
yuikonnu - Yakimochi no Kotae -another story-

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年12月6日 at 23:56:40

Artist: yuikonnu
Title: Yakimochi no Kotae -another story-
Source: Nico Nico Douga
Tags: HoneyWorks A Solution for Jealousy Rokugen Astrology vocaloid hatsune miku sm20605397
BPM: 190
Filesize: 25024kb
Play Time: 03:35
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.97 stars, 481 notes)
  2. Insane (5 stars, 730 notes)
  3. Normal (3.05 stars, 228 notes)
Download: yuikonnu - Yakimochi no Kotae -another story-
Download: yuikonnu - Yakimochi no Kotae -another story- (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Taiko version(qoot8123's map)

  1. change the BG (2013/06/24)
  2. Add new wav sliderslide sound (2013/07/08)
  3. Add new wav slidertick&finish sound (2013/07/11)
  4. Change the clap and slidertick2 sound. thanks Azure(2013/07/13)
  5. Add video.avi(2013/08/12)
Mod Help!!



00:17:510 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4) - 全部ストリームじゃだめかな
00:20:510 (5) - 00:19:246 (7) - こっちの頭にスタックさせたほうがいいと思う。
00:31:720 (2) - 次の3に近いと思うココだけ。調整したほうがいい?
00:33:299 (4) - add whistle
00:36:141 - ココの音拾ったほうがいいと思う
00:52:878 (2) - スタックしてると難易度はねあがるけど、どっかに移動させない?
00:56:983 (3) - x196 y264 かなあ
01:03:457 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - DS整えたほうがいいと思う
01:06:615 (9) - Nc 01:07:246 (1) - remove Nc
01:08:194 (4) - 3grid下げるときれいに見えるよ
01:12:931 (7) - 前のパターンどおり2個スライダー使ったほうがいいと思う
01:35:667 (5) - rankableでtick見えてるから問題ないけどNcいれたいな
02:01:088 (2) - 前と同じ
02:14:825 (9) - Nc 02:15:457 (1) - remove Nc
02:21:141 (7) - 前と同じ
02:24:852 (1) - 02:29:825 - ここまでのばそう
02:37:404 (4) - add whistle?
02:47:352 (4) - 5連打にしたほうがいいんじゃない?
02:49:562 (6) - Ncいれたほうがわかりやすそう
02:51:141 (4) - バックにwhistle追加
02:51:457 (1) - うーん。。02:51:457 - ここにnote1個で 02:51:615 - ここから従来のパターンどおりに連打にしたほうがいいと思うな
03:00:299 (1) - もっときれいにー左右対称できる!
03:10:878 (3) - x148 y236
03:11:510 (5) - 上を修正したならx184 y164 (後ろのDS整えてー)
03:17:352 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 前と同じ
03:20:510 (9) - ここも同じパターンでNcのやつ
03:26:826 (7) - 前と同じ

AIMOD開いてみて。40個くらいunsnap noteある
00:23:036 (1) - バックにwhistle追加
00:25:562 - add note
00:33:141 (5) - バックにwhistle追加
00:35:667 - add note
00:35:983 (1) - バックにclap追加
00:53:983 (1) - x444 y140からスタートすれば一応左右対称だけどどう?
01:15:457 (1,2,3,4,5) - あんまりきれいじゃない
01:31:562 (3) - 頭とバックにwhistle追加
01:41:351 (5) - バックにwhistle追加
01:43:088 (4) - 汚いと思う ほかの場所へ移動
02:23:667 (1,2,3,4,5) - 前と同じ
02:29:667 - InsaneにはBreak入ってたけどいれないの?
02:36:773 (5) - wwwwwwww背景とスタックww
02:44:510 (3) - バックにwhistle追加
03:00:299 (1) - きれいに
03:29:352 (1,2,3,4) - もう少し最後だからスライダーでフォローとかしたほうがいいかも

00:48:931 (1,2) - 両方手前の赤線 00:49:404 - ここでとまったほうがいいんじゃないかな
01:57:141 (1,2) - ^
02:29:667 - hardとおなじ
03:02:825 (1,2) - 00:48:931 (1,2) - こことおなじ


good luck!
Topic Starter

Satellite wrote:



00:17:510 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4) - 全部ストリームじゃだめかな
00:20:510 (5) - 00:19:246 (7) - こっちの頭にスタックさせたほうがいいと思う。
00:31:720 (2) - 次の3に近いと思うココだけ。調整したほうがいい?
00:33:299 (4) - add whistle
00:36:141 - ココの音拾ったほうがいいと思う
00:52:878 (2) - スタックしてると難易度はねあがるけど、どっかに移動させない? -自分でも難しくなるってのはわかるけどStackして繋ぎたいので現状キープで。。他の方にも指摘されたら変えてみます。
00:56:983 (3) - x196 y264 かなあ
01:03:457 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - DS整えたほうがいいと思う
01:06:615 (9) - Nc 01:07:246 (1) - remove Nc
01:08:194 (4) - 3grid下げるときれいに見えるよ
01:12:931 (7) - 前のパターンどおり2個スライダー使ったほうがいいと思う -01:13:404 (1) - からピアノの音に合わせて連打に繋ぎたいのでnochangeで><
01:35:667 (5) - rankableでtick見えてるから問題ないけどNcいれたいな
02:01:088 (2) - 前と同じ
02:14:825 (9) - Nc 02:15:457 (1) - remove Nc
02:21:141 (7) - 前と同じ
02:24:852 (1) - 02:29:825 - ここまでのばそう
02:37:404 (4) - add whistle?
02:47:352 (4) - 5連打にしたほうがいいんじゃない?
02:49:562 (6) - Ncいれたほうがわかりやすそう
02:51:141 (4) - バックにwhistle追加
02:51:457 (1) - うーん。。02:51:457 - ここにnote1個で 02:51:615 - ここから従来のパターンどおりに連打にしたほうがいいと思うな
03:00:299 (1) - もっときれいにー左右対称できる!
03:10:878 (3) - x148 y236
03:11:510 (5) - 上を修正したならx184 y164 (後ろのDS整えてー)
03:17:352 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 前と同じ
03:20:510 (9) - ここも同じパターンでNcのやつ
03:26:826 (7) - 前と同じ

AIMOD開いてみて。40個くらいunsnap noteある
00:23:036 (1) - バックにwhistle追加
00:25:562 - add note -00:25:878 (1) - のvoから始まりたいのと、特に目立った音が無いのでnochange.
00:33:141 (5) - バックにwhistle追加
00:35:667 - add note
00:35:983 (1) - バックにclap追加
00:53:983 (1) - x444 y140からスタートすれば一応左右対称だけどどう?
01:15:457 (1,2,3,4,5) - あんまりきれいじゃない
01:31:562 (3) - 頭とバックにwhistle追加
01:41:351 (5) - バックにwhistle追加
01:43:088 (4) - 汚いと思う ほかの場所へ移動
02:23:667 (1,2,3,4,5) - 前と同じ
02:29:667 - InsaneにはBreak入ってたけどいれないの?
02:36:773 (5) - wwwwwwww背景とスタックww すべてこのBGが悪いんだ・・・。
02:44:510 (3) - バックにwhistle追加
03:00:299 (1) - きれいに
03:29:352 (1,2,3,4) - もう少し最後だからスライダーでフォローとかしたほうがいいかも -特に問題無いと思うのでnochange

00:48:931 (1,2) - 両方手前の赤線 00:49:404 - ここでとまったほうがいいんじゃないかな
01:57:141 (1,2) - ^
02:29:667 - hardとおなじ
03:02:825 (1,2) - 00:48:931 (1,2) - こことおなじ


good luck!

