
Usa - Shining/STREAM

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012년 12월 31일 월요일 at 오전 12:29:21

Artist: Usa
Title: Shining/STREAM
Source: Touhou
Tags: Sumijun Tonic Triangle Halozy Night Sakura of Dead Spirits Ten Desires eurobeat
BPM: 155
Filesize: 4691kb
Play Time: 04:01
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.74 stars, 442 notes)
  2. Lunatic (5 stars, 672 notes)
  3. Normal (3.04 stars, 243 notes)
Download: Usa - Shining/STREAM
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
2nd ranked map thank you for all ;D

12/1 beatmap uploaded
12/9 soft-hitclap changed
12/13 soft-hitclap changed

Normal = done
Hard = done
Lunatic = done
K i A i
오프셋 - 460 ~ 460 부근

흠.. 노멀이어도 슬라 속도를 노트 간격에 근접하게 맞추면 좋을 것 같은데.. 그냥 의견입니다 ㅋㅋ
00:25:205 (1) - 노멀인데 비해 스핀이 좀 빨리 오는 것 같아요, 슬라이더로 대체하시거나 스핀 길이를 줄여주세요
01:06:623 (5) - 이 노트를 01:06:818 (1) - 이 슬라이더의 시작부분에 맞춰주세요~(디스턴스를 지키면서)
01:16:301 (1) - 이 스핀도 슬라이더로 대체하시거나 스핀 길이를 줄여주세요~
01:23:076 (5) - 이 노트 대신에 01:23:076부터 01:23:656까지 이어지는 슬라이더로 대체해보는건 어떤가요?
01:35:463 (5) - 이 부분도 위랑 같게 하고싶지만.. 일단 위치가 위치이다보니 패스하겠습니다 ㅋㅋ
01:55:011 (1) - 이 부분.. 뭔가 허전해보이는데.. 01:55:011여기를 서클 노트로 두고 01:55:592여기부터 스핀 시작하게 하는건 어떤가요?
02:00:430 (1) - 이 부분부터 해서 이렇게 만들어보시는건 어떤가요?
02:22:495 (5) - 이 노트를 02:22:689 (1) - 이 슬라이더의 시작부분에 맞춰주세요~(디스턴스를 지키면서)
02:38:947 (6) - 이 노트 대신에 02:38:947부터 02:39:527까지 이어지는 슬라이더로 대체해보는건 어떤가요?
02:51:334 (5) - 이 부분은 위 부분이랑 같게 하기 보다는 01:35:463 (5) - 부분 모딩에 대해 박자 대칭을 위해 패스하겠습니다~
03:31:011 (1) - 피니시 추가해주세요~
03:42:430 (5) - 이 노트 대신에 03:42:430부터 03:43:011까지 이어지는 슬라이더로 대체해보는건 어떤가요?

하드에비해 난이도가 좀 높은 것 같아요..
00:23:269 (1,2) - 이 부분 노트를 슬라이더로 대체해보시는건 어떤가요?
00:24:237 (4,5) - ^
01:14:560 (1,2) - ^
77850 > 하드에 변속은 좀 난이도상 맞지 않는 것 같아요.. 그냥 의견입니다 ㅋㅋ
01:38:947 (1) - Ctrl + G!
02:19:399 (4) - 간격이 긴 경우에는 디스턴스를 지키는게 더 좋을 것 같아요(하드 이하의 경우에는)
02:30:430 (1,2) - 이 부분 노트를 슬라이더로 대체해보시는건 어떤가요?
02:25:785 (5,6,1) - 오버매핑은 줄여주세요!(하드 이하의 경우에는)
02:42:431 (1,2) - Ctrl + G!
02:54:818 (1) - ^
03:20:947 (4,1) - 슬라이더랑 서클노트의 순서를 바꿔주세요!

AR 조금만 낮춰주세요~
00:12:818 (3) - 시작 부분만 노멀 사운드로 해보는건 어떤가요?
01:02:753 (2) - 이 노트도 뉴콤보 해주셔서 안티점프를 알려주는건 어떤가요?
01:16:301 (1,2,3,4,5) - 올ㅋ
02:24:430 (1,2,3) - 이 노트들 뉴콤보 해주셔서 안티점프를 알려주는건 어떤가요?
03:36:430 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 이 부분은 드럼 반주를 들어보면 03:36:430 (3,4) - 처럼 끊기지 않고 계속 치는군요.. 확인해주세요!
한 가지 더 추가한다면.. 루나틱은 곡 끝부분까지 다 만들어주세요.. 비트맵 규칙상 걸릴 것 같아요;

더 모딩할만한건 저한텐 없어보이는군요, 파이팅 :D
Topic Starter
수정 했습니다 , 별과 모딩 감사합니다!
모딩 대령이요!


