
Novid/NoBG/NoSB - Cheating/Unfair behaviour?

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Is using novid or removing skin/background/storyboard elements cheating? (Should there be seperated scoreboards then?)

Yes to both novid & removing (keep one scoreboard)
Yes to both novid & removing (seperate scoreboards)
Yes to novid (keep one scoreboard)
Yes to removing skin/background/storyboard elements (keep one scoreboard)
Yes to novid (seperate scoreboards)
Yes to removing skin/background/storyboard elements (seperate scoreboards)
No to both novid & removing
Total votes: 76
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Keep in mind, this is a poll, not a "flame-the-creator"-thread! (well... now it is, I was kinda emo when starting this... orz - well, let's get serious)

(I like how people start rambo-ing, just because I posted this - I asked you guys for your opinion and tried to make my point somehow clear and it feels like the only thing coming back are flames; is this what an attempt of discussion ends up with?)


since I don't know how to enlarge this, I'll try to get to the point of this thread directly:
(I know, not everyone's PC is good enough to handle every video and stuff, but there are few [meaning most] people out there who's PCs wouldn't even notice there's more demand.)

(To me,) it feels like NoVid-mod is kind of cheating/unfair behaviour, since:

- It removes important parts of the map (you could say it destroys part of it's soul, that's what I feel about it...)
- Makes it much easier without reducing score
- Is not even displayed in selected mods

Same with NoBG-Skins and deleted storyboards.

This may just seem like crying "omg omg those guys are so much better then me", but the point is: I don't see how to compare players, when they're actually playing like completely different maps.

Best examples are these maps (just few who really poked my eye):

  • KOTOKO - Light My Fire (TV Size) (I bet there's maximum 5 guys in Top100 who played it with video and maximum 2 with skin [well, to be honest, I deleted that skin myself])
    Kurosaki Maon - Magic World (TV Size) (Not as hard as previous or following one, but definitely a difference to notice)
    Jenny Rom - The Game of Love (That's just the classical "Turn NoVid on and cheat your butt off"-example to me; play it with video or just delete it again, the spirit of this song and map lies in the video)

Everyone who played these maps will tell you: Deleting Video/SB will make it much easier (and will actually break the whole map's spirit).
To be honest, I'd even prefer seperated scoreboards for Vid- and NoVid-players... (meaning like an aditional mode where you can toggle videos, SBs and BGs off and one where you have them all turned on).

So what's your guys opinion on this?
I honestly don't see the point in having a novideo mod when you can disable background videos in the options :V

And yes while the map was probably meant to be played with the video, often they tend to be really distracting and just annoying in general, hence why I have them disabled from the options.
ok, first I laughed my ass off.

But I'm trying to explain this.

No Video is not only there because videos are distracting sometimes. It is also there for the people with weaker pcs. I mean you can download a map without a video, so why should you remove the mod?

about the sb- and bg-thing:
with .osz2 it will end, but yeah, everyone do have their own opinions on this. I don't delete sbs and bgs, but I don't say that people who do that are less skilled than others.

Oh, and after your definition, custom skins should be cheating too, because they can help you to read maps better.

It's just like tablets: You are allowed to use them or, in our case, to delete them.

Edit: oh forgot one importantthing: you could just delete the vids/sbs/bgs like them
Just play the map the way it's intended to be played. If there's a video/storyboard/custom skin/flashy background, turn on all of them and feel the overall presentation the mapper's trying to entertain you. And if you don't like it, either make a better one yourself(and get it ranked) or downvote the map and delete it afterward. It's really a simple matter which has nothing to do with fairness.

Seriously, I won't feel jealous if they cheat their way on top of the leaderboard for a shit map. That just shows they have no taste. And I certainly won't regret myself for not playing every ranked/approved map existed ever.