- How about you convert background from PNG to JPG to save some space?
- Delete *.osb file from your song directory, you're not having any storyboard.
00:10:720 - How about you put a note here? break is not really necessary, and it won't be any how difficult.
00:21:141 (1,2) - How about making those sliders flow more circular like this: (red curve indicates flow)
00:47:667 (3) - Maybe shorten this slider by 1/2, and add one note on next white line? Something like this . This would fit lyrics a little bit better.
01:26:825 (1,2,3) - This looks sooo much like the beginning, a little bit boring I may say, how about you ctrl + h it, so it'll be at least flipped and won't be the same? (Of course remember to move other objects too)
01:29:352 (1,2) - Yeah, same as 00:21:141 (1,2) -, try maybe a different pattern, so it won't look repetitive?
01:41:352 (2,3) - Moving (3) to the right would make it less boring (like this
01:44:510 (1,2) - (Nazi) make it like this (curve a little bit more)
01:55:878 (3) - Same as 00:47:667 (3) -,
02:22:404 (1,2,3) - How about this rhythm, to make it less repetitive (again) ... 133920.jpg
02:38:825 (3,4) - same as 00:21:141 (1,2) -
02:59:036 (2) - Slider start overlaps with 03:00:299 (3) - slider track, try to make it not.
03:15:457 (1,2) - same as 01:44:510 (1,2) -
01:35:036 (3) - Delete this slider, copy & paste 01:34:404 (2) - , rotate "ctrl + <" twice, and place where (3) slider was, so it will look better.
01:14:194 (5) - New combo?
Wow, couldn't find any more problems over here, good map!
00:52:720 (1,2) - Please, don't make 1/2 taps after whole 1/4 stream, it's so hard to distinguish, try to make just a slider instead.
01:05:352 (5,6) - Move (5) a little bit more to the left, and then place (6) where (4) was.
01:09:773 (6) - I don't know why, but I excepted this slider to have repeat arrow, and then circle afterwards. IMO it would be better.
02:00:931 (1,2) - Same as before, please, refrain from doing things like this.
02:02:194 (1) - Make slider end flow to the next slider like this ?
02:37:404 (4,5,6) - Is it supposed to look like this?... Maybe change to this:
03:09:141 (5) - noo, how about thiis?

Really good mapset, I hope you get this ranked fast.
Topic Starter

Marcin wrote:

- How about you convert background from PNG to JPG to save some space?
- Delete *.osb file from your song directory, you're not having any storyboard.
00:10:720 - How about you put a note here? break is not really necessary, and it won't be any how difficult.
00:21:141 (1,2) - How about making those sliders flow more circular like this: (red curve indicates flow)
00:47:667 (3) - Maybe shorten this slider by 1/2, and add one note on next white line? Something like this . This would fit lyrics a little bit better.
01:26:825 (1,2,3) - This looks sooo much like the beginning, a little bit boring I may say, how about you ctrl + h it, so it'll be at least flipped and won't be the same? (Of course remember to move other objects too)
01:29:352 (1,2) - Yeah, same as 00:21:141 (1,2) -, try maybe a different pattern, so it won't look repetitive?
01:41:352 (2,3) - Moving (3) to the right would make it less boring (like this
01:44:510 (1,2) - (Nazi) make it like this (curve a little bit more)
01:55:878 (3) - Same as 00:47:667 (3) -,
02:22:404 (1,2,3) - How about this rhythm, to make it less repetitive (again) ... 133920.jpg
02:38:825 (3,4) - same as 00:21:141 (1,2) -
02:59:036 (2) - Slider start overlaps with 03:00:299 (3) - slider track, try to make it not.
03:15:457 (1,2) - same as 01:44:510 (1,2) -
01:35:036 (3) - Delete this slider, copy & paste 01:34:404 (2) - , rotate "ctrl + <" twice, and place where (3) slider was, so it will look better.
01:14:194 (5) - New combo?
Wow, couldn't find any more problems over here, good map!
00:52:720 (1,2) - Please, don't make 1/2 taps after whole 1/4 stream, it's so hard to distinguish, try to make just a slider instead.
01:05:352 (5,6) - Move (5) a little bit more to the left, and then place (6) where (4) was.
01:09:773 (6) - I don't know why, but I excepted this slider to have repeat arrow, and then circle afterwards. IMO it would be better.
02:00:931 (1,2) - Same as before, please, refrain from doing things like this.
02:02:194 (1) - Make slider end flow to the next slider like this ?
02:37:404 (4,5,6) - Is it supposed to look like this?... Maybe change to this:
03:09:141 (5) - noo, how about thiis?

Really good mapset, I hope you get this ranked fast.
thanks modding!!
Normal and Hard All fixed!
Insane some fixed
You have helped me greatly
  1. 02:24:931 (1) - This spinner would make much more sense if it ends on the previous white tick.
  2. 02:41:036 (6,1) - This might be a bit hard for the easiest difficulty of the mapset, I suggest you to remove (6) completely.
  3. 03:06:615 (4,5,6,7) - Same as above, though here I suggest you to make two short sliders instead.
  1. 00:18:615 (1) - Add a finish at the begin of this slider to emphasize with the strong beat of the music.
  2. 02:24:931 (1) - Same as Normal.
  1. 00:17:983 (10) - Add a new combo here otherwise it will be too long.
  2. 00:47:667 (3) - Slider repeat is kinda covered by the previous hitbursts, try to move it somewhere else.
  3. 01:34:088 (1) - Add a finish at the end of this slider to emphasize with the strong beat of the music and remove the whistle.
  4. 02:24:852 (1) - Same as Normal, though this one seems to end even later than the others.
Topic Starter

Andrea wrote:

  1. 02:24:931 (1) - This spinner would make much more sense if it ends on the previous white tick.
  2. 02:41:036 (6,1) - This might be a bit hard for the easiest difficulty of the mapset, I suggest you to remove (6) completely.
  3. 03:06:615 (4,5,6,7) - Same as above, though here I suggest you to make two short sliders instead.
  1. 00:18:615 (1) - Add a finish at the begin of this slider to emphasize with the strong beat of the music.
  2. 02:24:931 (1) - Same as Normal.
  1. 00:17:983 (10) - Add a new combo here otherwise it will be too long.
  2. 00:47:667 (3) - Slider repeat is kinda covered by the previous hitbursts, try to move it somewhere else.
  3. 01:34:088 (1) - Add a finish at the end of this slider to emphasize with the strong beat of the music and remove the whistle.
  4. 02:24:852 (1) - Same as Normal, though this one seems to end even later than the others.
thanks modding~!
allfixed!! ;)
Hi! From my queue~


No background? Maybe you'll remark it before I put my mod. Or. it's just me...



