
Ayana Taketatsu - Over the Starlight

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2011年5月2日 at 19:14:22

Artist: Ayana Taketatsu
Title: Over the Starlight
Source: K-ON!
Tags: Nakano Azusa HTT HO-KAGO TEA TIME
BPM: 120
Filesize: 8300kb
Play Time: 03:57
Difficulties Available:
  1. Over the Light (4.98 stars, 595 notes)
  2. Over the Star (2.98 stars, 251 notes)
Download: Ayana Taketatsu - Over the Starlight
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 1st beatmap

Over the Star=Normal
Over the Light=Hard
Skins by Nymph_

Hope you like it
And enjoy
我推~ mod什么的一会再说~

Combo1 : 243,221,146
Combo2 : 157,253,157
Combo3 : 255,155,205

nice map :)
试着MOD一下 挑能接受的意见改吧~


circle size +1? AR+1? OD+1? 因为歌超过4分钟 那么慢打起来真的好无聊..而且这是NORMAL又不是EASY..
试着加点Hitsound 没有HITSOUND太单调了.

00:30:871 (3) - 停在00:31:621怎么样?
00:53:746 (1) - 停在00:54:621怎么样? 因为这两句歌词跟的很紧 这样似乎比较连贯 不过你原来的摆法也可以 只是个建议.
00:55:746 (3) - 同上 结尾往后推2个小格到红线
02:50:871 (1) - 如果是按歌词的节奏的话 这个应该往前一格..不过那样似乎不太舒服


..基本不按Distance spacing走呢 摆的好乱啊 不过要打也能打呢..不发表意见了 等厉害的MODDER来看..
节奏没感觉出来有什么错 也是得加HITSOUND
摆的有点太密集了 试着弄大间距 滑条之间多一些穿插? 而且有些重叠也很别扭 试着改改看吧... 这方面不敢班门弄斧了.
路过 明天有时间再看
star :3
01:24:746 - move to 01:24:496

00:04:746 (5) - (nazi) ctrl+1 then 1 grif left
01:42:621 (3) - (nazi) ctrl+2 1 grid right
02:17:871 (3) - (nazi) ^?

more like to insane
02:57:371 (8,9,1) - confusing
03:42:371 (4) - new combo?
03:44:621 (6) - ^
03:46:621 (6) - ^
03:48:371 (1) - ^
Hello!!! :) (You posted in a mod4mod queue so please mod one of my beatmaps too [they're in my signature or profile] )

Consider making the Approach Rate higher by one tick.
00:40:871 (4) Make more symmetrical pleeease

It's... it's so goood! Have a star.
Topic Starter
Thanks you all
@SapphireGhost:Sorry,but I will see your map soon,plz wait ;)
wait what, I don't find problems orz

star, and gool duck... uh good luck XD
star :D
mark first~~star :)

- 音效下了很大的功夫, 辛苦了
- diff spread不佳, 考慮一下map一個[Easy], 雖然你的[Normal]間距很規矩bpm也只有120, 但新手仍然很不容易讀出哪些東西在藍線上 (1.0x spacing 3/4拍和1拍的間距差異並不是那麼明顯), [Hard]偏難
- 既然加了HTT在Tags, 你也可以加ho-kago tea time
- 建議挑地方下一段式的KIAI

<00:39:371> (4) 這格使用normal set, 並能大聲一點
<00:53:746> (1) normal-finish較好
<01:01:746> (1) ^
<01:21:871> (1) 這個note太安靜, 個人覺得可以用降音的normal-finish (30%-40%)
<01:43:121> new combo改放這, 下一個不放
<01:45:121> ^
<02:21:871> 其實我覺得(3,4)很適合合成一個spinner呢, 不過別下KIAI fountain
<02:53:746> 這格應該要有hitsound的

- 用太多reverse jump了, 一段有兩三個用來展現難度就夠了, 並不喜歡
<00:49:121> 用兩個circle較順
<01:01:746> (1,2,3,4)並不好讀, 考慮別重疊
<01:46:871> 加note (如果加了可能需要改擺放的位置)
<02:19:121> (2) 不好聽, 只在藍線或紅線上下circle都好聽點
<02:21:121> ^
<02:56:621..> (4..9) orz spacing


敢不用默认combo color吗lol

为神马高潮段没有hisounds 233

00:57:871 (1,2,3) - 这段不知道想表达什么.
01:05:871 (1,2,3) - ^

01:58:121 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - 个人认为这种歌不合这种遮挡...
02:29:871 (1,1) - 这...隔太近了吧
03:19:746 (1) - reverse
03:23:746 (4,5,6,7,8) - orz spacing

~spacing觉得很不舒服 但是又说不出哪里....
Topic Starter
Thanks you all
Waiting for further modding
Just go through a quick check and no main problems found.

