
Yoko Shimomura - Welcome to Wonderland

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on sabato 10 agosto 2013 at 22.10.53

Artist: Yoko Shimomura
Title: Welcome to Wonderland
Source: Kingdom Hearts
Tags: square enix disney sora kairi riku XinCrin Alice
BPM: 171,99
Filesize: 3330kb
Play Time: 01:49
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (0,96 stars, 93 notes)
  2. Hard (4,82 stars, 286 notes)
  3. Normal (4,13 stars, 154 notes)
  4. Xin's Normal (3,7 stars, 150 notes)
Download: Yoko Shimomura - Welcome to Wonderland
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 1st Beatmap.
100% done
thx to:
giO- (settings)
Kurokami (offset, combo and kiai fixes)
xRayne, pimpG and Crok425 (structure)
Xin-Kun (guest diff)
and all the ppl who helped me
Ecco dei suggerimenti~


L'mp3 è 256kbps quindi unrankabile, ecco il nuovo mp3 192kbps
Sostituisci con quello già esistente e fai un resnap

Uno sfondo era di dimensioni diverse dagli standard, eccolo resized 1024x768


La Normal deve avere non deve andare oltre 3 nello Star Rating se è la difficoltà più facile del mapset

Abbassa HP Drain Rate su 3-4
Abbassa l'Overall Difficulty a 3


Alza l'Approach Rate a 7-8 , è troppo basso per una Hard

Buona fortuna~ :D
Topic Starter
ok sistemato tutto
Good map, star.
taglia la parte finale dell'mp3
resnap all notes, sono fuori tempo XD
01:21:818 - 01:23:911 you might want to move the sliders in this area.
Suggestion: move to here perhaps?

Also, is it possible for you to move this slider on the left side and start the beat from the right of the slider?
You can mess with that if you understand what I'm talking about P:

01:48:329 to 01:49:376 why do you have this so straight? Why not make it a little more interesting instead. (:

I think that's all i have to say now ^^'
A little modding...

The offset is 918
Put the volume of the hitsounds in 80%
Maybe it would sound better with a Soft sound instead of normal... yup.
Put the snap divisor to 1/2. 1/6 isn't necessary.
I recommend that you cut the part of the MP3 file that is empty... it makes the map longer and larger in file size.

Since by changing the offset, maybe you should resnap all the notes.
Resnap is all you need to do... everything else is fine.

Again... resnapping because of offset.
It's a little bit hard for a Normal diff. Change the slider velocity to 0,90 or 1,00.
Nothing else to do, I guess...

Resnapp cuz of offset.
Everything else is okay.

Good luck with getting it ranked ^^.
Topic Starter
good idea!

about the normal one, changed name to normal +
nice map *0*
my 1st time trying to mod, dont spect so much ^^


i found a better timing at offset 958, but i'm not really good at timing, you better ask for a timing check here>> t/13795
how about placing inherit points at 00:31:615 to 00:53:766 and/or 01:21:848 to 01:43:999 for reduce the slider velocity? (sugestion)
consider making break times (sugestion)


the notes are not correct snapped, press ctrl+A to select all the notes then move for the next white divisor
as you can see here:

after fixing the problem above:

00:06:499 (5) reduce the slider end to 00:07:545 then make it repeat 3 times?
like this:

01:44:173 (1....) i gess we dont need more notes after the last spinner, it should be the end (looks better for me, but its just a sugestion)


00:08:941 (6) remove clap in the slider end? (sugestion)
00:20:104 (6) same as above
00:59:173 (5) same as above
01:44:173 (1....) i gess we dont need more notes after the last spinner, it should be the end (looks better for me, but its just a sugestion)
01:49:406 (3) same as 00:08:941 (if you ignore the sugestion above)


00:08:941 (7) remove clap? (sugestion)
00:20:104 (5) same as above
00:59:173 (5) same as above
01:10:336 (6) same as above
01:49:406 (2) same as above
Topic Starter
thx for ur help
I hope this gets ranked sometime :3
*.* STAR~ My queue is closed but if you want i mod it. :3

Edit: Artist: Yoko Shimomura, Source: Kingdom Hearts, Tags: square enix, disney, (sora, kairi riku).
Topic Starter
sure, thx a lot :3
I love this song, and I like the map, so, star! \xD/
Meh, I always forgot to catch you ingame. ._. Send me a pm if you have some time to edit your map and I'm also online. o.o
ingame mod. :3

