19:38 Kyle Y: hi
19:39 Archangel: hi
19:39 Kyle Y: I received you modding request
19:39 Kyle Y: first of all, Language refer to the song, not for the language for modding
19:40 Kyle Y: um... are you free to have a IRC modding?
19:40 Kyle Y: as you are new in mapping
19:40 Archangel: irc?
19:40 Archangel: idk what is that
19:40 Archangel: xD
19:40 Kyle Y: I mod it while you edit it
19:41 Kyle Y: Internet Relay Cha
19:41 Kyle Y: chat
19:41 Archangel: ah
19:43 Kyle Y: then let's have IRC modding?
19:44 Archangel: it's ok for me
19:45 Kyle Y: okay.
19:45 Kyle Y: btw, can you play with your insane without fail?
19:46 Archangel: I dont think so xD
19:47 Archangel: maybe in a few retrys
19:47 Kyle Y: becasue I fail on it also
19:47 Archangel: do you mean fc?
19:47 Kyle Y: my rank is #43___
19:47 Kyle Y: no
19:47 Kyle Y: just pass
19:47 Kyle Y: #43XXX
19:47 Kyle Y: I can't play this 4.46 star song
19:47 Archangel: ah... yeah i can pass it
19:48 Archangel: will try
19:49 Kyle Y: then maybe I just mod Insane with you?
19:49 Kyle Y: <3 stars hard a little bit hard for me
19:51 Archangel: less than 3 stars?
19:51 Kyle Y: 2.76 <3
19:51 Kyle Y: hard for modding
19:51 Kyle Y: not for play
19:52 *Kyle Y is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/725733 NICO Touches the Walls - Broken Youth (TV Size) [Insane]]
19:52 Archangel: I see
19:52 Kyle Y: let's start, as I need to bath later on
19:52 Archangel: ok
19:52 Kyle Y: have you ever read the post about slider drawing and the flowing
19:53 Kyle Y: do you know what blanket is?
19:53 Archangel: yeah
19:53 Kyle Y: then I just directly tell you which is poor flowing is okay
19:53 Kyle Y: 00:01:126 (2,3) - poor flowing
19:53 Kyle Y: 00:03:001 (4,1) - blanket
19:54 Kyle Y: 00:05:217 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - poor looking, try this
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/339617819:55 Kyle Y: I just draw very briefly
19:55 Kyle Y: 00:07:092 (1,2) - poor flowing
19:55 Kyle Y: 00:07:944 - missing
19:55 Kyle Y: 00:08:967 (8) - constant ds from (7) and to (1)
19:56 Kyle Y: 00:10:501 (3) - why suddent change SV (slider velocity)
19:56 Archangel: ds means distance snap?
19:56 Kyle Y: yup
19:57 Kyle Y: 00:09:563 (5,7) - sorry I cannot here any sound here, del it
19:58 Kyle Y: 00:13:740 - missing
19:58 Kyle Y: 00:12:887 (6) - 1/2 slider+ circle
19:58 Kyle Y: 00:12:887 (6) - 00:12:887 (6) - missing
19:58 Kyle Y: 00:16:211 (2) - no sound for 1/4, del
19:59 Kyle Y: 00:15:615 (4) - no sound for 1/4, use 1/2 beat slider
19:59 Kyle Y: 00:16:893 (6) - move to 00:16:808 -
19:59 Kyle Y: I think you should listen to 1/4 sound
19:59 Kyle Y: 00:17:660 - missing
20:00 Kyle Y: 00:18:853 - missing
20:00 Archangel: what to do with 00:16:893 (5) - ?
20:00 Kyle Y: 00:19:194 - missing and del 00:19:279 (7) - becasue no 1/4 soudn
20:00 Archangel: delete?
20:00 Kyle Y: move to 00:16:808 -
20:00 Kyle Y: 00:19:620 - missing
20:01 Kyle Y: btw, your offset seems a little bit error
20:01 Kyle Y: about 1/16 beat or 3/32 beat error
20:01 Kyle Y: I check for you later on
20:02 Kyle Y: 00:20:217 - missing
20:02 Kyle Y: 00:21:069 (5) - no 1/4, use 1/2 slider
20:02 Kyle Y: 00:21:836 (9) - no 1/4
20:02 Kyle Y: 00:21:921 (1,2) - ctrl+g
20:03 Kyle Y: 00:22:944 - missing
20:03 Kyle Y: 00:23:967 - you miss the bea here
20:03 Kyle Y: 00:24:649 - 00:24:990 - missing
20:03 Kyle Y: 00:25:671 - 00:26:012 - missing
20:04 Kyle Y: 00:26:524 - miss the big tick here
20:04 Kyle Y: 00:27:376 - missing
20:04 Kyle Y: 00:27:887 - same
20:04 Kyle Y: btw, I don't think SV change here 00:25:501 -
20:04 Kyle Y: del it
20:05 Kyle Y: 00:29:933 (1) - spinner not suitable, use circle and slider replace it please
20:05 Kyle Y: 00:32:745 (2,5,7) - no 1/4 sound
20:05 Kyle Y: if you can hear when you use 25%, then you can map it, otherwise it is overmap
20:06 Archangel: 25% of what?