/me shoots a star.
Looks great, only some minor combo suggestions, feel free to ignore if you disagree~ :3

00:08:621 (6) - Maybe new combo?
00:33:746 (6) - ^
00:37:746 (6) - ^
00:41:746 (5) - ^
01:08:621 (6) - ^
01:27:746 (5) - ^
01:31:746 (5) - ^
01:35:746 (6) - ^
01:43:871 (5) - ^
02:27:871 (5) - ^
03:05:871 (5) - ^
03:15:371 (4) - ^
03:21:871 (8) - ^
03:53:746 (6) - ^

01:07:371 (4) - Maybe new combo?
01:34:871 (3) - Move the end square one grid left
01:46:996 (3) - New combo?
03:10:746 (2) - Move middle square one grid right

Look awesome, take my star<3
0.0 之前没仔细看 音效是做的不错 但是.......



正确方法是用附件的soft-hitclap.wav(这个音和SampleSet:normal的hit音一样),放到歌曲文件夹下,然后在timing设置-Audio设置中选择“Custom 1”

不知道我表达清楚没有>__< 不会复杂的中文




star~ 会使用Custom音效的话 你会是神mapper
Topic Starter
Fixed and thanks you all
Waiting for further modding
Oh my God :D

I'm not a fan of these songs ... can tell they even annoy me.. I will not be a mod ... so just a star D:
hihi~ :)

combo color不好看...
try this:
Combo1 : 255,128,192
Combo2 : 0,47,94
Combo3 : 255,215,215
Combo4 : 0,123,183
另外這歌比較歡快,找個地方插段kiai time進去吧

01:41:871(1) - 換成折返slider. 如果這節奏你想擺circle也起碼放在幾個同節奏的slider后面,讓人習慣了這節奏再說
01:43:121(1) - remove new combo.
01:43:871(2) - new combo.
01:45:121(1), 01:45:871(2) - ^
01:46:996(1) - 位置別扭,而且為什么幾乎沒聲音...
02:51:871(2) - 出于對新人著想,少一次repeat?
03:25:871(1) - 無意義的new combo.


Topic Starter
Combo Color
Diffs' Name

Thanks you all
Waiting for further modding
azu-nyaaaaan !!!! :3
/me nosebleed

00:11:871 - delete the kiai D: cannot play firework XD
02:31:871 - ^

Cannot mod this song :3
azu-nyan bg too cute :3
take the star XD
Map's good, it sure have my star.
I think you should consider to map a Normal difficulty, so it can balance the difference between Easy's slowness and Hard/Insane fastness.

[Over the Star]
02:19:871 (1) - Remove New Combo.
02:21:871 (3) - New Combo.
02:36:871 (5) - Spacing.

[Over the Light]
00:01:746 (4) - New Combo.
Offset = -129 Delete the other red lines.

Caution: When using this offset, do not resnap notes in the Timing Setup screen. Instead use the resnap all notes option in the timing menu tab.

Over the Star

00:38:871 (4,5) - I don't quite like this stack. It plays weird. Maybe you could mess around with half stacks here. I think they play better, but slightly more difficult to hit. Specifically this rhythm

Or just space the current setup like the rest of the song and not have a stack there.

02:21:871 (3,1) - Maybe use a spinner. I'm not sure though.

03:50:621 (3,4) - I think you should delete note 3 and then place the slider where note 3 was and add a repeat. I think it simplified the beat and compliments the vocals.

03:52:621 (3,4) - Do the same with this.

Over the Light

I think the speed required to hit the 1/4th notes at 1/2th stacks outpaces the song. I really liked the 0.4 snapped 1/4th notes the most. Most of the 1/4ths were just awkward if they didn't go into a slider or stacked. I couldn't expect you to change it though.

00:04:996 (4,5) - This feels like it should be a slider to me.

I like how this plays. You don't have to change if you don't want to.

00:49:371 (6,7,8,9) - Resnap to 1.2 distance snap.

01:26:746 (3) - Remove. It's empty. Reposition the notes after. It plays a lot better without.

01:36:746 (5) - I don't think this note is needed.

01:36:871 (6) - I think you should remove the repeat and add a note here 01:37:371 -

01:39:746 (1,2,3) - This throws me off beat. I find it hard to find the rhythm in this combo. I suggest spacing 01:40:121 (3) - out from the stack.

01:40:621 (4,5,6,7,8) - Stack the 1/4th notes >.< I can't find the rhythm.

01:50:121 (5,6) - This is awkward. I suggest deleting note 6 and adding 2 repeats to note 5.

01:55:371 (1) - Remove new combo

01:55:871 (3) - New combo (It goes with every other slowdown in the song)

02:07:996 - End kiai time here 02:07:871 -

02:23:871 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I don't think these patterns are entirely accurate. I have trouble FCing this section.

You can ignore the sliders and positions. Where the notes are on the timeline is where I think the sounds are.

02:37:121 (5,6) - Move down 1 unit (or how much the distance snap lets you.)

02:37:621 (7,1,2) - Make this look like the opposite form of the previous notes.

