
Chihara Minori - Kyoukai no Kanata

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年12月17日 at 21:32:35

Artist: Chihara Minori
Title: Kyoukai no Kanata
Source: Kyoukai no Kanata
Tags: Opening beyond the boundary
BPM: 184
Filesize: 8480kb
Play Time: 04:46
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.95 stars, 761 notes)
  2. Insane (5 stars, 1068 notes)
  3. Normal (3.05 stars, 338 notes)
Download: Chihara Minori - Kyoukai no Kanata
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
non break
but I hope to you enjoy it.
Insane done by me
Hard done by me
Normal done by me
Easy don't need this map
nice map and good luck with it
Hi,Laurier. M4M mod req.(Poor English,I just can talk brief English.)

  1. Red words: Should be fix it.
  2. Blue words : I recommended suggestion.
  3. Black words : In my personal opinion.




Because it is WIP,so I skipped this diff mod. 0.0


01:12:698 (1) - I think this note can be place farther. 01:12:535 (4) click to 01:12:698 (1) is not flow. Move to (236|108)?
01:25:415 (4) - Slider end move a bit ,become a pattern, try this? 01:51:176 (2) - Slider head +finish? (Because this part is music turn up.)
01:51:828 (3) - Slider head stack 01:49:872 (4) ?
01:55:415 (3) - I recommended move to (304|28) is better flow.
02:13:024 (2) - Slider head stack 02:11:231 (4) ?
02:15:307 (1,2) - Slider head +whistle?
02:17:263 (2) - ^
03:56:394 (3) - Ctrl+g,better flow?
04:14:328 (2) - (368|268),make a appropriate DS ?

[Insane] HP-1 ?

00:50:850 (2) - Ctrl+g?
01:20:850 (2) - Move a bit,(328|180)?
01:27:698 (3) - Slider end stack crooked off.
02:54:111 (4) - Ctrl+g?
03:09:111 (2) - Recommended ctrl+g,better flow.

1.If you have any mod above problems, you can PM or in-game to me.
2.Hope my mod is useful to you.
3.Modding content is a bit short,sorry.
[ infL ]
Hi this for m4m
Still beginner at modding so just a few things
My map:

No kiai time? Some suggestions for times
Should be from
00:53:133 - 01:15:144
01:53:133 - 02:14:002
03:45:307 - 04:12:698
04:21:828 - 04:27:046

  1. 00:21:828 (1) - I think flip vertically looks better
  2. 04:10:578 (4) - I think you can add a note here
  3. 04:12:698 (1) - Blanket (3)
  4. 04:29:654 (1) - Blanket
  1. 00:10:741 (2) - You could blanket (1)
  2. 00:50:524 (1) - ctrl + g
  3. 01:08:785 (1) - Here blanket looks nicer and will flow better
  4. 03:18:812 (6,7) - Not a huge deal but you could move these 2 down slightly
  5. 03:20:524 (1) - I think this should just be a normal 1/2 slider, not 1/4
  6. 04:37:481 (1) - Blanket
change the source to Kyoukai no Kanata. it will help you

sorry for bad english
Topic Starter

TheRebellion wrote:

change the source to Kyoukai no Kanata. it will help you

sorry for bad english

Woop thanks
Scarlet Sisters
i think this map needs break time. kds plz
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love this beatmap and the anime :D
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rawr208 wrote:

love this map :)
thanks \^^/

Quilt wrote:

i think this map needs break time. kds plz
Raiku here! Just started out modding but I have a couple of suggestions!

I'm modding the insane as I feel suggestions coming from someone with experience of playing these maps at a high level using mods such as hidden I feel like i can give some insight onto how i feel certain changes could improve overall playability! Here goes:


- Insert Kiai time on each of the choruses for each of the diffs! \;D/~kiai~kiai~kiai~


- 00:16:122 (10) - I feel as though the straight slider should be changed to a curve as pictured ( to help with the flow into the stream where I then 00:14:654 - angled the 2 repeating sliders to make for a better progressive effect into the stream! SS:

- 00:15:307 - On to the stream itself I decided upon making the stack start off very neatly ( into a slight progressive curve to coincide with your note placement at the end of the combo ( I feel this will improve playability when it comes to hidden and will make for an even but challenging short stream when paired with hardrock \;D/.

- 00:20:850 - On to the next entry to the stream again i angled them to go with the flow ( 00:21:176 - In order to add a little variety and a little more movement to this section, I had the stacked stream changed to a very slight angular stream for the first 4 notes then into a stack for the last 4 ( I feel that the angle of the stream flows very nicely into the similarly angled slider that follows.

