
Touhou PyP Mafia [GAME OVER - Town wins!]

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Hmm, you know, the whole Reisen killing and healing thing didn't make much sense to me either. More or less, you'd have to read it to understand. As far as I know, Im not allowed to quote the whole pm or anything, right? I can at least sum it up for you guys, if thats allowed.
I think I understand why Reisen's role is like that. Kills -> Madness inducers, Protects -> Eirin's assistant.

I find it impressive that out of 3 characters, Gabi just had to get his favourite character, lol
First in first served they say.

Anyway alright I'll have to go under the assumption that it's correct (we'll find out anyway as you say).

I have no qualms with this set of plans either, or at least I can't find an outstanding reason to think otherwise.
prod or replace DxS. He has had ample time to catch up.

Raging Bull wrote:

And why is that? Because I don't scum hunt? I gave my reason.

cause you post useless stuff and then doctor rolefish , but hey .. you found the 'doctor' , so what would you do if you were mafia now?.

regarding the change of plans cause of the new claim i guess we all agree that Wojjan's plan it's the more sittuable right now .. :)
By the way, Im fairly sure DxS and Raging Bull are the guys we're looking for. But you didnt hear it from me.
The plans sound good for now, though I'm worried that the watcher has decided not to claim for reasons unknown. Give him or her another 12 hours and then plan from there?

Backfire wrote:

By the way, Im fairly sure DxS and Raging Bull are the guys we're looking for.
Both seem scummy in their own way, if their names are the ones that come up it'd be hard to decide who's guilty.
Hi there. Well according to this "so called plan" I still have yet to see a target.

Oh and I'm still pretty sure Backfire has no idea how to play this game.
I know how to play to some extent.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

Hi there. Well according to this "so called plan" I still have yet to see a target.

Oh and I'm still pretty sure Backfire has no idea how to play this game.
What? "See a target"? What are you talking about? Are you the watcher or not?

Btw I believe the claim that backfire is reisen. He replaced Gabi, who is very likely to have chosen Reisen. Dunno about the actual ability though.
Backfire said that the flavor is very defining for his role, which is also the case for me. Kanako was an evil mastermind responsible for the main plot of at leat four main games by now so her being a motivator instead of a mafia roleblocker was a bit of a stretch.

DxS, we work by "first you make a sentence, then you ask a question." Are you the watcher? Reread the thread and the plan states exactly who the watcher should be on.
Sorry for being away. I was participating on some event. Anyway, I won't hold any longer because Backfire role claimed (better odds for Wojjan's plan and worse odds for LS (+ me)'s plan)

Role Claim: Shameimaru Aya

And the result: KRZY, Mashley, Wojjan, Lybydose, and Chris

For new plans LS suggested, Plan A looks perfect as long as we don't have a role blocker. Plan B should be fine, but just a tweak Wojjan suggested (Voyeur targetting the Tracker to insure Backfire indeed protected the Tracker) will make it quite solid.

Back to my result. As you can see, Lyby and Chris are the two people who are likely to be the Tracker and the Mafia. I'm leaning Chris as he vanished after pursuing to not use of KRZY's result and blindly scum hunt just like we would do on D1. Ofcourse, it was a matter of Risk vs Reward, but we needed a way to use any information we had on the table to scum hunt for the least.

Vote: Chris
Sorry for delaying my role claim if I gotten anyone annoyed
roleclaim: Momiji Inubashiri

guess I have no choice since you are destined to be bad and roleclaim
Raging Bull

Salvage wrote:

Raging Bull wrote:

And why is that? Because I don't scum hunt? I gave my reason.

cause you post useless stuff and then doctor rolefish , but hey .. you found the 'doctor' , so what would you do if you were mafia now?.

regarding the change of plans cause of the new claim i guess we all agree that Wojjan's plan it's the more sittuable right now .. :)

I didn't exactly say whoever is doctor go and roleclaim now. I was merely commenting on if there's a doctor around, they should protect tracker in LS' plan

Chris wrote:

roleclaim: Momiji Inubashiri

guess I have no choice since you are destined to be bad and roleclaim
So you are also a watcher? What's your result if that's the case?