02:39:871 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Awkward and confusing. >.< (I think half notes play a lot better forward than whipping backwards after those 1/4th notes.)

02:41:996 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - (Half notes play better forward than backward)

02:43:871 (1,2,3,4) - Please make them slider. This is wtf awkward to me.

02:56:996 (1,2,1,2,1) - This is not right. You can't wildly slow down like this without warning.

03:10:121 (3,4,5,6,7) - WTF...... >.<

03:42:621 (5,6) - Jump is way too large for a vocal transition that doesn't scream jump. It's just unintuitive and only here to combo break people.

03:44:621 (6,7) - ^

03:46:621 (6,7) - ^

03:48:621 (5,6) - ^


I'm withholding my star, because Over the Light is unneedingly awkward to me when I was hoping for a nice flowing beatmap. I'll recheck once it gets more stars and if your current patterns in the map are well accepted, then I'll star.
:) star了喵❤


Ayeen mod:

Major issues I found:

1. Mp3 bitrate is vbr (Not recommended). It should be in between 192kbps to 128kbps and at fixed bitrate
Quoted from "Official guidelines submission criteria" : The song audio file should also be of reasonable quality. Try and source mp3 files yourself - ripping them from a streaming video site often results in low quality audio with high file sizes. The bitrate of a beatmap's audio file should be no lower than 128kbps and no higher than 192kbps. If you are having trouble acquiring an appropriate audio file, contact one of the more

2. Offset issue: There is 2 Offset and very near to each other. Ask someone who is know better in timing about this. Im not good in timing.

3. Notes on blue tick.This is because of the timing issue, Some of the beat drop at blue tick which is not good.

4. Hitsound and not properly use inherited timing section. You put inherited time on notes, but no hitsound was on that note. Not to mention, both map didn't even heard the hitsound. This maybe because of vbr mp3 (VBR tend to have louder voloume). I didnt check thoroughly.

I give you a star for encouragement. I am sorry, I do saw some mistake in your map, but those major issues should be fixed first beforehand...
Topic Starter
Added skins
Changed mp3 file

@Ayeen:I don't think timing is wrong.
You didn't use my offset why? The BATs aren't going to let you use red lines like that.
Hi~ My mod here. All below are just suggestions.

[Over the Star]
imo Fine~

[Over the Light]
Nice diff~ just some minor suggestions:
00:01:746 (4) - new combo?
00:08:621 (6) - new combo
00:38:871 (4) - 最后一个repeat去掉normal音 (用soft或降音量)
00:53:121 (3) - 去掉normal音 (用soft或降音量)
01:08:621 (6) - new combo
01:35:746 (1) - slider尾加normal音
01:57:371 (1,2,3,4) - 换grid4做成伪stack..? 现在这样不大好看x.x
02:05:371 (1,2,3,4) - 同理 只不过和02:03:871 (1,2,3) 共线而不是横向
02:59:371 (1,2,3,4) - 同理 只不过和02:57:871 (1,2,3) 共线而不是横向
Others fine 0.0 hexagonal distance snap streams GJ

P.S. 我觉得最好还是用peppy - Offset Wizard检查一下你的Global Offset (, 然后再检查一下timing有没有问题 = = Normal测试的时候左上Mistimed 60%+ avg 15ms early.

Star~ 新手mod不出什么东西,抱歉...
Topic Starter

TheVileOne wrote:

You didn't use my offset why? The BATs aren't going to let you use red lines like that.
I use the -129ms offset,but when I save the map it change to -100ms automatically :(
star >.<
沙包表示打不好 反向
※ I'm not good at English. so, no much belive me.

[over the star]
No problem. good.

[over the light]
difficult is very hard. please drop the this difficult.

00:41:746 (1) - change slider(length ~41:996). and delect '(2)'.
00:57:871 (1,2,3) - I know you to adjust with song's melody feel. but, That's rather thick. Each marks far put.
▽same too.
01:05:871 (1,2,3) - ^
01:55:871 (1,2,3) - ^
02:03:871 (1,2,3) - ^
02:57:871 (1,2,3) - ^
03:05:871 (1,2,3) - ^
01:07:371 (1,2) - Shift (1) into another place, and delect (2).
01:39:746 (1) - How about doing like this?

02:49:871 (5,6) - Spacing.


gdeath wrote:

Just go through a quick check and no main problems found.

/me shoots a star.

wcx19911123 wrote:

TheVileOne wrote:

You didn't use my offset why? The BATs aren't going to let you use red lines like that.
I use the -129ms offset,but when I save the map it change to -100ms automatically :(
You need to do it in the Timing Window. Use the arrow keys. If it is an even number, you need to hold alt to change it to an odd number.