01:28:088 (3) - Like 01:26:825 (1)

03:23:036 to 03:26:510 - Heart slider?


00:09:773 (3,4,5,6) - Maybe something like that?

00:12:299 (3,4,5,6) - ^?

00:14:825 (3) - Not well stack with 00:12:615 (4)

01:05:983 (7) - Not well stack with 01:07:246 (3)

01:38:194 (5) - Something like that?

03:14:825 (7) - Not well stack


00:46:878 (4) - Stack with 00:46:562 (2) ?

Good Luck and Star!
Topic Starter

sheela901 wrote:

Hi! From my queue~


No background? Maybe you'll remark it before I put my mod. Or. it's just me...

Video? change the BG!


01:28:088 (3) - Like 01:26:825 (1)

03:23:036 to 03:26:510 - Heart slider?


00:09:773 (3,4,5,6) - Maybe something like that?

00:12:299 (3,4,5,6) - ^?

00:14:825 (3) - Not well stack with 00:12:615 (4)

01:05:983 (7) - Not well stack with 01:07:246 (3)

01:38:194 (5) - Something like that?

03:14:825 (7) - Not well stack


00:46:878 (4) - Stack with 00:46:562 (2) ?

Good Luck and Star!
thanks modding and star~ :)
fixed some stuff!!
hey, great map~

Isn't the movement speed overall not a bit fast? I mean, it is a Hard diff..
03:29:352 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This is too fast.
Maybe like this..
change into?
03:29:352 (1) - (320,240)
03:29:510 (2) - (260,304)
03:29:667 (3) - (176,288)
03:29:825 (4) - (148,204)
03:29:983 (5) - 0.75x slider speed + (212,144)|(248,124)|(296,160)
03:30:457 (6) - (236,220)

but I'm newbie modder, so I could be wrong...

Sup :3
from my queue~


00:18:615 (2) - someone miss NC :3

00:43:868 - this green section unsnap...move at 00:43:878 (in all diff)


00:27:615 (5,6,7) - this 3 sliders not following rhythm...set all slider only one reverse then move 00:28:088 (6) - at 00:27:931 - and 00:28:404 (7) - at 00:28:246 - .....and add circle at 00:28:562 - we go)
00:58:878 (8,9,1) - maybe should move this two circle and become it "running" for wave...
01:01:246 (8) - move end in right a little and stack with previous slider
01:07:246 (3,4) - same^
02:00:299 (3,4,5,6,7) - awesome place for jumps...stack end of the slider 02:00:299 (3) - with 02:00:931 (4) - ..then 02:01:088 (5) - with 02:01:562 (6) - and 02:01:720 (7) - forever alone ^_^ lol...distance maybe like 1/1
02:07:088 (8,9,1) - one again need "runing circles"
02:15:457 (3,4) - stack
02:17:194 (8,9,1) - "runing circles" forgot it... one by one would be awesome :3
03:21:141 (3,4) - stack


mmmmm dat streams...a like that ^_^ pro) faster ranked..FASTEER) i want play it!

Done ) have fun...
/me runs
Topic Starter

alex_98 wrote:

hey, great map~

Isn't the movement speed overall not a bit fast? I mean, it is a Hard diff..
03:29:352 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This is too fast.
Maybe like this..
change into?
03:29:352 (1) - (320,240)
03:29:510 (2) - (260,304)
03:29:667 (3) - (176,288)
03:29:825 (4) - (148,204)
03:29:983 (5) - 0.75x slider speed + (212,144)|(248,124)|(296,160)
03:30:457 (6) - (236,220)
ok. Disrance Snap 1.3x on 03:29:352 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
but I'm newbie modder, so I could be wrong...

thanks modding and star


Onisakura wrote:

Sup :3
from my queue~


00:18:615 (2) - someone miss NC :3

00:43:868 - this green section unsnap...move at 00:43:878 (in all diff) oh really... thanks!!


00:27:615 (5,6,7) - this 3 sliders not following rhythm...set all slider only one reverse then move 00:28:088 (6) - at 00:27:931 - and 00:28:404 (7) - at 00:28:246 - .....and add circle at 00:28:562 - we go) keep it
00:58:878 (8,9,1) - maybe should move this two circle and become it "running" for wave... this idea an reservation
01:01:246 (8) - move end in right a little and stack with previous slider nice idea... but this idea is difficult to Hard diff.because this song is high BPM :(
01:07:246 (3,4) - same^
02:00:299 (3,4,5,6,7) - awesome place for jumps...stack end of the slider 02:00:299 (3) - with 02:00:931 (4) - ..then 02:01:088 (5) - with 02:01:562 (6) - and 02:01:720 (7) - forever alone ^_^ lol...distance maybe like 1/1 
02:07:088 (8,9,1) - one again need "runing circles"
02:15:457 (3,4) - stack
02:17:194 (8,9,1) - "runing circles" forgot it... one by one would be awesome :3
03:21:141 (3,4) - stack


mmmmm dat streams...a like that ^_^ pro) faster ranked..FASTEER) i want play it!

Done ) have fun...
/me runs
thaks modding!\ovo/
DEAncientNaga's Mod Queueから





ほとんどパーフェクトだと思います >.o /
Kudosu Star +1 追加した
Good luck!
Topic Starter

DEAncientNaga wrote:

DEAncientNaga's Mod Queueから

Offsetは8,494と思う、変わってやって見てください 8,494だと早すぎる気がしたのでkeep




ほとんどパーフェクトだと思います >.o /
Kudosu Star +1 追加した
Good luck!
thanks modding and star~!!

00:28:088 (9) - NC
00:28:720 (5) - NC and finish
00:35:667 (9) - Ctrl+J ?
01:36:931 (5) - Finish at the head
02:40:562 (3) - Remove finish from head.. it's too loud and maybe change it to a whistle

01:10:088 (4) - Ctrl+G maybe for some fun xD
01:53:983 (6) - Ctrl+J

00:46:404 (1) - 1 grid down
02:35:983 (2) - Remove finish

Nice map allready.. good luck~ :)
Topic Starter

Momochikun wrote:


00:28:088 (9) - NC
00:28:720 (5) - NC and finish
00:35:667 (9) - Ctrl+J ?
01:36:931 (5) - Finish at the head
02:40:562 (3) - Remove finish from head.. it's too loud and maybe change it to a whistle

01:10:088 (4) - Ctrl+G maybe for some fun xD
01:53:983 (6) - Ctrl+J

00:46:404 (1) - 1 grid down
02:35:983 (2) - Remove finish

Nice map allready.. good luck~ :)
thanks modding!!
some fixed! :3
Hi~ from queue. noob modder coming through :'3 mostly suggestions


  • Nico Nico Douga as the Source? i'm not really sure, since Source is only for the name of a series/game where the song come from.