Fine map XD

01:28:495(4,5)- 이거 삼각으로 3이랑 삼각으로 맞춰보는건 어때? 6 7도 옮겨주고
02:18:237(1,2,3,4)- 요거 사각으로 해보면 어때?
02:42:818(3)- 요거도 1,2 랑 삼각되게
02:56:947(5)- 요거 3번 복붙해서 리버스만 없애면 모양 이쁠거같아.

OD -1
00:24:818(1,2,3,4,1)- 일부러 한것같긴한데 그냥 일자로 나열하거나 커브주려면 제대로 주는건 어때? 좀 애매함 보기.
00:50:753(1,2,3) - 나치모딩: 형이 직각 덕후인지도 모르겠는데, 이거 삼각형 모양 맞추면 어때? 3하고 5하고 X축 동일하게 하고 4 재배치하고 그 다음 1도 4랑 Y축 같게.
00:54:624(3,4)- 약간 자연스럽게 해봤어. 3하고4하고 바꾸면 어때? 1이랑 2에서 자연스럽게 흘러가게.
01:07:205(1,2,3,4)- 위의 나치모딩이랑 비슷한 의견.
01:22:301(2)- 요거 1이랑 3이랑 자연스럽게 이어지게 해봐 그럼 흐름이 괜찮을듯.
01:50:366(1,2,3,4,5)- 요거 5각형 만들어보는건 어때?
01:52:689(4)- 요렇게 해봐
02:29:460(2,3,4,5)- 요기 자연스럽게 흘러가게 해봐.
02:31:011(3,4)- 얘네들 서로 바꿔봐.
03:36:721(5,6,7,8,9,1)- 요기 연타 정리해주고 마지막에 (1) 연타에 붙여줘
03:50:753(5)- 요거 뒤에 (1) 이랑 스택하거나 앞에 (3)이랑 스택하면 더 보기 괜찮을거같아.
Topic Starter
거의다 고쳤음! 모딩 감사~~
Fixed almost~
Kaburagi Kotetsu
안녕하세요, #modreqs 에서 왔습니다.

근데 보니깐 scv님이네요.



00:30:642 (2) - 오른쪽으로 한칸 이동

03:52:707 (2) - (1) 슬라이더를 복사해서 컨트롤+G and 컨트롤+J


01:23:094 (6) - 슬라뒤에 피니쉬를 01:23:675 (7) 에 넣어두는건 어떤가요

02:07:416 (1) - 일부러 이렇게 하신건가요


굳 맵

은 핑계고 제가 모딩을 못해서 모딩 할게 보이지가 않음

맵 좋네요 랭크되길 빌게요.
Topic Starter
감사합니다~~ 수정했어요!
Fixed thx~
Dark Fang
아 곡 길이 봐라

앙대 앙....대!


00:16:707 (2) - 대칭이 아니무니다 슬라이더 포인트도 이상하무니당 수정좀
00:33:739 (2) - ^
00:55:804 (2) - 3과 함께 오른쪽으로 한칸 물러주시오
01:02:384 (3) - 한 두칸올리시고 모양잡는걸 추천
01:13:997 (2) - 하하 좌표 언스냅 (296,100) 추천
02:01:998 - Break time 제거
02:03:933 (1) - (328,232) 에 두시고 02:05:868 (3) - 을 여기에 겹치는게 어떤가요? (물론 모양 잡고)
02:27:933 (4) - 위로 한칸
02:38:384 (5) - 각도 좀 아래쪽으로 기울여주세요 (4) 에 겹쳐서 보기에 안좋습니다
02:50:772 (4) - 이거 위치를 (1) 에 대칭으로 해보시는게 어떤가요
03:13:997 (3) - 왼쪽으로 한칸 물러주세요
03:29:481 (3) - (132,244) 로 옮겨주세요
03:40:707 (2) - 아래로 한칸