nvm and are you willing to give us your result as a Tracker?

bmin11 wrote:

Chris wrote:

roleclaim: Momiji Inubashiri

guess I have no choice since you are destined to be bad and roleclaim
So you are also a watcher? What's your result if that's the case?

nvm and are you willing to give us your result as a Tracker?
two switched rolled and me

bmin11 wrote:

as long as we don't have a role blocker
Dammit, forgot about that. Any complex plan I can conceive of falls apart if they have a roleblocker, which isn't unlikely given that one of the scum was already weakened by being a lover. Not to mention the number of aux roles we have running around. It doesn't even have to be a roleblocker- a silencer could accomplish a similar thing. Basically a mafia power role could severely interfere with our plans, which is likely present to balance out the town aux roles.

I guess... we continue with lynching one of Lybydose or chris (I'll wait for Lybydose to present his case before voting), and if we mislynch we try again tomorrow. Meanwhile aux roles individually come up with a plan but don't reveal it?

akrolsmir wrote:

bmin11 wrote:

as long as we don't have a role blocker
Dammit, forgot about that. Any complex plan I can conceive of falls apart if they have a roleblocker, which isn't unlikely given that one of the scum was already weakened by being a lover. Not to mention the number of aux roles we have running around. It doesn't even have to be a roleblocker- a silencer could accomplish a similar thing. Basically a mafia power role could severely interfere with our plans, which is likely present to balance out the town aux roles.

I guess... we continue with lynching one of Lybydose or chris (I'll wait for Lybydose to present his case before voting), and if we mislynch we try again tomorrow. Meanwhile aux roles individually come up with a plan but don't reveal it?
If everyone wouldn't of roleclaimed like I said everything would still be fine.

Bmin wouldn't be dead tonight, not to mention the rest of us getting picked off one by one. I don't know what any of you were thinking claiming before bmin did though, wow.

Half of you didn't even have a reason to, just gave more names to add to the list of confirmed town to kill.

I had originally planned to tell anyone my role, but I was accused of being mafia and panicked...;3;
oh hi guys I'm the tracker Toyosatomimi no Miko. I guess I can sense people's desires or some such to figure out who they target.

D1 I didn't question Two's plan at all simply because even if there were not a watcher, I could verify both Two and Mashley as town by tracking Two (which I did).

D2 I gave the hint that I was one of KRZY's voyeur results, which Rolled picked up on. Also, here I was questioning if LS targeted KRZY to get her conflicting results: viewtopic.php?f=84&t=62671&p=1053565#p1053565

The reason I asked this specific question is because Two actually swapped KRZY and Rolled. Had LS's result come from targeting KRZY, it would have been because the ability was bus driven. Then Wojjan claimed and explained the whole thing.

Also, this post I mention that my claim order plan was to get Tracker as the duplicate claim: viewtopic.php?f=84&t=62671&p=1055048#p1055048 well that was just so that it would be really obvious to me who was mafia, rather than having to judge two motivators if they were both suspicious people and/or lurkers.
oh yeah another thing. I didn't completely rule out the possibility of a Mafia Watcher either (it's been known to happen). This is why I didn't claim earlier - if the 2nd person claimed anything other than Tracker (this would happen if the 2nd person really was town and the mafia watcher was giving false results to paint someone as scum), it would lead me to believe that the watcher was mafia. That didn't happen.
So if I was swapped with Rolled, does that mean the motivator had actually targeted me?
No, Wojjan's said he was able to motivate someone Day 1 AND Night 1. So Day 1 he targeted Rolled and Night 1 he targeted Two. The bus only has effect at night.
Ok guys let's go with plan C. What's plan C you ask? It's called "lynch chris cause he's mafia".

So wait wouldn't this plan suck if I turned out to be the mafia? No, because backfire would just shoot me if chris flips town. What if backfire is mafia though? You guys could just lynch him if I didn't die. And if he gets blocked? Voyeur/watcher combo verifies that.

Of course none of that is necessary because i'm town.

unvote; vote: chris
In my opinion, Lyby's claim is much stronger.