  • 00:24:931 (3) - only suggestion, but prefer if this slider would be a bit curvier since most of the previous sliders are all curve
    00:45:457 (2,3,4) - you can variate them so the formation isn't linear
    00:54:931 (2,3) - only suggestion, but how about making them blanket?
    01:05:352 (3) - you can make this curvier so it can blanket (2) better
    01:34:404 (1) - add finish at slider's head? the music has cymbal sound
    01:47:036 (1,2,3) - only suggestion
    02:03:141 (2,3) - same as 00:54:931 (2,3) -
    02:08:510 (3) - same as 01:05:352 (3) -
    02:24:931 (1) - only suggestion, but i prefer if this spinner ends at 02:29:983 - because that's where most of the instruments start to mute
    02:43:878 (4) - nc


  • 00:21:141 (1,3) - only suggestion, why not make them cut like this?
    00:28:720 (1,2,3) - only suggestion, but for 00:29:352 (3) - you can copy (1)'s shape
    00:39:931 - 00:41:194 - 00:42:457 - add a note? idk i assume you follow the vocal, but adding those notes can make the rhythm flow continuously
    01:06:457 (8,1) - only suggestion, why not blanket them?
    01:34:404 (2) - add finish at slider's head? the music has cymbal sound
    01:36:931 (1) - add finish at slider's head
    01:48:141 - 01:50:667 - add a note?
    02:24:931 (1) - same as normal
    03:07:404 (7) - a bit weird when this slider is slowed down even though the music is already energetic at this part
    03:20:352 (8,1) - blanket them?


  • i can't even play this =w= killer diff

    00:28:404 (1) - i would remove nc, so the stream will have consistent combo since it's not really long, like this 01:03:457 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
    01:36:615 (1) - ^
    01:41:667 (1) - add finish at slider's tail
    02:24:852 (1) - same as the other diff
Really nice! i like it
good luck~ :3
edit : double-post. my internet is crap -__-
Topic Starter

AlpacaCokelat wrote:

Hi~ from queue. noob modder coming through :'3 mostly suggestions


  • Nico Nico Douga as the Source? i'm not really sure, since Source is only for the name of a series/game where the song come from.
this song is the same as this something like this map



  • 00:24:931 (3) - only suggestion, but prefer if this slider would be a bit curvier since most of the previous sliders are all curve
    00:45:457 (2,3,4) - you can variate them so the formation isn't linear
    00:54:931 (2,3) - only suggestion, but how about making them blanket?
    01:05:352 (3) - you can make this curvier so it can blanket (2) better
    01:34:404 (1) - add finish at slider's head? the music has cymbal sound
    01:47:036 (1,2,3) - only suggestion
    02:03:141 (2,3) - same as 00:54:931 (2,3) -
    02:08:510 (3) - same as 01:05:352 (3) -
    02:24:931 (1) - only suggestion, but i prefer if this spinner ends at 02:29:983 - because that's where most of the instruments start to mute
    02:43:878 (4) - nc


  • 00:21:141 (1,3) - only suggestion, why not make them cut like this?
    00:28:720 (1,2,3) - only suggestion, but for 00:29:352 (3) - you can copy (1)'s shape
    00:39:931 - 00:41:194 - 00:42:457 - add a note? idk i assume you follow the vocal, but adding those notes can make the rhythm flow continuously
    01:06:457 (8,1) - only suggestion, why not blanket them?
    01:34:404 (2) - add finish at slider's head? the music has cymbal sound
    01:36:931 (1) - add finish at slider's head
    01:48:141 - 01:50:667 - add a note?
    02:24:931 (1) - same as normal
    03:07:404 (7) - a bit weird when this slider is slowed down even though the music is already energetic at this part
    03:20:352 (8,1) - blanket them?


  • i can't even play this =w= killer diff

    00:28:404 (1) - i would remove nc, so the stream will have consistent combo since it's not really long, like this 01:03:457 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
    01:36:615 (1) - ^
    01:41:667 (1) - add finish at slider's tail
    02:24:852 (1) - same as the other diff
Really nice! i like it
good luck~ :3
thanks modding and star-
almost fixed !! blanket nice idea :3
from my queue!

  1. 00:48:931- finish
  2. 00:49:404- ^
  3. 00:49:878- ^
  4. 00:50:352- ^
  5. 01:57:141- ^
  6. 01:57:615- ^
  7. 01:58:088- ^
  8. 01:58:562- ^ (ここまでHard,Insaneでも同じです)
  9. 02:32:510 (1) - delete (個人的にはもっと休憩ほしかったので)
  10. 02:40:088 (5) - 終わりが02:40:562の方がいいかと
  11. 03:03:299- finish
  12. 03:04:246- ^
  1. 00:10:720 (6) - 00:10:088 (4) - と揃えて x:244 y:36
  2. 00:13:246 (6) - ^と同じでこっちは x:288 y:108
  3. 02:41:510 (2,3,4,5) - 02:41:036 (1) - のendと合わせて五角形とかどうでしょう?
  4. 03:00:299~03:07:720- 減速するsliderは03:00:299 (1) - と03:05:352 (3) - だけにした方がインパクトあると思いました (Insaneも同じ)
  5. 03:29:352 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - cool!
  1. 01:16:562 (8) - x:256 y:192の位置がいいかなと
  2. 02:24:773 (8) - ^
再びリクエストいただいてありがとうございます ;)
~Good Luck~
Cherry Blossom
Awh this song... :3

Well, hello from my queue :)
my mod is noooooooob :o


00:40:088 (2) - this is not exactly on the center, you might arrange it.
01:10:404 (3) - better blanket for (2)
01:14:194 (1) - (slider's end) sounds better with a finish instead of clap
02:22:404 (1) - ^
03:28:089 (1) - ^
02:09:773 (1,2,3) - why don't to make this ? :
02:35:983 (2) - 1 grid left (to be a nice blanket for 1) but you also have to move 02:36:931 (3)


00:21:141 (1,3) - this overlap is weird because 1 is a bit overlapped to 3's end
00:29:352 (3,5) - ^ same thing and many more...
00:23:036 (1) - make something like this for a little better movement :
00:27:615 (5,6,7) - it's really hard to play this for a "normal player who begins hard" because (5) is longer than 6 and 7, you have to ad a NC on 6 or do this :
00:36:299 (2) - for a better movement you can do this :
00:59:667 (5,6,7) - Why don't to make something like this ? :
01:14:825 (3) - Finish sounds better instead of clap (end)
02:23:036 (3) - ^
03:28:720 (3) - ^
01:44:194 (1,2,3,4) - You can make this pattern better :
02:13:562 (5) - why don't to make a blanket for 4 ?
02:15:457 (3) - Better blanket for 2, second point x216 y100, tail x216 y156
02:16:720 (7) - better blanket for 6, beginning x36 y168, second point x100 y140, tail x164 y168
02:41:825 (3,5) - CTRL+G, it can be better
03:05:036 (2) - 1 grid down

i'm noob at modding insane so.. >.>

00:10:088 (4,6) - CTRL-G ?
00:40:878 (4) - why don't tu use the reversed 00:40:088 (1) instead of this slider ? i mean

00:42:141 (4) - same thing as ^, for a better movement you can do this :
00:52:404 (5) - move to x152 y64
01:15:141 (2) - Sounds better with finish instead of clap (beginning)
02:23:352 (2) - ^
01:32:194 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - this kind of pattern is really hard to play when the jumps are close, space further like airmanfor example, i know /me runs away x)
01:54:457 (4,1,2,3,4) - why don't to make a symmetrical pattern with these notes ? like this :
02:05:352 (4) - Better blanket for 2
03:16:720 (1,2,3,4) - why don't to do this ? (i didn't use DS)

That's all, well mapped, nice map.
Good Luck ~
Topic Starter

RandomEffect wrote:

from my queue!