하드치고는 OD 와 HP Drain 이 너무 낮아요. 조금 높혀주시면 감사하겟소.
01:03:545 (4,1) - 대칭이 아니무니다
01:05:868 (5) - 한칸 위로 (6) 도 왠만하면 수정해주세요
01:07:804 (1) - 두칸 위로, 보기에도 좋고 DS 도 맞춰지고
01:18:449 (2) - (412,192) 에 옮기는게 DS 가 맞긴 하지만 보기엔 안좋은거 같네요. 선택은 님의 몫
01:20:384 (1) - 마지막 슬라이더 포인트 한칸 위로
01:29:287 (6) - (20,236) 으로 이동 나머진 조절
02:19:416 (4,1) - 01:03:545 (4,1) 이것과 같습니다
02:23:287 (2) - 한칸 아래로
02:23:675 (4) - (336,36) 으로 이동 나머진 조절
02:34:320 (2) - 왼쪽으로 한칸
02:34:900 (4) - (5) 와 함께 (300,160) 으로 이동
02:52:707 (2) - 한칸 아래로
03:10:900 (1) - Unsapped spinner 03:10:901 - 에 두세요
03:48:062 (1) - (368,216) 에 두는게 좋을듯


HP Drain -1
01:10:320 (1) - Ctrl + G 하시고 01:10:900 (2) - 이것도 뒤집고 노트 정리하는게 더 좋을 것 같아요
01:19:223 (1) - Ctrl + G (이건 노트 정리 안하셔도 될꺼같아요 동선이 좋게 배치되있네요)
01:55:029 (1) - 슬라이더 길이 고의로 저렇게 하신건가요?
01:56:578 (4) - 여기 Whistle 넣으셔도 될듯 이부분 너무 허전해요
02:02:771 (8) - ^
02:10:513 (3) - 슬라이더 끝에 Whistle
02:54:255 (2) - 마지막 슬라이더 포인트 한칸 왼쪽으로
03:37:224 (1) - 한칸 아래로

맵 좋네요 곡 길이만 뺴면
Topic Starter

Dark Fang wrote:

아 곡 길이 봐라
모딩을 내놓으시지 말입니다?

수정 했습니다 감사해요!
An English mod. I feel so left out. :cry:


  • 01:55:611 (1) Odd spinner placement. You should probably delete this spinner.

  • 01:31:611 (1) A new combo here doesn't fit well.
    01:55:804 (1) Odd spinner placement. You should probably delete the spinner.
    02:01:998 (1) ^
    02:26:191 (2) I think you should stack this under 6 and 1.
    02:42:449 (1,2) This doesn't look right. You should switch the places of these.

  • 00:13:998 (5,6,7) I think this triplet of circles doesn't sit well with the rhythm. You should delete 6.
Sorry for the small mod. I thought this was a fantastic map even though it was a bit longer than I would've preferred. Good luck. :)
Topic Starter
there are no Small Mod :D
it was helpful for my map! thank you for you mod and star both~
Hi~ HelloSCV :3
from korea modreq
시간 관계상 루나틱밖에 못 봐드릴것 같아요.

00:12:642 (1,2) - 지워주세요. 없는게 훨씬 나아보여요.
00:23:481 (2) - 노래 흐름상 변속이나 점프를 넣어주면 더 재밌어질 것 같아요.
00:30:642 (1,3) - 1번 슬라이더랑 3번 슬라이더 안 닿게 해주세요.
00:31:997 (5) - 여기 피니쉬가 왜 들어 갔는지 잘 모르겠네요..
00:56:965 (1,2,3,4) - 배치 이렇게 바꿔보세요.
01:13:997 (4,1) - 지금처럼 가사 맞춰서 하는것도 괜찮지만, 앞에 님이 사용하셨던 01:12:449 (4) - 이거 패턴이랑 관련성 있게 똑같이 01:14:578 (1) 이거 지우고 01:13:997 (4) 를 반복 슬라이더 1개 추가하는것도 나쁘지 않아보여요.
01:14:771 (2) - 만약에 위에대로 하셨으면 여기 뉴콤보 해주세요.
01:19:804 (2) - 직선 슬라이더 안 써도 될거같아요.
01:22:513 (1,2) - 각 슬라이더 시작부분에 피니쉬 추가. 여기도 강조되는 부분이라 생각해요.2번 슬라이더 끝부분 피니시는 제거.
02:00:449 (1,2,3,4,5) - 제대로 된 오각형으로 만들어주세요.
02:13:223 (2,3) - 두개가 별로 안 어울려요. 아니면 3번째 포인트를 x108 y276으로 ? 그리고나서 02:14:191 (4) - 리스페이싱
01:28:707 (1,2) - 01:22:513 (1,2) 참고
01:34:900 (1,2,3) - ^
02:38:384 (1,2) - ^
01:41:094 (1,2) - ^
02:44:578 (1,2) - ^
02:50:771 (1,2,3) - ^
02:56:966 (1,2) - ^
03:15:933 (4) - 반복화살표 가리는거 비추.
03:32:384 (6,7) - 두개 슬라이더가 평행하면 더 좋을 거같아요. 이런식으로
03:41:868 (1,2) - 01:22:513 (1,2) 참고
03:48:062 (1,2) - ^
03:54:255 (1,3) - ^
04:00:449 (1) - 피니쉬