Vote: Chris
zzz I'm really sorry guys. This past week has been kind of hectic, and I'm going to be pretty busy until around tuesday. If you'd like, I can find a replacement. Until then I'll try to remain as active as possible, I just don't like putting any less than 100% into these games, and it's pretty fast moving.

vote: Chris, as he's the only person from this list I didn't feel was near confirmed town.
fair enough to me

vote : Chris
Oh well.

I do just want to point out that Lybydose was the one who was so for everyone claiming to begin with, and thanks to that mafia knows exactly who they need to kill. There wont be any useless kills, because now we're all lined up already. thx

It really doesn't matter to Lybydose if they die tomorrow if they're just able to get a mislynch off today, since that would not only eliminate the tracker but the watcher would die tonight and I'm sure Backfire would get roleblocked. You finally lynch Lybydose tomorrow and you're stuck at square one because only the voyeur is left and nobody else.

gj mafia no sarcasm
also i don't have any problem if Rolled doesn't post since he's atleast Pro-town , and we could use some of him later lmao

and the "new" plan seems pretty cool , let's get this day over with peeps.
Topic Starter

Chris (5) - bmin11, Lybydose, LadySuburu, Rolled, Salvage
Raging Bull (1) - akrolsmir
Salvage (1) - Rantai
Backfire (1) - KRZY

8 votes are required to lynch.

Deadline is in 22:58 hours
unvote, vote: Chris

Now we need to figure what we do tonight. Options:

1. Somebody comes up with a seamless plan that will resolve despite mafia disruption (via roleblock/nk'ing)
2. Each aux decides his/her own actions to avoid disruption
2a. We come up with some semblance of a plan to confuse scum, but then auxes don't follow it. Unless they choose to. WIFOM GO GO
Is Alice (the mafia Q brought down with him) a part of some kind of a group? If she is, we may able to guess some possible characters and their roles.
Raging Bull
On Touhou wiki her powers are Magic and puppetry. It could be possible role blocking (Magic). Not sure what puppetry would be.

Vote Chris
vote: Chris
Topic Starter
Chris has been lynched

Death scene coming in a few minutes...
Actually unvote, that's closer to lynch than I'm comfortable with before we've had time to discuss any points somebody else might want to bring up.
****.... vote: Raging Bull
I'm jester
Raging Bull
Eh? Lynches are automatically once they have majority? I thought it's till the end of the day.

Raging Bull wrote:

Eh? Lynches are automatically once they have majority? I thought it's till the end of the day.
8 to end the day
11. Once a lynch occurs the Day is considered to be over. Please, please, PLEASE do not post again until the next Day begins, especially if you are the player who was just lynched. (I accept talking beforehand as long as I haven't posted the lynch scene yet.)

SHUT UP. Even though it seems I accept talking beforehand... Ah well. Discussing with pieguy now.

Lilac wrote:

11. Once a lynch occurs the Day is considered to be over. Please, please, PLEASE do not post again until the next Day begins, especially if you are the player who was just lynched. (I accept talking beforehand as long as I haven't posted the lynch scene yet.)

(I accept talking beforehand as long as I haven't posted the lynch scene yet.)

Lilac wrote:

Even though it seems I accept talking beforehand... Ah well. Discussing with pieguy now.
Don't edit out my posts, Chris... I know you included it before.

Lilac wrote:

Lilac wrote:

Even though it seems I accept talking beforehand... Ah well. Discussing with pieguy now.
Don't edit out my posts, Chris... I know you included it before.
I saw your original~
oh well gg everybody

going to bed good night
Even though I can change the rules at any time?
you can only change the rules so much before people stop respecting any or all of them
Topic Starter
Hakurei Shrine

After a while, a few rumors spread among a lot of people stalking others during the night in order to find out who the mafia was. One of them, Inubashiri Momiji, seemed quite off.

"I'm Momiji! I'm only here to cover this incident. I would never kill anyone! Never!"

After some conversation, everyone sensed something was wrong. Eventually, she ran off, and everyone followed her. What they found, however, was not Momiji but instead a rather large catfish. At that point, they decided that the catfish had to go. Everyone chased after it and the catfish ran as fast as he could...

Until he saw the person that he feared the most.

Hong Meiling.

