
Sambomaster - Kimi wo Mamotte, Kimi wo Aishite

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, 30 January 2010 at 2:04:26 PM

Artist: Sambomaster
Title: Kimi wo Mamotte, Kimi wo Aishite
Source: Bleach
Tags: Gladi ztrot TV Size Ending 19
BPM: 138
Filesize: 11231kb
Play Time: 01:19
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.23 stars, 57 notes)
  2. Gladi's Bankai (4.92 stars, 218 notes)
  3. Hollow Mix (5 stars, 350 notes)
  4. Normal (3.5 stars, 108 notes)
  5. ztrot's Hollow (4.94 stars, 281 notes)
Download: Sambomaster - Kimi wo Mamotte, Kimi wo Aishite
Download: Sambomaster - Kimi wo Mamotte, Kimi wo Aishite (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Bleach Ending 19 (TV Size)
My first beatmap. I figured if I was going to start mapping, I'd start off with a nice, simple map. Credits to Gladi and ztrot for the Difficulties. You guys made this beatmap awesome XD


EDIT: Added Gladi's Diff.

EDIT: Added Video Background. Quality's not really good, but that's the best I can do, unless someone provides me one with better quality and under the 20MB limit

EDIT: Requested use of Bleach Skin by Utena. Unless he says no, I'm gonna use some of it for my beatmap.

EDIT: Utena's a female!? How come no one ever told me? Aspects of Bleach Skin by Utena is in use.

EDIT: Changed background to DJPop's suggestions.

EDIT: Added ztrot's Diff.

EDIT: Changed background to a chibi one I found.
You fixed [Hard], but the video line is still in [Easy] :\
BPM: 138
Offset: 4,334
You should get a better BG through googe or something.

Increase Overall difficulty and Circle size by 1.

Change to 1.0 spacing and respace the whole, yes, WHOLE, map.
00:46:058 (1) - Extend by 1/2 a tick
01:05:624 - Remove break

Not starring just yet. PM me when you're done.
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Deleted the video line in Easy.

Increased difficulty like you said.

Respaced WHOLE map in Normal.
01:08:682 (2,3,4) - Too far from each other.
01:12:160 (3,4,5,6) - Too near to each other. (6) will require you to move it out of the line.

Have you really respaced everything?

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Respaced WHOLE beatmap for Normal. Hopefully, it's acceptable this time. Did changes for Easy as well.
Oh you. You resnapped [Normal] alright, but to 0.6x snap. Could you please stop being so lazy? 0.6x is way too small for a Normal map, you need at least 0.9x.

Also, no problems for the BG, its fine.
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pfft, okay fine. I only snapped to 0.6 cause I wanted overlaps, but nevermind, nevermind :cry:

Respaced Normal, again. This time to 0.9. If there's still any problems, let me know, and I'll change it.
[Both diffis]
00:53:015 - Add a timing section here for kiai time.
01:03:233 - Add another timing section here to stop kiai.
01:06:928 - Add timing section for kiai.

BPM: 138
Offset 4334
00:39:101 (8) - Too near to (7).

Finally good enough for a star.
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Added Kiai for both Diffs. Also fixed spacing problem.
BPM 138
Offset 2585

Get a new background, this one is ugly and blurry.
My diff below~ (It's ugly, but I don't care D:)

Download: Sambomaster - Kimi wo Mamotte Kimi wo Aishite (YGOkid8) [Gladi].osu
way way too repetitive
you will need to think of some new patterns to map it with-not just long sliderrrrrs
00:51:063 (1,2,3,4) - don't overuse finish
01:03:454 (5) - make it look nicer? :( more symmetrical
01:10:411 (1) - remove finish
01:18:889 (1) - start at 01:19:107

very repetitive again
don't have same overall diff/hp drain etc as easy

name it Gladi's Hard or something
looks pretty nice

put Gladi in tags on all diff's
don't forget to set preview points (under timing)

PM after you make easy/normal more creative and I will star
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James2250: If it's still too repetitive for Easy and Normal, let me know and I'll see if I can be juuust a bit more creative

offset: 791 (snap on 1/8th/recalculate sliders)


cant find anything besides the offset actually

Sounds fine!