long text alert!
15:49 <Genshin> : hi man
15:50 <Kurokami> : :o
15:50 <Kurokami> : hi
15:52 <Kurokami> : first you need preview pont
15:53 <Kurokami> : 01:05:128 (1) - here i think, but it doesnt matter where
15:53 <Genshin> : what difficult?
15:54 <Kurokami> : every diff
15:54 <Genshin> : ok
15:54 <Genshin> : how can i put a preview point there?
15:55 <Kurokami> : timing>set current pos as prev point
15:55 <Genshin> : ok done
15:55 <Genshin> : do i have to do that for every difficult?
15:56 <Kurokami> : yep
15:58 <Genshin> : done
15:58 <Genshin> : i ll update it
15:58 <Kurokami> : wait
15:59 <Kurokami> : need kiai too
15:59 <Kurokami> : 00:14:896 (1) - to 00:28:849 (1) -
16:00 <Genshin> : here too?00:53:966 (1) -
16:00 <Genshin> : on the hard i mean
16:00 <Kurokami> : no
16:00 <Kurokami> : 01:05:128 (1) - here
16:00 <Kurokami> : 01:19:082 (1) - until this
16:01 <Genshin> : how can i put a kiai spot?
16:01 <Genshin> : i tried on
16:01 <Genshin> : inherited points
16:01 <Genshin> : style
16:01 <Genshin> : but kiai is unclickable
16:01 <Kurokami> : put inherited point where i told
16:02 <Kurokami> : 00:14:896 (1) - first
16:02 <Kurokami> : 00:28:849 (1) - second
16:02 <Genshin> : done
16:02 <Genshin> : i added
16:03 <Genshin> : kiai only at 14
16:03 <Genshin> : at 28 i removed it
16:03 <Genshin> : is that correct?
16:03 <Kurokami> : you have puush?
16:03 <Genshin> : yes
16:03 <Kurokami> : i send you a pic, then you send to me too after you finished the changes
16:04 <Genshin> :
16:04 <Genshin> : this is how i placed the kiai
16:05 <Kurokami> : wrong link :o
16:06 <Genshin> : nope
16:06 <Kurokami> : yep
16:06 <Genshin> : it is the pic of the timing panel
16:06 <Genshin> : anyway
16:06 <Genshin> : on kiai mode
16:06 <Kurokami> : i mean i not see anythink
16:06 <Genshin> : i move audio on 100%?
16:06 <Genshin> : standard is 80%
16:06 <Kurokami> :
16:07 <Kurokami> : place the kiai like on this pic
16:07 <Kurokami> : yep
16:07 <Kurokami> : it is not too loud
16:07 <Genshin> : ok
16:08 <Genshin> :
16:09 <Kurokami> : you need to put the volume to 100 at the first timing point too
16:09 <Genshin> : ok
16:09 <Kurokami> : and do the same on the other diffs too
16:09 <Genshin> : done
16:10 <Kurokami> : offset: 2337
16:10 <Kurokami> : change this too
16:10 <Genshin> : all 3?
16:10 <Kurokami> : yep
16:10 <Kurokami> : but wait :D
16:10 <Kurokami> : 942
16:11 <Kurokami> : thats better
16:11 <Genshin> : ok
16:13 <Genshin> : done
16:13 <Genshin> : i've placed kiai times on hard
16:13 <Genshin> : but normal?
16:13 <Kurokami> : too
16:13 <Genshin> : where i can put them
16:13 <Kurokami> : tha same place
16:13 <Kurokami> : e
16:13 <Genshin> : ok
16:13 <Kurokami> : and on easy too
16:17 <Genshin> : done
16:18 <Kurokami> : now some new combo issue
16:18 <Kurokami> : at least to me
16:18 <Genshin> : hard?
16:18 <Kurokami> : yes
16:18 <Kurokami> : at first
16:19 <Kurokami> : 00:32:686 (1) - remove NC
16:19 <Kurokami> : 00:34:430 (5) - NC
16:19 <Genshin> : yes it sounds better
16:19 <Kurokami> : 00:35:825 (1) - remove
16:20 <Kurokami> : 00:37:221 (4) - nc
16:20 <Genshin> : and here 00:37:221 (4) - ?
16:20 <Kurokami> : yep xd
16:20 <Kurokami> : 00:48:383 (7) - nc
16:20 <Kurokami> : 00:49:430 (1) - remove
16:21 <Kurokami> : 00:55:011 (1) - remove
16:21 <Kurokami> : 00:56:407 (1) - ^
16:21 <Kurokami> : 00:58:151 (1) - remove, maybe looks better
16:22 <Kurokami> : 01:00:941 (4) - nc
16:22 <Kurokami> : 01:08:616 (1) - remove
16:23 <Kurokami> : 01:23:267 (1) - remove
16:23 <Kurokami> : 01:24:662 (2) - nc
16:23 <Kurokami> : 01:26:058 (1) - remove
16:23 <Kurokami> : 01:27:453 (3) - nc
16:24 <Kurokami> : 01:28:848 (1) - remove
16:24 <Kurokami> : 01:31:639 (1) - remove
16:24 <Kurokami> : 01:34:779 (1) - remove
16:24 <Kurokami> : 01:39:662 (1) - remove
16:25 <Kurokami> : 01:49:430 (2) - this note is bothers me
16:25 <Kurokami> : start the spinner here
16:26 <Genshin> : ?
16:26 <Kurokami> : the spinner's end is must stay where it was
16:26 <Genshin> : ah ok
16:27 <Genshin> :
16:27 <Kurokami> : yep
16:27 <Kurokami> : 01:49:081 (1) - remove the nc
16:29 <Genshin> : normal now?
16:29 <Kurokami> : yep
16:30 <Kurokami> : 01:26:058 (1) - remove nc
16:30 <Kurokami> : 01:27:453 (2) - nc
16:30 <Kurokami> : 01:28:151 (1) - remove
16:31 <Kurokami> : 01:30:244 (1,1,1,1) - one combo
16:32 <Kurokami> : 01:44:197 (1,1,1) - ^
16:32 <Kurokami> : 01:48:383 (1) - remove
16:32 <Genshin> :
16:32 <Genshin> : like this?
16:32 <Kurokami> : yep
16:32 <Kurokami> : 00:46:988 (1) - remove
16:32 <Kurokami> : 00:48:383 (2) - nc
16:33 <Kurokami> : 00:49:779 (1) - remove
16:33 <Kurokami> : 01:06:523 (1) - remove
16:33 <Kurokami> : 01:07:918 (3) - nc
16:33 <Kurokami> : 01:09:314 (1) - remove
16:33 <Kurokami> : 01:10:709 (3) - nc
16:34 <Kurokami> : 01:12:104 (1) - rem
16:34 <Genshin> : ok
16:34 <Genshin> : series by 8 notes
16:35 <Kurokami> : i go after the music but yes xd
16:35 <Genshin> : xD
16:35 <Kurokami> : 01:44:197 (1,1,1) - one combo
16:35 <Kurokami> : wait no
16:35 <Kurokami> : i told this before
16:36 <Genshin> : yes xD
16:36 <Kurokami> : seems fine now
16:36 <Genshin> : easy now
16:37 <Kurokami> : easy
16:37 <Kurokami> : 00:06:523 (5) - nc
16:37 <Kurokami> : 00:14:895 (5) - nc
16:37 <Genshin> : did
16:37 <Genshin> : xD
16:37 <Kurokami> : 00:23:267 (3) - nc because whynot
16:39 <Kurokami> : 00:53:965 (4) - nc
16:40 <Kurokami> : 01:40:709 (1) - forever alone xd
16:40 <Genshin> : lol
16:40 <Genshin> : now he found a rev slider for friend
16:40 <Kurokami> : yep
16:40 <Kurokami> : 01:49:779 (1) - this too
16:40 <Genshin> : that one
16:41 <Genshin> : can be changed
16:41 <Genshin> : with a spinner
16:41 <Kurokami> : or a slider
16:41 <Genshin> : does it sound better?
16:42 <Kurokami> : better, but ...
16:42 <Kurokami> : i hear some music after it so...
16:42 <Genshin> : it goes out of bounds...
16:43 <Kurokami> : 01:49:430 (1) - spinner
16:43 <Genshin> : i will
16:43 <Kurokami> : until 50:825
16:43 <Genshin> : good
16:43 <Genshin> : as i thought
16:44 <Genshin> : if this is done
16:44 <Kurokami> : 01:49:430 (1) - inherited point
16:44 <Genshin> : ok
16:44 <Genshin> : then?
16:44 <Kurokami> : audio 5%
16:44 <Kurokami> : since the slider's end is too loud
16:45 <Genshin> : spinner xD
16:45 <Kurokami> : this way it will be silenced
16:45 <Kurokami> : yea lol
16:45 <Genshin> : same for the hard?
16:45 <Kurokami> : yep
16:46 <Genshin> : ok
16:46 <Genshin> : done?
16:46 <Kurokami> : on normal
16:46 <Kurokami> : 01:49:779 (1) - spinner
16:46 <Kurokami> : with the same end point
16:46 <Kurokami> : 50:825
16:46 <Kurokami> : end silenced too
16:46 <Kurokami> : and*
16:46 <Genshin> : done
16:47 <Kurokami> : thats all
16:47 <Genshin> : thx
16:47 <Genshin> : i will respond
16:47 <Genshin> : on the topic
16:47 <Genshin> : to thank you there too
16:47 <Genshin> : and i will
16:47 <Kurokami> : i will post this conv there
16:47 <Genshin> : add your help on the map description
16:48 <Kurokami> : minnor fixes will need with the placement but thats not too big problem
Need more changes but they are just minor. Good luck with this map. :3
Topic Starter
thx again
hi there again o/

