
Multiplayer Spectate

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +2,863
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this would be awesome, you join a game that's in progress and you get to watch the game and everyone sees you are a spectator!
support! we can know when the match will end as some songs are long and we do not know we need to wait till when
Support because it is different than just spectating because you would see a live update of the scores. I think it would be much more interesting than just watching one person, and it seems easy to implement (since the 'spectate' option is already there, it would just mean juxtaposing the scoreboard and the spectate feature)
i agree to this idead.. it would be a time consumer when we are waiting to games to finish.. like mentioned above.
AdRon Zh3Ro
Seems good.

For when you don't have people to spectate since there are always games going on in Multiplayer and you just want to watch. I think it would be great for everybody and don't see anything wrong with a feature like this since it essentially makes the game more involved.
Support, a nice idea

I've always wanted this :D

Would love to spectate multiplayer matches like that...
Especially if you're doing something else like eating and can't play :)
Miu Matsuoka
definitely SUPPORT~
I was actually thinking of suggesting a "split screen" effect for Multiplayer, but I realized the flaws, mostly related to ping issues.
bump because

Being able to spectate multiple users in tournaments or just multiplayer rooms. Whatever works the best.
This could also bring up the multiplayer chat #multiplayer, or possibly a separate one.

So here's what I had in mind. You spectate anyone in a multiplayer game and you'll be able to spectate as if you were in the multiplayer game. Team vs with country vs country would be viewable and you'd be able to see which team is winning.

For the coming OWC and pretty much every other tournament. It'd bring more order and quality compared to live stream based tournaments.

What do you think?
I want this so badly hhhh
Definitely support this idea! :D

theowest wrote:

This could also bring up the multiplayer chat #multiplayer
Better not for owc because I can already see the chat being spammed by koreans if Cookiezi is playing. I think the players should still have there own closed chat. So

theowest wrote:

a separate one
would be better. In this - let's call it #multispec - are all people who spectate one of the players in the room. This extra chat would be accesable for the players, too ofcourse.
I wholeheartedly agree... :D

EDIT:Also agree with the statements by Tshemmp...

I honestly think this is a cool idea , you should also get the option to do the 8 cursors flying over the place. +1

P.S. this could work for all the other modes , sinse they could show like the names above/below the cursor if your doing the all players screen thing.

It would be nice instead of waiting.

This could also implement people being able when using the "free mods" to choose DoubleTime/HalfTime/Nightcore , then after you beat it before everyone else, you can spectate
Soner Wolf
shut up and take all my stars I don't have!


Gabi wrote:

i dont think it is possible to spectate 1 game and then just instantly switch to another player inside the game due to latency differences. alltho it would be a cool idea and i would support this ^^

for instance, pings might differ 5 seconds sometimes, so if you would be switching between 2 people constantly it would mess up and repeat notes.

so? sometimes they play on realtime as you can see the scores are going on 300th's at the same time when ur playingg on multi.

sometimes its right, ssomeone is delayed, but wwho cares if some notes are messsing up on changed player .. better than nothing or? :3
I've seen this break up into many separate ideas in this thread.

What would be great would be to have it mimic what we see with the live stream of the OWC. Have all players displayed and actually see what they all doing simultaniously. If you then want to spectate a specific person, you click on their window and you spec them. If you want to go back to seeing all the players. You click a button and go back out.

I agree that a totally different spec chat would need to exist and the private rooms chat needs to remain. You can even add features to Multiplayer rooms where the players can set the room to private so they cannot be spectated.

There is actually so much you can do with this idea, I think its brilliant and if I knew how to get more stars I'd send them all in support of this thread
I know this thread is a fossil but this is a great idea with much support and shouldn't be dead.
Hell yeah. For Unnoficial Tournaments and Official too, this should be preeetty handy.
Bumping this dead request because it's a fantastic idea overall. No need to explain why since all reasons are well stated above in the thread.
- Marco -

Dusk252 wrote:

Bumping this dead request because it's a fantastic idea overall. No need to explain why since all reasons are well stated above in the thread.
I agree!
Make this happen please.
This is a no brainer addition , and it was requested 6 years ago already. :(
There is already the "Tournament Client", which is able to spectate a whole room (with the correct configuration even 16 players at once). The thing is, its not public and the staff is not going to release it.

Chirimu-Chan wrote:

There is already the "Tournament Client", which is able to spectate a whole room (with the correct configuration even 16 players at once). The thing is, its not public and the staff is not going to release it.
How about requesting access to the Tournament Client like how League of Legends does it, with Tournament Codes given out through application/request? Also, from what we've seen with OWC, spectating an entire room is really unreliable and laggy.
Green Platinum
I feel this should also come with an ability to abstain from playing for the round too. Allowing you to spectate but also not slowing the room down due to you being afk.
I still don't get why you would hide that Client in puplic, make it supporter only or something like that, hiding it is just stupid since it's one of the most requested things(6 year+ ago and now) why would you hide something like that?