- 00:37:154 - Very similar to the last change; I had the first 4 notes of the stream neatly flow into a stack for the last 4 ( Again I feel the stationary stack interrupted the flow slightly and I feel the section could benefit from the slight additional movement.

- 00:55:008 - Where note 3, the single note that started on top of the following slider, I changed to fit right in the middle to make a little hoppy note to stream through the two sliders! (

- 00:59:818 (2) - I centered this note in a slight curve to join the flow into the straight slider where before I feel it was placed too close to the first note and interrupted the flow created by the wonderful spacing you had with the pattern that preceded it \;D/ (

- 01:03:975 - I enjoyed toying around with the idea that you could have the stream that precedes this slider to flow out into 2 more notes instead of jumping to a small removed double stack like you had before. I feel like the 2 notes (, however you place them, flow brilliantly into the next set of jumps!

- 01:24:029 - Similar to the change at 55 secs, I centered the note between the 2 sliders and curved the last slider to form a bow pointing towards the next slider (, I'm happy with the flowiness it creates compared to stacking it!

- 01:25:415 (5) - I moved the slider down a touch to fit the entry into the stack (, I really like this stream, very appropriate stacking, it goes in like an earthquake fitting with that part of the song :)

- 01:25:415 (5) - Timings about 5-10 milliseconds too fast.


That's all I got to report! I'd just like to say I love the map, I hope it gets ranked asap and make sure I'm the first to play it!

Good luck and I hope I helped! \;D/
request in-game

00:21:176 (4) - 若干左にずらすときれいに見えるかもです。
04:04:872 (2) - このスライダーが04:06:176 (1) - このスライダーに重なっているのが気になりました。
02:06:176 - ここの音をとってもいいかもです。

00:26:394 (5) - スライダーのおしりをもう少し右に傾けて、00:27:046 (1) - のスライダーの終点をきれいに包むようにしてみるといいかもです。
03:03:568 (1) - 03:04:546 (3) - ここのスライダーを包むようにしてもいいかもです。



Topic Starter

CakiP wrote:


thanks for mod guys
Hi~ from in-game reqs~

Tag add "beyond the boundary opening kuriyama mirai kanbara akihito nase mitsuki nase hiroomi risa taneda kenn tatsuhisa suzuki" please (all diff)


00:25:089 (2) - What about the idea of ​​keeping a round slider?
01:03:241 - clap?
01:11:394 (1) - NC is not required
02:09:763 - Finish add


00:45:796 - add note here

good map

sorry.. very short..... T.T
Enna Alouette
Topic Starter
thanks for mod ^^

Sekai-nyan wrote:

hi :3


00:02:589 (1) - I think this NC is not necessary. maybe remove?
00:14:654 - maybe make the volume louder every white tick like 20-30-40% because the song is louder.
00:25:741 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - make this shape more symmetry?
00:32:263 (5) - what about finish on tail?
00:48:894 (5) - ctrl+g is better flow imo. next (1) is not a strong beat too so its no need a jump imo.
01:00:959 (1) - 474|196 for perfect blanket.
01:01:774 - what about add note here, i hear a beat there and more playable.
01:04:383 (5) - 310|273 for perfect stack
01:12:209 (4) - 406|157 for ^
01:38:459 (4) - I think ctrl+g here is more fit the song. and next (1)'s beat is no need to jump imo.
01:52:481 (1,2,3,4) - I think 1.0x SV is more playable and easier to hit them like you do it with the previous one.
02:01:448 (2) - 212|309 for perfect stack.
02:05:850 (4) - 463|347 ^
02:14:981 - try this rhythm? I think its more fit for vocal.
03:15:307 (1) - 222|224 for perfect stack.
03:20:198 (3) - tail on 40|240 is already perfect blanket.
03:44:654 (1-4) - 1.0 SV as I suggest. easier and more playable.
04:23:948 (2,3,4) - try to move it like this? maybe more flow.


00:39:437 (4) - move to 359|248 for perfect stack.
00:51:176 (2) - 94|196 for ^
00:52:970 - I think add note here is more playable.
01:17:589 (4) - move tail to 425|186 for better blanket.
01:22:807 (4) - 294|184.
03:18:894 (5) - 254|296.
03:42:372 (4) - 86|231.
03:47:915 (1) - 197|365.
03:57:698 (3) - 260|190.