  1. 00:48:931- finish
  2. 00:49:404- ^
  3. 00:49:878- ^
  4. 00:50:352- ^
  5. 01:57:141- ^
  6. 01:57:615- ^
  7. 01:58:088- ^
  8. 01:58:562- ^ (ここまでHard,Insaneでも同じです)
  9. 02:32:510 (1) - delete (個人的にはもっと休憩ほしかったので)
  10. 02:40:088 (5) - 終わりが02:40:562の方がいいかと okay
  11. 03:03:299- finish okay
  12. 03:04:246- ^ okay
  1. 00:10:720 (6) - 00:10:088 (4) - と揃えて x:244 y:36 4,5の中心をとおるようにおいてるのでnochange
  2. 00:13:246 (6) - ^と同じでこっちは x:288 y:108 fixed
  3. 02:41:510 (2,3,4,5) - 02:41:036 (1) - のendと合わせて五角形とかどうでしょう? codeまでありがとうございます!
  4. 03:00:299~03:07:720- 減速するsliderは03:00:299 (1) - と03:05:352 (3) - だけにした方がインパクトあると思いました (Insaneも同じ)
    nice idea
  5. 03:29:352 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - cool!
  1. 01:16:562 (8) - x:256 y:192の位置がいいかなと okay
  2. 02:24:773 (8) - ^ okay
再びリクエストいただいてありがとうございます ;)
~Good Luck~
助かりました~! :)
Topic Starter
@Cherry Blossom

Cherry Blossom wrote:

Awh this song... :3

Well, hello from my queue :)
my mod is noooooooob :o


00:40:088 (2) - this is not exactly on the center, you might arrange it.
01:10:404 (3) - better blanket for (2)
01:14:194 (1) - (slider's end) sounds better with a finish instead of clap
02:22:404 (1) - ^
03:28:089 (1) - ^
02:09:773 (1,2,3) - why don't to make this ? :
02:35:983 (2) - 1 grid left (to be a nice blanket for 1) but you also have to move 02:36:931 (3)


00:21:141 (1,3) - this overlap is weird because 1 is a bit overlapped to 3's end
00:29:352 (3,5) - ^ same thing and many more...
00:23:036 (1) - make something like this for a little better movement :
00:27:615 (5,6,7) - it's really hard to play this for a "normal player who begins hard" because (5) is longer than 6 and 7, you have to ad a NC on 6 or do this :
00:36:299 (2) - for a better movement you can do this :
00:59:667 (5,6,7) - Why don't to make something like this ? :
01:14:825 (3) - Finish sounds better instead of clap (end)
02:23:036 (3) - ^
03:28:720 (3) - ^
01:44:194 (1,2,3,4) - You can make this pattern better :
02:13:562 (5) - why don't to make a blanket for 4 ?
02:15:457 (3) - Better blanket for 2, second point x216 y100, tail x216 y156
02:16:720 (7) - better blanket for 6, beginning x36 y168, second point x100 y140, tail x164 y168
02:41:825 (3,5) - CTRL+G, it can be better
03:05:036 (2) - 1 grid down

i'm noob at modding insane so.. >.>

00:10:088 (4,6) - CTRL-G ?
00:40:878 (4) - why don't tu use the reversed 00:40:088 (1) instead of this slider ? i mean

00:42:141 (4) - same thing as ^, for a better movement you can do this :
00:52:404 (5) - move to x152 y64
01:15:141 (2) - Sounds better with finish instead of clap (beginning)
02:23:352 (2) - ^
01:32:194 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - this kind of pattern is really hard to play when the jumps are close, space further like airmanfor example, i know /me runs away x)
01:54:457 (4,1,2,3,4) - why don't to make a symmetrical pattern with these notes ? like this :
02:05:352 (4) - Better blanket for 2
03:16:720 (1,2,3,4) - why don't to do this ? (i didn't use DS)

That's all, well mapped, nice map.
Good Luck ~
thanks a lot modding~!!!
helpful your modding~
Normal and Hard almost fixed
Insane some fixed :)
go go ! \o/
Topic Starter

scanter wrote:

go go ! \o/
Hello, from popner and Azure's modding

Nice song and ゆいこんぬ (o´艸`o)

move "Nico Nico Douga" to tags, and remove the Source
add " sm20605397 Rokugen Astrology" to tags

You can try this as "soft-hitclap" if you need (●゜c_゜●)

  1. 00:10:720 (4) +clap
  2. 01:15:141 (1) -finish +clap
  3. 02:23:352 (1) ^
  4. 03:29:036 (1) ^
  1. 00:28:720 (1) +finish
  2. 01:12:931 (1) -clap
  3. 02:23:352 (3) -finish +clap
  1. 00:18:062 (2) move it up to x172, y292
    00:18:378 (6) x60, y208
    00:18:457 (7) x56, y172
  2. 00:24:457 (6,7) use ctrl+G follow with vocal (Lyrics: 聞き..)
  3. 00:35:667 (9,1) change to flow will be better
  4. 00:28:720 (1) +finish
    00:33:773 (1) ^
    01:36:931 (1) ^
  5. 01:15:141 (2) -finish +clap
  6. 02:08:983 (2,3) move (2) to (3) slider's tail
  7. 02:12:220 (8) move it left to x436, y164
  8. 02:50:036 (3) move it to x136, y88
  9. 02:52:088 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) so ugly.. fix it or you can try this
  10. 03:02:510 (3,4) use ctrl+G follow with vocal (Lyrics: なんで..)
nice job, good luck (*ゝω・*)ノ
Topic Starter

Azure wrote:

Hello, from popner and Azure's modding

Nice song and ゆいこんぬ (o´艸`o)

move "Nico Nico Douga" to tags, and remove the Source other map ("歌ってみたutattemita") in Nico Nico Douga Source...
add " sm20605397 Rokugen Astrology" to tags ok

You can try this as "soft-hitclap" if you need (●゜c_゜●) wow thanks!!

  1. 00:10:720 (4) +clap
  2. 01:15:141 (1) -finish +clap
  3. 02:23:352 (1) ^
  4. 03:29:036 (1) ^
  1. 00:28:720 (1) +finish
  2. 01:12:931 (1) -clap
  3. 02:23:352 (3) -finish +clap
  1. 00:18:062 (2) move it up to x172, y292
    00:18:378 (6) x60, y208
    00:18:457 (7) x56, y172
  2. 00:24:457 (6,7) use ctrl+G follow with vocal (Lyrics: 聞き..)
  3. 00:35:667 (9,1) change to flow will be better
  4. 00:28:720 (1) +finish
    00:33:773 (1) ^
    01:36:931 (1) ^
  5. 01:15:141 (2) -finish +clap
  6. 02:08:983 (2,3) move (2) to (3) slider's tail the same as other(01:00:773 (2,3) - and 03:20:983 (2,3) - ) no stack sorry><
  7. 02:12:220 (8) move it left to x436, y164
  8. 02:50:036 (3) move it to x136, y88
  9. 02:52:088 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) so ugly.. fix it or you can try this
  10. 03:02:510 (3,4) use ctrl+G follow with vocal (Lyrics: なんで..)
nice job, good luck (*ゝω・*)ノ
thanks modding and HitSound wav~!
almost fixed
Hello Mod From My Queue

Approach Rate = -1
00:43:878(1) Like This?