00:10:411 (4,5) - move them 1-2 squares down
00:17:367 (4,5) - move them 1-2 squares up

Gladi's Hard

YGOkid8's Bankai
00:48:454 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - timing is quite weird here... do something!
01:27:802 (1) - remove hitsounds's volume from this spinner's end

... please, add the video of this song (or, at least, change the background)... this can make this good map more rankable!
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x3ns0r wrote:


offset: 791 (snap on 1/8th/recalculate sliders) sorry, I find the offset doesn't work...

Lokamp wrote:

Sounds fine!

00:10:411 (4,5) - move them 1-2 squares down
00:17:367 (4,5) - move them 1-2 squares up Done

Gladi's Hard

YGOkid8's Bankai
00:48:454 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - timing is quite weird here... do something! Done
01:27:802 (1) - remove hitsounds's volume from this spinner's end okay, how do I do that???

... please, add the video of this song (or, at least, change the background)... this can make this good map more rankable! I have the video, but it's too large to upload (BSS won't let me). Unless I can remove the audio from the video, or someone provide me the video -audio, I can't do it :cry:
Delete your own nick from bankai diff lol. It's your map, so it makes already pure sense it's your diff xD
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well, I thought just "Bankai" would be too plain. So, now it's going to be "My Bankai!" xD
Follow the distance spacing!!
I think you should stick to a set distance spacing for the easier difficulties

00:09:541 (2) - spacing
00:11:280 (1) - spacing
00:14:758 (1) - spacing
00:16:497 (2) - spacing
00:18:236 (1) - spacing
00:22:584 (2) - move up 1
00:52:149 (4) - spacing
00:53:019 (1,2,3) - spacing
00:56:497 (1,2,3) - spacing
00:59:976 (1,2,3,4,5) - spacing
01:07:802 (1,2,3,4) - spacing
01:10:410 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - spacing
01:14:323 (1,2,3) - spacing

00:08:671 (4,1) - spacing
00:13:019 (3,1) - spacing
00:15:628 (4,1) - spacing
00:17:801 (5,1,2) - spacing
00:23:454 (3,4,5,6,7) - move down and right by 1, then fix up spacing for other circles

[My Bankai!]
00:02:639 (1,2,3,4) - inconsistent jump spacing, keep their spacing the same
00:04:379 (1,1,1) - i dislike this (thats just me)
00:13:835 (5) - delete this one (my preference, you dont have to follow it)
00:20:031 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - REALLY hate this pattern
00:33:944 (1,2,3) - delete this, and replace it with a long spinner
00:36:117 ~ 00:42:639 - the beat feels really weird, i suggest you change it
00:51:118 (1,2,3,4) - jump spacing
00:52:205 (1) - start this spinner right after the jump
01:20:248 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - hate this pattern (because i use mouse lol)

can't help you with timing cos i suck myself at it D;
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saymun wrote:

Follow the distance spacing!!
I think you should stick to a set distance spacing for the easier difficulties See following:

00:09:541 (2) - spacing
00:11:280 (1) - spacing
00:14:758 (1) - spacing
00:16:497 (2) - spacing
00:18:236 (1) - spacing Slider spacing is meant to be a little different for symmetrical
00:22:584 (2) - move up 1 That was careless of me
00:52:149 (4) - spacing
00:53:019 (1,2,3) - spacing
00:56:497 (1,2,3) - spacing
00:59:976 (1,2,3,4,5) - spacing
01:07:802 (1,2,3,4) - spacing
01:10:410 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - spacing Fixed
01:14:323 (1,2,3) - spacing Same condition for sliders

00:08:671 (4,1) - spacing
00:13:019 (3,1) - spacing
00:15:628 (4,1) - spacing
00:17:801 (5,1,2) - spacing Fixed
00:23:454 (3,4,5,6,7) - move down and right by 1, then fix up spacing for other circles