Edit: don't forget to shout "OUENNNDANNN" everytime before you start a map, it works wonders :3
/me runs
I often keep all this stuff in the maps
I mean, they are making the map as they are meant to be played and sometimes even make them the real challenge

For instance, FC Strange Program once with and without SB, you'll see it makes it quite hard, but that's also a reason why it makes quite much fun to play these maps

On the other hand, when I think about maps with wowaka songs (mostly directed to NatsumeRin maps <3), their "OMGI'MSO POOTINGGREYEVERYWHERE" theme often wants me to delete skin/bg/video, since the same colour everywhere blends into all elements of the map, making it even unplayeble at some points (from which I also thought why this actually is unrankable), but then again, that's why you can delete them :
you either delete or keep 'em, in the end, you can play how it is better for you
It's no ****ing cheating, it's a preference in playstyle, not any more or less
Topic Starter

marshall_racer wrote:

On the other hand, when I think about maps with wowaka songs (mostly directed to NatsumeRin maps <3), their "OMGI'MSO POOTINGGREYEVERYWHERE" theme often wants me to delete skin/bg/video, since the same colour everywhere blends into all elements of the map, making it even unplayeble at some points (from which I also thought why this actually is unrankable)
That's the thing - combo colors must not blend with the map's BG and Video, but even though there are those maps - so why are they ranked then?
A ranked map should be well playable with all stuff on, meaning: too disturbing vid -> delete, sucking combo colors (in point of blending) -> delete, skin which fucks whole mapset (example: -> delete, SB raping your mind -> delete

Broetchen8441 wrote:

marshall_racer wrote:

On the other hand, when I think about maps with wowaka songs (mostly directed to NatsumeRin maps <3), their "OMGI'MSO POOTINGGREYEVERYWHERE" theme often wants me to delete skin/bg/video, since the same colour everywhere blends into all elements of the map, making it even unplayeble at some points (from which I also thought why this actually is unrankable)
That's the thing - combo colors must not blend with the map's BG and Video, but even though there are those maps - so why are they ranked then?
It's NTR


At least I think that might be a reason
posting here before massive shitstorm will come
Hope, osz2 won't come soon, so i can continue to delete all annoying sb elements :3
Ok, before this thread turn into a flamewar, here is my opinion.

Playing with SB/BG/video is fine... when you start and don't complain with it yet.
Here is a fact: some people play for the fun while some people play for the challenge (i.e. getting better and better).

If you play for the fun, BGs, SBs and videos are (indeed) part of the fun.

But when you play for the challenge, the fact is SBs and BGs are really annoying when you reach a certain level. You realize that you fail/don't FC the map because the BG IS the problem (disturbing, NSFW, too white, etc.), and not your skill. This is frustrating and unfair: you can't prove your level because of a single... background.

This is not a problem of map spirit or cheating, it's a problem of how you see the game. Forcing all people to play for the fun is a great way to kill the game for the people playing for the challenge. And I am pretty sure that there are a lot of people in this category.
Topic Starter

XPJ38 wrote:

Ok, before this thread turn into a flamewar, here is my opinion.

Playing with SB/BG/video is fine... when you start and don't complain with it yet.
Here is a fact: some people play for the fun while some people play for the challenge (i.e. getting better and better).

If you play for the fun, BGs, SBs and videos are (indeed) part of the fun.

But when you play for the challenge, the fact is SBs and BGs are really annoying when you reach a certain level. You realize that you fail/don't FC the map because the BG IS the problem (disturbing, NSFW, too white, etc.), and not your skill. This is frustrating and unfair: you can't prove your level because of a single... background. - well, for me, doing it even though the video is, like you said "the problem", in fact a part of skill; so let's seperate here: there is the "map-playing-skill" and the... well kind of "managing your attention-skill", which - for me - make a good player, if they're both co-existing/working together; just running away from one part of skill is... well, you know what you could insert here, it's not my style and that's the point people won't get (enjoying vid, skin and SB while doing a good job on the map itself - that's what I'm playing osu! for, so that's my point) [+ where's the challenge if you make it yourself as easy as even possible? :P ]