has been a long time : 3


00:26:058 (1,2,3,4) - change this to something more fun?
00:41:407 (2) - remove clap?
00:42:104 (3) - ^
00:52:569 (2) - ^
01:31:639 (3) - ^

01:44:197 - i still think that the map should end here : 3... how can i explain.... the song's volume is already decreasing


00:03:732 (1,2) - spacing error, you are using 0,80x in this difficulty right? use here too
00:10:011 (2,4) - slider 2 is overlapping slider 4, move them away
00:18:383 (3,4,5,6) - circle 3 and 4 is overlapping slider 5 and 6
00:33:035 (3,5) - slider 3 is overlapping slider 5
01:07:221 (6,2) - slider 6 is overlapping circle 2
01:08:616 (3,4,5,6) - 3 is overlapping 5, and 4 is overlapping 6
01:10:011 (6,2) - overlap
01:14:895 (5,2,3) - overlap
01:29:895 (6,1,2,3,4,1) - overlap
01:34:430 (2,2) - overlap

01:44:197 - end of the map, as i said before? ^^


00:16:639 (3) - make this a reverse slider? i think the next red divisor(in 00:16:814) should be filed
00:28:500 (6) - remove whistle?
00:31:639 (1) - this slider is strange oO
01:08:267 (2) - 1 grid up (grid lvl 4)
01:09:139 (6,7,8) - 1 grid left
01:30:244 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - use the same spacing?

01:44:197 - end of the map? or maybe its just my own opinion, ask a very experienced mapper about it please ^^

01:46:988 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - this pattern is cool, how about using it a bit more in this difficulty??

keep looking for modders, and request in #modreqs too

good luck :)
Topic Starter

pimpG wrote:

hi there again o/

has been a long time : 3


00:26:058 (1,2,3,4) - change this to something more fun? done (square pattern)
00:41:407 (2) - remove clap?done
00:42:104 (3) - ^done
00:52:569 (2) - ^done
01:31:639 (3) - ^done

01:44:197 - i still think that the map should end here : 3... how can i explain.... the song's volume is already decreasing


00:03:732 (1,2) - spacing error, you are using 0,80x in this difficulty right? use here too
00:10:011 (2,4) - slider 2 is overlapping slider 4, move them away
00:18:383 (3,4,5,6) - circle 3 and 4 is overlapping slider 5 and 6
00:33:035 (3,5) - slider 3 is overlapping slider 5
01:07:221 (6,2) - slider 6 is overlapping circle 2
01:08:616 (3,4,5,6) - 3 is overlapping 5, and 4 is overlapping 6
01:10:011 (6,2) - overlap
01:14:895 (5,2,3) - overlap
01:29:895 (6,1,2,3,4,1) - overlap
01:34:430 (2,2) - overlap

01:44:197 - end of the map, as i said before? ^^


00:16:639 (3) - make this a reverse slider? i think the next red divisor(in 00:16:814) should be filed didn't get u
00:28:500 (6) - remove whistle? done
00:31:639 (1) - this slider is strange oO fixed with a normal one
01:08:267 (2) - 1 grid up (grid lvl 4)done
01:09:139 (6,7,8) - 1 grid leftdone
01:30:244 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - use the same spacing?done (changed to a star pattern)

01:44:197 - end of the map? or maybe its just my own opinion, ask a very experienced mapper about it please ^^

01:46:988 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - this pattern is cool, how about using it a bit more in this difficulty??mm for example?

keep looking for modders, and request in #modreqs too

good luck :)
thx again for your help.
about the normal, i will see what can i mod

#You have inconsistency in preview time, it must be same in all diff.
#Same goes with kiai, it must be same in all your diffs.
#And remove all *,* comma from the tags !

