacing making it unnoticeable, and the long stream, imo this pattern should be used for short stream like those you screenshotted, I personally would use it for streams no longer than 5 notes, I see val0108's map has 8 notes, but still shorter than yours :p

Well thanks my opinion ^^'
Topic Starter

Lissette wrote:

Quick re-check~

Hyper and Normal - still have wrong second offset Oops, fixed both of them.

00:45:774 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - hard to see the notes in the middle where the stream overlaps @.@ ah, i really like this pattern, but i understand that it is kind of difficult to read... is this a must fix? Keeping this pattern for now.
at least for me is a must, I suggest you to make the arc bigger, something like this ignore my messy placement, I did it fast ><
Made the arc bigger as you suggested XD

00:52:917 - re-insert break-time ok
01:34:702 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This looks so messy all the approach circles and the stack leniency ingame, dunno why you did this, is so tiny that instead of be fun becomes annoying >< This is a unique way of stacking imo. I understand that some players will find this annoying, but many test players told me this was fun, so I'll keep this for now.(This technique is used in val0108's map and kiddly's map. Alace confirmed me that this is a rankable way of placing notes.)
If you take a look at those on val0108's map the spacing between is larger than yours, what makes it more noticeable in game-play, on kiddly's map even if the spacing is shorter, is not as shorter as yours, plus the streams aren't longer than 5 notes. So what it bothers me the most of yours is the tiny spacing making it unnoticeable, and the long stream, imo this pattern should be used for short stream like those you screenshotted, I personally would use it for streams no longer than 5 notes, I see val0108's map has 8 notes, but still shorter than yours :p
Haha, I guess this is not suitable in this song, so i deleted it :p
Added repeating sliders, this should be fine.

Well thanks my opinion ^^'
Thank you for re-check! :D
All good to me now~

Hi Takos, I checked the bubble randomly and there are some things which took my attention...


-> The main problem here I think is the spinner on 00:15:417 (all difficulty), using sudden 60% vol. from 20% sounds really abrupt for me... If you listen to the music the gradual volume increase should start on 00:16:488, so I recommend to use this setting instead:

  1. 00:16:488 - 30% volume
  2. 00:16:667 - 40% volume
  3. 00:16:846 - 50% volume
  4. 00:17:024 - 60% volume
  5. 00:17:203 - 70% volume
  6. 00:17:381 - 80% volume
  7. 00:17:560 - 5% volume
Should blend much better now (:

-> Oh, and I really recommend to use PreviewTime : 18300 instead, try it, really :3


  1. 00:06:846 (3), 00:09:703 (3), 00:12:560 (3) - To be honest I think the opening could use more whistles, as you used in Hyper... Put whistle to all these three circles?
  2. 00:18:631 (1) until 00:26:488 (4) - Where's the claps orz...
  3. 00:58:631 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - Uhm, tilt them a bit? (squares looks to rigid here imo) - select all of them and then rotate ~20° (:
  4. 01:40:059 (6) - I highly recommend to move this upward a bit for a much fancier flow and to avoid over-linearity here :3

  1. 01:04:346 (1) - ...why don't you start spinner 1/4 after and add circle here (with finish) to continue the pentagon? The music continues here, anyway...
  2. 01:17:739 (2) - I highly recommend to add sliderwhistle (whistle on slider's body) to fit the guitar's riff here~
  3. 01:36:488 (2) - orz this slider... You can try something like this, actually:
  4. 01:55:595 (3,4) - Please move a bit to the left (~x:12 y:160) to avoid overlap with (1)'s comboburst...

  1. 00:38:989 (3) - CTRL+R? I personally feel the flow will be better this way...
  2. 00:48:631 (1,2,3,4) - I don't feel really well with the flow here... Try this instead? ((3) is stacked to your red (5))
  3. 01:17:739 (3) - Same as Hyper here, a sliderwhistle is very encouraged (:
One more thing also: Consider using whistle + finish to your last spinner (instead of only finish), it'll be perfect for the ending xD

Aside from it, checked in autoplay and everything looks good~
Topic Starter

Niva wrote:

Hi Takos, I checked the bubble randomly and there are some things which took my attention...