01:10:404(3) Out From Grid - Fix It
01:16:404(3) Move To x:337 y:80
01:28:088(3) Move To x:316 y:248
01:49:562(5) Like This?

02:14:510(4) Move To x:236 y:160
02:14:825(1) Move To x:180 y:104
02:24:615(3) move To x:308 y:40
02:48:773(1) Move Middle Point To x:312 y:264 Then End Point , x:256 y:288
02:57:773(1,2) Move Like This?

03:15:457(1) Move Middle Point To x:232 y:92
03:30:299(3) Move To x:336 y:272

Other Are Perfects.

00:10:720(6) Move To x:208 y:36
00:11:036(1) move To x:104 y:148
00:21:615(2) Move To x:260 y:180
01:00:299(5) Move Middle Point To x:296 y:128 Then End Point To x:300 y:100
01:09:615(2) Move To x:388 y:148
01:09:773(3) ^ x:316 y:100
01:29:352(1) ^ x:472 y:92
01:41:352(5,1) Make Like THis?

01:53:983(6) Move To x:56 y:88
01:57:141(1,2,3,4) Make More Neat Like This Pic

02:41:036(1,2,3,4) Make It Like This (Star Patterns)

03:01:878(2) Move To x:132 y:272
03:02:194(3) ^ x:236 y:340
03:02:510(4) ^ x:356 y:308

00:10:404(5) Move To x:64 y:240
00:10:720(6) ^ x:424 y:240
00:24:773(8) Move To x:252 y:120

I Can't Mod Insane Too Hard For Me :o (sorry)

Hope This Helpful
Topic Starter

Helios_Zul wrote:

Hello Mod From My Queue

Approach Rate = -1
00:43:878(1) Like This?

01:10:404(3) Out From Grid - Fix It
01:16:404(3) Move To x:337 y:80
01:28:088(3) Move To x:316 y:248
01:49:562(5) Like This?

02:14:510(4) Move To x:236 y:160
02:14:825(1) Move To x:180 y:104
02:24:615(3) move To x:308 y:40
02:48:773(1) Move Middle Point To x:312 y:264 Then End Point , x:256 y:288
02:57:773(1,2) Move Like This?

03:15:457(1) Move Middle Point To x:232 y:92
03:30:299(3) Move To x:336 y:272

Other Are Perfects.

00:10:720(6) Move To x:208 y:36
00:11:036(1) move To x:104 y:148
00:21:615(2) Move To x:260 y:180
01:00:299(5) Move Middle Point To x:296 y:128 Then End Point To x:300 y:100
01:09:615(2) Move To x:388 y:148
01:09:773(3) ^ x:316 y:100
01:29:352(1) ^ x:472 y:92
01:41:352(5,1) Make Like THis?

01:53:983(6) Move To x:56 y:88
01:57:141(1,2,3,4) Make More Neat Like This Pic

02:41:036(1,2,3,4) Make It Like This (Star Patterns)

03:01:878(2) Move To x:132 y:272
03:02:194(3) ^ x:236 y:340
03:02:510(4) ^ x:356 y:308

00:10:404(5) Move To x:64 y:240
00:10:720(6) ^ x:424 y:240
00:24:773(8) Move To x:252 y:120

I Can't Mod Insane Too Hard For Me :o (sorry)

Hope This Helpful
thanks a lot modding!
Hi :3

  • Normal
    00:27:773 (2) - imo, straight like have a kinda bad flow, try make ?
    00:56:194 (4) - just like above lol ^
    01:05:036 (2) - 348,136?
    01:41:667 (3) - 24,248?
    02:35:983 (2) - remove finish, no need imo
    02:52:720 (4) - nazi, NC for consistency
    03:07:246 (5) - end in 03:07:562 - , more follow vocal
    03:10:089 (4) - 112,160

  • Hard
    00:30:931 (8) - try ctrl+G?
    00:53:667 - add note here?
    01:28:720 (3,1) - touched
    02:01:878 - add note?
    02:18:299 (4) - can ctrl+G for jump
    03:05:352 (3) - NC for SV change
    fun diff but it's more fun if you add a few jump :3

  • Insane
    00:24:457 (6) - NC to easier read?
    00:46:878 (4) - 352,236?
    nice ;)

Good Luck ~
Topic Starter

Xinely wrote:

Hi :3

  • Normal
    00:27:773 (2) - imo, straight like have a kinda bad flow, try make ? okay~!
    00:56:194 (4) - just like above lol ^
    01:05:036 (2) - 348,136?
    01:41:667 (3) - 24,248?
    02:35:983 (2) - remove finish, no need imo Cymbals in back sound
    02:52:720 (4) - nazi, NC for consistency
    03:07:246 (5) - end in 03:07:562 - , more follow vocal follow Snare in back sound
    03:10:089 (4) - 112,160

  • Hard
    00:30:931 (8) - try ctrl+G?
    00:53:667 - add note here?
    01:28:720 (3,1) - touched
    02:01:878 - add note?
    02:18:299 (4) - can ctrl+G for jump
    03:05:352 (3) - NC for SV change
    fun diff but it's more fun if you add a few jump :3

  • Insane
    00:24:457 (6) - NC to easier read?
    00:46:878 (4) - 352,236?
    nice ;)

Good Luck ~
thanks nice modding Xinely~! :)
some fixed :3

Modding queue :


- 00:30:931 Use the same Y position as the previous circle? (This or the other it doesn't matter)
- 01:30:615 Same thing as the previous one, use same Y position as the slider n°1?
- 02:40:088 Again.
- 03:09:895 Same X as the previous slider?
-03:17:983 Is it possible that you can finish this slider at the same position of the pink slider n°2? (168 ; 185)


- 03:03:299 Be carefull it touches a little the HP bar, you should fix it.
- 03:03:773 Try to start this slider as the same position of the violet slider n°1.
- 03:10:878 Imo, i don't like where the 3 circles are, they don't put a beautifull line (if you know what i mean. ;) )
- 03:20:983 Same Y position as the previous circle.
- 03:21:141 The curve of the slider doesn't really match with the previous circle, if you can fix it.
- 03:30:299 You will kill me if i say that the X position here doesn't match with the circle n°2? =D


- 00:10:404 Well... This patter is ind of strange, for the circle n°6, i agree that you put it at the same position of the slider n°2, here this is ok, but if you take a look at the Y position difference between the circle 1 and 2 ther's 8 of difference, and not on the circle 5 and 6, i suggest you to down the circle 5 to Y = 264, but the snap position will be higher, so you should think at a solution Imo.
- 00:23:194 Is it impossible to move this circle to (98;272)? =D
- 00:26:825 How about move this to the begining of the pink slider n°5?
- 00:44:352 Same position as the red circle n°3 before?
- 01:11:667 Aww, too bad that this hasn't the same position as 01:10:878 :<
- 02:02:825 Position! =D (Comparing to the first green slider)

Anyway, that's all good map you did just some minor fixes, imo the hard one is kinda too fast but it's ok.