Knowing from the incident in Hisoutensoku, this wasn't going to go well at all. Not to mention that all spell cards are gone so all he could do was flop around and try to squish her, so he tried.

Oh, how he tried only to merely fail. It seems that Meiling has more strength than she looks.

Chris - Unnamed Giant Catfish (Mafia 2-shot Strongman) - Lynched D2.

It is now Night 2. Please send all night actions to either me or Lilac within 22 hours (sorry, it's 22 and not 24 this time).

P.S. I accept talking before I post the lynch scene.

EDIT: Just saw akrolsmir's post. Sorry, you can't unvote after I post that someone has been lynched >.<

pieguy1372 wrote:

EDIT: Just saw akrolsmir's post. Sorry, you can't unvote after I post that someone has been lynched >.<
Yeah I know. I had been ninja'd by you and chris, so whatever. For the record I'm still voting for Raging Bull though :D .
Topic Starter
When everyone woke, they all knew what to expect: one or more people missing. Everyone left gathered at the Hakurei Shrine in order to determine who died. They started with a head count: "1, 2, ...

12, 13"


Everyone suddenly stared at each other. Apparently, no one died last night.

It is now Day 3. Deadline is Saturday, 05:48 GMT.
Ok then.

Pretty much confirmed town:


Maybe town:



Raging Bull

Also, I highly doubt DxS is mafia.

bmin and KRZY, who did you guys watch last night?
Obligatory call for claimed auxes to reveal results... Ninja'd by Lybydose.

vote: Raging Bull Unless one of our auxes comes up with a much better idea.
Raging Bull
I assume Backfire didn't attack so maybe protected. Probably have to wait till he confirms.
I watched Backfire. Apperantly, JInxyjem targetted Backfire on N2
Raging Bull
I guess we have to wait for KRZY for the list of actions. Although I'm curious what Jinyx was doing since there was no deaths.
Also, let me explain why I believe DxS to be non-mafia.

At the end of Day 1, right near the end, Chris (confirmed mafia) moved his vote onto Kiddo-kun/DxS and convinced Two to do the same. This would have been an incredibly bold move on his part if Kiddo/DxS were mafia, as he was opening him up for a last second lynch. He knew that Q was town and most likely did NOT know that animask/Q were lovers, as that's the norm for the lover role - no one knows except those two players, and they can't claim.

Even if he did know that animask was tied to Q, it would have made sense for him to push for a DxS lynch over Q if DxS were town.
I also want Backfire to tell us what he did for N2
yep, Backfire's action is probably the most important piece of the puzzle.
I'll tell you that I absolutly did nothing because GOD DAMN KIDDO-KUN already used my power :x

Oh and you're right Lybydose.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

I'll tell you that I absolutly did nothing because GOD DAMN KIDDO-KUN already used my power :x

Oh and you're right Lybydose.
Ok since your power has already been used, mind telling us what it was?
Hider ability, one time use protects me from everything at night.
Another Hider or Commuter?? Anyway, a name would give us some good infos as well
Role claim: Yakumo Yukari

@bmin It's a commuter ability.
I guess that kind of makes sense.

I wouldn't be surprised if he's actually an independent survivor, but even if he is, that's no threat to the town.

Wojjan wrote:

I like my plan too :)
Also the grandest thing about me motivating you and having backfire still around means that when we do get to the point of a mafia hidden in a bunch of unconfirmed your killing shot plus his killing shot means that we can just weed them all out at once when we get there.

I'm totes fine with LS' rendition of my plan but have the voyeur on the tracker as well in case we lynch the mafia. If the voyeur is also on the tracker we can confirm Backfire did indeed protect the tracker, thus clearing him.

According to this plan, I voyeured Lybydose, thinking Backfire would protect the tracker according to one of Lyby's plans. Guess what, nothing happened to Lybydose!

Well, judging from bmin's information, it looks like Backfire didn't protect the watcher either. I would like an explanation to this.

EDIT: Sorry misread, bmin actually watched Backfire. My bad.

EDIT 2: Wojjan's plan, not Lyby's plan. 3am here :S
Oh yeah, I tracked JInxyjem. Turns out he targeted Backfire, go figure.