Topic Starter
일부분 수정했습니다 감사합니다!
M4m~ (Sorry for my shitty english lol)
00:40:708 (3) - Remove a reverse and add a beat stacked with the end of the slider
00:53:094 (3) - ^
01:10:126 (1) - Remove NC
01:10:513 (2) - Add NC
01:22:514 (4) - straight
02:03:933 (1) - Remove NC
02:04:320 (2) - Add NC

00:30:642 (4) - Straight
01:32:772 (1) - Straight
02:01:998 - Remove this break
02:52:901 (3) - Like this?
03:41:868 (4,5) - Not stacked with 03:40:707 (3)
03:46:320 (2) - Ctrl+g?
04:01:030 (2,3) -

00:14:385 (1) -
00:14:771 (2) - ^
00:15:158 (3) - ^
01:02:771 (2) - Add NC
01:18:449 (3) -
02:36:256 (1) -
02:57:546 (2) - Remove this slider and add a beat
02:58:127 (3) - The stream should start at 02:57:740
03:14:772 (4) - Nearest to 03:14:965 (1)

Nice map, good luck for ranking~
Haaii ~
Mod4mod ~

- This song came from the album Tonic Triangle, Halozy is the circle and Night Sakura of Dead Spirits is the orginal so add them all to the tags.
- Add Yuyuko to the tags as well ~
- Maybe try these combo colors ?
Combo1 : 255,255,255
Combo2 : 0,164,242
Combo3 : 168,226,255
Combo4 : 255,198,226
Combo5 : 255,128,192
- Bookmarks can be removed.
- Sliders blackets can be better ~
- During the chorus, increase the volume by 10%
- For all diffs, at 03:06:256 add a spinner and end at 03:09:353 with a finish.

00:20:578 (3) - Place at x:328 y:260
00:24:546 - Break is too short, remove this break.
00:44:578 (4) - Move 2 grids to the left on the last point.
00:48:449 (1) - Place at x:360 y:132
01:02:384 (3) - Place at x:288 y:236
01:00:836 (2) - Last point at x:328 y:324
01:15:643 - Break is too short.
02:31:514 - ^

- Overall Difficulty +1
01:55:708 - Break is too short, remove it.
02:01:901 - ^
02:11:094 (3) - Maybe place where 02:09:352 (5) was ?
03:25:610 (3) - Slider end stack.
03:32:771 (6) - Move to 03:32:966
03:32:772 - Add a circle.

- Overall difficultly +1
02:48:642 (1) - Slider end stack.
03:50:965 (1) - Stack.

Well mapped!
Good luck ~
Topic Starter
Fixed almost in both modding!
From M4M o.o/


offset + 5 is well


00:24:643 - remove this time break
00:41:095 - whistle?
01:01:998 - ^
01:16:320 - add a note?
02:17:869 - whistle?
02:32:191 - add a note?


00:24:255 (4,5) - 1/8 slider is well
00:54:255 (1) - This slider 3rd nazi to 304|308 .

01:36:836 (2) - ctrl+g
01:39:352 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - move to 304|32


You're better use 1.0 ds to re-arrange some place...