Gl for ranking! ;)
Topic Starter

Aldwych wrote:


Modding queue :


- 00:30:931 Use the same Y position as the previous circle? (This or the other it doesn't matter)
- 01:30:615 Same thing as the previous one, use same Y position as the slider n°1?
- 02:40:088 Again.
- 03:09:895 Same X as the previous slider?
-03:17:983 Is it possible that you can finish this slider at the same position of the pink slider n°2? (168 ; 185)


- 03:03:299 Be carefull it touches a little the HP bar, you should fix it.
- 03:03:773 Try to start this slider as the same position of the violet slider n°1.
- 03:10:878 Imo, i don't like where the 3 circles are, they don't put a beautifull line (if you know what i mean. ;) )
- 03:20:983 Same Y position as the previous circle.
- 03:21:141 The curve of the slider doesn't really match with the previous circle, if you can fix it.
- 03:30:299 You will kill me if i say that the X position here doesn't match with the circle n°2? =D


- 00:10:404 Well... This patter is ind of strange, for the circle n°6, i agree that you put it at the same position of the slider n°2, here this is ok, but if you take a look at the Y position difference between the circle 1 and 2 ther's 8 of difference, and not on the circle 5 and 6, i suggest you to down the circle 5 to Y = 264, but the snap position will be higher, so you should think at a solution Imo.
- 00:23:194 Is it impossible to move this circle to (98;272)? =D
- 00:26:825 How about move this to the begining of the pink slider n°5?
- 00:44:352 Same position as the red circle n°3 before?
- 01:11:667 Aww, too bad that this hasn't the same position as 01:10:878 :<
- 02:02:825 Position! =D (Comparing to the first green slider)

Anyway, that's all good map you did just some minor fixes, imo the hard one is kinda too fast but it's ok.

Gl for ranking! ;)
thanks modding Aldwych~
some fixed! ;)
I was asked to check the timing, but it feels good to me. Tick rate 2 fits this song best though. Good luck! <3 Yuiko
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

I was asked to check the timing, but it feels good to me. Tick rate 2 fits this song best though. Good luck! <3 Yuiko
Thanks timing check! :)
I don't like Tick rate 2 >< sorry



Red : You must be fix.
Blue : You should be fix.
Black : Just suggestion.

  1. Clear.

  1. 00:10:404 (5) - 1grid left & 4grid down で 00:10:088 (4,6) - こっちと同じ角度、スペーシングになります。
  2. 00:15:141 (4) - 1grid up & 1grid rightで 00:14:825 (3,5) - ^
  3. 00:17:510 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - この6つにwhistle入れるといい感じにピアノがとれると思います。
  4. 00:41:352 (1) - ここの終端は結構音が大きいのでwhistleが入りそうです。
  5. 00:47:352 (2) - 終端もしくは両端にclap追加
  6. 00:48:931 (8) - NC
  7. 00:49:088 (1) - NC削除 以降もこんな感じにしてまとまりがあるようにすると良いと思います。
  8. 00:53:510 (3) - 1/4伸ばせそうですがスライダーの形とかの調整もあると思うので任せます。
  9. 01:13:404 (1,2,3,4,5,7) - 上の00:17:510 (4,5,6,7,8,1) -と同じで全部whistle入れるといい感じです。
  10. 01:14:667 (3) - 始端のwhistleは曲と合ってない気がしたので削除?
  11. 01:36:299 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - このストリームにもwhistleを入れたいです。全部入れてもいいんですがやかましいって人がいたりするので、自分が音付けするなら最初の5つくらいにwhistle入れると思います。
  12. 01:43:720 - add note?
  13. 01:57:141 (8) - この辺のNCも上記と同じ指摘です。
  14. 02:00:615 - ここからドラムの音が大きくなってるのでVolumeを15%くらい上げてみてはどうでしょう?
  15. 02:21:615 (1,2,3,4,5,7) - ここと00:17:510 (4,5,6,7,8,1) -同じです
  16. 02:45:694 - note追加して3連にしましょう。
  17. 03:15:615 (2,4) - Ctrl+G? 突然スライダーの終端に隠れてしまう配置なのでこっちの方が安定して叩けると思いました。
  18. 03:27:299 (1,2,3,4,5,7) - ここと00:17:510 (4,5,6,7,8,1) -同じです

  1. 特に気になった点はありませんでした 流れもいいし問題ないと思います。

  1. 01:49:562 (3) - 1番のとこと同じでCtrl+Jして上下対象にした方がいいと思いました。
  2. 02:03:457 (3) - 終端のpointを1grid下げると更に綺麗に見えます。

頑張ってください :)
Topic Starter

Guy wrote:


Red : You must be fix.
Blue : You should be fix.
Black : Just suggestion.

  1. Clear.

  1. 00:10:404 (5) - 1grid left & 4grid down で 00:10:088 (4,6) - こっちと同じ角度、スペーシングになります。
  2. 00:15:141 (4) - 1grid up & 1grid rightで 00:14:825 (3,5) - ^
  3. 00:17:510 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - この6つにwhistle入れるといい感じにピアノがとれると思います。
  4. 00:41:352 (1) - ここの終端は結構音が大きいのでwhistleが入りそうです。
  5. 00:47:352 (2) - 終端もしくは両端にclap追加
  6. 00:48:931 (8) - NC
  7. 00:49:088 (1) - NC削除 以降もこんな感じにしてまとまりがあるようにすると良いと思います。
  8. 00:53:510 (3) - 1/4伸ばせそうですがスライダーの形とかの調整もあると思うので任せます。 現状維持で!
  9. 01:13:404 (1,2,3,4,5,7) - 上の00:17:510 (4,5,6,7,8,1) -と同じで全部whistle入れるといい感じです。
  10. 01:14:667 (3) - 始端のwhistleは曲と合ってない気がしたので削除?
  11. 01:36:299 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - このストリームにもwhistleを入れたいです。全部入れてもいいんですがやかましいって人がいたりするので、自分が音付けするなら最初の5つくらいにwhistle入れると思います。
  12. 01:43:720 - add note?
  13. 01:57:141 (8) - この辺のNCも上記と同じ指摘です。
  14. 02:00:615 - ここからドラムの音が大きくなってるのでVolumeを15%くらい上げてみてはどうでしょう?
  15. 02:21:615 (1,2,3,4,5,7) - ここと00:17:510 (4,5,6,7,8,1) -同じです
  16. 02:45:694 - note追加して3連にしましょう。
  17. 03:15:615 (2,4) - Ctrl+G? 突然スライダーの終端に隠れてしまう配置なのでこっちの方が安定して叩けると思いました。
  18. 03:27:299 (1,2,3,4,5,7) - ここと00:17:510 (4,5,6,7,8,1) -同じです