Dif set:
for 1 star diff

00:08:616 (6) - whistle
00:19:779 (6) - change clap to whistle
00:31:639 (1) - this slider is starts too early after spinner, its not suitable for [Easy] diff it must be changed
01:10:011 (2) - change clap to whistle
01:21:872 (1) - same, this slider is starts too early after spinner, its not suitable for [Easy] diff it must be changed
01:44:197 (1) - and again, in E diff minimum space between spinner and next pattern
01:49:779 (1) - this spinner too fast for E diff, suggest you to remove it

Change it to [Normal]
Diff set
AR-5 better for 178 bpm N diff imo

SV - a bit high for normal, its better to change it to 1.0-1.2 and remap it
00:03:732 (1) - osu bug, you must add NC to this manually
01:12:104 (3) - hidden reverse arrow unrankable

Diff set:
HP-6 to balance with OD

00:03:732 (1) - NC bug
00:28:500 (6) - remove whistle

Good luck~
Topic Starter

cRyo[iceeicee] wrote:


#You have inconsistency in preview time, it must be same in all diff.
#Same goes with kiai, it must be same in all your diffs.
#And remove all *,* comma from the tags !

Dif set:
for 1 star diff

00:08:616 (6) - whistle
00:19:779 (6) - change clap to whistle
00:31:639 (1) - this slider is starts too early after spinner, its not suitable for [Easy] diff it must be changed
01:10:011 (2) - change clap to whistle
01:21:872 (1) - same, this slider is starts too early after spinner, its not suitable for [Easy] diff it must be changed
01:44:197 (1) - and again, in E diff minimum space between spinner and next pattern
01:49:779 (1) - this spinner too fast for E diff, suggest you to remove it

Change it to [Normal]
Diff set
AR-5 better for 178 bpm N diff imo

SV - a bit high for normal, its better to change it to 1.0-1.2 and remap it
00:03:732 (1) - osu bug, you must add NC to this manually
01:12:104 (3) - hidden reverse arrow unrankable

Diff set:
HP-6 to balance with OD

00:03:732 (1) - NC bug
00:28:500 (6) - remove whistle

Good luck~
all done, thx a lot :3
00:19:081 (3) - sistema la simmetria del 3° rev slider
00:53:965 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - come sopra, piazza sto pattern al centro

Buona fortuna con la mappa :P
Topic Starter

Dyron wrote:

00:19:081 (3) - sistema la simmetria del 3° rev slider
00:53:965 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - come sopra, piazza sto pattern al centro

Buona fortuna con la mappa :P
sistemati, thx
From the queue!

Song Setup> Storyboarding> Remove the countdown.
Song Setup> Audio> Song Lead-in 1~2 seconds.
Try to cut the music around 01:52:569

Overall Difficulty +1
HP Drain Rate +1

Not a thing that I can notice.

How about Circle Size: -1
Try to use distance snap throughout the beatmap since it's a normal diff. Try not to make spacing infringements.

00:26:755 (2,3) and 00:28:151 (5,6) - make them overlap each other: it looks better when they are overlapped perfectly.
01:46:988 - from this point, the music starts to fade out, decrease the volume of hitsound?
01:49:779 - end the spinner at 01:51:174

Approach Rate -1

00:06:523 and 00:07:569 - how about making these notes perfectly overlapped? They are pretty close together but it's not perfectly overlapped.
01:35:128 (6) and 01:36:523 (3) - Same as above
01:48:383 - It looks like a stream, if this is purposeful then it's okay.
01:49:430 - end the spinner at 01:51:174

Good luck!
Wow a lot of stars X__X..
Hello, Genshin.

[General] - MP3 is put into every Inheriting Section. you will see that this sounds a lot better.

reduce the volume to 50%


00:03:732 (1) - add Whistle
00:06:523 (5) - ^
00:08:616 (6) - delete Whistle
00:09:314 (1) - add Whistle
00:07:221 (5) - add Clap. can you make a circular slider? so...
00:08:616 (6) - clap
00:10:709 (2) - Whistle
00:12:104 (3) - finish
00:14:895 (1) - whistle...
add sound! as well as I wrote above ^
00:12:104 (3,4,5,6) - to do so
and 00:14:895 (7,8) - to do so or
00:35:128 (1) - delete new combo
00:37:221 (4) - new combo
00:40:709 (1) - delete new combo
00:42:802 (4) - new combo
00:46:290 (1) - delete new combo
00:48:383 (4) - new combo
00:51:872 (1) - delete new combo
00:59:546 (1,2) - make them the same...


00:42:802 (5) - Spacing
01:32:337 (1) - delete new combo


00:39:662 (x) - add note

good luck!
Topic Starter
o.o so fast both of u
thx a lot ppl :3
i erre cì modddddddd <3