00:17:869 - to 00:19:030 - Should be use stream in music,because stream is the music's rhythm
00:22:126 (1,2) - I recomand use 1/8 slider
00:42:256 (3) - This slider is not beautiful.
00:44:772 (2,3) - exchange time
01:25:416 (1,2,3,4,1) - 1,2,3,4 and 1,DS should be equal
01:44:191 (1) - ctrl+g
01:44:578 (2) - ctrl+g
01:50:385 (1,2,3,4,5) - I don't think it's a good idea of mapping.
02:19:610 (2,1) - spacing
02:23:481 (3,4,5) - this jump (3,4) is not good.because 3,4,5 ds is equal,however,time not equal.
02:36:062 (7) - 212|256 is well
02:46:513 (2) - ctrl+g
02:46:902 (3,4,5) -
02:51:545 (3) - this slider is close to HP bar
02:53:287 (4,5) - ctrl+g
03:48:642 (2) - ctrl+g
03:49:611 (1,2) - Symmetric with 2
Topic Starter
Fixed some! thx~~
P o M u T a
hello your queue M4M
192kps Use it if good :)

Bookmarks Delete ? 12818

01:27:546 (3,4,5) - Add finish ?

01:21:353 (3,4,5) - ^

01:33:740 (3,4,5) - ^

01:39:933 (3,4,5) - ^

02:37:224 (3,4,5) - ^

02:43:417 (3,4,5) - ^

02:49:611 (3,4,5) - ^

02:55:804 (3,4,5) - ^

03:40:708 (3,5) - (3) slider start and end and (5) add finish.

00:24:449 (3) - little slip. Let's stack it well. (DS0.00) (x:185 y:300)

00:39:159 (1) - slider End 00:39:546 sound better ;3

01:23:095 (2) - slider end 01:21:740 stack better. (x:132 y:152)

02:03:546 (10) - Add whistle ? good sound. I entrust you ;)

02:25:611 (4) ~ 02:25:998 (1) - 5 stream (1/4) sound better :3 but keep better :3 both better :)

02:48:643 (1) - slider head stack with 02:48:062 slider end :3 because looks beautiful (x:393 y:154)

03:14:772 (4) - move 03:14:772 sound better. because example 03:20:772 this fine.

03:24:449 (3) - Add finish great :3

03:50:579 (4) - (x:151 y:192) better, because 03:50:966 (1) - end (x:151 y192) New slider end is little slip :o

Book Mark Delete ? 12818,166689

00:36:837 (4) - (x:131 y:120) better. because 00:35:869 (1) - end (x:131 y:120)

02:25:224 (3) - 1 grid left. because (1) The central target nature. (x:132 y236)

Book Mark Delete ? 12818

01:33:740 (2) - Add clap slider end ? :D maybe and whistle?

01:42:256 (5) - Add clap?

02:40:320 (1) - Add clap slider end ? :D maybe and whistle?

02:58:127 (5) - Add clap?

04:01:611 (5) - ^

that's All !!
good luck ;3
Topic Starter
Fixed little thx!
Mod request from our queue ヽ( ・∀・)ノ
Red is unrankable and must be fixed.
Pink is you should apply this to any similar notes/parts/patterns/whatever it was stated on it.
Mods with question marks (?) are only suggestion/opinion. You're free to choose whether you're going to apply it or not.

  1. Use DS 1.0 plzzz. DS 0.8 just feels unmatching with the speed of the SV, this might create awkward flow. So that's why
  2. 00:18:256 (5) - You should avoid sliders with more than 1 repeats like this, especially because this is Normal.
  3. 00:40:708 (3) - X:152 y:84 for better flow plz. Don't forget to change the next notes after it
  4. 00:51:546 (1,3) - Better blanket?
  5. 02:14:772 (3,4) - ^
Oh wow, so flawless @@ nice job!