[My Bankai!]
00:02:639 (1,2,3,4) - inconsistent jump spacing, keep their spacing the same meant to jump around field. Unless that's REALLY a problem, I'll keep it the same.
00:04:379 (1,1,1) - i dislike this (thats just me)
00:13:835 (5) - delete this one (my preference, you dont have to follow it)
00:20:031 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - REALLY hate this pattern that's what makes it hard xD
00:33:944 (1,2,3) - delete this, and replace it with a long spinner I reckon that's too easy D:
00:36:117 ~ 00:42:639 - the beat feels really weird, i suggest you change it 00:40:845 - 00:42:584: if you listen hard enough, that's the beat the drums are playing
00:51:118 (1,2,3,4) - jump spacing fine, i'll change it to make it harder then >:D
00:52:205 (1) - start this spinner right after the jump I reckon it follows the music more when it starts here, thanks
01:20:248 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - hate this pattern (because i use mouse lol) >:D

can't help you with timing cos i suck myself at it D; that's cool :)
00:33:889 (1) - kinda short but its ok
00:38:237 - feels kinda empty could add "something" here
00:42:150 - ^
01:03:454 (5) - new combo + curve could look better

00:11:280 (1) - align with 5?
00:13:019 (3) - align with 1 ^
00:23:454 (3) - new combo
00:30:411 (3) - ^
01:15:194 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - hitsounds

Gladi's hard:
looks good

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James2250 wrote:

00:33:889 (1) - kinda short but its ok Fixed
00:38:237 - feels kinda empty could add "something" here Tried, but failed D:
00:42:150 - ^
01:03:454 (5) - new combo + curve could look better Done

00:11:280 (1) - align with 5? Done
00:13:019 (3) - align with 1 ^ I would, but then I'd have to fix spacing, which I've kinda had enough doing D:
00:23:454 (3) - new combo
00:30:411 (3) - ^ Fixed
01:15:194 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - hitsounds Forgot about those xD

Gladi's hard:
looks good

Love Sambomaster but this song is a bit boring >_>

No prob~

00:44:324(6) - So manny loops makes a weard rythm. Please, end it at 00:45:193 (3 loops) and add a note at 00:45:628.
00:54:976(1~10) - Too big combo, considering that the other ones are prrety tiny (like combos with 2 or 5 hits). It wouldn't have any problem if used big combos like that on the whole song, but it's just that part, so I think that you should fix it.
00:56:498(1~13) - ^
01:06:933(1~10) - ^
01:11:281(1~10) - ^

Gladi's Hardl
Nice! No prob!

My Bankai
Not really good modding insanes, but it's cool too~

Don't forget to change the kiai, ok?~

Star, it's a nice map :]
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Yes you may use my skin :)! haha
And Im a SHE btw ;D
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Utena wrote:

Yes you may use my skin :)! haha
And Im a SHE btw ;D
oh, okay :D. lol
BPM is 137,999 on normal and easy while it is 198 on gladi's and bankai. fix it.

00:56:498 (1,2,3........) - There's obviously a symetry problem on the bottom of the pattern...
01:26:932 (1,2) - symetry

00:04:324 (1) - DAMN did you noticed the mp3's bad cut? i knew that the very first part had a weird timing. but seems fine. Besides, try not to put notes Before the first timing section (move the first TS following the beat. this is not important but some may complain about this.)
01:27:802 (1) - maybe make the end of this slider silent?

hmm... star...
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Sushi971 wrote:

BPM is 137,999 on normal and easy while it is 198 on gladi's and bankai. fix it. 198? I think you mean 138. Anyway, fixed

00:56:498 (1,2,3........) - There's obviously a symetry problem on the bottom of the pattern...
01:26:932 (1,2) - symetry Fixed

00:04:324 (1) - DAMN did you noticed the mp3's bad cut? i knew that the very first part had a weird timing. but seems fine. Besides, try not to put notes Before the first timing section (move the first TS following the beat. this is not important but some may complain about this.) Sure enough, Mafiamaster did.
01:27:802 (1) - maybe make the end of this slider silent? please tell me how

hmm... star...
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Mafiamaster wrote:

Add a comma after Mamotte in the title
"Kimi wo Mamotte, Kimi wo Aishite" = Correctness okay :)

Gladi's Hard~
  1. 00:32:802 (3,8) - Suggestion: Align with 5 and 6 OR shift the rest of the combo up one so 3 is still kind of under the fading slider 6.
Fixed. Hope you don't mind Gladi.

My Bankai~
  1. 00:00:845 (1,2) - Don't put down notes BEFORE the very first offset. Fixed
  2. 00:51:498 (3) - Align under 2 vertically. Carelessness :oops:
  3. 01:12:150 (1) - Move this a tad bit to the right for even spacing. Then align the rest of the combo.Fixed
Hi ^^

00:09:541 (2,1) - Check the spacing please
00:16:498 (2,1) - ^

00:54:758 (3) - Move 3 grid up
00:58:237 (3) - ^

[My Bankai!]
00:04:324 (1,1) - Unrankable spinner LOL (AutoPlay must have bonus score at least 2000)

Taking care of some housekeeping issues.