  1. 特に気になった点はありませんでした 流れもいいし問題ないと思います。

  1. 01:49:562 (3) - 1番のとこと同じでCtrl+Jして上下対象にした方がいいと思いました。
  2. 02:03:457 (3) - 終端のpointを1grid下げると更に綺麗に見えます。

頑張ってください :)
一ヶ月前くらいのrandom queueからきました。

  1. 00:00:931 - ここから音楽が始まるので、赤線を移動してください。

  • ~音量の提案です。
  1. 最初~00:18:615 - 70%
  2. 00:18:615 - ~00:28:720 - 50%
  3. 00:28:720 - ~00:38:825 - 60%
  4. 00:38:825 - ~00:43:878 - 50%
  5. 00:43:878 - ~kiai前までに60->70% そして kiai time 80%につなげてみてください。
  6. 00:17:510 (4) - 連打の開始ということでnew comboを追加すると個数などより分かりやすくなります。
  7. 00:17:588 (5,6,7,8) - whistleが連続していて不自然に思えます。(1)のみにあった方がclapの音も目立ちますしより良いと思います。
  8. 00:25:799 - 20%以下だとほとんど聞こえないので、20%まで上げて下さい。後のパートも同じくです。
  9. 00:47:983 (4) - ,00:48:457 (6) - clap
  10. 01:14:825 (1) - ちょっとしたnew comboの提案です。音をまとめた方がいいと思いました。
  11. 02:25:167 (1) - ここだけ不自然なので間つめてください。02:24:852 -
  12. 02:38:036 (2) - 00:17:510 (4) - と同じです。前の(1)もはずしていいと思います
  13. 02:49:799 (2) - ここにもwhistleあった方がピアノの音を強調できます。
  14. 02:50:194 (1) - 始点にfinish.定期的に入れるのであればここにも必要です。
  15. 02:51:615 (2) - ピアノの音をフォローするのであれば02:51:931 - ,02:52:010 - ここの二つは音がないので間をあけてください。
  16. 02:52:167 (8) - 細かいですが、ここまで差があると見たときにわかってしまうので0.8にもう少し近づけてください
  17. 03:07:404 (5) - 歌詞をフォローして、青線まで伸ばして3/4sliderにしたいです(願望 
  18. 03:16:720 (1) - 1/8を4つおきたいところですが、03:16:799 - には音がないのでnote + 3sliderにしてください。
  19. 03:26:826 (7) - 始点にwhistle.こちらも同じく音のないところ03:26:904 - などに折り返しがあるので後ろの音にあわせてこのようにしてみてください
申し訳ないんですが、時間がなくなってしまったのでNormal Hardは後日見ます!

修正後に呼んでください~ :D
Topic Starter

alacat wrote:

一ヶ月前くらいのrandom queueからきました。

  1. 00:00:931 - ここから音楽が始まるので、赤線を移動してください。 全diff移動させました~

  • ~音量の提案です。
  1. 最初~00:18:615 - 70%
  2. 00:18:615 - ~00:28:720 - 50%
  3. 00:28:720 - ~00:38:825 - 60%
  4. 00:38:825 - ~00:43:878 - 50%
  5. 00:43:878 - ~kiai前までに60->70% そして kiai time 80%につなげてみてください。
  6. 00:17:510 (4) - 連打の開始ということでnew comboを追加すると個数などより分かりやすくなります。
  7. 00:17:588 (5,6,7,8) - whistleが連続していて不自然に思えます。(1)のみにあった方がclapの音も目立ちますしより良いと思います。
  8. 00:25:799 - 20%以下だとほとんど聞こえないので、20%まで上げて下さい。後のパートも同じくです。
  9. 00:47:983 (4) - ,00:48:457 (6) - clap
  10. 01:14:825 (1) - ちょっとしたnew comboの提案です。音をまとめた方がいいと思いました。
  11. 02:25:167 (1) - ここだけ不自然なので間つめてください。02:24:852 -
  12. 02:38:036 (2) - 00:17:510 (4) - と同じです。前の(1)もはずしていいと思います
  13. 02:49:799 (2) - ここにもwhistleあった方がピアノの音を強調できます。
  14. 02:50:194 (1) - 始点にfinish.定期的に入れるのであればここにも必要です。
  15. 02:51:615 (2) - ピアノの音をフォローするのであれば02:51:931 - ,02:52:010 - ここの二つは音がないので間をあけてください。
  16. 02:52:167 (8) - 細かいですが、ここまで差があると見たときにわかってしまうので0.8にもう少し近づけてください
  17. 03:07:404 (5) - 歌詞をフォローして、青線まで伸ばして3/4sliderにしたいです(願望 
  18. 03:16:720 (1) - 1/8を4つおきたいところですが、03:16:799 - には音がないのでnote + 3sliderにしてください。
  19. 03:26:826 (7) - 始点にwhistle.こちらも同じく音のないところ03:26:904 - などに折り返しがあるので後ろの音にあわせてこのようにしてみてください
申し訳ないんですが、時間がなくなってしまったのでNormal Hardは後日見ます!

修正後に呼んでください~ :D
all fixed
thanks modding!! :)
Modded Normal and Hard diff via IRC.

Good luck for your first rank ;)


I'm worry about video size :? haha
Topic Starter
thanks alacat!! ('ω')
Hi just dropping by leaving a heart and stuff.
Congratz! :D
litoluna おめえええええ^^
Congratz on your 1st ranked map! keep it up ;)

KSHR wrote:

Congratz on your 1st ranked map! keep it up ;)
1st ranked おめでとう!!! :D
Sorry to say but Nico Nico Douga isn't a correct source. You must remove it from the source box because it isn't allowed anymore.

Yay! Congrats on finally getting this map ranked!
I remember playing this way back in June! Osu just needs more Yuikonnu in general~ amirite
Just waiting for your Hatsukoi no Ehon and Houkago Stride to be ranked now :)

Cloudchaser wrote:

Sorry to say but Nico Nico Douga isn't a correct source. You must remove it from the source box because it isn't allowed anymore.

Technially it isnt ammended yet, but i should have caught that, i'll check with the mapper when he's online.
gratz for 1st ranked :D
finally ranked!

gratz for your 1st :D
Gratz litoluna-san :3
Gretz~ おめでとうございますー!
P o M u T a

Cloudchaser wrote:

Sorry to say but Nico Nico Douga isn't a correct source. You must remove it from the source box because it isn't allowed anymore.

This rule is in discussion only, it's not yet added to official Ranking Criteria. Please read the topic.

Loctav wrote:

"source" is quite unspecific. A source can be Youtube. A source can be "my brother's mp3 player". So please... it's not really self-explained in what we use the Source field for.
Gratz with first rank!
i remember i modded this map 4 months ago

Gratz for your 1st ranked map litoluna ~ ;)
1st rank おめでとう!!
Topic Starter
wow. thank you Sakura ('ω')
and Thank you all~ :) :)
Congrats, ゆいこんぬ! <3
Topic Starter

Amamiya Yuko wrote:

Congrats, ゆいこんぬ! <3
thanks Yuko!
Topic Starter

Delis wrote:

Delis chan aridesssssss :)
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