21:21 RoxasGrylls94: : We XD
21:22 Genshin: : wewe
21:22 RoxasGrylls94: : allora che mappa ti devo moddare? :P
21:25 Genshin: : wonderland
21:25 RoxasGrylls94: : ok XD
21:26 Genshin: : si ma tregua eh xD
21:26 RoxasGrylls94: : ovvero? XDD
21:26 Genshin: : xke ho fatto 3 mod di fila
21:26 Genshin: : la fo di sera io
21:26 Genshin: : tra poco
21:26 RoxasGrylls94: : falla quando vuoi la mia xD
21:27 RoxasGrylls94: : Entra in editing
21:27 RoxasGrylls94: : Te la fo qua ora la mod
21:27 RoxasGrylls94: : XD
21:27 Genshin: : ok
21:27 Genshin: : diff?
21:27 RoxasGrylls94: : eazyyy
21:27 RoxasGrylls94: : xD
21:28 RoxasGrylls94: : 00:07:221 -
21:28 RoxasGrylls94: : Qua sul reverse metti il clap
21:28 RoxasGrylls94: : Per seguire il ritmo XD
21:29 RoxasGrylls94: : Se vuoi puoi non seguire le mod lo sai XD
21:29 Genshin: : nella parte finale?
21:29 Genshin: : ?
21:29 RoxasGrylls94: : nel reverse
21:29 Genshin: : si dico
21:29 RoxasGrylls94: : dove ti ho detto io il tempo XD
21:29 Genshin: : a
21:29 Genshin: : ah ok
21:29 RoxasGrylls94: : 00:07:221 -
21:29 RoxasGrylls94: : Qui XD
21:29 Genshin: : rimuovo il whistle?
21:29 RoxasGrylls94: : sì è meglio
21:30 RoxasGrylls94: : Ma come mai poi smetti coi clap? XD
21:30 Genshin: : era una mod
21:30 Genshin: : di qualcuno
21:31 RoxasGrylls94: : vabò lascia com'è XD
21:32 Genshin: : che fo allora?
21:32 RoxasGrylls94: : Aspè ma dopo continui con i clap, allora aspetta
21:32 RoxasGrylls94: : Metti i clap dove dico io
21:32 Genshin: : ok
21:33 RoxasGrylls94: : 00:14:895 (1,2) -
21:33 RoxasGrylls94: : Qua alla fine degli slider
21:33 RoxasGrylls94: : 00:18:383 (4,6) -
21:33 RoxasGrylls94: : Aggiungi clap
21:35 RoxasGrylls94: : 00:57:453 (2) -
21:35 RoxasGrylls94: : Adda clap
21:35 RoxasGrylls94: : 01:00:942 (1) -
21:35 RoxasGrylls94: : Togli new combo
21:36 RoxasGrylls94: : We
21:37 RoxasGrylls94: : 01:21:872 (1) -
21:37 RoxasGrylls94: : Sto slider
21:37 RoxasGrylls94: : Se lo migliori? <3
21:38 RoxasGrylls94: :
21:38 RoxasGrylls94: : Non è meglio così? XD
21:38 RoxasGrylls94: : 01:27:453 (1) - poi per questo fai copia incolla e lo giri XD
21:39 RoxasGrylls94: : Ci sei? XD
21:39 Genshin: : ora?
21:39 Genshin: : si lo vorrei come il tuo
21:39 Genshin: : ma nn so come fare gli slider decenti
21:39 Genshin: : mai capito come
21:39 RoxasGrylls94: : L'ho fatto io spè
21:39 RoxasGrylls94: : Visto come l'ho fatto io?
21:39 RoxasGrylls94: : Ti passo il codice e lo copi
21:40 RoxasGrylls94: : E lo incolli nel file.osu
21:40 Genshin: : asp metti
21:40 Genshin: : il cursore
21:40 Genshin: : sullo slider
21:40 Genshin: : cosi' vedo i picks
21:40 Genshin: : e li copio
21:40 RoxasGrylls94: : Ti dico le x e le y dei picks
21:40 Genshin: : ok
21:40 RoxasGrylls94: : punto iniziale 264 184
21:40 RoxasGrylls94: : il secondo
21:41 RoxasGrylls94: : 304 144
21:41 RoxasGrylls94: : terzo
21:41 RoxasGrylls94: : 352 144
21:41 RoxasGrylls94: : quarto
21:41 RoxasGrylls94: : 376 208
21:41 RoxasGrylls94: : quinto
21:41 RoxasGrylls94: : 360 280
21:41 RoxasGrylls94: : sesto
21:41 RoxasGrylls94: : 240 304
21:41 RoxasGrylls94: : settimo
21:41 RoxasGrylls94: : 180 292
21:41 RoxasGrylls94: : ottavo
21:42 RoxasGrylls94: : 136 152
21:42 RoxasGrylls94: : ultimo
21:42 RoxasGrylls94: : 236 112
21:42 RoxasGrylls94: : ti torna?
21:43 RoxasGrylls94: : wei
21:43 RoxasGrylls94: : ti sono arrivati i mesS?
21:43 RoxasGrylls94: : *mess?
21:44 Genshin: : 5°?
21:44 RoxasGrylls94: :
21:44 RoxasGrylls94: : Tieni ti ho copiato la chat
21:45 RoxasGrylls94: : vedi? XD
21:45 RoxasGrylls94: : Rispondi se mi leggi, ho la linea di medda x.x
21:46 Genshin: : apposto
21:46 Genshin: : sistemato
21:46 RoxasGrylls94: : vai
21:46 RoxasGrylls94: : easy finita, errori non ce ne sono
21:47 RoxasGrylls94: : passa alla normal
21:47 RoxasGrylls94: : 00:49:779 (3,4,5,6) -
21:48 RoxasGrylls94: : Questi 4 spostali come dico io
21:48 RoxasGrylls94: : XD
21:48 RoxasGrylls94: : allora
21:48 Genshin: : asp asp
21:48 RoxasGrylls94: : 00:49:779 (3) - 264 168
21:48 RoxasGrylls94: : Sì ok
21:48 Genshin: : eccomi
21:48 RoxasGrylls94: : metti il 3 dove ho detto XDDD
21:49 Genshin: : è già li
21:49 Genshin: : 264 168
21:49 RoxasGrylls94: : 00:50:128 (4) - 344 224
21:49 RoxasGrylls94: : 00:50:476 (5) - 408 152
21:49 Genshin: : nn rispetta lo spacing eh
21:50 RoxasGrylls94: : 00:50:825 (6) - 328 96
21:50 RoxasGrylls94: : rimane a 0.8x
21:50 RoxasGrylls94: : va' bene XD
21:50 Genshin: : ok sistemati
21:50 RoxasGrylls94: : 00:57:453 (3,4) -
21:51 RoxasGrylls94: : troppo difficile per una normal
21:51 RoxasGrylls94: : 01:14:197 (3,4) -
21:51 RoxasGrylls94: : idem
21:51 RoxasGrylls94: : 01:32:337 (1) -
21:51 RoxasGrylls94: : togli combo
21:51 RoxasGrylls94: : 01:39:314 (3,4) - idem come prima
21:55 RoxasGrylls94: : nella hard non mi convincono alcuni spinner non so se sono rankabili comunque
21:55 RoxasGrylls94: : Nella normal e nella hard
21:55 RoxasGrylls94: : Abbassa il volume dell'ultimo inherit point a 20%
21:55 RoxasGrylls94: : XD
21:56 RoxasGrylls94: : E cancella l'ultimo inherit point nella easy che non serve a niente
21:56 RoxasGrylls94: : ok?
21:56 Genshin: : ok
21:56 Genshin: : 01:30:244 (1,2,3,4) -
21:56 Genshin: : sti 4
21:56 Genshin: : li ho cambiati cosi'
21:57 RoxasGrylls94: : così come? XD
21:57 Genshin: :
21:57 Genshin: : asp
21:57 RoxasGrylls94: : comunque tranquillo io posto XD
21:57 Genshin: : fammi hostare xD
21:57 RoxasGrylls94: : belli
21:57 RoxasGrylls94: : XD
21:57 Genshin: : meglio no?
21:57 RoxasGrylls94: : sìsì
21:57 RoxasGrylls94: : :3
21:58 Genshin: : quindi mod finita?
21:58 RoxasGrylls94: : sìsì, nella hard non mi convincono gli slider strani, occhio xDDD
21:59 RoxasGrylls94: : E occhio anche agli hitsounds, non possono essere molto diversi nelle diff, essendo che le hai fatte tutte tu
21:59 Genshin: : xD
21:59 RoxasGrylls94: : vai posto sul forum
Hi! here my guest diff normal solicted in this post p/1710168