  1. AR +1?
hOlY wOw this mapset was also flawless and spotless, another nice job! I love the flow and the patterns!

  1. No problems at all ┐(´ー`)┌
This mapset was much more than just ready so that's why
(╯ ´ ・ω ・`)╯ 彡
Topic Starter
Fixed all thank you for great mod!
hi hi M4M here , thanks for taking a look my map :3

seems fine ! but the bg in this map was already used in
not a big deal to be changed but it would be better if you are willing to change
since this song is eurobeat genre , you can add "eurobeat" to your tag as well

01:20:191 (1) - I would start this slider on 01:20:579 (1) - instead of this and use a single note here 01:20:191, will do follow song and play better with this slider 01:21:739 (2) - imo
01:41:095 (4) - finish on the head slider would be a great idea since it is almost the end of the kiai and music sounds well here
02:21:739 (4) - no, if you want follow the vocal , you should end this slider at 02:22:320 (5) - and remove 02:22:514 (5) -
a gap between them is 1 beat so it doesn't make harder so please fix it
02:56:965 (4) - finish the head , reason is alike
03:25:610 (2,3) - follow this , it's better
first , shorten this slider 03:25:610 (2) - end at 03:25:804 and move this slider 03:26:384 (3) - start at 03:26:191
03:39:546 (1,2) - swap rhythm here , again , as I mentioned before << 01:20:191 (1) -

oh wait , this AR is too fast :( , AR-1 and OD+1 the best
01:41:094 (5) - finish head , like normal diff
03:42:836 (6) - finish because you added in Insane diff

AR-1 , since your map is not jumpy map, and bpm is not high , it would work if you mapped jumpy more than this
01:04:707 (3) - this slider doesn't work well, extend this slider to 01:04:998 and move 01:04:998 (4) - to 01:05:095 (4) - for more being intuitive
01:10:900 (2) - ^ it should be extended to 01:11:191 and move 01:11:191 (3) - to 01:11:288 (4) - instead

looks fine , hope this help : ) Good Luck HelloSCV
Topic Starter
Fixed almost thank you for great mod !
and hope my mod can help you too xD
Hello~ Mod from my Emporium :33
Yuyuko can eat me if she want..


  1. You can add to tags ''Ten Desires'' o3o
  1. Nothing here~ Congratulation.. you win a Kdstar.
  1. 00:21:739 (3) - Ctrl+G
  2. 00:44:965 (2) - Ctrl+G
  3. 01:03:545 (4) - Move the last Sliderpoint to x:80|y:292 [Grid lvl: 4] I think looks better :33
  4. 02:19:416 (4) - move the last Sliderpoint to x:360|y:112 [Grid lvl: 4] I think looks better.. yep xD
  5. 02:20:384 (2,3) - Move these objects to x:352|y:292 [Grid lvl: 4]
  6. 03:36:836 (3) - Move the last Sliderpoint to x:276|y:188 [Grid lvl: 4] I think.. eyup.. looks better xDDD
  1. 00:38:771 (1,2) - Move these sliders 2 grids to the left [Grid lvl: 4]
  2. 01:02:384 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - Err.. Are you sure?.. only Suggestion.. But this is a honey for Haters.. I recommend move the (1) and (2) :I
  3. 01:03:739 (2) - Move this object 1 Grid down [Grid lvl: 4]
Well... The map in general is absolutely Good.. You win a kdstar because I can't find anything wrong in the diff Normal..xD Good luck! I wanna see this ranked! :)
Topic Starter
Fixed little thanks for your mod~
M4M From my queue~


  1. 00:23:482 (3,4) - Probably try this
  2. 00:30:643 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - You always used sliders here maybe replace one of them with 2 notes so it is more varied
  3. 01:05:869 (4) - Imo a slider like this is better because you mostly use curved sliders
  4. 02:23:675 (3) - Let it go a bit better around (1) like this
  5. 02:56:966 (4) - I would suggest an S-Shaped Slider here
  6. 03:10:901 (1) - The spinner is maybe a bit too short for normal? Ever thought of replacing it with a slider?
  7. 03:46:514 (2,3) - Looks better imo

  1. 00:18:643 (4) - CTRL + G?
  2. 00:21:740 (3) - ^? (I noticed you did this quite often, so it might be ok though :))
  3. 01:07:804 (1) - this Looks a bit better I think
  4. 01:31:611 (6) - I think it looks better with the slider curve on the opposite side
  5. 01:38:966 (1) - CTRL + G for better flow at this point
  6. 02:00:449 (1) - fits better
  7. 02:19:030 (3,4) - Would be better with a consistent spacing
  8. 03:25:998 (4) - Spacing (nazi)
  9. 03:51:159 (6,7) - Weird spacing, please fix