You can also change it in the .osu. Just go to a timing section and change the offset to -129.
Topic Starter
Fixed timing issue
sorry . I'm late :o


Over the Star
OA/OD +1 ?
00:53:746 (1) - kiai建议从这里开始
01:51:746 (1) - ^
03:01:746 (1) - ^
02:36:871 (5) - spacing
03:20:371 (4,5) - 向上一格

Over the Light
00:01:746 (4) - new combo
00:53:746 (1) - kiai建议从这里开始
01:51:746 (1) - ^
03:01:746 (1) - ^
00:57:871 (1) - 距离感觉可以再远一点
01:05:871 (1) - ^
02:24:871 (5) - new combo
02:27:871 (5) - ^
03:02:621 (4) - ^
03:03:746 (8) - ^
03:09:371 (8) - 换成finish试试
03:12:621 (T) - 加个note?
03:18:996 (6) - new combo
03:19:746 (1) - finish试试
03:20:121 (2) - 去掉finish,不是很协调 lol
03:54:121 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - 适当缩短点距离,,,

Star~ :)


00:37:371 - add combo?虽然没vocal但是停顿一下有点不舒服。。

01:27:371 - 同上 还有01:37:371个人感觉。。

01:46:996 (1) - 换成finish?

02:21:871 (3) - 换个长slider?间隔太长了


Over the Light

首先觉得AR+1会更爽点吧。毕竟是hard 整个图的节奏感下来了

01:36:371 (4) - 这个slider。。偶数连打slider容易让人MISS(好吧我承认我miss了) 把slider去掉中间空一格?这样好读

01:49:371 (4) - 减速来的有点突然,稍微弯曲点slider?

02:56:996 (6) - New combo

水平不高MOD不出来什么= =star~
- It would be a lot easier if you mixed soft+normal custom hitsounds together rather than NSNSNSNSNS :D (I didn't say it bad though)
- Set BPM to 240.000 and reduce slider velocity a half.
- Don't forget to check hitsounds again, just for sure you didn't miss something.

~Over the Star~
03:57:871 (1) - end on 04:01:537 (1/3 snap) this is optional

~Over the Light~
02:29:871 (1,1) - too sudden, not a good idea =.= (change or not, ↑2U)
03:57:996 (1) - end on 04:01:537 (1/3 snap) this is optional
TIMING 48,871 - remove
TIMING 85,371 - remove

hello~ (mod4modSerebro - Let's Hold Hands)

Offset can not be -129 О_о

Offset: 1342

Kiai Mod

all sections of Kiai should be moved to the big white ticks

[Over the Star]

00:01:746 (2) - new combo
01:43:121 (1) - remove the new combo
01:43:871 (2) - new combo
01:45:121 (1) - remove the new combo
01:45:871 (2) - new combo
01:46:996 (1) - remove the new combo
01:48:371 (3) - new combo
01:49:371 (1) - remove the new combo
02:35:871 (4,5) - spacing

hi sorry for the delay


- next time you should use custom hitsounds instead of a massive amount of timing sections, it'll be easier to maintain in case there's a timing change

[Over the Star]

01:01:746 (1) - unstack this, it's on 1/4 stacking this will make it hard to read
02:29:871 (T) - a weird place for kiai fountain, the section after this is not cheerful or energetic enough to put a fountain before it
02:29:871 (1) - add finish please
02:38:871 (3) - lengthen this 1/4 beat then remove the repeat, it'll sound better imo
03:36:871 (3) - ^

[Over the Light]
00:49:246 (5) - remove this, better follow the "la la la" in the song then putting random 1/4 note
00:52:871 (4,5,6,7,8) - ah too random, try mix in some slider to make it sync with the vocal something like this
01:26:621 (2,3,4) - hmmmm I'm not very sure with these even though it's spacing is technically correct :?
01:49:371 (4) - please no, it's visually have the same length as the previous sliders and to make it worse the slider tick is not there to help player notice the speed change
02:07:371 (10) - this is much better cause there aren't any slider with the same length before this
03:23:746 (4) - might as well stack this to the previous tacked notes
03:25:371 (8) - same as 01:49:371 (4)
the triple and streams in the last part is kinda over-killing with the big spacing but because this is Insane I guess it's fine

That's all, sorry for the sloppy modding I don't feel good atm :(
nice map and Good Luck
Okay, let's go

[Over the Star]

01:01:746 (1) - finish
02:03:871 (1) - ^

[Over the Light]

00:09:871 (10) - new combo
01:09:871 (10) - ^
01:33:871 (1) - finish
01:37:746 (1) - ^
02:53:746 (2) - ^
03:03:746 (2) - ^
03:07:746 (4) - ^
03:08:371 (5) - remove finish
03:11:746 (1) - finish
03:15:746 (4) - ^
03:57:871 (8) - new combo

Gooood! Good luck and star~
~Over The Star~
Meh, I didn't really see any problems.

~Over The Light~
DISCLAIMER: I'm not super experienced with mapping and the like, so I'm not always sure what constitutes a good insane. So I may hate on something that Insanes are allowed to do that other difficulties aren't.