I'm guessing Backfire protected someone last night and that person was also targeted for a night kill, hence why no one died.
If LS' plan was followed through, I'm betting Backfire protected Lybydose.

But it's all in the air until he confirms it.
Roleclaim: Shikieiki Yamaxanadu (Cop)
Backfire is Town.
I checked bmin N1 because of Rolled's suspicion on him, and got Town too.
I thought so. I had it in the back of my mind someone would choose her, coupled with the fact that you targeted someone without any noticeable effect, not much thinking required there.

So Backfire and JInxyjem are basically cleared as far as I am concerned.
Oh going by that there is just myself, akrolsmir, Salvage and Raging Bull left (and DxS but less so). I know what I am, leaving those three for me.

Vote: Salvage

I was already highly suspicious of Chris when we had our little argument but didn't say anything about it namely because of your sudden change of heart (Here then suddenly This) when Chris put it out there that he did not want the mafia to be revealed (ie watcher claiming). On top of original suspicions.

If I'm wrong I'll go swallow a bullet or something.
Triple post

Tentative Unvote - new and shocking lampshading from another thread. I'll think about this a bit more.

I know, editing is bad - that's why I have striked everything for consistency purposes.

Anyway: Vote: Salvage - crisis averted.
Yes, I did protect Lybydose last night. ^^;

Backfire wrote:

Yes, I did protect Lybydose last night. ^^;

KRZY wrote:

According to this plan, I voyeured Lybydose, thinking Backfire would protect the tracker according to one of Lyby's plans. Guess what, nothing happened to Lybydose!

bmin11 wrote:

I watched Backfire. Apperantly, JInxyjem targetted Backfire on N2

Lybydose wrote:

Oh yeah, I tracked JInxyjem. Turns out he targeted Backfire, go figure.

Thanks guys, now we've found the group where the next mafia hides. In order of my most favored to be mafia to least:

Backfire: Unvalidated claim (2-shot kill + 1-shot protect), nobody died last night. Potentially faked a doctor success by not having a kill sent in.

KRZY: Claim Voyeur, Mafia Voyeur is known as a possibility. However saying what he said at this point in the game as mafia would be somewhat suicidal since we've already lynched 2 mafia.

JInxyjem: Claimed Cop. Targeted Backfire last night, which is the only real reason he's even on this list. (Roleblocker possibility, but I don't see it likely.)

Cool, everyone else should comment now.
After thinking it over, let's go over this information more carefully.

Assuming only one mafia in this group....

Backfire: Unvalidated claim (2-shot kill + 1-shot protect) [Targeted Lyby with protect?]

KRZY: Claim Voyeur (Targeted Lyby with Voyeur and says nothing happened to lyby?)

JInxyjem: Claimed Cop. (Targeted Backfire last night, Innocent.)


Backfire is mafia: Impossible unless more than one in this group is mafia. JInxy returned a town result on backfire and bmin. Only possible sanities are Naive and Sane.

KRZY is mafia: Easilly possible as a Mafia Voyeur. His claim that nothing happened to Lyby would make little sense to do as mafia, but it is possible.

JInxyjem is mafia: Possible, but that would mean JInxy had a mafia ability that he targeted Backfire with. What would that be? A roleblock wouldn't make sense as nobody died, unless they purposefully sent in a no-kill.

I change my opinion and now believe KRZY the most likely to be mafia. It is possible but unlikely that we have two mafia in this group of 3.
Oh man.

I was so sure the cop claim was legit.

Though if he's lying that means Backfire and JInxyjem are our last 2 mafia.

Or Backfire is lying and has some sort of Godfather role.

Or KRZY lied about Backfire not targeting Lybydose.

I don't know to be honest. If I had to take a stab I'd say the second one, just because I don't believe the role fits with the character very well.
God damn ninja by 7 seconds.

Rantai wrote:

Or Backfire is lying and has some sort of Godfather role.
Thanks for reminding me about Godfather, that's a good point and makes KRZY and backfire tied again in my eyes.

LadySuburu wrote:

JInxyjem is mafia: Possible, but that would mean JInxy had a mafia ability that he targeted Backfire with. What would that be? A roleblock wouldn't make sense as nobody died, unless they purposefully sent in a no-kill.
This could be a suicidal move but w/e.