Mi puush not funcionable

Here my guest diff: ... nd__G.html?

The name of my guest diff is Xin's Normal , Please add me in the tags for Xin-Kun

Topic Starter
thx a lot
Hey Genshin :P posso fare una taiko diff?

Ti avviso che sono un pò inesperto come mapper taiko,quindi se non ti piace la mia difficoltà,o per qualche motivo è inrankabile,rimuovila pure ^^

Chyo-Kun wrote:

Ti avviso che sono un pò inesperto come mapper taiko,quindi se non ti piace la mia difficoltà,o per qualche motivo è inrankabile,rimuovila pure ^^
If the taiko diff have some problem it will solved through some mod so don't worry. :3 (in the case if it will be accepted by the mapper)

Kurokami wrote:

Chyo-Kun wrote:

Ti avviso che sono un pò inesperto come mapper taiko,quindi se non ti piace la mia difficoltà,o per qualche motivo è inrankabile,rimuovila pure ^^
If the taiko diff have some problem it will solved through some mod so don't worry. :3 (in the case if it will be accepted by the mapper)

Ok thanks :)
Ok,this is the base of the map,but it isn't complete,it need better hitsounds,a bg and some fixes ... nderl.html

Thx Boat for help :)

I can't use,i'm retarder *facepalm*

Chyo-Kun wrote:

Ok,this is the base of the map,but it isn't complete,it need better hitsounds,a bg and some fixes ... nderl.html
I was easier if you uploaded the .osu file, but w/e now. I downloaded and will take a look at today (later). I'm actually not even a taiko player, but if I feel something is wrong somewhere I able to tell you (will post here). If you are able to do a taiko bg, go ahead, but in the case if not, I will ask my friend to do it. :3 (and also post here) ;)

But I really need to know if this diff will be accepted, I don't want to ask for nothing. :(
Ok,fixed some parts,removed standard bg for now,i'm tryng to do a nice bg,but i'm not good a all on photoshop :(
Here is the link of the map
Thanks a lot to Boat and Kurokami :)

This is the last map change,and now this can be modded.
Topic Starter

Chyo-Kun wrote:

Thanks a lot to Boat and Kurokami :)

This is the last map change,and now this can be modded.
ok thx, i'll add.

Genshin wrote:

Chyo-Kun wrote:

Thanks a lot to Boat and Kurokami :)

This is the last map change,and now this can be modded.
ok thx, i'll add.
Scusa genshin,mi sono dimenticato di mettere il bg sulla mappa e te lo ho messo direttamente nella cartella D: questo è il link,mettilo sulla taiko
Topic Starter

Chyo-Kun wrote:

Scusa genshin,mi sono dimenticato di mettere il bg sulla mappa e te lo ho messo direttamente nella cartella D: questo è il link,mettilo sulla taiko
già risolto tranq

OD changed to 5

AR changed to 5

Drain rate changed to 5

Thanks shiro for testplay \:3/
Topic Starter
Hi Genshin,i'm back with my taiko map \o/

I modifed some stuff,and now the map can be bubbled,if you want to.

Here's the download of the map

BG coming soon by Loctav~

(No kud for this ofc)

No kudos for this

Please don't give kudosus to posts who are not worth one. Guest diffs don't deserve kudosus. I needed to revoke a few of the ones you threw.
hi o/


00:10:709 (2,3,4) - imo this strainght alignment should be changed to curved alignment to fit the next notes
00:21:872 (2) - move this note 1 grid right to fix the spacing
00:23:267 (1) - remove the useless red curve point
00:46:988 (3,1) - i highly sugest you avoid this overlap
01:21:872 (1) - this slider looks sudden after the spinner, better move it away from centre and maybe change shape?
01:26:058 (3,4,1,1) - you should avoid this overlap
01:33:035 (1,2) - strange shape, looks random and senseless imo
01:35:825 (1,2,3,4,1) - try to make a star pattern to avoid the stacking?
01:49:779 - remove this useless inherited section


00:14:895 (1,2,3,4) - looks random placed
00:17:686 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - try star pattern and consider avoiding the overlaps?
00:21:872 (3,1) - consider avoiding this overlap
00:42:802 (5,1,2,3,1) - imo you should make the pattern consistent to 00:31:639 (1,2,3,4). because its a slow down after kiai time
00:48:383 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - same as above
01:05:825 (3,4,5,6,2) - ugly overlaps here not a good idea in normal diffs
01:13:500 (1) - better not jump in normal diffs
01:49:779 - remove spinner and inherit? looks better imo