01:41:871 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - I don't know... something about this entire section gets on my nerves... It just doesn't seem very polished... You might want to consider moving the notes so that they look a little... better.

03:06:871 (3,1) - This jump just comes out of nowhere and feels kind of unfair, especially since 02:58:871 (3,1) - leads directly to the triple. I would say that either you should fix this pattern to match with the others (you would also need to change 03:13:871 (1,2,3,1,2,3), or you could change 02:57:871 (1,2,3,1,2,3) to incorporate the jump.

To clarify, the jump is fair in my opinion. I just don't like how it starts up in the middle of what feels like a regular pattern.

03:25:371 (8) and 03:56:871 (5) - Both of these notes are hanging off of the screen. The beat at 03:56:871 is fine In My Honest Opinion, but I don't like how the slider at 03:25:371 touches the health bar.

Overall, I like the beatmap. Starred.
As per request from mod queue~(抱歉,有点迟)

[Over the Star]
- 00:01:746 (1) - 可以考虑换成slider(00:01:146 - 00:02:371, 跟00:04:746 (4)相似)
- 00:02:746 (2) - ^
- 00:03:746 (3) - ^
- 00:27:871 (1) - 可以考虑repeat多一次(00:29:371 end), 也可以考虑hitsound每两拍N (跟同区的Over the Light hitsound比较)
- 00:35:871 (1) - ^
- 01:25:871 (1) - ^
- 01:31:371 - 若有作以上更改,这里也加多一拍吧。
- 需要注意若repeat多一次slider后的后续spacing。

[Over the Light]
- 00:45:121 (4) - New combo?
- 00:47:121 (4) - New combo?
- 00:49:121 (4) - New combo?
- 01:49:371 (4) - 这里减速感觉奇怪,换个slider吧?(因为跟之前三个slider非常相似,却不同速度)
- 02:27:871 (5) - New combo?
- 03:12:371 (3) - 考虑在这用slider(03:12:621 end + hitsound),若用slider的话,注意下之后的spacing吧?

hi~ :3

All my suggestion

[Over the Star]
00:57:871 (1) finish?
01:05:871 (1) ^
01:55:371 (1) add finish at the back?
02:03:371 (1) ^
03:13:871 (1) finish?

[Over the Light]
00:08:621 (6) new combo?
01:08:621 (6) ^

I can't find any problem.
really great map!! :)
I'm mostly checking for symmetry since your spacing looks good.

[Over the Star]
00:58:371 (2,4) - If you want perfect symmetry, move either 2 or 4 up one (but not both). Not sure if it plays better though.
01:07:371 (4,5,6,7) - One grid up.
02:28:371 (2,3) - If you wanted to make this shape absolutely perfect, move these half a grid left.

[Over the Light]
02:03:371 (6) - One grid right.
03:50:121 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - One grid down.
03:57:871 (8) - One grid down.

Nice maps, and you get a star both for quality and because of the chibi Azunyan. :)
Miu Matsuoka
梓喵www ☆

[Over the Star] - Should it be "Stars"?
02:32:871 (1) - Normal hitsound?
02:48:871 (4) - Slider頭 Finish
02:59:371 (1) - End at 02:59:746?
03:03:746 (3) - Slider頭 Finish
03:05:871 (1) - Finish
03:07:371 (4) - End at 03:07:746?
03:11:746 (4) - Slider頭 Finish
03:15:371 (4) - End at 03:15:746?
03:23:371 (4) - End at 03:23:746?
03:49:746 - Start Kiai?
03:57:746 - End Kiai?
03:57:871 - Start Kiai? (For star fountain)
03:57:996 - End Kiai?

[Over the Light] - "Lights"?
00:52:871 (4,5,6,7,8) - Soft Hitsounds?
01:38:121 (2) - Slider頭 用Normal Hitsounds?
01:59:746 (2) - Slider頭 Finish
02:49:871 (5) - New Combo
Topic Starter
Thanks you all.

Waiting for further modding.
Heey ~ Here's my mod, maybe you could mod ?

- Everything good here ~

- I don't think 300g looks good, try something else other than yellow, maybe use this one ?
- I think the spinner-osu should be pink like spinner-spin an spinner-clear
- There are some elements where you can use a 1x1 transparent png image so you save space: cursortrail, scorebar-ki, scorebar-kidanger, scorebar-kidanger2 and sliderscorepoint
- Comboburst looks weird while playing maybe because is cut off ;w;

Over the Star;
- It should be Over the Stars >w<
- 01:09:871 >> End kiai here
- 02:07:871 >> End kiai here
- 02:37:371 >> Add a note ?
- 02:47:871 >> Finish at start ?
- 02:49:871 >> ^
- 03:24:121 >> Add a note ?
- 03:24:621 >> ^
- 03:25:871 >> End kiai here
- 03:57:871 >> Maybe add a little kiai fountain here ? This goes for all diffs

Over the Light;
- 01:09:871 >> End kiai here
- 02:07:871 >> End kiai here
- 03:25:871 >> ^

* Star ~


[Over the Star]
01:39:371 (3) - 1grid right?