This is not a problem of map spirit or cheating, it's a problem of how you see the game. Forcing all people to play for the fun is a great way to kill the game for the people playing for the challenge. And I am pretty sure that there are a lot of people in this category. - that's why i was suggesting kind of seperated scoreboards

Broetchen8441 wrote:

that's why i was suggesting kind of seperated scoreboards
The risk is that everybody would play the "map-playing-skill", since it would be easier than the other map.
let's just not add vids, SBs, or BGs to maps

OzzyOzrock wrote:

let's just not add vids, SBs, or BGs to maps
Agree. It's tiring to delete it.
Enna Alouette

OzzyOzrock wrote:

let's just not add vids, SBs, or BGs to maps
i agree~ lol
+ change this to Feature Requests forum~

OzzyOzrock wrote:

let's just not add vids, SBs, or BGs to maps
no, suffer.

voted i don't care. you can play the way you want as long as it's not breaking the game.
i voted "You and your opinion suck balls" just because its the best option, not because thats what i think:P
i dont really care, i usually just the the skin/SB/BG/video/whatever in there unless its just too annoying, like the smaller cursor in little kandi raver for example.
NoVid has a legitimate technical reason to exist... some people's PCs simply cannot play beatmaps and render a video at the same time. It's a bit redundant with the disable video option, yeah, but it's nice as a shortcut for when you want to disable videos on a per-map basis. Not all videos are created equal, and some require more processing power to run (see: high-quality FLV). It gives an advantage to players who turn off video, yes, but it is something that has to exist.

As for skin/background/storyboard... they should all be kept intact (with an exception made for storyboard elements that would require the map to carry the epilepsy warning). A mapper should be able to expect that people will play the map the way it was intended to be played. This might also pressure mappers to not use extremely busy backgrounds in their already difficult maps, which I'm all for.

That said, I don't fault anyone for deleting any of the stuff... if you're playing competitively (whether against other players or against your own high score) then you absolutely should be doing anything needed to give yourself an advantage.
The poll choices tell me this isn't really a serious poll.

And no, I don't think using NoFrills is cheating, especially NoVid, it's ridiculous to say that it's wrong.

If you're talking about destroying the map's essence, then that's another story.

xsrsbsns wrote:

The poll choices tell me this isn't really a serious poll.
This too. The poll's choices are all awful. I didn't vote because none of them apply to me.
Topic Starter

Soaprman wrote:

xsrsbsns wrote:

The poll choices tell me this isn't really a serious poll.
This too. The poll's choices are all awful. I didn't vote because none of them apply to me.
Give me some then, was kinda pissed when adding >.<
Is using novid or removing skin/background/storyboard elements cheating?
Yes to both
Yes to novid
Yes to removing skin/background/storyboard elements
No to both

This covers the question the thread is about. Still doesn't do justice to the variety of opinions regarding video/skin/storyboard removal in general though. That's outside the scope of a poll.
Topic Starter

Soaprman wrote:

Is using novid or removing skin/background/storyboard elements cheating?
Yes to both
Yes to novid
Yes to removing skin/background/storyboard elements
No to both

This covers the question the thread is about. Still doesn't do justice to the variety of opinions regarding video/skin/storyboard removal in general though. That's outside the scope of a poll.
Well now the poll is a poll and not a "everyone hates me"-emocrytrololo-thing anymore - added few choices to question of seperating scoreboards (if thinking of removing/novid as cheating).

If we make separate scoreboards for NoVid, that would be REALLY unfair because the rankings would be screwed up. (Taiko players usually use NoVideo with SuddenDeath... Well I don't do it because it's already disabled but kanopu does)

And some computers can't handle fancy SBs like Ruru's ones (Mine struggles to do so... but it's okay.)

If I could put some hypothesis, I would about osz2 but let's not derail that thread.