-> The main problem here I think is the spinner on 00:15:417 (all difficulty), using sudden 60% vol. from 20% sounds really abrupt for me... If you listen to the music the gradual volume increase should start on 00:16:488, so I recommend to use this setting instead:

  1. 00:16:488 - 30% volume
  2. 00:16:667 - 40% volume
  3. 00:16:846 - 50% volume
  4. 00:17:024 - 60% volume
  5. 00:17:203 - 70% volume
  6. 00:17:381 - 80% volume
  7. 00:17:560 - 5% volume
Should blend much better now (: Fixed, I couldn't adjust this perfectly... orz

-> Oh, and I really recommend to use PreviewTime : 18300 instead, try it, really :3 agree!


  1. 00:06:846 (3), 00:09:703 (3), 00:12:560 (3) - To be honest I think the opening could use more whistles, as you used in Hyper... Put whistle to all these three circles? added whistles
  2. 00:18:631 (1) until 00:26:488 (4) - Where's the claps orz... oops, fixed...
  3. 00:58:631 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - Uhm, tilt them a bit? (squares looks to rigid here imo) - select all of them and then rotate ~20° (: ok
  4. 01:40:059 (6) - I highly recommend to move this upward a bit for a much fancier flow and to avoid over-linearity here :3 adjusted the note positions

  1. 01:04:346 (1) - ...why don't you start spinner 1/4 after and add circle here (with finish) to continue the pentagon? The music continues here, anyway... added a circle as you said
  2. 01:17:739 (2) - I highly recommend to add sliderwhistle (whistle on slider's body) to fit the guitar's riff here~ ok
  3. 01:36:488 (2) - orz this slider... You can try something like this, actually:
    I used this, thanks!
  4. 01:55:595 (3,4) - Please move a bit to the left (~x:12 y:160) to avoid overlap with (1)'s comboburst...rotated (4) a bit so it doesn't touch the comboburst

  1. 00:38:989 (3) - CTRL+R? I personally feel the flow will be better this way... Ah I leaved this as it is, because I want the player to trace the "4" shape
  2. 00:48:631 (1,2,3,4) - I don't feel really well with the flow here... Try this instead? ((3) is stacked to your red (5))
    fixed, very good suggestion
  3. 01:17:739 (3) - Same as Hyper here, a sliderwhistle is very encouraged (: ok
One more thing also: Consider using whistle + finish to your last spinner (instead of only finish), it'll be perfect for the ending xD added!

Aside from it, checked in autoplay and everything looks good~

Thank you very much for a helpful mod Niva! :D
Rechecking... (don't kudosu this)


  1. 01:30:417 - Are you sure about setting this section's volume to 60%? (I checked Normal and Hyper, they're 70% here...)
  2. 01:30:506 (2) - Hmm, I'd new combo this because previously (1) was a slowdown (:

EDIT: Did some IRC discussion, raised the 5% inherit volume to 20% to make it more audible (on kiai), so...

Ranked ~
Topic Starter

Niva wrote:

Rechecking... (don't kudosu this)


  1. 01:30:417 - Are you sure about setting this section's volume to 60%? (I checked Normal and Hyper, they're 70% here...)
  2. 01:30:506 (2) - Hmm, I'd new combo this because previously (1) was a slowdown (:
All fixed, thank you for recheck
おめでとう~ :) :)
Oh wow Takos i haven't seen a ranked map from you in a while :o. congratz on the rank ;)
wowowow gratz~ :) :)
good map :3

LKs wrote:

good map :3
Yup, congratz >w<
Streams done right
Tatsh is so badass, Congrats!!!
Topic Starter
Thank you everybody~ :)
holy shit this is great
Topic Starter
Thanks again!
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