[Over the Light]

Nothing wrong!

Sorry,couldn't find anything wrong ><
Don't deserve kudosu;;

good luck!!XD
[Over the Light]
00:57:121 (7,8) - this jump doesn't play good for me - make ~1.2x spacing like at 01:05:121 (7,8)?
00:57:371 (8,1) - increase spacing? (random spacing at 00:57:371 (8,1,2,3) isn't good - look at 01:55:621 (8,1,2,3) for example - it plays much better). In general, you may try something like this
01:05:371 (8,1) - ^
01:49:371 (4) - random slowdown slider - it's really sudden for me because of spacing and pattern - reduce spacing or use normal speed [like 00:51:371 (1)]
02:07:371 (10) - oh, but it's better :)
02:47:871 (3,4,5) - reduce spacing a bit?
03:04:371 (4,5,6,7) - (a bit) confused - stuck 03:05:121 (7) with the start of 03:05:371 (8) maybe?
03:42:621 (5,6) - too big jump for me
03:44:621 (6,7) - ^
03:53:746 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - so difficult - remove 03:54:496 (5)? (also you can try to reduce spacing a bit in such patterns)

I don't find anything in [Over the Star]. Star.
Over the Star

Nothing to fix here, imo


Over the Light

01:49:431 (4): New combo and x1/2 slower and reverse this slider.
03:50:134 (2,3,4): Placing. It's a bit too difficult for "hard", imo
03:50:621 (1,2,3): --"----
03:52:121 (2,3,4): --"----
03:52:621 (1,2,3): --"----
03:54:121 (2,3,4,5;1,2,3) ^

Over the Light rocks, btw :D
~star. =]
I'm here because Mod4Mod.I think I have marked yet but use another ID.
A great beatmap,so I have nothing to say but why you use so many green line?can't you make a custom sound?
I'll star once more LOL
no for kds~233

xykbear wrote:

说出我心声了 这种人最需要自重
Snowy Dream
[Over the Star]
Nice ~ ;)

[Over the Light]
01:57:371 (1) - spacing
02:05:371 (1) - ^
02:59:371 (1) - ^
03:57:621 (8) - add a note (x:256 y:248) <just suggestion :3>
Nice map~
Good Luck.

[Over the Star]
Nice! :D

[Over the Light]
00:29:746 (1) - spacing
but actually it is quite Okay

I predict nothing :oops:

2.关于KIAI TIME的起止点...就我知道的应该是都要在重音(长白线)上...

enable "letterbox during breaks"?

我记得理由是:"you can not make people hit an invisible thing and get scores from it"...他觉得透明sliderscorepoint就和透明hitcircle一样= =


02:21:966(T) 我建议这个地方不要完全静音,留个15%~20%左右的音量?前段时间DJPOP被UNRANK过一张图,原因貌似就是静音的sliderslide+静音的折返点,他们的说法是either可以,both就unrank...
03:25:966(X) 建议这里加个spinner直到03:27:871?
03:55:621(1~8) 把这个部分整体上移?5有点太过出界了。
:) :) :D

Over the Star
没什么问题,如果非要说的话,和Over the Light一样,就是那些蓝线. 若一定要改,就是建议把这类slider从蓝线之前的白线开始

Over the Light
00:29:621 - 加note
00:33:621 - ^
00:37:621 - ^
00:39:621 - ^
00:41:621 - ^
00:53:621 - ^
01:01:621 - ^
01:23:871 (1,2) - 我觉得01:24:371 - 和01:24:496 - 还有01:24:746 - 这三个点,如果是note会更好一些
01:27:621 - 加note
01:29:621 - ^
01:31:621 - ^
01:35:621 - ^
01:37:621 - ^
01:39:621 - ^
01:51:621 - ^
03:12:621 - ^
03:33:371 - 从这里开始一直到slider我觉得加个3连会不会更好一些呢?像 03:36:871 (5,6,7,8) - 这样
I saw that almost bubble star but I looked at it anyway and saw it was fine the way it was.
Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why. Remember that these are all suggestions.
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game :)

A third diff would be a lot better... A difficulty between these two if possible, the difficulty gap is way too high.
I don't understand these diff names at all.
Your mp3 has a bitrate of 320 kbps... inb4 VBR
Your pause-back.png, pause-continue.png and pause-retry.png are too big. Scale then down to 398x116 at most.

Over the Light
00:05:871 (1) - This slider's slide becomes suddenly loud due to the timing section that switches to Normal. See my speech after the mod for solutions. Most of your sliders have this problem.
00:43:871 (1) - The part starting here and finishing at 00:49:871 - has very loud finishes, it sounds rather bad to me.
01:41:871 (1) - to 01:45:871 (1) - same comment
02:45:871 (4,5,6) - This rhythm is very complicated... I understand your slider placement, but I think it would be better to use sliders to show the rhythm first (because it's a weird rhythm, and I doubt new players would be able to read it like this).
03:57:871 (1) - Make a more continuous decrescendo ?