00:38:616 (4) - ugly shape try this:
remove all curve point and keep only 7
1st curve point x152 y204
2nd x100 y168
3rd x40 y188
4th x20 y248
5th x40 y308
6th x100 y328
7th x152 y292
or osb code if you want
00:39:662 (1) - this antijump does not fits imo
01:13:500 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - this rhythm is not good in hard imo, its more simple than normal rhythm at this part
01:28:848 (4) - same as 00:38:616 (4)
01:46:988 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - as i said before this part is well mapped imo, you could use this notes style in similar parts in the song ( 00:06:523 - for exemple), or just copy paste
01:49:430 - remove spinner, looks better imo, if you agree remove the inherit too

i was not noticed about the normal guest diff :D
i hope its usefull to you too xin-kun

xin's normal

00:03:732 (1) - the curves would look more clean if you move 2nd and 3rd curve points 2 grids left
00:06:523 (4) - imo this long white tick should be a circle or slider start.. intead of a slider tick
00:09:314 (1) - ^
00:16:988 (4) - ugly shape imo
00:20:476 (1,2,3) - this rhythm fits the sound better and more consistent
00:36:174 - feels empty
00:37:221 (1) - same as 00:06:523 (4)
00:40:011 (5) - ^
01:05:128 - i'm not sure if its of to fully copy paste a section like that btw cange in both sections if you want to use some of my sugestions, for consistency

good luck :)
Topic Starter

pimpG wrote:

hi o/


00:10:709 (2,3,4) - imo this strainght alignment should be changed to curved alignment to fit the next notes done
00:21:872 (2) - move this note 1 grid right to fix the spacing done
00:23:267 (1) - remove the useless red curve point done
00:46:988 (3,1) - i highly sugest you avoid this overlap changed shape
01:21:872 (1) - this slider looks sudden after the spinner, better move it away from centre and maybe change shape? nope, just reduced the spinner length
01:26:058 (3,4,1,1) - you should avoid this overlap moved pink notes after that slider in another position
01:33:035 (1,2) - strange shape, looks random and senseless imo changed shape
01:35:825 (1,2,3,4,1) - try to make a star pattern to avoid the stacking? displaced in a different way
01:49:779 - remove this useless inherited section


00:14:895 (1,2,3,4) - looks random placed done on purpose, to follow circle movements of the spinner
00:17:686 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - try star pattern and consider avoiding the overlaps? changed placement
00:21:872 (3,1) - consider avoiding this overlap changed sliders shape
00:42:802 (5,1,2,3,1) - imo you should make the pattern consistent to 00:31:639 (1,2,3,4). because its a slow down after kiai time no thx
00:48:383 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - same as above changed something
01:05:825 (3,4,5,6,2) - ugly overlaps here not a good idea in normal diffs changed
01:13:500 (1) - better not jump in normal diffs reverse is the way
01:49:779 - remove spinner and inherit? looks better imo nope but silenced the spinner (5%)


00:38:616 (4) - ugly shape try this:
remove all curve point and keep only 7
1st curve point x152 y204
2nd x100 y168
3rd x40 y188
4th x20 y248
5th x40 y308
6th x100 y328
7th x152 y292
or osb code if you want
way better
00:39:662 (1) - this antijump does not fits imo stacked on the begin of the next slider
01:13:500 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - this rhythm is not good in hard imo, its more simple than normal rhythm at this part changed the entire pattern
01:28:848 (4) - same as 00:38:616 (4) ^
01:46:988 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - as i said before this part is well mapped imo, you could use this notes style in similar parts in the song ( 00:06:523 - for exemple), or just copy paste ok
01:49:430 - remove spinner, looks better imo, if you agree remove the inherit too nou

i was not noticed about the normal guest diff :D
i hope its usefull to you too xin-kun

xin's normal

00:03:732 (1) - the curves would look more clean if you move 2nd and 3rd curve points 2 grids left perfect
00:06:523 (4) - imo this long white tick should be a circle or slider start.. intead of a slider tick it will make this diff a bit different from the regular normal one
00:09:314 (1) - ^ ^
00:16:988 (4) - ugly shape imo changed a bit
00:20:476 (1,2,3) - this rhythm fits the sound better and more consistent made on purpose
00:36:174 - feels empty no longer xD
00:37:221 (1) - same as 00:06:523 (4) same reason
00:40:011 (5) - ^ ^
01:05:128 - i'm not sure if its of to fully copy paste a section like that btw cange in both sections if you want to use some of my sugestions, for consistency

good luck :)
i'll ask to xin about modding his guest
Hey :)
i only make suggestions, no need to change it :)!


Looks okay to me

xin's normal

pretty hard for a normal, hm? o.o anyway xD

00:36:523 (4,1) - ehm, maybe delete this and make it like
00:45:942 (1,2,3) - same for this part
01:27:453 (1) - make this 1 shorter, and put in a reverse slider
01:36:174 (1,2,3) - again this part from above
01:49:430 (5) - maybe put in a circle here, and thats the end


00:41:407 (1,2,3,4) - make it a bit rounder-looking
00:58:151 (5) - weird hitsound
01:13:500 (1,2) - put these hitsounds to 3,4
01:49:779 (1) - i would kinda delete it XD

love the hitsounds though!

i have no plan about taiko, sorry


00:09:314 (8) - new combo
00:10:709 (7) - ^
00:16:639 (3) - remove new combo
00:17:686 (6) - new combo
00:19:081 (10) - ^
00:59:197 (5) -
01:14:546 (1) - new combo
01:14:895 (2) - new combo
01:17:686 (4) - new combo
01:24:314 (5) - add a circle maybe?
01:48:383 (5) - new combo
01:49:430 (10) - xD you can delete the spinner and put in a circle with clap

oki that's it ^.^
love the song <3 and its a coop beatmap!
Topic Starter

Irreversible wrote:

Hey :)
i only make suggestions, no need to change it :)!