I say that the player has the right to remove visual elements until he can play the game (Some BGs might be removed because of a too high luminosity.)
I delete everything from every map and I think it's damn right, if you like playing blindly go for it, I don't care.
Skins are extra

SBs are extra

Videos are extra

BGs are required, but I don't care if people remove them.
Yes to both, and I think removing videos/skins/storyboards should render your rankings null and void.

Why ?
You're giving yourself an advantage that doesn't come naturally by removing game elements for the sake of being able to "see things easier," thus it is cheating.

If you can't play maps the way the mapper intends them to be played, just don't play them at all.

Rena-chan wrote:

Yes to both, and I think removing videos/skins/storyboards should render your rankings null and void.

Why ?
You're giving yourself an advantage that doesn't come naturally by removing game elements for the sake of being able to "see things easier," thus it is cheating.

If you can't play maps the way the mapper intends them to be played, just don't play them at all.
As a mapper, are you required to add a video, SB, or custom skin?

ouranhshc wrote:

As a mapper, are you required to add a video, SB, or custom skin?
Btw, sometimes I think we don't really give enough credits to storyboarders. Making a SB is by no means less time-consuming then making a map, but those SBs would end up getting deleted by players most of the time.
I personally keep both SB and videos on every beatmap sets.

I disabled BG Video due to my crappy PC (*coughPentium4andGeForceFX5200cough*), though at least it could handle the SB.

I don't care about what people do in regards to the video, SB, and BG image, as long as the beatmap still intact. Although for people who wholeheartedly created a good SB, I find it a pity that it ended up being removed by some players for being distracting. :o
I keep SB's, BG's, and videos on all beatmaps I have. There was 1 time where I tried black-backgrounding a beatmap in hopes to be able to read a part, but that lasted maybe 20 or so retries before I realized it didn't help, then reverted it :p

I don't really care what others do about SB's/BG's/Videos though. However, there is one beatmap that I have that has (to me) hit circles close to the same color as the part in the video they occur at, which makes reading them "slightly" harder. It's not a big deal though I guess since I can read it :p

ouranhshc wrote:

Rena-chan wrote:

Yes to both, and I think removing videos/skins/storyboards should render your rankings null and void.

Why ?
You're giving yourself an advantage that doesn't come naturally by removing game elements for the sake of being able to "see things easier," thus it is cheating.

If you can't play maps the way the mapper intends them to be played, just don't play them at all.[/qu

As a mapper, are you required to add a video, SB, or custom skin?
If you're going to play that card, then you should be. So let me state an example on the same level as your argument; Look at commercial rhythm games, such as DJMax, IIDX, Taiko no Tatsujin, EBA, Ouendan, you name it. They all have storyboards, videos, or some other form of animation going in the background.

Rena-chan wrote:

ouranhshc wrote:

As a mapper, are you required to add a video, SB, or custom skin?
If you're going to play that card, then you should be. So let me state an example on the same level as your argument; Look at commercial rhythm games, such as DJMax, IIDX, Taiko no Tatsujin, EBA, Ouendan, you name it. They all have storyboards, videos, or some other form of animation going in the background.
you do know you can disable some of that.
In those games you dont play on top of the animation...
Why is it an unfair advantage when every player can do it if he/she chooses to do so? If it makes the map harder for you, and you refuse to remove SB/skin/bg etc, then that's just you giving yourself a disadvantage.

Personally I never play with video, because my computer sucks, and I'd like to atleast focus on the beatmap when I play osu!, and watch that anime opening outside of osu!, if I for some reason wanted to do that. The core of the map should lie in the notes imo, and even if the map has a great SB, it still sucks if the beatmap itself sucks.
I'm usually not distracted by SB's, so I keep them unless I try to do something hard and it's easier without, and skins are a case-by-case thing.
I vote for it to stay the same as it is, here are a few god examples of why being able to remove SBs/Vids is good.