Over the Star
Raise the AR. Some patterns are very confusing, and a higher AR would make them less confusing.
01:49:371 (4) - Very surprising slow down.
02:31:996 (1) - Way too soon after the spinner.
03:25:371 (8) - Surpising slow down.
03:42:621 (5,6) - This jumps is rather insane, I think you should reduce it a bit.
03:44:621 (6,7) - Same.
03:46:621 (6,7) - Same.
03:48:621 (5,6) - Same.
03:54:121 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - This pattern is very confusing (because of the placement). If you don't raise the AR, at least, change this pattern's shape.
03:57:871 (8) - I don't like this note's position. Although it plays fine, the spacing is clearly fucked, as it's spaced the same way as all the others in the pattern, but the distance gap is not the same.
03:57:996 (1) - Make a more continuous decrescendo ?

Regarding the suddenly loud sliders, I recommend adding a custom clap (that is the regular normal hitsound), and instead of switching to the Normal sampleset every time, just choose a clap. This way, you'll be able to get rid of most timing sections - and thus of the suddenly loud sliderslide.
If you don't want to, at least add a custom normal sliderslide that will be the same as the soft one.

I'm genuinely surprised. That was a rather good map for a first one. I like the effort you put into hitsounds, but PLEASE fix the sliderslide thing.
Topic Starter

Odaril wrote:

Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why. Remember that these are all suggestions. OK
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game :) Thanks
A third diff would be a lot better... A difficulty between these two if possible, the difficulty gap is way too high. As a new mapper,3rd diff may be kills me
I don't understand these diff names at all. I don't understand,too
Your mp3 has a bitrate of 320 kbps... inb4 VBR I think my mp3 is 163kbps
Your pause-back.png, pause-continue.png and pause-retry.png are too big. Scale then down to 398x116 at most. Fixed

Over the Light
00:05:871 (1) - This slider's slide becomes suddenly loud due to the timing section that switches to Normal. See my speech after the mod for solutions. Most of your sliders have this problem. Fixed
00:43:871 (1) - The part starting here and finishing at 00:49:871 - has very loud finishes, it sounds rather bad to me. This is OK I think
01:41:871 (1) - to 01:45:871 (1) - same comment ^
02:45:871 (4,5,6) - This rhythm is very complicated... I understand your slider placement, but I think it would be better to use sliders to show the rhythm first (because it's a weird rhythm, and I doubt new players would be able to read it like this). This follow the vocal,I think is OK
03:57:871 (1) - Make a more continuous decrescendo ? This is unnecessary,I think

Over the Star
Raise the AR. Some patterns are very confusing, and a higher AR would make them less confusing. Low AR is for diffculty
01:49:371 (4) - Very surprising slow down. Fixed,nowcomboed
02:31:996 (1) - Way too soon after the spinner. Follow the vocal,and it is near to the spinner
03:25:371 (8) - Surpising slow down. I don't think it's very surpising
03:42:621 (5,6) - This jumps is rather insane, I think you should reduce it a bit. For diffculty
03:44:621 (6,7) - Same. ^
03:46:621 (6,7) - Same. ^
03:48:621 (5,6) - Same. ^
03:54:121 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - This pattern is very confusing (because of the placement). If you don't raise the AR, at least, change this pattern's shape. Little hard in the end is OK I think
03:57:871 (8) - I don't like this note's position. Although it plays fine, the spacing is clearly fucked, as it's spaced the same way as all the others in the pattern, but the distance gap is not the same. I like hexagon
03:57:996 (1) - Make a more continuous decrescendo ? This is unnecessary,I think

Regarding the suddenly loud sliders, I recommend adding a custom clap (that is the regular normal hitsound), and instead of switching to the Normal sampleset every time, just choose a clap. This way, you'll be able to get rid of most timing sections - and thus of the suddenly loud sliderslide.
If you don't want to, at least add a custom normal sliderslide that will be the same as the soft one.

I'm genuinely surprised. That was a rather good map for a first one. I like the effort you put into hitsounds, but PLEASE fix the sliderslide thing.
And thanks you all.
Fixed some of your suggestions.

This just my suggestions and I not stronger mod :(

[Over the Star]

00:01:746 (2) - New combo?
00:30:871 (3) - Grid 1 dowm ?
01:25:371 (6) - Grid 1 left ?
02:42:871 (5) - Spacing?