Looks okay to me

xin's normal

pretty hard for a normal, hm? o.o anyway xD

00:36:523 (4,1) - ehm, maybe delete this and make it like changed a bit
00:45:942 (1,2,3) - same for this part ok
01:27:453 (1) - make this 1 shorter, and put in a reverse slider ok
01:36:174 (1,2,3) - again this part from above fixed
01:49:430 (5) - maybe put in a circle here, and thats the end done


00:41:407 (1,2,3,4) - make it a bit rounder-looking done
00:58:151 (5) - weird hitsound done on purpose
01:13:500 (1,2) - put these hitsounds to 3,4 done
01:49:779 (1) - i would kinda delete it XD done

love the hitsounds though!

i have no plan about taiko, sorry


00:09:314 (8) - new combo 'k
00:10:709 (7) - ^ nah, it would be only that slider as new combo. too short
00:16:639 (3) - remove new combodone
00:17:686 (6) - new combodone
00:19:081 (10) - ^ done
00:59:197 (5) - ???
01:14:546 (1) - new combo changed, but at 01:14:895 (1) -
01:14:895 (2) - new combo ^
01:17:686 (4) - new combook
01:24:314 (5) - add a circle maybe? nah thx
01:48:383 (5) - new combo nah, being the end can work in that way
01:49:430 (10) - xD you can delete the spinner and put in a circle with clap done but with "finish" sound

oki that's it ^.^
love the song <3 and its a coop beatmap!
thx for your mod
1000th Post \o/
Hi from #modreqs and my non anime related map demand :D

  1. Don't know ^^ your Normal plays more like a Hard diff. So I would recommend renaming Normal to Hard and Hard to Challenging or so :3
- unimportant ^^ but it is weird that you use 1/6 Beat Snap Divisor for a diff that only uses 1/1 ^^
  1. 00:53:965 (1,2) - mmh slider look a bit weird with that edge at the end ._.
  2. 01:19:081 (1) - maybe end it at 01:21:174 - ? Spinner is abit short for an Easy
  3. 01:24:662 (1) - bad overlapping with previous slider. Try 01:24:662 (1) - X: 344 and Y: 88 & 01:25:360 (2) - X:344 Y:200
[Xin's Normal]
  1. Maybe OD + 1
  2. 00:11:755 - add circle
  3. 00:34:430 (1) - Slider is kind of ugly. Maybe try this code
    Don't forget to fix spacing afterwards
  4. 01:35:128 (4) - ^
mmmh. Diff is abit weird, because your sliders mostly start where a combo should end and they end when a New Combo should start.
Your rythm is kind of weird sometimes but I think it is okay

This is more a Hard diff lol
  1. HP Drain and OD +1
  2. 00:14:895 (1) - Copy 00:15:593 (2) - and use ctrl + H and ctrl+ J / R instead. (1) and (2) look similar but (2) looks way better
  3. 00:17:686 (1) - overlaps a bit with 00:16:290 (3) - which doesn't look very well
  4. 00:34:430 (5,1) - red slider end point. I also don't like the edge at the end. Would have used some slider that looks more like a L then a l. ^^
  5. 00:42:802 (5) - New Combo and remove combo from 00:43:500 (1) -
  6. 00:55:360 (3,4) - could be better bows
  7. 00:56:755 (1) - amall overlap with 00:56:058 (4) -
  8. 01:00:244 (2) - overlaps a bit with 00:58:151 (5) - in a bad way. I actually would stack the slider beginning with the slider end of 00:58:151 (5) -
  9. 01:44:895 (2) - One grid down to Y: 144. looks better with (1)
  10. 01:49:779 - unused green inherit line
  1. 00:31:639 (1) - Improved your slider. Use this code. You have to place it again afterwards correct.
  2. 01:34:081 (2,3,4) - mmmh (4) overlaps with (1) in an ugly way. I would recommend to use 1.0x Distance snap for this "triplet" and place it on X:452 and Y:192
  3. 01:25:709 (2,3) - because osu! stacks it with his "Stack Leniency" here 2 and 3 look weird while playing (not in the editor). Can you try to fix it someway?
This Diff was really really nice :D

Most of your 1/4 triplets sound out of place. Don't know what it follows.

as requested

use same tags and [review time for all diffs. they'are inconsistent now. screenshot
your kiais are also a bit inconsistent. 1ms difference

00:31:639 (1) - meh.. this slider is a bit overlapped with spinner hitburst. it can confuse beginners and i suggest you to avoid it :<
01:21:872 (1,1) - it's quite confusing to see that 30%~40% of hitobkect is covereb by previous object hitburst.
01:44:197 (1,2) - do not put sliders this way. it will confuse beginners! make slider clearly visible, please

[Xin's Normal]
OD 4 would be better here. it makes diff a bit more enjoyable to play
00:06:174 (4) - let's look at this slider closer. Vocals ends before slider ends and 00:06:523 - beat much stronger than 00:06:174. if you really want to make something that follows rhythm trysomething like this
00:08:965 (1) - same as above. why do you keep skipping strong beats like 00:09:314 - this?
00:36:174 - how about adding slider here? example

some parts looks copy-pasted. it makes map look boring.

same suggestion about OD as for [Xin's Normal]
01:05:128 (1) - a bit too far from spinner. this distance is kinda too far from spinner center :< try to put it closer, because beginners spin around spinner-center. ;_;

[Taiko Oni]
clean here

somehow claps feels too loud for me here.
diff looks messy. try to use Approach Rate 7 to clean your map
some combos just like 01:09:314 (1) - here are random
01:27:453 (1) - this one is hard to read. it's quite hard to detect it before (3) disappears.

i think that main problems are low approach rate and random comboing. Nothing else.


damn, ninja'd by someone. :/
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