1. frequently, mappers include "strobe" effects in their storyboards.
For example the following beatmaps for me are pretty much unplayable without finishing with at least a headache: - Continuous white pulsing is horrible - ^ - Insane has a horrible black/white fast strobe that literally makes my eyes hurt

2. Nightcore maps and alike all usually contain very suggestive/possibly NSFW backgrounds making it hard for the player to play in any semi public space.
Good examples of this:

3. Background videos (avi/flv) make most people lose around 15~20% of max FPS making the player's accuracy decrease and induce lag spikes at random.
They shouldn't even be allowed imo.

This has all been discussed many times before due to the nearing of an OSZ2 release.

I feel that it isn't such a good idea to go forward with locking beatmaps and restricting players who have been playing for quite some time this way (removing BGs/SBs) as it will cause many to just go "well fuck it" and just quit, others (like myself) will most likely just play the old version and keep grinding the same maps and making my own (osz1 format) without ever updating.

Revoking features that people have become used to over a long period of time just isn't very wise, but who am I to judge the authors?
It is in the end their game and we may only make minor suggestions.

Some of you may see it as "It gives others an advantage to remove elements!!", if that's the case, allowing alternate screen resolutions is cheating as it makes it much easier to play the bigger it is.


Peppy, please reskin at least osz2's hitbursts, the current ones are incredibly hard to play with...

ouranhshc wrote:

you do know you can disable some of that.
Yes, and ?

Hanyuu wrote:

In those games you dont play on top of the animation...
On the contrary.

CXu wrote:

Why is it an unfair advantage when every player can do it if he/she chooses to do so? If it makes the map harder for you, and you refuse to remove SB/skin/bg etc, then that's just you giving yourself a disadvantage.

Personally I never play with video, because my computer sucks, and I'd like to atleast focus on the beatmap when I play osu!, and watch that anime opening outside of osu!, if I for some reason wanted to do that. The core of the map should lie in the notes imo, and even if the map has a great SB, it still sucks if the beatmap itself sucks.
I'm usually not distracted by SB's, so I keep them unless I try to do something hard and it's easier without, and skins are a case-by-case thing.
It's not something you should be able to delete. Read: osz2
"Not something you should be able to delete"

Well, gee, guess what? You can right now. When osz2 comes around, then it does. I don't mind either way, but stop complaining about everyone that doesn't play the game like you do.

CXu wrote:

"Not something you should be able to delete"

Well, gee, guess what? You can right now. When osz2 comes around, then it does. I don't mind either way, but stop complaining about everyone that doesn't play the game like you do.
"Boohoo, someone has a different opinion than me ?"

Well, gee, guess what ? I'll complain about cheaters all I want.
Okay, have fun with complaining about "cheaters", I'm off.
Not in the slightest is that cheating. Obnoxious annoying SBs and or videos (OR SKINS, dont forget those, I delete at least 40% of them too) shouldn't exist in the first place.
Topic Starter

Unkind wrote:

Not in the slightest is that cheating. Obnoxious annoying SBs and or videos (OR SKINS, dont forget those, I delete at least 40% of them too) shouldn't exist in the first place.
That's why they should be removed before ranking a map, if they're really that bad - wasn't this even in the ranking criterias?

Glass wrote:

Hatsune Miku_old

Glass wrote:


Glass wrote:

Nice sum-up even if the thread creator had stated he need serious discussion. (Because the 10th poll started 9 months ago is totally not serious enough)

One possible extreme solution would be increase the system requirements so every computer that's able to play this game at least can playing video/SB with ease. and remove the no-vid option altogether. But I can see this won't work at all.
It's like trying to do an exam whilst sitting next to someone who clicks their pen constantly, except the exam is the beatmap, and the pen clicking is a series of seizure-inducing strobes, consternation and dancing chibis.
Lets define cheating first...
On my opinion cheating is a way to gain an advantage by killing/avoiding certain parts of the gameplay.
For osu! I think gameplay involves clicking and aiming to a song-rythm and nothing else.
SB's, Skins and Videos are only an asthetic feature, provided by peppy, to make beatmaps more interesting and fun to play, hence why those elements are accessible through the "Design"-tab from the editor.
It's just design not involved in the gameplay itself therefore, avoiding it, isn't cheating.