20:07 Kyle Y: playback rate
20:07 Kyle Y: 00:42:546 (1) - not suitable for using spinner
20:07 Kyle Y: 00:42:546 (1) - missing
20:08 Kyle Y: 00:42:546 (1) - missing
20:08 Kyle Y: 00:41:524 - I think you should use slider for this part, as it is really... too much circle
20:08 Kyle Y: 00:43:654 (2) - not 1/4 soudn
20:09 Kyle Y: 00:53:115 (6) - just mind on your blanketing, pattern is not the focus for this modding
20:10 Kyle Y: 00:54:052 (1,4,6,8,10,12) - no 1/4
20:10 Kyle Y: 00:54:052 (1,4,6,8,10,12) - hey.. you skip it
20:10 Kyle Y: 01:01:808 - missing
20:10 Kyle Y: 01:02:063 (2,4) - not 1/4 sound
20:11 Kyle Y: 01:02:063 (2,4) - missing
20:11 Kyle Y: sorry
20:11 Kyle Y: 01:02:490 - missing
20:11 Kyle Y: 01:02:745 (6,8) - no 1/4 sound
20:11 Kyle Y: 01:03:001 - use slider on 01:03:001 -
20:11 Kyle Y: 01:04:705 - sldier
20:12 Kyle Y: 01:05:132 (2,5,7) - no 1/4 sound again
20:12 Kyle Y: 01:05:899 - missing
20:12 Kyle Y: 01:06:240 - missing
20:12 Kyle Y: 01:06:580 - missing
20:12 Kyle Y: 01:07:007 - missing
20:12 Kyle Y: 01:07:347 (7) - no 1/4 sound
20:13 Kyle Y: 01:07:433 (8) - missing beat on 01:07:603 - ,01:07:774 - 01:07:944 -
20:13 Kyle Y: 01:08:626 - missing
20:13 Kyle Y: 01:08:967 - missing
20:14 Kyle Y: 01:10:671 (7,8) - don't use that curve slider in Insane, unless it is emphasising sth
20:14 Kyle Y: 01:09:989 (5,6,7,8) - move 1/2 beat later, and add circle at 01:09:819 -
20:15 Kyle Y: 01:12:717 - missing
20:15 Kyle Y: 01:14:592 (1) - start at 01:14:336 -
20:16 Kyle Y: end at 01:17:319 -
20:16 Kyle Y: 01:16:978 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4) - I don;t think it is good
20:17 Kyle Y: 01:19:535 - 01:19:620 - missing
20:17 Kyle Y: 01:19:961 - 01:20:132 - 01:20:302 - missing
20:17 Kyle Y: 01:20:643 - missing
20:18 Kyle Y: 01:20:984 - missing 01:21:154 - missing
20:18 Kyle Y: 01:21:495 - missing
20:18 Kyle Y: 01:21:666 - missing
20:18 Kyle Y: 01:21:750 (4) - slider
20:18 Kyle Y: 01:21:750 (4) - missing
20:18 Kyle Y: 01:22:774 - 01:22:859 - missing
20:19 Kyle Y: 01:22:688 - missing
20:19 Kyle Y: 01:23:115 - 01:23:200 - missing
20:19 Kyle Y: 01:23:370 - 01:23:455 - 01:23:541 - 01:23:711 - missing
20:19 Kyle Y: 01:23:796 - slider
20:19 Kyle Y: A lot of 1/4 sound here
20:20 Kyle Y: of course you no need to follow also, just base of the pattern and your mapping
20:20 Kyle Y: If xxx_xxx sounds better than xxxxxxx (stream), then use xxx_xxx
20:21 Archangel: yeah
20:21 Kyle Y: 01:24:819 (2) - 1/2 beat slider and 01:23:626 (5) - 1/2 beat slider 01:25:330 (1) - start at 01:25:416 -
20:21 Archangel: maybe the streams
20:21 Archangel: are a little weird
20:21 Kyle Y: end at 01:27:887 -
20:22 Kyle Y: for the nc(s),
20:22 Kyle Y: every four beat per one nc for >= Hard diff and 8 beat for NM and EZ
20:22 Kyle Y: new combo
20:23 Kyle Y: also, every SV change use one nc
20:23 Archangel: do you think the sv change is ok?
20:23 Kyle Y: not quite
20:24 Archangel: for example
20:24 Archangel: this
20:24 Archangel: 00:10:501 (3) -
20:24 Archangel: is it ok?
20:24 Kyle Y: this one not okay for me
20:24 Archangel: or i have to change it
20:26 Kyle Y: yup
20:26 Archangel: 00:11:183 (1) -
20:26 Archangel: is it ok?
20:26 Kyle Y: del it
20:26 Kyle Y: 00:22:433 (3) - this also, del the green line
20:27 Archangel: yeah
20:27 Archangel: i'm on it
20:27 Kyle Y: 00:10:160 - I will just x0.75 here
20:28 Kyle Y: 00:16:978 - until here use back x1.9
20:28 Kyle Y: 1.0
20:28 Archangel: and delete the other green lines?
20:29 Kyle Y: 00:33:342 - 0.75 here again
20:29 Kyle Y: 00:43:569 - x 1.0
20:29 Kyle Y: 00:44:251 - x 1.2
20:29 Kyle Y: 01:06:069 - x.10
20:30 Kyle Y: 1.0
20:30 Kyle Y: 01:22:433 - 0.75 or 0.5
20:31 Kyle Y: I just leave for a while,
20:31 Kyle Y: come back in 10 minutes
20:31 Archangel: ok
20:31 Archangel: i'll do some change
20:31 Archangel: changes*
20:43 Kyle Y: back
20:43 Kyle Y: then I post this log to forum