I'd change the source to just Bleach, and put "Ending 19" or whatever in the tags. (while removing "Bleach" from the tags)

My Bankai! has unrankable stack leniency.

Gladi's Hard has no preview time.

My Bankai! has a DIFFERENT preview time than the others (51063 for Easy/Normal, 51280 for My Bankai!)

Also, to add on to that post, the comboburst is too large. The pixel count of the width is 512 while the max allowed is 500. And also, you have some unused skin elements in the song folder (like the ranking pannel stuff). Make sure to get that fixed as well.
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Leorda wrote:

Hi ^^

00:09:541 (2,1) - Check the spacing please
00:16:498 (2,1) - ^doesn't look like I can break spacing for symmetry :(
00:54:758 (3) - Move 3 grid up
00:58:237 (3) - ^ Done. Don't see why though...

[My Bankai!]
(1,1) - Unrankable spinner LOL (AutoPlay must have bonus score at least 2000) If you look carefully, the spinner just barely reaches 2000, but I guess that doesn't count. Fixed.

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Kytoxid wrote:

Taking care of some housekeeping issues.

I'd change the source to just Bleach, and put "Ending 19" or whatever in the tags. (while removing "Bleach" from the tags)

My Bankai! has unrankable stack leniency.Fixed, for now. I want the leniency as low as possible, so what's the lowest it can go and still be rankable?

Gladi's Hard has no preview time. O_o Fixed

My Bankai! has a DIFFERENT preview time than the others (51063 for Easy/Normal, 51280 for My Bankai!) How do you find out where the preview time starts and stuff??? Fixed, anyway

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whymeman wrote:

Also, to add on to that post, the comboburst is too large. The pixel count of the width is 512 while the max allowed is 500. And also, you have some unused skin elements in the song folder (like the ranking pannel stuff). Make sure to get that fixed as well.
Talked about the skin in IRC and may I recommend setting some custom colors as well? No idea what you should use but I think the default combo colors don't really work.
Hi YGOkid8~
Now mod start

  1. I got 2 osb. file in song folder, please delete them
  2. TV Size Ending 19 should not to be a tag
  1. fine
  1. 00:49:759 - spinner ends here maybe
  2. 01:01:715 (1) - remove new combo
  3. 01:02:150 (2) - new combo here
[Gladi's hard]
  1. 01:28:998 - add a timing secion here and slience the end of spinner better
[My Bankai!]
  1. awesome jump lol
Nice jump map!
Topic Starter

rust45 wrote:

Talked about the skin in IRC and may I recommend setting some custom colors as well? No idea what you should use but I think the default combo colors don't really work.
With the skin thing, it'll be alright if I just change the preference to default, right?

Fiddled with custom colours. Tell me what you think of it, everyone.
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Breeze wrote:

Hi YGOkid8~
Now mod start

  1. I got 2 osb. file in song folder, please delete them Done
  2. TV Size Ending 19 should not to be a tag
um... then where do I put it?? I think it should be a tag, since the source IS actually Bleach. TV, Size, Ending and 19 seem to fit into tags.

  1. fine
  1. 00:49:759 - spinner ends here maybe I reckon it'll be better if it landed on the first beat, the strongest in music terms
  2. 01:01:715 (1) - remove new combo
  3. 01:02:150 (2) - new combo here
Sorry, I disagree. I feel that it'll be more appropriate if the new combo began on the first beat

[Gladi's hard]
  1. 01:28:998 - add a timing secion here and slience the end of spinner better
Done. Did it with my Bankai! as well.

[My Bankai!]
  1. awesome jump lol
Thank you XD

Nice jump map!
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For the time being, I am renaming "My Bankai!" back to "YGOkid8's Bankai" for a few reasons.

1) Assume 2 people are having a conversation.

A: Hey, you should check out YGOkid8's beatmap on the hardest diff.
B: Cool. What's the diff?
A: The diff is my Bankai!
B: What, you did a guest diff?
A: No no, the diff. is actually called My Bankai!