While deleting SB's and stuff isn't cheating, I think doing so is a pure disgrace because the mapper took the time to make those SB's and you just remove them because the beatmap is harder to play with?
I generally love any beatmap with a Storyboard, Skin, etc. because for me, it means the mapper was really engaged with his map and I got the privilege to enjoy it.

For videos:
Most of them are music-videos downloaded from youtube or elsewhere. Disabling those shouldn't hurt anybody. (And Mappers shouldn't care about their downloaded youtube-video just being disabled).
Exception of course: Beatmap-unique-videos, guess why.

tl;dr: If your PC has the power for SB's, don't touch them or accept the fact, that you're a hypocrite for removing content somebody else made for you while still playing that map.

Again, that's just my opinion.
I'm not a mapper but if I would make a map and some people just remove content I made for them, I would feel bad, somehow.

Ijah wrote:

I vote for it to stay the same as it is, here are a few god examples of why being able to remove SBs/Vids is good.

1. frequently, mappers include "strobe" effects in their storyboards.
Which may be addressed... in the talk about osz2, there's mention of the possibility of a special layer for flashes, which would make it possible to add a switch to the game. At least I hope this is true, because I have some photo sensitivity, and I'd really miss some maps if they had to be played with flashes. If it is, then this reason to remove SBs is gone... you can remove flashes now, and toggle them later.

For example the following beatmaps for me are pretty much unplayable without finishing with at least a headache: - Continuous white pulsing is horrible - ^ - Insane has a horrible black/white fast strobe that literally makes my eyes hurt
Not to belittle your examples, because I know it's hard to come up with the best ones on short notice... but the first two have never caused me any problem, because it isn't actually "white pulsing". What it is slightly brighter and blurrier... a bit annoying and quite distracting, but not enough of a "flash" (I wouldn't call these flashes at all) in a well lit room to cause an issue (and any one with photo sensitivity should quickly learn to play games in a well lit room to reduce the impact... it does have the disadvantage though of washing out contrast a bit, which can make hard to see colour combos even worse). That last example has potential (bursts were too short or the wrong frequency to affect me much, but could certainly get someone else)... that's actual white strobing.

Another example: Faith is for the Transient People ( hit me particularly hard. It's the reason I started fixing SB flashes.

2. Nightcore maps and alike all usually contain very suggestive/possibly NSFW backgrounds making it hard for the player to play in any semi public space.
And there's been talk about changing those backgrounds to meet the new tighter standard. So this might also be a non-reason... can remove it now, will be fixed later. Personally I'd like an option to keep the current images... I don't play in public, and I've come to associate the images to the maps.

3. Background videos (avi/flv) make most people lose around 15~20% of max FPS making the player's accuracy decrease and induce lag spikes at random.
They shouldn't even be allowed imo.
No problem with them being allowed if they can be turned off with No Video. And although the argument is well established for allowing that to reduce the system requirements to play, there is another reason... it allows photo sensitive people to turn off videos with flashes in them. Although I suppose that videos could be tagged on a case by case basis and tied to the same toggle as storyboard flashes... but keeping No Video kills both birds with one stone.

The one remaining issue I'd have (given the above are solved) would be bad combo colours. Combo colours and flashes have been the only reasons I've altered maps, save one map where I got annoyed because the combo break sound was skinned to be silent. That's simply not a sound that should be removed... the fact that it might make noise at a point when it might sound bad is completely appropriate for when the player makes a mistake.
I don't give a fuck about what others think about my playstyle, I'll continue to replace every background with a gray background.
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