I can see no single reason why you would ever do that, makes no sense.

Also, if it "should" have any problems, then it would be easier to get a lot of problems fixed when going puplic"cutting Edge - possibly(supporter only)".

Venumidas wrote:

I still don't get why you would hide that Client in puplic, make it supporter only or something like that, hiding it is just stupid since it's one of the most requested things(6 year+ ago and now) why would you hide something like that?

I can see no single reason why you would ever do that, makes no sense.

Also, if it "should" have any problems, then it would be easier to get a lot of problems fixed when going puplic"cutting Edge - possibly(supporter only)".
Because to make the Tournament Client work in public/ semi-public, MANY fixes have to be made. That would take a lot of time. I think the Staff simply has other prioritys.

Chirimu-Chan wrote:

Venumidas wrote:

I still don't get why you would hide that Client in puplic, make it supporter only or something like that, hiding it is just stupid since it's one of the most requested things(6 year+ ago and now) why would you hide something like that?

I can see no single reason why you would ever do that, makes no sense.

Also, if it "should" have any problems, then it would be easier to get a lot of problems fixed when going puplic"cutting Edge - possibly(supporter only)".
Because to make the Tournament Client work in public/ semi-public, MANY fixes have to be made. That would take a lot of time. I think the Staff simply has other prioritys.

Yes, the best way to fix something is to not let anyone test it. - Still makes no sense.
If this isnt implemented im gonna cry..
Let's bump this because I still didn't get a answer that makes any sense after 4-5 months.
Great idea, Vouching
has this not been done yet? I would find it pretty useful.
+2 votes. Good idea!
[ Scarlet Red ]
I would like it if it was... osu! world cup format-like. And why would more than one cursor be a bad thing? idk... I mean you'd see everyone playing their way... I think it'd work with all the cursors and not just one.

I do suppose this idea either way, though.
non one c
This would be great!
+2 votes!
Yeah this sounds really cool!
I would love for the tournament client to be released, and be able to see all players at once like in the osu world cup, but it seems like the client isn't going to be public any time soon. This option is the next best thing, and it has my support!
Would love to see this.
Would also love to see this. Hope it's something that can be available to everyone not just tournament hosts.
I just requested this feature until I finally realized that the thread is here. Deleted my new request! Please make this happen :) I voted twice. For me it's not about viewing a single cursor, why not have all 4? Use different colors for all :D and we'll be complete. And for me it's not only spectate, why not also multiplayer replays?
Cool feature
Wow, nice idea m8 10/10

+1 sup.
Yes please
bump +1

Sir Minelli wrote:

I'm not sure if this was posted already or not. I couldn't find it on search.

Anyways it basically works like this:

When on multiplayer lobby, you check the current games that are being played. You right click the tab, and an option will appear saying: Spectate game.

You will then spectate the entire game, not just one single player. But every player and their respective scores.

This can be really nice for tournament purposes.

Edit: When you go to the spectate screen for example when on "head to head", only the cursor of the player that is currently in first place will appear. It WILL change if someone else takes the first place so...

You will have the option to click on a players score tab and the cursor will change to that player's instead.
If you do so, if someone else takes the first place, the cursor won't change to that player. You will have to click that players tab if you wish to see him.

This way we don't see the 8 cursors going all over the place.

For tag it works the same.

Works only for osu! standart.
This sounds awesome! I would also really like it so that way if I spec a friend in the Bancho menu who is currently in a multiplayer lobby, it will bring me to the multiplayer spec version, so I can see how he is doing and what other players scores are, without having to ask them what place they got after they are done from my curiosity.
would be a great way to properly watch tourny's ingame!
Tanomoshii Nekojou
BUMP + A STAR!!! :3
spectating in #multiplayer must be added!!! ;w;
Button option for 'multiplayer spectate' must be shown from the lobby/list of multiplayer rooms...

right click multiplayer room > options: join // multiplayer spectate
the tournament client already accomplishes this, but as most people dont have the client and its usually just given away for a limited amount of time for certain people, i can see this request being helpful.

I guess the problems for this would be maybe bancho not being to handle sending game info and developing it.

Another problem is people like me who dont use fullscreen and use a small window, having my screen divided upon maybe 4 people may be hard to look at or keep track of.
+1 support from me this sounds funny would be great to see a real multi spectate
take all 50 of my stars
Sure. that would be cool
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