  1. 00:17:095 (5) - Move it in a perfect line with (4) and (1)
  2. 00:27:159 (2) - x:208 y:120 maybe?
  3. 00:27:933 (5) - Why not shape it like (1) and (3)?
  4. 01:00:062 (7) - curve to new combo
  5. 01:08:966 (2) - 1 grid right
  6. 03:41:869 (1,2) - Probably avoid this overlap? Imo its better without
  7. 03:46:320 (5,6) - ^
wow ... the song ... awesome :D touhou and eurobeat best mix this was like porn for my ears
And very well mapped good luck for rank! ;)
Topic Starter
Fixed! thank you for mod~~
Ohai, m4m after a long time lol


00:25:224 - I'd add a note here
00:51:159 - Same
00:54:643 (1) - Finish?
01:16:320 - Add a note?
02:04:320 (2,3) - Uhm, I'm sre you can blanket them somehow
02:16:708 (2) - This hits HP bar, change it!
02:32:191 - Add a note
02:41:288 (3) - Start this slider here because the vocal starts here
02:46:901 (2) - Please change it, it hits HP bar and it's also bad blanketted :o


00:12:837 (1,2) - Ugly overlap
00:17:095 - It feels empty, add a note D:
00:18:643 (4,1) - Overlap
00:27:933 (4) - ctrl + g?
00:34:127 (4) - Same
01:41:675 (6,1,2) - Why don't you put 6 in this way and 1,2 in the center?
02:54:256 (6) - Ctrl + g?
03:54:837 (6) - More curved to improve blanket with 5


00:19:611 (2) - 1 grid down because it's not symmetric with 1
00:42:837 (4) - 1 grid right (turn off distance snap)
00:49:030 (4) - The same
00:55:998 (6) - More curved?
02:02:772 (8,9,10) - I'd delete these or replace with a silenced spinner
02:23:675 (4) - x:144 y:60 for making this pattern symmetric
02:41:869 (2,3) - Bastard jump, maybe swap these notes
03:14:772 (4) - x:60 y:40 for spacing

Good map, please someone rank this D:
01:55:611 - remove whistle so it sounds more quiet (better lead-in in this part)
02:56:965 (4,5,6) - move them to 452;164
01:36:836 (2) - move it to x=448 so it is on the same line like (1)
01:37:223 (3) - unstack and lower distance you first did a 2,00 jump and then a stack (0,00). i know from experience (im a hard-player D';) that you will click too early the slider (3) if they are stacked... or at least unstack
01:37:416 (4) - if u did ^ move to 372;296
01:38:965 (1) - o.o? why?
01:55:611 - remove whistle so it sounds more quiet~
02:07:417 (1,2) - that waypoints...,
02:25:901 - add circle
02:42:449 (1) - move it to 208;72 to lower distance
02:48:642 (1) - change it to circles because it plays weird on the red tick (you also can change it at 02:36:256 and 02:42:449 but its ok there idk why :O - dont forget hitsounds
02:54:836 (1) - ^
03:52:126 (1) - ^
00:25:224 (1,2,3,4,5) - i think 1/2-slider would be much moar awesome to play here
01:54:546 - really missing a beat here D: damn! but if there is one, it plays ugly
02:24:449 (1,2,3) - because of the finishes (+in the music) i think the anti-jumps doesnt fit here

nice map and bg ;)
Topic Starter
Fixed some! thank you for taking my M4M request and star!!
Ushiro T
자신있게 M4m을 외친 초보의 모딩이 왔습니더 ㅎ,ㅎ


00:44:578 (4) - 앞에 00:43:804 (3) - 랑 박자 같게하는게 나은거같아여

01:41:095 (4) - 음.. 이렇게 넣는것 나쁘지안네염 물론 박자만

01:57:739 (1,2,3) - 한번 슬라이더2개로 처리해보세여


으으.. 딱히 지적할부분이 보이질않아요 ;ㅅ;


02:53:675 (1) - 여기 앞에 02:52:707 (2,3,4,5) - 여기 모양에맞춰 오각형 맞춰보세여

03:14:773 (4) - 뒤에 03:14:965 (1,2,3) - 랑 디스턴스 똑같이하는게 보기좋네여

04:01:320 (4,6) - 요고 두개 삭제해보니까 더 나은거같아요

헤헤 아직 실력이부족해서 너그럽게 봐주시길
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약간 수정했습니다 감사합니다~
Fixed little thx~
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