I can´t find another wrong :o

[Over the Light]

00:34:746 (3) - Spacing?
00:39:371 (5) - Spacing?
00:45:121 (4) - New combo ?
00:47:121 (4) - New combo ?
00:49:121 (4) - New combo ?
01:24:996 (3,4,5) - Not good

I can´t find another wrong :o

That all

well star because ilike song and great ryhthm
mod4mod o . o /

下在藍線上的地方拉slider有被趕的感覺o o 不過打幾次也習慣了XD

[Over the star]
02:37:371(x) 這個看是加note 還是延長4 應該有東西點o o
03:55:746(1~6) 讓他們跟之前的弧度一樣?
能加點clap來提神XD 因為感覺slider滿慢的o o

[over the light]
01:55:871(1~3 , 1~5) o o 感覺滿擠的 分散一點?
02:03:871(1~3 , 1~5) ^
02:57:871(1~3 , 1~5) ^


好map啊 o.ob 找不到大問題 :D star~ :)
Over the Light
01:49:371 (1) - this slow down, threw me off, because the four sliders before are following the music, and when i thought that this one gonna be the same, you follow the vocals, with a slow down @.@ (just trying to explain myself a bit)
02:24:621 (2,5) - this pattern is really confusing, would help if you add new combo, to make it more readable
02:31:996 (1) - 1/4 after the spinner? that's to near, even for insane difficulty, imo

萌 萌 梓喵 =w=
Here's my mod~

[Over the star]

01:01:371 (6,1) - Maybe do like this?

[Over the light]

00:49:871 (7) - New combo
03:24:871 (7) - New combo

This map is really good,hope this gets ranked!
Mm... That star sliding object isn't really nice. Is there any chance of a pink ball or a star within a pink ball?

Lower the slider velocity or hurry the approach rate. Slow and fast do not go together!
0:07:371 - End it 1/4 erlier.
0:08:121 - Add a note
0:41:746 - New combo
0:53:371 - You don't need this note in normal, remove...
0:54:746 - Finish here would be nice, as there is the same kinda loudness as on the previous finish...
0:55:746, 0:56:746 - Whistles pleaseee
0:59:371 - Soft whistles
1:03:746, 1:04:746 - Whistles
1:07:371, 1:08:371 - Soft whistles
1:27:746, 1:31:746, 1:35:746, 1:39:746 - New combos
1:39:371 - Remove?
1:46:996 - New combo, no whistle but finish.
1:47:371 - Shorten by a half, repeat and finish where it starts and ends
1:50:371 - Remove
1:50:871 - New combo
1:51:746 - Please do the same hitsounds as I've done for the previous chorus. Same for the next chorus.
3:33:746 - This till the end should be the only Kiai in your beatmap... Just a sug-suggestion

I'll edit this if I'll find anything for insane, *yawns*
Hi there~
*Looks at the top of the page* That's a lot of stars (@.@)
Not much that I can find, and even those that I did are only suggestions, but here goes:

[Over the Star]
1:31:746 [3] - Maybe new combo here?
2:45:871 [4] - ^
2:47:621 [1] - Delete new combo here, and...
2:47:871 [2] - Start a new one here instead.

[Over the Light]
2:27:871 [5] - Maybe new combo here?
2:52:871 [5] - ^

Love the custom skin, and love the way the maps are being done, so here's a star to you~
Hope you get this ranked soon! :)
[Over the Star]
Awesome o.o

I don't generally like where the sliders begin and such, but it fits the song and it's constant, so it shouldn't be any trouble.
[Over the Light]
o.o Great job. Fun map.


I'd ask to make a taiko, but I'm slow and delay stuff orz
Star~ Nice map and song
Can there be one more difficuly between the current two?
The easy thing to do is to up the approach rate and overall diff. of the current Hard map, remove some of the hardest jumps and voila!
so much stars >.<.
my mod is a one big suggestion, so don't take it too serious.
over the star(normal?):
seems fine only some suggestions^
so 00:07:371 (2) - end here 00:07:746 -
00:08:871 (4) - 2 times shorter reversed slider would sound better i think =/ (will follow rythm" no - ta - ki" )
00:59:371 (4) - make it end here 00:59:746 - and add circle here 01:00:121 (x) -
01:57:371 (4) - bake it end here 01:57:371 (4) - and circle here 01:58:121 (x) -
02:59:371 (1) - ^
the rest is fine. Liked it.
over the star(insane?):
wathed through 2 times, for me it's sooo done. liked playing it btw
and star ofcourse.
Why did you want me to mod a perfect beatmap? xD
I don't find anything to mod here!
star~~ :)
射星 :)
Seen your maps looks fine.

Here's a star.:-)
sorry for such a delay. u.u

[Over the Star
1:43:871 (1) - delete new combo
1:45:871 (1) - ^

[Over the Light]
0:49:871 (7) - new combo
1:51:246 (1) - delete new combo's so hard to find anything in a map that's actually perfect :D
get this bubbled finally!
OK, as your request >_>

  • This map has epic sound timing lol
    I feel that the offset is a bit too late, try to check?
Over the star: I really cant find anything

Over The Light:
01:26:621(2,3,4)- This pattern is a bit confusing, I don't encourage to do it. (Suggestion)
Can't find anything more -w-

This map is one of the flawless map I have ever mod lol
show more
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