00:02:589 (2) - 328|164 for perfect blanket.
00:24:111 - add note here would be great ;w; the rhythm still going but instant stop here.

good luck for rank :3 sry for poor mod, your map is so nice :(
Topic Starter
thanks! fixed!!
From my queue~

  1. Tags suggetion (何もないのも寂しいので)
    "beyond the boundary"
  2. すぐ始まるmapなのでAudio-Leadinを入れた方が良いと思います
  3. Kiai-Timeは...?
  1. さすがに4分越えのmapでbreak-timeなしはきついような・・・ normalだけでも入れた方が良いかと
  2. 01:42:698 (1) - end at 01:43:187
  3. 01:43:676 (2) - ちょっと難しいような気がします。01:43:676にnoteだけでもいいかなと
  4. 03:35:198 (1,2) - rhythmが取りにくいと思いました。vocalに合わせたこっちが良いと思います
  5. 03:49:220- このfinishは意図的?
  1. 02:17:915 (1,2) - ここはstackしない方が良いと思います。このくらいのARだと曲を知らなければ1/1rhythmでたたいてしまう気がします
  2. 02:18:568 (3,3) - stack correctly
  3. 02:54:437 (1,2,3,4) - 方向を変えた方が好みです。1,3をCtrl+Gとか
  4. 03:57:698 (3,2) - stack correctly
  5. 04:23:948 (2,3) - ここも04:22:481 (3,5) - ときちんとstackできると思いますが、時間が少し離れているので気にしなくても良いかも
  1. 00:25:741 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - こんなpatternどうですか?

  2. 01:15:633 (2,3) - stack correctly
  3. 01:25:741 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,1,1,1) - XD
  4. 01:28:024 (4) - 離れてますけど01:29:328 (5) - とstack correctly
  5. 03:16:285 (6) - ^ on 03:17:589 (6) -
  6. 03:20:524 (1) - ^ on 03:18:812 (6,7) -
  7. 04:09:274 (2) - x:396 y:172 (stack correctly)
  8. 04:17:426 (2) - ^ on 04:18:404 (2) -
blanketきれいですね~ 勉強になりました :)
~Good Luck~
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I respect your map :D
And I like this map!!
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iMage-- wrote:

I respect your map :D
And I like this map!!
thanks >w<


  1. I'm concerned about the timing because the TV Size version had a very complicated timing. It's seems mostly fine, but I know for sure 04:40:741 (2) is very early. Maybe you can try this timing for the end:
  1. 00:14:651 - Unsnapped timing section. Snap to 00:14:654 please.
  2. 00:20:524 (1,2) - I think switch NC here is better because transition starts on 2. It is more fitting for NC.
  3. 01:42:046 (3,4,5) - The music here is actually 1/3. I think you should try to follow it like this:

    Just example:
  1. 00:26:394 (5) - Remove clap from repeat and add to head is more fitting imo.
  2. 00:52:807 (6) - I think it is more easy to understand if you replace this with 1/2 slider to follow with music and make jump to 1:
  3. 01:41:720 (2,3,4) - Because music is 1/3, maybe you can try this rhythm:
  4. 02:05:524 (2) - Try Ctrl+J here, see if you like:
  1. 00:51:828 (3) - Replace with 1/1 slider maybe is more nice to play and follows music:
  2. 01:43:676 (2,1) - I think it's unnatural to hit the 1 on the red tick here. Maybe you can try extending 2 and adding repeat, I think it will be more nice to play:
  3. 04:04:872 (2,1) - The overlap is not so great imo. Maybe you can rearrange like this:
  4. 04:28:024 (1) - I think remove NC is best, this NC seems not needed because it makes 04:27:046 (1) combo too short.
  5. 04:36:176 (1) - Remove NC is best imo to make similar combo length with 04:32:589 (1,2,3,4).
Very solid and fun maps. :)
Lets try to get a few people to ok the timing before bubble.
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all fixed !!

Soldsaga KunG
Easy Plz ;w;
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Soldsaga KunG wrote:

Easy Plz ;w;
sorry I didn't made it.
because my Normal is easy and simply >.<
Soldsaga KunG

Laurier wrote:

Soldsaga KunG wrote:

Easy Plz ;w;
sorry I didn't made it.
because my Normal is easy and simply >.<
I understand ^^
Topic Starter
thanks !!

Zeraphlol wrote:

osu need more laurier

[Minakami Yuki] wrote:

osu need more laurier

[Minakami Yuki] wrote:

osu need more laurier
Enna Alouette

[Minakami Yuki] wrote:

osu need more laurier

[Minakami Yuki] wrote:

osu need more laurier
i like it

Troogle wrote:

[Minakami Yuki] wrote:

osu needs more laurier
Ranked ~
yeah :D
omedetou gozaimasu!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

[Minakami Yuki] wrote:

osu need more laurier
Topic Starter
Congrtaz!! Laurier-san @@

Fycho wrote:

Gratzz!!^^ Laurier!!^^
lol i'm pretty sure normal diff would be everyone's target when aiming for 1000 combo achievement ^^ anyway, congrats! love this song so much ♥
congrats! :>
no longer available. RIP
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