Or something like that

2) I don't see any reason not to. My Bankai! would be too confusing, whether just Bankai! would be plain. Plus, you see many beatmaps where people put their own name in their diff. so I'm going to as well D:
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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babble wrote:


00:28:671 - (1,2) Personally I'd place these notes between the red combo that comes after so that the 1 and 2 are symmetrically between the next combo, just for the sake of it looking good ;) sorry, I don't understand. could you define with an image?

00:58:237 -(1-7) Personally I'd make this stack a stream sorry, denied D:

Gladi's Hard It'd be nice to have a Bleach theme, so, Gladi's Hard is now Gladi's Bankai
Nothin wrong

Bankai (I'd rename this back to Bankai, personally. It sounds like you did a guest diff in a map originally made by you and gave to someone else) I thought of a better idea, something I should've thought of ages ago. Renamed to Hollow Mix.
00:41:280 - Remove new combo
00:41:498 - New combo
00:41:715 - Remove new combo
00:42:585 - ^ Maybe I should explain why I did that. In music terms, there are the on beats and off beats. Beats are usually stronger on the on beat, so I made the new combo there.
00:51:063 - (1-4) Spacing is too large considering how close these notes are on the timeline jumps D: I'll change if someone else has a problem with it
01:20:846 - Remove new combo First beat of the bar, strongest D:
01:27:368 - ^ For the sake of consistency

Just explain what you mean in Easy, since I don't really understand
Just explain what you mean in Easy, since I don't really understand
Don't understand? You did it right though with the next update! XD

Also my reason for alll the new combos is for the HP drain. I see how they fit with the music, but they did not agree with the HP bar at all and made it too erratic. At the end of every combo you either get a huge HP boost or a huge HP hit, depending on if you miss the note or not. Too many new combos makes the HP bar go FUUUUUUUUUU.
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babble wrote:

Also my reason for alll the new combos is for the HP drain. I see how they fit with the music, but they did not agree with the HP bar at all and made it too erratic. At the end of every combo you either get a huge HP boost or a huge HP hit, depending on if you miss the note or not. Too many new combos makes the HP bar go FUUUUUUUUUU.
oh, okay :|

Even if I don't see it myself... Fixed... in a different way >:D
Nothing found. :D
I'll give my proto after I'm done with the fodler checking and stuff.

EDIT: Delete BOTH .osbs and Full Submit.


00:19:976 (1) - kind of short spinner for normal. Should start at 00:19:541 and end at the same
00:33:889 (1) - kind of short for normal. Extend to 00:35:628 maybe
00:59:976 - add circle? if you do, put the finish here instead of 7
01:13:889 - ^


Maybe increase OD by one tick

00:09:106 (3) - new combo
[Hollow Mix]:
00:14:324 (1) - Mind adding one more anchor point here? Notice the big stretch of yellow, and also that moving it ever so slightly would cause a Chicago train wreck.
00:28:237 (1) - Same as above.

Remove Bleach from all tags (It seems Hollow Mix already did this, inconsistent tags FTW?)

Also, remove the extra space too. :P Whatever tags that are in Hollow Mix should be in all of your other difficulties.

Really, that's it. I don't think there's much else to pick on, haha.
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[All difficulties/general]
The countdowns work awkwardly with [Normal] and [Hard] (and you might want to take it out of Easy too to be consistent, up to you).
This map needs to have a hitcircleoverlay.png.
01:03:454 - I don't like the kiai refountains.

00:16:498 (2,1) - Even these out.
00:51:063 (1,2,3) - Beat strength is odd- make this two circles and a slider with a repeat.
01:03:454 (1) - I don't really like the hitsounds here, but this especially needs a finish.

[Gladi's Bankai]
The repetitive claps get sort of annoying.
00:48:237 (2,3) - This part of the sequence doesn't flow well.

[Hollow Mix]
I don't like the hitsounds here in general. No spice at all, just repetition.
00:04:324 (1) - This ends on a 1/4. That's not good.
00:51:063 (1,2,3,4) - These jumps don't really fit; they're just there to make it harder but it feels forced.
00:52:150 (1) - The spinner end on such a strong beat, leading right into hitcircles, makes the sequence awkward.
01:03:455 (1) - Same problem here. (Shorten spinner by 1/2 and add a circle?)
01:06:063 (1) - This one plays a lot better.
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