It's still very possible that he is a roleblocker.
Raging Bull
Wouldn't GF role give a town result?
Yes, exactly Raging Bull.
Raging Bull
Okay maybe I should refresh forum after reading.
Raging Bull
All I can think of it's either backfire or KRZY. I don't think they're both mafia since they both have different results. I'm more leaning against backfire since KRZY helped us on D2.
I'm not outing who I motivated to lower the chances of them being killed tonight. Have fun mafia!

So the results from backfire and KRZY don't add up and Backfire has done nothing to explain himself.

Vote: Backfire until I get a decent explanation other than WIFOM.
I don't want to start scumhunting among aux roles we have. As me and akro said, it's really easy to have a different night result than what we expected to for a PyP game like this. I still think we have to take care with people who haven't role claimed.

Backfire (2 shot vig + 1 shot doc)
Lydy (Tracker)
bmin11 (Watcher)
KRZY (Voyeur)
LS (Mason + 9% chance vig)
Rolled (Mason)
Wojjan (Motivator)
DxS (1-shot commuter)
JInxyjem (Cop)

Not claimed:
Raging Bull

bmin11 wrote:

I don't want to start scumhunting among aux roles we have. As me and akro said, it's really easy to have a different night result than what we expected to for a PyP game like this.
It's not really easy for two towns to have conflicting results like this.

KRZY: "Nothing happened to Lybydose." (Which means no protection.)

Backfire: "I protected Lybydose." (Which means one of the two is lying, or...)

JInxyjem targeted Backfire (Which means he may have roleblocked backfire.)

I'd like to scumhunt there since at least one of the three is confirmed scum. We just don't know which one yet.
Raging Bull
Oh wow. I didn't think of Jinyx as roleblocker since it's possible to just say Backfire is town since we already believe he is one.
I would still like everyone to role claim regardless. Anyway, heading to my class
how's that? .. he could be lying about his role.

Raging Bull wrote:

Oh wow. I didn't think of Jinyx as roleblocker since it's possible to just say Backfire is town since we already believe he is one.
The only problem with that, which I stated before, is that would mean mafia chose not to kill anyone last night, which doesn't make much sense.

LadySuburu wrote:

Raging Bull wrote:

Oh wow. I didn't think of Jinyx as roleblocker since it's possible to just say Backfire is town since we already believe he is one.
The only problem with that, which I stated before, is that would mean mafia chose not to kill anyone last night, which doesn't make much sense.
Maybe there's a friendly eiring around who protected the actual target?
that's Eirin Yagokoro, not an earring, by the way. typoes
Well any misinformation is bad information right?

Roleclaim: Konpaku Youmu - Seraph Knight

I'm almost certain I blocked the mafia NK last night, that being bmin. Seeing as he was still 'vulnerable' in the 'plan' and that Chris was preaching his death I'm pretty sure they followed through.

Now I know roleclaiming as a doctor role isn't the best but it's annoying me to see that wrong assumption and well I doubt they are going to attack bmin again anyway.

Wojjan wrote:

Maybe there's a friendly eiring around who protected the actual target?
Maybe, which would just add to the confusion.

@Rantai Which night did you use your ability?
Night 2. I did not use any ability night 1.
Seeing as that is out in the open, this is also part of the reason why I wanted the watcher to claim after everyone started stating that the watcher would be a guaranteed NK if he did claim.
Raging Bull
Well I don't want to be lynched when I'm asleep.

Roleclaim: Fujiwara no Mokou

I should be the equivalent to a townie since I have no ability listed.
Apart from being immortal and all.

yes awesome a seraph knight this will buy us EVEN MORE time. Rantai if at any point bmin dies we kill you so don't kill him okay.

I think by now this game is sort of won. Currently I feel the most for a JInxyjem lynch. Odds are he roleblocked Backfire just to get us to lynch him because he didn't show up in the report, and targeted the watcher because they'd have to kill him first to get through to the tracker. Voyeur on his own is worth a lot less.

Vote: Jinx
Raging Bull
Lol I really thought I would be a survivor when I picked Mokou but sadly nope.
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